Mob Yandere

Chapter 152.3

[Part 3/4]

While stroking his extended white chin beard, the old man speaks with an allusive tone.


"However, during the era of the twelfth emperor, Emperor Keiwaku, communication with the Tengu almost entirely ceased."

Throughout Fuso-kuni's imperial history, there were exceptional rulers as well as ineffective and tyrannical ones. Some were inclined towards martial pursuits, while others were peacemakers, and a few were puppet-like monarchs. Among rulers with diverse backgrounds, Emperor Keiwaku is noted as a cold and martial figure. Over the course of his 60-year reign, he defeated enemies and youkai scattered in the southern and eastern regions, contributing to the expansion of Fusou. After the death of his son, he dispatched a punitive force to the Tengu on that mountain, and then withdrew.

"So that was the origin of the forbidden area?"

"Yes, ever since then, that place has been off-limits. Even though the Tengu in other regions were subdued in the past, they still persist there."

The old man spoke with genuine surprise and added more.

"When I worked for the Omnyouji Bureau, I went there once. It was a minor request. I tried to skin those guys... Unfortunately, I failed."

"You mean the second-in-command of the Omnyouji Bureau?"

"It's a story from my younger days."

The old man responded, slightly defensively. There was a moment of silence before he continued with his analysis.

"The traps we set, both the Curse Art and physical ones, were all disabled. We worked together for seven days and nights, but we failed to capture them. And right before I left, they taunted me. Moreover... kukuku. Those bastards, they really messed with my feelings."

The old man chuckled creepily, a hint of stubbornness in his voice. It seemed almost like bitterness, or something similar to it. However, there was...

"It seems your target Tengu was particularly cunning. That's an optimistic way to think."

"I examined the remnants of their techniques. It seemed different from the usual youkai arts."


Given that there was already minimal description in the original work, it's difficult to come up with a plan... It's truly troublesome. What should I do?

"For now, the mission seems to be negotiation rather than extermination..."

"Negotiating with youkai is really a foolish idea, especially if it's a cunning one. Isn't that right?"


The question was directed at the nearby Onikuma. The bear tilted its head, unable to understand the implied meaning. In other words, it meant that she, who had been tamed, was being called an idiot.

"As someone who has faced them directly, what would you recommend?"

"Don't be fooled. They are cunning and always trying to manipulate us. It's important to carefully assess their intentions."

"That's not very specific advice, is it?"

Even if he says to be cautious, it's not easy to be cautious all the time. How can I accurately guess their intentions when I don't understand their values or perception?

"Is that sarcasm?"


In response to a piercing gaze, I averted my eyes to deceive. It would be unwise to damage the impression here, considering the need for help.

"...Hmm, let's see. Is support possible this time?"

"Avoid direct contact. But there is a way. Let's observe from a distance. Leave it to me. ...Have you decided on a signal or something?"

"Yes... paper and a brush."

The bear that had come over quietly handed me the requested paper and brush with its oversized hand. I received them with an indescribable expression. Taking the brush, I dipped it in ink and let it glide across the paper. After recognizing the characters, I handed the dry paper to the person in front of me.

"Hmm... I see. Very well. Let's prepare accordingly."

"Thank you for your help."

The old man nodded as he read the contents of the received paper.

"No, no, such a modest request in the face of the achievements you have made. Well then...isn't it about time?"

The old man read the paper again, folded it, and put it in his pocket. He leaned on his cane and walked past me casually.

"The tools for preparation are suitable. I have nothing to say from this side. You didn't need my advice."

"No, I didn't know the correct answer. I would be grateful if you could give me a passing grade."

I truly, truly thought so. The opinion of someone with experience is important. Acting based on ignorance and fallacy would lead to disastrous results in this world.

"Yeah, that's right. By the way, should I give you a parting gift?"

"A parting gift? What is it?"

"Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough. ...Here it is."

A malicious whisper from behind. Then, a violent blow to my head.

