Mob Yandere

Chapter 161-3

[Part 3/4]


"Those mountain bastards! After we've been fawning over them and giving them everything... as soon as that damn snake appeared, this is what happens! Heartless jerks!"

Strange creatures emerge from all directions in the forest, sneaking up on us. They surround us from a distance, mocking us. They look down on us cruelly and disrespectfully. Especially, they direct extra malice towards the two Tengu.

"Well, we have no choice."

The young Tengu turns her back on us. And she takes a step, then another.

"What are you planning to do...?"

"To sincerely apologize to the guests. Kaede, if you have become Bouchou (leader), you must take responsibility and return to where you came from... got it?"

"You mean run away!?"

A cry of disbelief and fear, as if her heart is about to burst echoed. It was the first time I saw this emotion from the Tengu.

"Yes, hurry up and change. You have made arrangements, right?"

"Wh-what about you, mother!? What are you planning to do!?"

The Tengu woman opens her eyes wide and screams. It's a scream filled with a sense of urgency and desperation.

No, wait. More than that... mother?

"I don't have time to take care of just you. Understand? Don't make things difficult for me."

Her words convey more of a sense of resignation and exasperation than frustration. I sigh. I remember the Tengu who had been surveilling me.

The Tengu around us are probably holding their breath in this desperate situation. If we die, they'll be the next targets... I understand the black and white Tengu's intentions in front of me with a sense of determination.

It's incredibly uncharacteristic of a youkai to act this way.

"Why... how could this happen..."

Bouchou's weak and trembling mutter. But the surroundings aren't kind enough to wait for that. There's no such obligation.

The Oni leaps out, leading the way as the encirclement tightens little by little. The snake looks down arrogantly at the scene.

"Hurry up."

In response to the words of "Mother," a strange creature quickly stepped forward. It was approaching.

"Hurry up!"

The shout was rougher than before. Another step forward. The youkai creatures' presence grew rapidly stronger. Some of them were about to use their powers.

"Hurry up!!"

The third time was almost like a scream. The youkai all stepped forward at once. They tried to use various techniques, but were beaten to death. Kicked to death. Torn apart by wings. It was a preemptive attack by "Mother" who had instantly closed in on them. Like a storm, like a gust of wind, the young-looking Tengu went wild like a massive storm. When swinging their arm, countless ropes with blades attached flew out from the sleeve. They plunged into the vital points of the monsters like wired missiles, cutting through several of them, or crushing them with the ropes.

...However, in the end, with just one person fighting, she couldn't stop this sea of youkai demons.


Aka-bouchou stops moving when she sees the figure of "Mother" in front of her. I saw the youkai approaching, despite "Mother's" interference, and shouted while getting ready with my Tantō.

"Aka-bouchou!! Gah...!?"

"What!? 'Feathered Return (Kin Kanhane)'!!"

The female Tengu snapped back to reality at my call. At the same time, I groaned from the impact I received from the presence in front of me. Then, the sound of clapping echoed.

The noise and roaring suddenly disappeared, as if the world had turned upside down. The noise vanished abruptly. The scenery passed by in an instant, and I arrived there momentarily.


As I teleported, I dramatically spat blood towards the floor. It was from the Oni's blow I received right before the teleportation. It was just before the fist fully hit, but the impact was definitely relentless.

"!? Are you okay!?"

Aka-bouchou, supporting me from behind as I kneeled with the ropes untied. Unfortunately, it didn't look like I was okay in any way.

"Ribs, got bruised, huh? Quite a few... And the bruises are bad too. Sigh. You feeling it too? You should both get treatment soon, huh?

In a quiet room, I raised my head and met eyes with Inaba-hime, who happened to be in the same room. She was almost naked as she was changing clothes.

I meet Inaba-hime, who is almost completely naked while changing clothes.


"...Is it the second time?"

"H-Hey, cut me some slack, okay?"

I collapsed with pleading words in response to her calm accusations.

* * *

When I woke up next, Inaba-hime in her Kapogi outfit was by my side in the futon.

"...Are you awake?"

"...Oh, you are. You've come back."

For a moment, I was speechless, but then I quickly remembered the scene before.

"You saw me changing."

"I told you before I passed out, please spare me."

