Mob Yandere

Chapter 146-1

[Part 1/4]

'Sob, sob... Sister... Sister!!'

'There there, don't cry. Show me your wound. Let me treat it.'

Those were the customary words after rigorous training for a young girl. The big sister comforted the young girl gently and after the treatment, they would embrace each other and sleep together, as if it were a beautiful ritual.

As the young girl grew, she could hardly remember her mother's face, leaving her to wonder if she hadn't been loved as much as her sister. It was during this time that her sister assumed the role of a parent figure.

Their daily life unfolded within the confines of the secret training ground established by the exorcism family—an isolated, hidden village that remained entirely cut off from the outside world. Even the Onitsuki family did not officially acknowledge its existence, and those who trained within its boundaries remained equally concealed.

This place is the Onitsuki family's specialized dirty work, officially a department of the Hidden Group for budget purposes. In reality, it served as the eyes, ears, and weapon of the semi-independent head and elders. The Hidden Group's Owl Inspector... That was the harsh reality of the doghouse where she lived.

She didn't question her position, nor did she consider it unfortunate. She didn't even think about such things. Rather, she simply disliked the painful training, but she endured it because she had her sister. She was satisfied with a world that consisted only of my sister and myself. That was everything.

It was much later when she learned that her abilities were the reason for her position and that her sister was the chain that bound her. However, at that time, she had no thoughts of changing the world she lived in. She didn't even have the idea. Besides, due to her experiences and resignation, her rebellious spirit had been broken.

...And later, her first task was coming. It was to kill a family member. She hunted down a fellow trainee who had fled. The second task, she made it look like an accident and pushed a reckless member of a branch family, who had leaked the secrets of the Onitsuki family, off a cliff. The third task was disguising herself as a thief and slitting the throat of a spy from the royal court who had been hiding in the valley on her way back.

She does these tasks for her sister. However, when her sister, who also has a lot of work, became very tired, she wanted to assist her. This was especially true because her sister couldn't handle the risky tasks that she could. She willingly accepted the dangerous jobs and left the easier ones behind. This was her way of showing gratitude to her sister. Even the lingering scent of blood and the fact that the blood wouldn't wash out no matter how many times she cleaned her hair were small concerns compared to her love for her sister.

...It would be a long time before she would understand why her older sister continued to hug her in her bed every now and then without letting out a sob.

'Sister, has something changed?'

'Oh? I think everything is the same as always.'

That conversation took place during their long-awaited reunion. One involved assassination, the other involved internal surveillance. After each taking on their respective missions for over a month, they coincidentally met again after reporting to their superiors. It was because it was the girl that she noticed the slight changes.

'Are you okay? Are you eating properly? Are you sleeping well? Are you injured? Is your health okay?'

'Yeah. I'm fine. There's no problem...'

As usual, she responded bluntly, with a hint of annoyance and embarrassment. Being treated like a little sister was one thing, but being treated like a child forever was irritating. After all, she is already an adult and capable of doing her job.

...At the same time, it was true that she hoped her meddling sister would pay more attention to her if she acted this way. It was embarrassing to seek comfort herself. So this time too, but...

'Oh, then that's good.'


Her sister abruptly ended the conversation, which was unbelievable. But it was shameful to cling to her, so all she could do was watch her leave and turn on her heel...

That's why, in secret, she peeked at her sister's temporary assignment and was shocked by her carefree smile, her puffed-up cheeks in indignation, her laughter with her stomach hurting, and her teary laughter as she walked together with someone, a side of her the girl had never seen before...

Standing beside her sister was an unremarkable servant, whom she envied, resented, felt frustrated by, and was jealous of, but if her beloved sister was happy, she could endure that pain...

'Yet, why...?'

During the mission, she was told that her sister had died, and as she looked down at her lifeless body, she couldn't find comfort in the voices around her saying "She's lucky to have her body remain." Rather, what enraged her more than anything was the fact that the man who brought back her sister's remains was him.

'Why... him!?'

It was ridiculous no matter how she looked at it. Her sister was dead, and yet that man was perfectly fine. She knew about her sister's abilities and skills. There was no way she could have died alone. No, even if her sister had died, why was that man still alive? He hadn't received any special training, and he used to be just one of those useless laborers! How could this be possible!?

