Mob Yandere

Chapter 147-2

[Part 2/5]

"Is that so!?"

Ayaka was genuinely shocked by Enmei's statement. It was a story she had never heard before, and she was also stunned by the severity of the punishment of disownment.

"Th-then why did he...!?"

"I also recommended his dismissal, but. However, it was the head of family's decision. And, his reasoning was valid. There was nothing I could do."

Enmei sighed deeply, deeply. And looking at her grandson, she whispered "You must not become like that, okay?" as if talking to herself.

"Grandma. What do you mean by reasoning? I've never met him, but I don't get why he can be the head of the servant group when he's such a bad reputation in the family?"

Looking at his grandmother's troubled attitude with curiosity, Touya asked her a pure question.

"Touya, your language is quite rude, isn't it? ...But I suppose so. It feels inappropriate to discuss such bloody matters in this auspicious setting, but perhaps it can serve as a lesson."

After cautioning his grandson about his choice of words, he reluctantly begins to explain, accompanied by Ayaka.

"I assume you are aware that the servants are a group that specializes in combat, alongside the Hidden Group? They are experts in handling rough situations and must always be wary of threats from behind."

All the servants possess spiritual power, and one of the reasons for their existence is to prevent the indiscriminate use of spiritual power in society. From the perspective of those with spiritual power, it is much easier and safer to live a comfortable life by resorting to crimes such as theft, rather than risking their lives to exterminate monsters. Therefore, there aren't many who voluntarily choose to become servants.

Due to these reasons, loyalty and devotion have no place among the servants. The organization relies on brainwashing, coercion, and domination through force. That is why the leaders and aides of the servant group must possess qualities that are suitable for such a role.

"Indeed, it is necessary to possess the ability to exterminate them all by oneself, if needed, within a short period of time without leaving any behind. In other words, it means being skilled."

"Well, then, grandma. In other words..."

Noticing what he was implying, Touya nodded in agreement. Enmei nodded as well, affirming, and then spoke.

"Yes, it is a very simple reason why such a person is at the top of a group of nearly a hundred members. That person's skill surpasses the combined abilities of all the other servants. And, because he is even better than the other candidates... it is truly unpleasant, isn't it?"

Looking truly, truly displeased, the buddhist nun covered her mouth, her face frowning at the unpleasant reality...

* * *

"It's truly, truly lamentable. What kind of education did that b*stard Kaede Tomoe (Yun-shoku) give? I'll have to discipline her severely later, won't I? 'Your disciple lacks manners,' or something like that, maybe?"

While twirling and spinning his old spear and toying with it, the head of the servant group declared with a vulgar smirk. On the other hand, the thoughts of the servant froze halfway. He desperately rejected the truth that had been exposed by his leader.

Disciple? His master's spear technique is undoubtedly strong, but it's just his skill that lack. He desperately learned it from his master, but in the end, it's this man's technique! Above all, above all...!!

"What... did you exchange as a condition?"


"She shouldn't teach spear arts to you out of goodwill. What conditions did you propose to my master?"

Those words were squeezed out. It's not the time to ask such things. There are matters concerning Onitsuki's second princess and, above all, his wound. And yet, the young man was asking. He couldn't suppress the impulse to ask.

"Well then, what was it? Ah, I remember it. About ten years ago, maybe? I mean, how disgusting was it when she first begged me?"

And with a sneer, Takaragen laughed.

"Crying desperately, saying she doesn't want to die. Begging for teachings with a body that was torn to shreds by youkai. It was a masterpiece, you know?"

"Tch... Is this a provocation?"

"It's true... I was surprised that she rose into Yun-shoku. Well, I guess my teachings were good."

Takaragen boasts loudly of his achievements. And then, he displays an even more contemptuous smirk.

"Besides... I had fun with that. It's always enjoyable to come for the pleadings! 'For the sake of your subordinates,' she said, squeezing out the gestures and tightening the budget and supplies! Hah, go to hell, you scum!!"

Before he knew it, the servant was cursing at every word. Even though he was paralyzed by the medicine and his body was on the brink of breaking, he managed to hold his posture before it collapsed, running and running and running, wielding the spear in his hand. His furious, full-force blow was easily deflected, and he was kicked away. He flew straight in a line.


"Look, your head's high in front of the Princess!" "Oof!"


In the midst of being blown sideways, he was then slammed downward. After blowing away the servant, he leaped forward, striking the ground with his spear. Finally, he was trampled upon. The young man's intense pain was accompanied by screams of agony. In addition, a familiar, young voice called out the servant's name.

"Gu, gi, gii...!?"

In his hazy vision, the peach-colored Princess appeared, her figure blurred as he was jammed into the ground.

"Princess... ggahh!?"

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't get lost in your own little world, you damn brat!!"

As the servant attempted to respond, the pressure on his head intensified. He was mocked and spat upon. Quite literally, the servant was being trampled upon. When he managed to lift his gaze, he saw the detestable man with a spear, looking down at him.

"Stop it! Are you planning to crush his head!!?"

"Well, that's the plan, isn't it? Wouldn’t it be better for you as a Princess?"

"What are you saying...!?"

Aoi, raising her voice, was met with a smug grin from Takaragen. He then explained his reasoning.

"No, no. It's really like that, isn't it? Have you forgotten the terms of this showdown? What will happen if this guy surrenders? How about remembering that?"


If he surrendered, the contract stated that he would strangle Aoi. And, after declaring it so loudly, there was no way Aoi didn't know.

"It's because I'm pushing him to the limit like this that he can't even utter the word 'surrender,' you see? ...Or do you think he's a more trustworthy partner than me, Princess?"

"At least more than you...!!"

The response was immediate. But such a reaction was expected by the onlookers.

"That's awful. Trusting a lowly servant like this over me... This is beyond outrageous, isn't it!!"

The servant was kicked in the stomach. There was nothing left inside, only bile and blood were vomited. He fell miserably. A spear was placed against his throat by the onlookers.

"Princess, I have a proposal, how about it?"

"A pro-proposal...?"

Aoi trembled as he repeated Takaragen's words in a shaky voice.

"That's right, a cursed contract."

With a cheerful tone, the leader reached into his pocket and pulled out a scroll. He began to speak.

"In my line of work, Princess, there's nothing quite like cornering and killing someone... Unfortunately, there's no set deadline. In other words, I have the freedom to decide when to end your life."

"...Head of the Servant?"

The pharmacist standing next to Aoi was perplexed by this unexpected turn of events. However, Takaragen completely ignored him and continued talking.

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