Mob Yandere

Chapter 163-1

[Part 1/4]

In the midst of the clouds, a flock of birds was flying.

They looked like numerous black dots in the blue sky. How many of them were there? Maybe a hundred, two hundred, or even more. Most of them were carrying elegant Tang-style chest adorned with mother-of-pearl inlay, lacquer, and other decorations. They carried the heavy Tang-style chest in pairs, creating a solemn and oppressive atmosphere as they drooped.

It was like a line of defeated survivors, and indeed from the perspective of those waiting for these birds, it was a group of defeated stragglers, a gathering of the defeated. A miserable and pitiful gathering of the defeated army...


The flock of birds silently began to descend in altitude. Gradually, the ground came into view. They recognized it at a corner of Mount Anma. The army of grotesque monsters. And the figure of a giant snake leading them.

The remnant of the fallen dragon and serpent god...


In accordance with the signal from the leading Tengu, the following groups began to land one after the other. They landed and lined up the Tang-style chests they had been carrying.

(You finally arrived! Now, shall we hear your noble bird response?)

A majestic, solemn, and especially venomous sound reverberated as if shaking the air, but it wasn't actually produced by vocal cords. It wasn't even a true voice, to be precise.

Unfortunately, what was akin to telepathy and mental resonance now resembles more of an amplification tool. In the days when the serpent deity had eight heads, it could easily surpass mountains and deliver its prophecies to individuals, read minds, appear in dreams, and even interfere with the spirit. However, in its considerably diminished state, it has become nothing more than a mere means of conversation.


The serpent itself, internally, reluctantly acknowledged this. Simultaneously, it recalled one of the men who had once defeated it and growled in displeasure. To think that it could deceive the mind by swapping its own personality...

'...Oh, divine serpent dragon god reigning on the earth since ancient times. It is an honor to meet you for the first time.'

The Tengu at the front bows respectfully and humbly. They bow, declare, and continue.

'This is a gift to express our gratitude for being able to meet you. It is a contribution from all of us in the Tengu party. It may be small, but please accept it.'

And with those words, the Tengu behind them begin to open the contents of the chest, one after another.

It was a truly splendid sight. It was filled with gold and silver treasures. There were coral, pearls, jade, dragon stones, and crystals. There were exquisite swords and weapons decorated with gold leaf and mother-of-pearl. In another chest, there were accessories made of turtle shell, amber, and agate, and various items such as hand mirrors, incense burners, and pottery. There were stacks of luxurious fabrics, including wool and silk, and piles of large coins and silver coins neatly arranged in wooden boxes. There were even stacks of copper coins that looked like a mountain.

It was all gathered meticulously from the village... that's the right way to put it. And it had a deeper meaning than just offering wealth as an offering.

In truth, unless it's a curse tool, treasure is worthless to most youkai. Because they possess the elements of Tengu who prefer shiny things, because they have the intelligence to engage in trade with humans, and because such Tengu offer it, there is more value there than just a simple act.

In other words, suppressing one's instincts, abandoning interaction with humans, and proving submission...

(Where is the offering?)

Without even a glance at the treasure, the cold gaze from above looked down on the Tengu. Offering is a matter of course, the meaning behind it is obvious, what matters is whether the demand is being met. If they think they can get away with this, it's a naive thinking.


(Where is the offering?)

Once again, the snake god looks down from high above at the silent birds and questions them. Every word, every tone, remains the same, quietly pressing. It's far more chilling than being echoed at.


The representative Tengu, who is easily recognizable even through their cloak, trembles and lowers their head.

'Um, now... if you would please present...'

Then, they turn around and give instructions to their subordinates. And what appears is the figure of two people being dragged by ropes, with their arms bound. One person is wearing a black Noh mask, while the other is a tall Tengu. A female Tengu. She is wearing tattered clothes and even has blood-stained bandages wrapped around her. It's a painful sight to see.

(...Alright. Bring the offering here.)

'P-Please wait. Please, I beg you... I have a request!'

With a voice trembling in fear, the representative of the Tengu cries out. They kneel and bow their head.

'We would like to see our queen, to confirm that our mother is safe... Please, please!! Just a glimpse, please!!'

It was a desperate plea from the bottom of their hearts. Following suit, the Tengu behind them also kneel and beg. It was a truly miserable sight.

"Pathetic fools..."

