Mob Yandere

Chapter 155-3-revise

[Part 3/4]

"Is it still morning? Can I rest a bit?"

"What about breakfast?"

"...They're calling me to the main camp. I don't need my share."


'(´・ω・`) What about me?'

When Magoroku answered reverently, I felt a little mixed inside. I knew I wouldn't enjoy the meal at the main camp without worries. It would have been more fun to eat Magoroku's meal here. And you silly spider, you had it yesterday.

...Seriously, being important is not a good thing. That's probably a luxury. I know the pain of hunger. Compared to that, I can still endure.

...Remembering the past is painful. Let's go to sleep quickly.

"Well then, I'll be outside."


'(^∀^) Complete Needle!'

Magoroku leaves the tent to prepare for laundry and breakfast. I separate from Mari and head to my sleeping area. I lay down a tatami mat and put a simple futon on top of it... Even with this, it's much, much better than the Yun-shoku era.

"Should I take a nap for a bit?"

'(* >ω

I put the silly spider away from me into a special cage. Then, I wrap it in a nice cover to keep it quiet (meaning to block strange thoughts), and I get into a blanket. I close my eyes, giving in to sleepiness. And...





With each sneeze, I open my eyes and look at Mari all bundled up in her blanket. I ask her, wrapped up just like me.

"Um, I'm sorry. Is it a summer cold? ...achoo!?"

And with an apologetic tone, she sneezes again.

"Haha. I'm sorry..."


I get up and grab my blanket. I go to Mari's sleeping spot and cover her with it.


"Seriously, that's why I told you to take care of yourself."

I cover her well with the blanket, making sure her shoulders and feet are not exposed. Keeping her warm.

"What about Tomobe-sama?"

"I'm used to sleeping outdoors."

There were many times when I had to sleep without a roof, a floor, or even a futon

"...Umm, come here, please!"

The girl, her eyes closed, stared at herself for a moment, then spread out the futon. She gestured.


"When you first arrived, you took care of me, didn't you? Like in the old days..."

Mari thought back to the time when she and Magoroku first became my caretaker. It was especially about the times when they huddled together in a futon to endure the winter cold and slept close to each other.

Back when Mari was much younger than she is now...

"Is that... okay?"

"Although I'm not a clean girl, still, I can be a substitute for hot water bottle!"


"Please... warm me up?"


Her request, with a tilted head, was pure, innocent, and unaware, making it even more charming. Above all, my fatigue and drowsiness were the final push.

"...You're such a helpless one."

And so, she shifted all the responsibility to the girl who knew nothing. She depended on me. I slipped into the futon. As I did, I felt the soft sensation. She embraced me tightly against her chest. Without understanding anything about her own physical development.

It was a very close connection, too vulnerable...

"Hmm, it feels warm. Hehe."


It wasn't a temptation. It was just a pure action to feel the warmth. But it was incredibly captivating.


I thought about hugging her, but I stopped myself. I knew it would disrupt my mental balance. It would definitely betray her.

"Goodnight, Tomobe-sama."


"...Tomobe-sama? Have you fallen asleep?"

No response. I was afraid to respond to that sweet voice.


For the next thirty minutes, I experienced both the soothing and gentle feeling, while silently reciting Buddhist prayers in my mind.

I couldn't tell if I had rested or slept...

* * *

"Hohoho. It seems like you've arrived. Come closer, come closer. Have you prepared breakfast?"

I fixed my appearance (and left the noisy silly spider behind), and went into the big tent. I was already sitting on the spread-out mat, called by the Middle Counselor (Chuunagon). In front of him were two trays still giving off steam. There were also cushions on the mat...


I looked around from across the table. To my surprise, there were no other exorcist families or high-ranking people from the court as expected. There were only a few quiet laborers who seemed to have a low position.

"I heard it was a dangerous fight. Did it not hurt your wounds because there were many enemies?"

Maybe he understood my questions, the Middle Counselor explained with a happy smile.

