MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 195 Melissa Delacruz


The sound of something smashing was heard before Jordan's roar of rage sounded, "FFUUUCCCCKKKKK, IM GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD AND RAPE THAT DAMN BITCH." 

After which Jordan began to smash anything within reach in the expensive hotel suite bedroom.

Daniel soon entered the room and just managed to dodge a bedside lamp that was thrown in his direction.

"Hey watch it you idiot." Daniel said.

"Shut it." Jordan snapped in response.

"You never did learn to manage that temper of yours," Daniel commented. 

"How the fuck are you so calm after watching Sarah suck that bastards cock." Jordan asked angrily. "Don't tell me what they said about having that bastard fuck our girlfriends didn't piss you off."

"I'm not calm, I'm pissed, I just have better control over it than you." Daniel replied before saying. "And of course it did, do you really believe they would do it though? Or even could?"

"That's not the point," Jordan growled. "It's the fact that they dared to threaten us like that, we need to think of a way to fix this and fast before our fathers find out."

Daniel sighed before saying, "There is no fixing this, we lost. Not only will they now claim pride rock but they also managed to come up with a plan so that only we were forced to watch that bastard fuck them."

"We need to tell our fathers that we failed." 

"Failed at what?" Clifford asked as he and Steven appeared in the doorway.

"Father, what brings you to my room?" Jordan asked nervously.

"With all the noise you were making you brat, how could I not come investigate." Steven replied before adding. "Now answer Clifford's question, failed at what."

Daniel and Jordan both looked at each other nervously before Daniel sighed and said.

"We lost pride rock and we have no chance at capturing princes Adria and Sarah."

Clifford and Steven frowned before Clifford said, "Explain."

"Yes father." Daniel said before he began to explain everything that had happened since they heard about Princess Adria taking a group of low levels into pride rock, the loss of contact from their teams and seeing no sign of them when they entered the raid.

How the lions never made a move against any of them and Adria's group knocked out the rest of there party before committing sexual acts in front of the pair.

How John explained that the teams had already been wiped out before he ordered the lions to attack and kill the two while warning them to stay away from 'his' women.

Clifford and Steven's expressions had long frozen by the time they finished listening to Daniel.

"You can't be serious." Steven finally said.

"They actually dared to do that in front of you?" Clifford asked.

"They did." Daniel confirmed.

Clifford closed his eyes for a moment before saying, "ignoring that for a moment, why didn't the lions attack them?"

"We don't know, they didn't appear to have anything special equipped." Daniel replied.

"You said that little bastard ordered the lions to attack you?" Steven asked with a frown.

"That's correct father." Jordan replied.

"Is it possible?" Steven asked while looking at Clifford.

"It's the only reasonable explanation." Clifford replied.

Daniel and Jordan gave confused looks before Jordan asked nervously, "father?"

"You fools, have you seriously not realized?" Steven asked in anger before explaining. "That little bastard is most likely the one who became the first player to obtain a class that was perilously locked to a race, and it's most likely the Druid class as only they are known to be able to communicate with animals."

"What!" Daniel and Jordan said in response.

"Are you really that stupid not to realize? Or were you too busy staring at another man getting his cock sucked?" Clifford responded harshly.

Daniel and Jordan hung their heads in shame.

"So what do we do about this?" Clifford asked Steven.

"Officially nothing for now, if he truly is in a relationship with all of them then he just became a major political player in the game and these two idiots are not in his league anymore, I suggest we take the wait and see approach." Steven replied.

"I agree, we can let those fucking elves make a move against the bastard and see what the response is before we make a move." Clifford replied approvingly.

"But." Jordan said.

"But nothing, you two are not to go near those women until we say otherwise." Steven responded.

"Can't we just kill the bastard father, I thought that was the plan." Jordan asked.

"My god are you even my son? How stupid can you be when you have me and your mother as your parents." Steven cursed causing Jordan to flinch.

"Let me explain it in simple words, that bastard is dating the princesses of three different races including our own, what do you think they would do if they found out we had him killed?"

"They.. they.." Jordan stammered as it finally sunk in.

"That's right they wouldn't rest until we are six feet under and maybe not just us but our entire families, after all two of them are the future leaders of their race." Steven said. "This is why we will let those idiot elves make the first move to test the waters. If they do manage to succeed in killing him then all the better for us because then you two can get back to winning them both over."

"In the meantime you will move focus to the daughters of the other families we are interested in."

"Father, what about Alice?" Daniel asked.

"What about her?" Clifford asked.

"She asked me to exact vengeance on that bastard and the draconian bitch as they killed her in game." Daniel explained.

Clifford thought for a moment before saying, "As long as you keep it in Genesis then go ahead and claim vengeance for her, besides if we just backed off altogether it would look suspicious."

"If the opportunity arises then go ahead and kill then both in game multiple times, however don't get distracted from you main mission right now, we need Stacey Anderson infatuated with you if we are to gain control of her family in the future and weaken Alexia."

"Jordan you will start working on Melissa Delacruz, even though it's unlikely that idiot prince will be able to win her over, we still need to make sure So that we can use her popularity for our own benefits, so move fast and make her your woman, it shouldn't be too hard since celebrities like her only care about one thing, money." Steven ordered.

"Yes father." Jordan replied happily with lust and desire growing in his eyes.


"Dream Archer, would you like to make a party?"

"Miss Archer our party is just missing a hunter and you would be perfect."

"With your skill level you could get into any party Dream Archer."

A stunning beautiful woman with long Pink hair was standing outside Wanning City's auction house surrounded by people.

Her player name was Dream Archer however almost every human as well as many from the other races knew her real identity which was Melisssa Delacruz the current most famous and popular human celebrity.

This always happened whenever she had time out of her busy schedule to log into Genesis, people would flock to her and whilst the majority only wanted to meet and be able to say they partied up with her in Genesis, there were always a few who wanted more.

Naturally Melissa was aware of this, she had been in the entertainment industry for many years and knew about the dangers, not just of fans but also from other celebrities and sponsors who often demanded much in return for their assistance and for providing opportunities.

Melissa was lucky that her talent had been recognized early on and by one of the better entertainment companies meaning she didn't have to suffer from any of those shady deals.

She was always sociable and polite with her fans thanking them for their support while posing for pictures and signing autographs, however no one can be right all the time and today happened to be a day Melissa would always remember.

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