Mob Yandere

Chapter 170-3

[Part 3/4]

"I see..."

"Yeah, just like how you need to brush your teeth after eating sweets. I don't want you to get cavities while I'm taking care of you, that'd be a real pain."

The pain of cavities is hard to describe, and back in the old days, dental care was a real nightmare. There are even legends about people committing suicide or seppuku because of toothaches.

Azuma seems to be really worried about the kids' cavities. As a half-youkai, she's afraid that the kids won't be able to get dental care because of their condition. Just like some crazy, excitable lizard little girl, she might even breathe fire from her mouth if she gets too excited. If she were to get a tooth extracted, the doctor would probably get burned to death.

"Okay, I'll brush my teeth."

"Okay, thanks for helping me out. And, uh, I think we had plans to do some water work and soil manipulation later, right? I need you to prepare something for me while I'm working. Can you do that for me?"

"What do you need me to prepare?"

The boy tilted his head at my request, looking puzzled. What could a grown-up with money possibly need that they'd have to ask for?

"Well, you know, there are things that can't be bought with money, right?"

At my words, the boy tilted his head again, looking even more puzzled....

* * *

On the outskirts of the city. Beyond the Outer Area, a city road stretched out, lined with gardens. A girl rode an ox cart, looking carefree, accompanied by a female maid and a few servants...

As a noble's entourage, the number of people was small, but it was sufficient for the time being. The Inner Capital was within sight, and it was unlikely for bandits or youkai to appear. Above all, the person riding the ox cart was a skilled exorcist who could handle those youkai.

"This is quite a rural area, isn't it?"

The young lady of Ako gazed out at the scenery outside, her impression evident. It only took a short ride from the capital, not even an hour. The transportation itself wasn't bad, but the rural landscape, reminiscent of the countryside, gave her an impression that was farther than the actual distance.

"This area is a newly developed estate by Onitsuki, So..."

Yona, the maid walking beside the ox cart, spoke up. To be precise, it was a piece of land that had been left unused for a long time due to poor water drainage, which Onitsuki Uemon had developed into farmland in collaboration with the imperial court and merchants. The rural landscape with few people was, in a sense, to be expected. Still, as a farm in the Center region, its potential was immeasurable.

"I suppose it's fine. But...if that's the case, it's quite an extravagant setup, don't you think?"

A orphanage, built in a corner of the developed farm, and what's more, an orphanage for half-youkai children. It was a peculiar setup, even if she considered the cost and time invested. Murasaki herself didn't have any particular feelings towards half-youkai, neither good nor bad, but she knew that it wasn't something that would be well-received by society in general.

"I heard the director has a position in the imperial court. That must be why. Perhaps it's to gain favor..."

"I guess it's typical of the head of the Hidden Group."

The young lady of Ako spoke with a hint of coolness. Murasaki didn't underestimate Onitsuki Uemon's abilities, but she was perplexed by his way of being, which was far removed from the path of an exorcist. An exorcist should only follow the path of exorcism...the way of the Ako household was deeply ingrained in Murasaki.

"However, that guy is also quite pitiful, isn't he? He's risen to the position of Household Member Coordinator, but in the end, he's just an extension of the miscellaneous tasks, right? Or is it because he's the Household Member Coordinator that he's like that?"

Murasaki thought back to the black-clad figure in her mind, wrinkling her nose in disdain. When they first met, he was just a lowly servant, a squad leader or something... probably, anyway. It's weirdly captivating, but oh well.

"I thought he was a despicable, flattering servant trying to curry favor with my aunt, but... well, he's doing his job, I suppose. My aunt has a good eye for people, after all!"

There were rumors that her aunt had pulled some strings to get him promoted, or that someone else had recommended him, but Murasaki didn't care. He was probably just a stray cat or something. She couldn't believe he had a better eye for people than her respected aunt.

"Young lady..."

"My aunt was concerned, so I think it's a good idea to hold a celebration and take it as an opportunity to keep him in check."

Since the head of the family, the previous head, and his siblings all canceled their trips to the capital, Murasaki was the representative of the main family. It was only natural to give a congratulatory gift to him, who had obtained a government position and the title of Household Member Coordinator.

Of course, given their social status and family background, it wasn't necessary to personally visit him, but for Murasaki, it was a kind of reconnaissance mission for her aunt's sake.

...Yona, who was accompanying her, seemed to be wondering why they were visiting in casual clothes instead of formal attire, but didn't say anything.

The small talk ended, and the group finally caught sight of the building in the distance.

"Ah, that's it. The Onitsuki family's donated building, isn't it?"

The temple-like orphanage that came into view was surprisingly high-class, not at all what one'd expect from an orphanage. It wasn't excessively grand or flashy, but it was built with a sense of solidity and sturdiness, taking into account the number of orphans and future intake. Moreover, it seemed to be protected by multiple layers of curses defenses, repelling evil presences and those who would wield weapons...

