Mob Yandere

Chapter 154-3

[Part 3/4]

Ukon and the warriors didn't run away. Instead, they shouted angrily and got ready to fight. They wanted to get the creature's attention, and they were determined to attack its face. They knew that this kind of monster had tough skin. Since they couldn't make themselves stronger with spiritual power, their plan was to strike its soft mouth with one powerful blow, even if it meant risking their lives in the process.

So, at this moment, they had already accepted and prepared themselves for their own deaths. And they bravely moved forward towards the approaching creatures... and saw it. In the darkness, the boar approached from the side.

"You're dealing with me!"


A kunai, reflecting the light of the moon, caught the creature's attention and accurately hit its left eye, blinding its vision. A scream escaped. The creature turned around instinctively. But there was no intruder there anymore.

"Your movements are simple, which makes it easier for me!"

Then, someone approached closer. Slipping under the creature's feet, he stabbed his long weapon into its mouth. Another distorted scream filled the air. At the same time, countless long, slimy arms emerged from its mouth, as if trying to counterattack. But the young man calmly cut them all down. He was highly skilled.

"You don’t need four tusks, right?"

'Bu... Gock!?'

The creature involuntarily took a step back. The young man mercilessly took two steps forward. He had cut off one of the creature's four jaws. As an extra, he also left a shallow wound on its foot. Though the wound was not deep, it was enough to instill fear of death and drive the creature into a frenzy.


Then, he ran straight ahead, facing danger. The young man defended himself against the oncoming attack with many tusks. But he didn't run away.

"Step to the right, then to the left! Here...!!"

He didn't run away, he dodged. Just before the crash, he skillfully moved to the side, avoiding it smoothly. Then, he quickly cut the throat, and blood splashed.


With wide eyes, the monster boar veered off the path, finally crashing into a tree trunk. Groaning, it fell silent. The young man approached and launched a final attack. Jumping, he climbed onto its head. With the spear filled with spiritual power, he mercilessly pierced the thick skull.

Destroying the brain, delivering a fatal blow...

"Now, that's the end. ...A group from the west? No time to rest."

The young man pulls out a gun and says something without showing any signs of concern. Then, he mumbles in a bitter voice that can be heard even from under his mask, and quickly disappears from the scene. He has enhanced his body using spiritual power. With incredible jumps and fast running, he disappears from view like a rabbit escaping. A few moments later, a siren can be heard from the west side of the group. The west side becomes noisy... but it doesn't last long.

"...Well, this is surprising."

The warriors who are supposed to be leading the way stand still, amazed in their positions, until they hear the sound of a new flute, bringing them back to reality. They didn't notice the faintly glowing red light coming from the gap in the mask.

A light that looks like a monster, with a blood-red color...

* * *

The task of clearing the path was a difficult responsibility for me. It's very difficult. However, I had no choice but to help Hina, so I decided to do it.

To transform into a youkai partially, I focused on specific body parts that could be concealed with a mask and a hood. These parts included the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.

However, in the darkness, my supernatural senses, which surpassed even the most powerful youkai, proved to be the most effective.

I assigned my temporary subordinates to handle the smaller enemies while I dealt with any opponents that seemed stronger. Currently, I was only facing medium-level youkai or attacks from a few smaller youkai.

(Tengu... Are they still not making a move?)

My sharp senses allowed me to detect their presence. They seemed to be observing us from a distance. It was hard to believe that I would miss anything with my heightened senses at that moment....

"Let's do this...!!"

While watching out for Tengu, I use a spear to defeat the small youkai in front of me. Even though these agile creatures are tough, I can handle them easily now. The spear I got from Tachibana is great, and my improved vision helps a lot. Of course...

(Ugh, that's good...!!? Facing them was the right choice!!?)

I make a face as something weird is happening inside me. If people could see my face now, it might look like a scary scene from a horror movie. If this continues, things might get really bad.

That's why.

'(*≧∇≦)ノ It's time for my debut, papa!!"