"...Thank you for worrying."

"It's okay, there's no need to bow your head in a place like this. ...But it would be better for you to come here quickly. It's best to eat while the food is still warm, right?"


I thanked him. I replied politely. And I went to the side of the Middle Counselor as politely as I could. I remembered the manners I learned when I worked as a laborer and the quick course in etiquette the lady of family taught me over the past few months. If it was a noble with a bad personality, they might have criticized me for being a little rude... Fortunately, that didn't happen, and I successfully sat down on my knees in front of the tray.

"Firstly, I want to thank you for your hard work last night. It requires great determination and a loyal mindset to take action before anyone else, truly embodying the spirit of loyalty. It was truly admirable."

"...I'm honored."

I respectfully bow my head, showing gratitude. But I don't agree. In my heart, I feel frustrated. Yeah, this indirectly criticizes the households that were present at that scene, observing the situation with their own hidden motives.

If I respond carelessly, I don't know how they will twist my words and use them against me. These nobles, they seem to be skilled at finding faults and causing trouble. Are these nobles truly such malicious enemies?

"Ohoho, there's no need to be modest. It's a positive thing to have promising soldiers for exorcism. ...Lately, I've heard that many people neglect their responsibilities and imitate peasants or merchants. I hope young people like you... don't follow their bad example."


I unintentionally let out a dry laugh. This is a clear sarcasm directed towards the Onitsuki family. Especially towards Onitsuki Uemon.

(Samurai, peasants, artisans, merchants, huh?)

The word doesn't tell the true history, and it's not an official system even in Fusō-kuni. But there was a strong tradition of learning and a not-so-easy understanding of jobs like it. Especially for controlling "warriors," and even more for exorcists. The imperial court gave special rights to warriors and, more importantly, to exorcists. Different rules, pretending to be special rights, were also there. Actually, those rules were the real leaders.

Especially about handling land, businesses, lending money, etc., not only the need for managing spirit veins for exorcist families, but the imperial court had clear and unclear rules. This was supposed to focus on the duty of exorcism. While not wrong, there's also a plan to make exorcists weaker, making them eventually give up land and rights, turning them into just a skilled group... as mentioned in the story collection.

The Onitsuki family is a respected one. The land they have has always been a lot, mostly gotten before the rules got stronger. For a long time, the Onitsuki family didn't grow much due to family problems and the leader's luxury. At one point, they relied on other families like the Miyataka. And one thing that ended this reliance was the leader of the Hidden Group.

As a respected second-class exorcist, he was really good with money and knew a lot about the law in Fusō-kuni. He was great at making friends and making deals. With his tricky magic and clever plans, he bought land for the Onitsuki family and found new ways to make money, which made the family like him more. This helped the weak Onitsuki family get away from the Miyataka family and others.

But, the court didn't think this was a nice story.

"I heard you used to work as a laborer."


"I heard the Hidden Group took good care of you. They taught you everything... Hahaha, looks like they trained you well."

"...I'm thankful."

It looks like he looked into the Household Member Coordinator's background a lot. This is serious. It feels like a real interrogation. ...I hope he doesn't ask too many personal questions.

(Or, what's important is how this old man sees Onitsuki and me...)

Is he trying to include us? Is he holding us back? Is he trying to separate us? Does he understand how I am seen by the head of the family?

"Onitsuki is an important person for protecting the Northern region from youkais. I hope they continues to dedicate themselves to their duties... Well then, enough talking. Shall we eat before it gets cold?"


The Middle Counselor starts picking up the fancy bowl on the tray with chopsticks. I bow and prepare myself to face him. To reveal my face.

"Hmm, as I heard, you are quite young."

The old man comments while picking up the grilled fish. Should I respond to this?

"...I'm still inexperienced, but the Onitsuki family has taken good care of me."

"Even when you were a servant, I assume?"

"I've survived until today, thanks to the support I've received."

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We also have a project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]

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