"Uh, oh...!?"

"Carry... to the mysterious place... in the order of... dango."

The world went dark. I felt sick, with confusion fogging my mind. In the corner of my eye, I saw a bloody hammer. The question haunted me: Why?

"...No, why?"

For now, I couldn't help but insert a sarcastic comment, filled with resentment, at the painfully shocking impact compared to appearances. And then. And then. And then...





I stood in the bustling streets of the new city, gazing at the sky. The sun was slightly tilting. Perplexed, I looked around. The street was still crowded with countless people going about their business. I traced my memories. After eating Dango, I found myself in a place, scrutinizing various shops.

The slight discomfort came from my taste buds, a lingering bitterness on my tongue, and an empty stomach. I also had a dull ache in my head... Ah, I see. This was...

"An excellent tea ceremony..."

It was a small, sarcastic whisper. I looked at my hands and saw that I had somehow acquired three-color dango. But the order was different from the usual. From the top: white, green, cherry blossom color... He had planned it in advance and probably written it on paper. Yes, the answer to the question. Code...

"I'm hungry."

To fill my empty stomach, I devour the Dango. With my gaze straight ahead, focused on what's in front of me, I walked.

Staring straight ahead, feeling the hidden sensation in my pocket, I proceeded down the city road...

* * *

"Oh, I see. So it only hardens at the moment of impact. This is the first time I've used it... the creator of this curse-tool is quite twisted."

The old man, who had previously purchased this toy hammer from a colleague who deals with such cursed tools, observed it from various angles. In his other hand, he held a block of wood. It used to be a memory, a block of wood.

This curse-tool, called 'Yumetsubushi (Dream Hammer),' was previously used for torture in Fusō-kuni. It metaphorically represents a person as a Daruma doll and a block of wood as a memory, physically crystallizing and separating memories through the act of striking.

It is impossible to see the contents of the crystal, and using it causes a lingering discomfort, but that is by design. Extracting memories one by one has the side effect of eroding the mind. Maybe the property of hardening only when in use was also a form of punishment. By restoring memories right before mental breakdown, eliciting a confession became a method... Deemed cruel, it was banned and ordered to be destroyed by the Left Minister. However, some of it leaked into the black market and kept being traded.

"In matters of memory, awareness allows for countermeasures."

The old man strokes his beard and boasts with a sinister expression.

Long-used techniques have many countermeasures. Curse Art is no exception. If memories are being peered into, it is good to seal or separate the memories that are being peeked at in advance. And instead, push false memories into place. Additionally, you can embed false information with the assumption that those memories will be read, or set traps that have psychological effects.

However, implementing the latter technique can be challenging and time-consuming.

"...Has that man left?"

The girl's voice echoed, as if remembering. The old man turned his gaze and answered.

"He's gone. What about you? Are you done with your problem?"

"No... Not yet. I need a little more time. Just a bit more. Ugh, it's so frustrating...!!"

She cursed and moaned seductively.

When the old man noticed, he heard a sound of water gushing from behind the bookshelf. A whip-like tail was peeking out from there, swinging up and down, slicing through the air. It writhed like a struggling young girl, drooping and rising, moaning, damaging the bookshelf, making holes in the floor, and tearing apart any books that it hit. It was a truly dangerous weapon. Next to it, the Nekomata was meowing and growling.

...It was an irrelevant thing, but the bear blushed and hid her face, feeling embarrassed. The divine dog on her head made a small growl with a sharp gaze. It was a cold smile. The Nekomata responded with a reproachful meow, and the dog barked back.

It was a fierce battle between supporters of the idea that only pure, pure virgin lolis can win and those who don't understand the appeal of the perverted Tsundere loli demon! This clash lacked any sense of honor from either faction. It was a futile confrontation. Engage in combat on your own terms. Fight in whatever manner suits you best.

"Kuu, uu, haa, haa... phew. Everything is fine now..."

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