That's right. It was strange. Too strange. Abnormal. The doubts were justified, and the more she thought about it, the more even bringing back her body seemed like a lie. If she knew how many people had died around him, the suspicion would become even more believable, and it wouldn't seem like a delusion anymore.

However, in her position, she couldn't question it, let alone have contact with others without permission. Instead, her inner desire might never come true...

'Hey. Long time no see, worthless brat. Wasn't it unfortunate about your sister?'

He suddenly appeared. He looked down on her, speaking with a dismissive and unregretful tone, as well as the tombstone of her sister. The girl turned around with tired, dark-circled eyes. Without saying a word, she questioned why he came with a serious gaze.

'Don't give me that scary face... So, how about it? It's a kind proposal from your dear relative. Don't you want to wake up your sister?'

...That's why she found herself unintentionally listening to his proposal. But there were no other options anyway. She thought she could accept everything if it meant she could bring back her sister.

And then, after choosing that option, she definitely regretted it.

She realized the joys of everyday life.

She became aware of her sister's feelings.

And above all, she wanted to fill the hole in her heart that remained open... But now, "She" is no longer "her."

Everything has already begun, everything has already ended, and everything is too late...


She woke up feeling a bit dizzy and tasted something like metallic iron in her mouth, which she didn't recognize. But what bothered her the most was that despised man who was staring at her.


She tried to say that, but her voice didn't come out as she wanted. Confused, she observed the man's expression, felt a discomfort in her body, and lowered her gaze... The sight that spread before her was red.


Memories flowed in. She remembered it now, in this moment. The circumstances that led her here. Her own mistakes. Without self-deprecation or self-ridicule, she simply accepted the facts.

She didn't have any expectations. She thought it could be a plausible story. But she felt regretful and frustrated. However, just as she thought earlier, it was all too late.

It's too late for him and her...

(Now that I think about it...)

And in the midst of deep resignation, Hisame suddenly noticed something as if it were someone else's affair, despite the situation being deep into the night. She thought about it carelessly.

The last person who cried for her sister was him. She truly, truly felt that as if it were someone else's problem...

* * *

(Sh*t! Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!! D*mn it!! I messed up! I failed!! This is a huge blunder....!!!!)

While staring at the overflowing red flow in front of me that couldn't be stopped even when sealed, I continue to blame myself earnestly.

All my judgments were too slow, all my judgments were wrong, and all my actions were foolish.

Because that's how it was, right? At that time, I was astonished and amazed by that man's spear handling, and that's why I noticed it late. The direction the spear's tip was aiming at. That was the first mistake.

"He's supposed to be an ally!! Or is he not!?"

For some reason, I couldn't understand why the spear deeply pierced Hisame's abdomen instead of myself, and I was momentarily dumbfounded. Being dumbfounded, the action I took instinctively was the second mistake. It was a failure to escape while holding Hisame. I should have also held onto Aoi and escaped. I abandoned the youngest child in that situation. It was the worst. I should have attacked Hisame while having the chance...!!

"And besides...!! Is that even allowed!!?"

I vomit mixed with sobbing, remembering the scene of embracing Hisame and running away. The ebisu-masked men, surrounding me, were poised with spears, swords, and bows.

As a countermeasure to the anticipated situation, I used a smoke bomb. I had already used up all of my own and I also used the borrowed item that Hisame had hidden.

In the smoke, I snatched the spear from the Ebisu-masked man in front of me. It felt harsh to violently take it from someone with a disability, but it wasn't difficult at all.

The problem was the action that man took immediately after...

"They attacked this guy... too!?"

The shockwave of the thrust and the storm of inferno unleashed showed no consideration for allies, and death fell upon the spear-wielding Ebisu-masked man who happened to be in the place where I had escaped to. Nothing was left intact. Charred fragments of coal scattered around.

Depending on how you look at it, did it seem like I used this guy as a shield...?

(That is!! No, not now, it's fine for now!! But...!!)

Suppressing my inner frustration, impatience, and fear, I peek from behind the trees. There was no sign of pursuit. They were truly relaxed. In fact, they had no reason to chase after me. Rather, it was me who enter the tiger's den and pick up the burning chestnut.


But then, I saw a young girl wrapped in a single piece of clothing, stood there. There is also a man wielding a spear beside her, emitting an unusual aura, and several Ebisu-masked man standing by....

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