Mob Yandere

Book 10 Epilogue 3

[Part 3/5]

 The dream youkai solemnly affirmed Yuka's observation.

 'I already understand the situation. The damage at the western region is extensive. It seems that it will take about a year to restore the city roads and bridges. The princess of the Daimyo family is planning to return to her homeland once. It has been decided that members of the Akō family will serve as her escorts.'

 And that was more than enough. Western region is an important region for Fusō-kuni, second only to center region. It had a powerful force stationed there. And they were able to prevent the scheduled arrival of the Daimyo family's princess... Above all, they achieved remarkable results with the three calamity youkai pillars.

 'It seems that the East Team failed, but fortunately, the damage was minimal. Did the South Team succeed in eliminating the prince of the Hayato tribe? Now the South team's army cannot move.'

 In the first place, the operation in the East Team was like an extra. And the success in the South Team was perfect. It was a natural assassination using the internal conflict between the Hayato tribe and the imperial court. Actually, the executor was a foolish person who was swayed by rumors.

 'Well done. Let's proceed to the central region as planned. I will arrange a guide for you.'


 The shadow that was called upon was tall. With long hair that reached down to the ground, the slender figure remained silent even when addressed by the acting leader. It only wriggled its body without uttering a word. The affirmation and the surroundings were tentatively accepted.


 'Well, as for the Northern region... I haven't heard the results yet. What's the situation?'

 Yuka, who had been silent, anxiously listened to the achievements from various aspects. The fact that they were asked to speak made them feel restless. Reporting the truth like this was highly hesitant for them.

 For Yuka, the achievements in the Northern region were not something to be celebrated...


 "Well, it's not a great success, but you could say it went well for the most part."

 Before Yuka knew it, a person suddenly appeared behind Yuka without them noticing. With a polite and suspicious tone, the weasel-like youkai turned around.

 The tone of voice was the same as when the person was a lump of flesh before coming here, but the appearance was completely different. Fair-skinned and slender, yet with a well-trained body that exuded a hint of sweetness, the man had a handsome appearance from head to toe, which could be considered attractive in general society...

 It is assumed that this is the appearance of the first Omnyouji Bureau head, Sugami Yoritsugu... From Yuka's perspective, she could hardly believe that the soul of an entity that has undergone countless modifications and has lived for over a thousand years could be so upright. Even in this world of illusions, the technology that adorns oneself to this extent makes Yuka frown, and they keep their distance as a precaution. After all, they don't know what might happen even in the dreams.

 "As for our own forces, there have been no losses. We only lost disposable pawns on-site. Although we couldn't assassinate the princess of Ezo... the impact will remain. Even if she enters the capital, the political effect will be limited."

 Nue calmly speaks of the results of the operation, seemingly unaware of Yuka's inner disgust. Nue's demeanor is elegant and filled with confidence.

 "Moreover, since the princess of the western region has postponed her entry into the capital, it is meaningless even if Princess Tamamo arrives. It is inconceivable for a daughter of the barbarians to enter the capital before the princess of the Tokitsu family. In that sense, the life or death of the princess itself is insignificant."

 His argument was undoubtedly valid, being both sharp and transparent, considering the internal situation of Fusō-kuni's political world.

 From the perspective of the imperial court, the Saeki White Dog clan has long been a friendly tribe and has become quite assimilated into Fusō-kuni. However, they were still seen as barbarians no matter where they went. Many of the court nobles, who resided in the shadows, unconsciously drew a line between themselves and this friendly tribe, looking down upon them.

 Furthermore, during the same period, the powerful Togitsu family from the western region, which had an ancestral connection to the court nobles, was scheduled to enter the imperial court. It would be a complete loss of face if the princess of Ezo were to enter first, considering their military strength, pride, and national power. It was certain to cause a commotion. Therefore, even if the princess of Ezo arrived in the capital first, it held no significance whatsoever.

 "Rather, it would be better if she remained as an interesting spark... The situation around her has become quite intriguing."

 Nue said, placing a hand on his lips and smiling as if recalling something. It was a smile that clearly showed his malicious intent. Just by looking at it, one could tell that he was planning something unpleasant.

 '...Is it that girl?'

 "Yes... Ah, perhaps it would be better to provide some additional context for those who are unaware."

 Nue nodded at the Dream Youaki's suggestion and looked at the reactions of the others before recommending an explanation. In response, the voice in the dream began to speak.

 'The person in charge of the Northern region probably already knows... They have found someone with the power of a shrine maiden.'

 "What!? Is that...!?"

 "Well, that's certainly surprising, isn't it?"

 The Red Demon from the west was astonished, while the Yakucho (Calamity Bird) from the East had a twisted smile. A murmur spread through the crowd. The weight of that word, the meaning it held, was significant.