In response to Inaba-hime's questioning and accusation, aimed at my moment of reflection, I held my head and muttered, trying to sort out the situation.

The attack of the sh*t snake was definitely not an illusion. The pain in my chest was the biggest proof. Coming back here... it was probably because of Tengu's power. Just from the name I heard right before, I could guess its effects.

"Um, the Tengu female... Ahh!!?"

I stood up, but the intense pain made me fall over. Inaba-hime hurriedly put me back on the futon.

"Your injury is bad. Rest is the first priority. ...If it's her, then she's probably okay."

Inaba-hime comforted me calmly, and in the end, answered with a hint of disgust. At the same time, the shouji paper door of the room opened and the person in question appeared.

"Oh? Haha, are you awake? ...In that case, it looks like you won't be okay for a while, huh?"

It was the female Tengu who entered the room with improvised bandages in certain places. Her expression seemed mocking, but it was somehow twisted now.

Clearly, she had pushed herself too hard.

"...How much time has passed?"

"About half a day?"

Inaba-hime answered. Judging from when the sh*t snake attacked... it's nighttime now, right?

"Thank you very much, Inaba-hime."


I first express my gratitude and then turn to the female Tengu. And I ask her.

"Do you have time? What happened to that damn snake?"

"Oh come on. Are you still planning to do it?"

The female Tengu's expression changes from a shadowy look to a face that seems to be looking at something strange. I am also dumbfounded and open my mouth. However, it is the same for me.

"It's unreasonable for you to be surprised. ...You started this story, didn't you?"

I wanted her to stop being humble now after involving me as a human sacrifice. There is a pledge. If you're going to do it, you should do it until the end. I am not so carefree as to leave homework unfinished.

"I can't believe it... Did you get scared when you were about to die?"

"What nonsense."

"Then tell me. What's going on?"

In response to my pressing remarks, the Tengu remains silent for a while. And she answers.

"...I'm not in a position to leave here right away either. I was being taken care of until recently. But it seems that the village hasn't been attacked. Probably not the envoy either. Nothing happened. If that huge body had gone wild, we would know."

"That's a strange story in itself. ...The place that was attacked is not its territory, right?"

"Yes. So it means it came all the way here on purpose."

"It's unlikely to be a coincidence..."

Is there a traitor among the Tengu? Or was it just some regular monsters sneaking into the village? Anyway, they've come to take out me, the hitman. Are they treating me as a threat by leaving me alone for now?

"Or are they injured?... No, they're not."

The one-armed Tengu intruder is skilled, but I doubt she could has handled that situation alone. It's too optimistic to think that the darn snake is weakened.

"It probably took care of some of the people. But that's all it did. I've been retired for a while. I can't be as strong as I used to be."

The female Tengu mutters unhappily. I ask her the question that was on my mind before I lost consciousness.

"Wasn't it 'mother'... or something like that? Are you family?"

"Do you plan on poking your nose into other people's family matters? That's rude."

"It's not for personal reasons, so please understand. I need to know in case of emergencies, considering how upset you are."

If she brags about how long it took to master the art of teleportation, she'll get a tongue click in response. And the answer will be given with a grumpy attitude.

Hello everyone,

We have several works to share with you. Below are the details:

  1. A series set in a fantasy world, not isekai but a fantasy one. It's about an enchant magician who was a member of one of the strongest guilds on the continent but has been expelled. The cause? It's because he is not needed. However, after that, his enhancement that has enhanced other people's equipment in the guild, returns to him after he releases it. Do you want to know what happens next? Read on here.
  2. A project titled "Isekai Healing Mage". The MC is summoned as a hero with three others. However, upon arrival, he discovers that he is not a hero. Follow his journey as he navigates through twists and turns, leaving the palace and working at the guild. Read more about it here.
  3. Another project revolves around the MC whose heroines aspire to become his mother instead of his lover. Read this unusual story here.
  4. Our latest work also into the genre of Second Life. It's about the story of a former s*x worker who wants to avoid loneliness and find fulfillment in his second life. Experience his conflicts and resolutions as the protagonist progresses. Read it on here.
  5. Additionally, we have a worth-to-read project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and she asks him to join the war. But what does the MC say? He refuses. Is it because his pas love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past, or is he simply fed up? Discover the answers by clicking here.

We hope you enjoy reading these works!

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