A curse of frustration escapes from Aka-bouchou. The strange beings following the great serpent also sneer at the Tengu appearance.

(Well, well. Filial piety is important, isn't it? I understand it well.)

And with a growl, as a signal from the throat, appears a robust Oni with a barbaric sword hanging from its waist. The giant, towering over five times the height of a person, grips a small figure in its arm, and holds the entire body in its grasp.


Both wings were twisted and bent. Disheveled black hair was oozing blood. She looked terrible from the dangling neck downwards. Covered in bruises, her clothes stained with blood revealed skin covered in cuts. Her drooping legs were weak, and blood dripped weakly... It was a very undignified sight.

(She's not dead. The wings are just folded to prevent escape. ...You're lucky. If you hadn't come here, she would have been given to my servants.)

The words of the evil deity were cruel and torturous. Many of the servants sought this mother Tengu. If the snake had thrown this half-bird among the monsters, it would have been a truly terrifying sight. But the snake did not allow it and made the foolish creatures understand by crushing some of them.

...Not out of kindness, but out of malice.

'...Your consideration. Your mercy. Your kindness is much appreciated.'

The leading Tengu offer my deepest gratitude. It was truly unfair, ridiculous, and miserable. It was a true defeat.

(Is the offering not ready yet? Hurry up. Unfortunately, I am generous but not patient.)


The leading Tengu immediately responded to the reminder. They bowed their heads deeply and replied. They gave instructions to their subordinates behind them.

The female Tengu and the man in black outfit... or the offerings were handed over. The Tengu with ropes pushed them forward, making them kneel in front of the great snake with their knees bent. It was a scene just before they were devoured.

'Our lord. We have offered the sacrifice. Please, please protect our mother...'

(It should not be this way)

With a trembling voice, but as if bound by duty, they pleaded. And they were mercilessly rejected.

'T-then, should we make a vow?! If we make a vow! Please, please have mercy, please...!!'

(It's not going to happen)

'W-why!? Why such disrespectful...!!?'

It was a cry that resembled a scream. Their desperate and pitiful appearance further fueled the sadistic desires of the monsters in the mountains. They mocked the pitiful sight of the fallen rulers who had ruthlessly reigned over the Anma Mountains for many years.

(...Hmph. How foolish of you to say such things)

The giant snake growled lowly. With a cold and indifferent gaze, it looked at the half-birds begging with tearful voices. Then, it twisted its mouth in a cruel manner and spat out its words.

(Of course. Did you really think such filth could deceive me with a sacrifice? Right, monkey?)


The black figure dressed in a crumbling cloak, on the verge of losing its disguise. The serpent laughed through its nose at the round eyes and unique, feeble cry peeking through the gaps in its face and clothing. Squinting its all-seeing eyes, the serpent stared and discerned.

Suddenly, an assassin hidden among the Tengu drew out a dagger and dashed forward...!!

'...Tch!! You all, release!!'

The serpent declared. The monsters attacked. At the same time, the Tengu leader, frustrated by the failed disguise, gave the order. In the next moment, the vanguard of the Tengu leaped out from behind and readied themselves simultaneously. They held conch shells and blew forcefully, making a resounding noise.

The hot wind and boiling water turned into a muddy torrent, washing away the serpent's servants...

* * *

The conch shells carried by the Tengu are a type of cursed tool. They are officially called the "Shishoku Kōhōra," which is a specially processed youkai shell.

Even after being processed, the living youkai shellfish still possesses its ecology and abilities as its name suggests.

The originally ferocious carnivorous youkai shellfish had its nature transformed by becoming a curse tool that consumes its owner's spiritual power.

The conch shell, which has four functions including long-distance communication, used by the Tengu, is called "Kosui (Roaring Water)." While it itself has the unremarkable function of storing and spitting out large amounts of water, the problem lies with that water.

The hot spring water gushing from Mount Anma, drawn from underground veins and heated to boiling point, is released from within the conch shell due to pressure, along with a powerful blast of hot wind.

The thoroughly boiled hot water and hot wind from the geothermal activity turn into deadly weapons due to their force and quantity. Countless youkai are swept away and submerged in the flooding hot water. The heat burns the skin, the volume of water causes suffocation, and the fierce torrent engulfs the youkai, crushing their bodies with debris and trees. Nearly all youkai below a certain level were almost completely destroyed by this alone.

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