 Shrine maiden, divine child, vessel of the gods. They calm the gods, serve the gods, entrust themselves to the gods, and bring down the gods... They are the oldest source of the detestable exorcists.

 Five hundred years ago, they were the worst existence that brought an end to their own future...

 "...You're not joking, are you? If we were to say it out loud in this situation, it wouldn't be just any ordinary shrine maiden impersonator, would it?"

 The Red Demon questioned with half-doubt. The existence of shrine maidens was a major concern, especially if they possessed the highest qualities.

 In order to avoid such a situation, the youkai salvation have been secretly working behind the scenes in the imperial court. Continuously eradicating the lineage of shrine maidens, suppressing their divine duties, and eliminating their wisdom... It is not easy to believe that all of these efforts were in vain, as if they were meaningless revelations.

 'That's right. There was also a role to confirm that in the attempt in the Northern region this time. There was a suitable sacrifice as well.'

 "The result was both the best and the worst. Despite being inferior, the beast god had completely lost the power to control life and death. It showed how a human body could repel a god's curse head-on."

 Despite losing faith and weakening, the foolish Inugami refused to become an ally. It would have been easy to eliminate its fangs and claws, but they deliberately allowed the succession. They intended to use it as a seed of intrigue, or even turn it into a pawn. However, it has proven to be more useful in this incident.

 And it has shown the worst possible conclusion.

 "Her potential as a shrine maiden is top-notch. And it seems that's not all. It's not just a simple purification. It's a 'usurpation'... Yuka-kun, you directly experienced it by consuming that, right? You must be aware of it."

 As Nue spoke, the surrounding gazes turned towards them with hostility. Feeling a slight sense of superiority and discomfort, Yuka casually disguised them and replied.

 "Yeah, that's right. I was consumed in Hotoya's village. It was quite a challenge. My fragmented memories didn't fully return."

 Yuka's words had a light tone but carried a sharpness. Hidden beneath was a simmering hatred. If it weren't for her own abilities, they would have lost one-third of their youkai power and been demoted to a lesser youkai. Perhaps they would have lost their bestowed name... In any case, it was a close call. A hair's breadth away from falling into the realm of beasts.

 "...Usurpation, huh? Quite troublesome."

 The red demon crossed their arms and clicked their tongue. Being a top-tier shrine maiden alone was already a problem, but to have the 'essence' within and that too, a considerably troublesome one. If things went wrong, it could overturn the entire plan.

 "Although there are no wild shrine maiden, it is not to say that they do not exist. But to become a top-notch item, it cannot be a mere coincidence, can it? I wonder who created it."

 The Yakucho from the East twists its neck in a characteristic manner. In its line of sight, there is Nue. Transparently, they accuse with suspicion.

 "Well, well, who could it be? Even the best product from Miyataka is in a terrible state. It is undoubtedly intentionally created... I will have to investigate suspicious records around here."

 Without caring about the surrounding doubts, Nue says. In reality, there is no evidence. There is no evidence, but... it must be because of the actions of this guy that he is being suspected.

 And now, the problem is not who created it. It is the existence itself. Those who confirm the existence of shrine maiden, those who know about the past chaos, have a deep expression on their faces...

 'There is no need to be discouraged. Crisis can also be an opportunity. Isn't that right?'

 The ruler of the dream realm soothes their shaken comrades. And they ask Nue for confirmation. The summoned youkais nods.

 "Her potential is sufficient, but her mental state falls short... It is undeniable from previous encounters that she has not been educated as a shrine maiden or as an exorcist. It shouldn't be too difficult to belittle and degrade her."

 Nue's words were met with a disdainful response from the red demon, even visible from behind the mist. Their reaction accurately deciphered the intentions behind his words.

 However, not many attendees responded sensibly to the situation. Instead, there were more who sneered and mocked at the words. The red demon, as a youkai and an oni, could hardly be considered righteous.

 "That is precisely why I have brought my pawns closer. I have even made loans. All that's left is to educate them gradually and fill in the gaps. Luckily, they're not lacking in tools for that purpose."

 For example, like a pitiful servant of a fallen earth goddess. Or like the sister of that servant. Or perhaps, like a girl afflicted by the wolf's influence... Nue howled, proclaiming that there are catalysts of despair abound, aimed at everyone.

 '...Well, the modification of the plan may be necessary, but the overall structure remains unchanged. In fact, it can be said to have been strengthened. Each individual will receive new instructions from this point onwards. Be prepared for what lies ahead.'

 And with a solemn declaration, the dream youkai spoke. Five hundred years ago, their hope was crushed. The sun set. But it was expected. However, now, they were prepared. This time, failure is not an option. Hence they make a declaration.

 To restore the balance of the world, to reclaim what should be, for the last chance...

 Or perhaps, for her...




 'Now, shall we have some good news?'

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