I ignore the pain in my chest and dive in. As I do, the strange feeling on my face slowly goes away.

The foolish spider, originally taken by the Onitsuki couple, was returned temporarily upon request, but with certain conditions. The white spider was restricted as a "precaution against going out of control." In short, it was cursed. The curse is "wrapping" it. If the foolish spider is not returned within a specific period, its head will be "constricted." Naturally, even if you attempt to forcibly remove it, the outcome will be the same.

This also means that my life, which is tied by destiny, is also in their hands....

'(^ω^) From the shining sky, I summoned a majestic dragon, papa!'

Don't criticize the analogy. Just be quiet and do your duty!

'(´・ω・`) Even though I've summoned it obediently, I still wish for your approval...'

"I don't care!!"

I insert a horizontal spear into youkai while the servants were facing it. Then, I identify the vulnerable point in the body structure and swiftly sever the head with a single strike.


"No one got hurt!?"

"Yes, yes...!!"

"That's a relief...!!"

I got a report from the squad leader, and I quickly go to the next target. If the helpers we got aren't helpful, it will cause problems later. We need to avoid that.

"Things seem okay for now, but...!?"

'( ´゚д゚) Ugh!?'

I stop after kicking, punching, and cutting three young youkai who came from an area the servant couldn't watch. I frown under the mask because of their presence.

"...Really? If they're coming out, they should at least be Tengu!"

Expecting the identity of the presence I felt a long way off, I express my frustration.

* * *

"This feeling..."

Inside the main tent of the camp, where nobles who can't sleep due to anxiety, are eating a night snack of alcohol and singing songs. Onitsuki Hina, who was guarding them, feels that presence.


After looking at them, she squinted and furrowed her brows. She started to feel impatient. Then, when she turned her gaze back, she noticed that the other exorcists who were guarding the nobles also sensed something.

But for Hina, it was a bit inconvenient. Because...


"Don't worry. Onitsuki recommended him as a member of the household. Besides, he volunteered for it himself, so it wouldn't be polite to help. Let's just watch how they perform, okay?"

Even though there was a big battle with a powerful monster happening in the distance, the exorcists with her didn't get involved. Their job was to protect the nobles, and they didn't expect a situation that required them to interfere in such a rude way.

In Fusō-kuni, there aren't clear rules for exorcists, except for keeping out stray exorcist and wanderers. There are many exceptions. But, there's an unwritten rule saying, "being able to defeat a great youkai alone" is a good guide. Great youkai don't show up often, and if needed, even small groups can team up to beat them. For medium-level youkai and lower, with enough resources, skill, and time, one person could maybe get rid of them. But great youkai are different. Because of their potential dangers, they're the best targets for experts, being a real threat.

The people who live in the same household have a similar situation. They are not officially recognized by the country, but each family includes them as workers. They are considered as members of the family in name, which is why they are called "household members." And because of this, they are also evaluated in the same way as the main family. Can they defeat a powerful supernatural creature... being accepted as a household member means that the family acknowledges their abilities.

Because of this situation... they are treated as household members and have subordinates, so they need to fulfill certain responsibilities. If there were multiple enemies, it would be a different story, but the enemy is a single powerful supernatural creature. If they were to die, it would be the responsibility of the Onitsuki family. There was no reason to be blamed for not helping them.


...Still, Onitsuki Hina was quietly angry. Angry at what? Angry at everything. Angry at the rich people who drank alcohol without knowing anything, angry at the other families who didn't show any signs of helping, angry at herself for not being able to do anything because of this...

Onitsuki's exorcists were going to help those who were treated as just ordinary family members because they didn't have power... It was like exposing their shame. No, that doesn't matter. If they only laugh at him, it doesn't matter. The problem was what kind of insults and accusations he would face when it was all over.

As someone who received their kindness, he must not bring shame to the family's name. What kind of blame, what kind of punishment would be given... such things must not happen.

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