"You guys, don't draw your weapons carelessly, okay?"

The purple-haired girl gives orders to the servants. "Don't show your faces and don't receive any gifts. It's not good to cause a commotion." She herself is also prepared, holding a snake-shaped sword to keep them from getting out of control.

And while she's doing that, the ox cart finally stops in front of the orphanage gate. Led by a maid, the purple-haired girl gets out.

"No welcome party? How rude."

"It's fine. I didn't give him any notice, after all. Hehe, that servant will be surprised when he sees me."

She snorts, puffing out her thin chest. Her attitude is like a mischievous child expecting to succeed in a prank. In reality, she's expecting the former servant to be shocked and flustered, bowing his head in surprise. It's only natural to react that way.

...But she's still not good at this.

First of all, showing up unannounced was a bad idea. Some unknown person has arrived, and the kids are getting anxious because their caretaker is absent. And whoever sees her first will have bad luck.

"Look! It's a demon (Akuma)! It's a demon's house!!"

A child peeks out from a hole in the earthen wall, screaming in desperation. It's Ume, a crybaby with cow ears. She's afraid of being taken away. The purple-haired girl is terrified by the outsider. Ume's cow ears fold back, and her tail wilts.

"No, she's an exorcist...!!"

The one responding is a small girl with scales on her body, sharp claws, and a lizard-like tail. Her name is Akane. She's one of the last children from the Kawahara Orphanage, where Azuma Hibari used to be.

However, the ten or so kids back then have now grown to nearly 3 times that number. The purple-haired girl herself has also grown up and is no longer part of the younger or older groups, but rather in a position like a middle-aged sister. She's energetic and cheerful, which is why she's listed as a "person of interest" in Azuma's guidebook.

And being found out by a younger, problematic kid who's popular with the people is the worst luck for Ako Murasaki.

"Shiro-chan was taken away too, wasn't she? Maybe this time as well...!!"

Recalling that the white fox girl had returned after a long time, but had been taken to the exorcists for a long time, Akane deduces. It must be the same.

"She must be looking for someone to blame!"

"What are you talking about, that's impossible...!!"

The other kids around Akane and Ume were shouting at the top of their lungs. Seriously, their imaginations were running wild, thinking about what would happen the day after tomorrow.

If the older kids were here, they would've said "Wait a minute!" and stepped in, but unfortunately, the oldest one in this group was Akane, the problem child. It was only natural that she would egg them on instead of stopping them.

"It's me, it's definitely me...!!"

Ume burst into tears. She knew she was the biggest crybaby among them, the most useless one.


"Don't worry, we've got your back!!"

"We won't let her sell you out!!"

When one thinks about it calmly, it wasn't like they had made a definite decision or anything, but somehow the atmosphere had become heavy with sadness. The kids were all trying to comfort Ume. The song "Donna Donna" is a song about how money can buy friendship, and in the end, people prioritize economic benefits. But they refused to accept that. They were passionate about protecting their friends at the orphanage.

If Shiro were here, she would've said "Wait a minute!" and stepped in, but unfortunately, she was watching someone else. And Akane, who was supposed to be leading them...

"First strike wins! Get ready for an all-out attack!"

She was holding a mud ball they had made for fun and giving orders. It was a total mess.

The kids were getting ready for battle, unaware of what was to come. Murasaki slipped out of the gate, looking very confident. In the wide courtyard of the orphanage, she looked around and found a spot to hide behind.

"Hehe. Is that him?"

She was humming a tune as she marched, looking pleased with herself. She was overconfident, lacking a sense of crisis. But that was a big mistake. You never know when an attack might come...

"Ah! There you are!"

She spotted the back of a black-clad figure doing some dirty work behind the scenes. She felt a bit tense but still looked confident as she approached. She called out to the servant, who was about to turn around.

"Hahaha, I heard that! You're being driven into a corner again, aren't you? You've become a Household Member Coordinator, but it's pathetic how you're being treated I'll have to show my face..."

"Uooo! Take this! I'll show you!!"

...And so, the tragedy and comedy began.

* * *ー

"This is a huge mistake... Hey, hey. You should bow your head too."

"Eh, I'm trying to protect Ume-chan... Are you going to take away my snack?"

"I'm sorry."

The scene was set in the guest room. After finishing the tedious task, I turned to the problematic guest who was causing trouble and spoke words of divine wisdom. The effect was tremendous. It was a total mess.

"As a supervisor, I can't even begin to describe the things what a child did... But I'll make sure to compensate. Please forgive me."

I grasped Akane's head firmly and bowed deeply, apologizing sincerely. The young lady of Ako, who had been silent for a moment with an indescribable expression, finally opened her mouth.

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