Mob Yandere

Chapter 72.2

Hotaruya Yoshinori, the foster parent of the main character, Hotaruya Tamaki, and the village headman of Hotaruya village, appeared to be a gentle-looking man whom you could tell at a glance. His slightly plump face, dressed in an elegant yet relaxed kimono, made it clear that he had a materially and spiritually rich life.

And that first impression is quite correct. In a world where there are quite a few odd characters, he was a person of high caliber even from the perspective of my previous world, and an unquestionably virtuous person.

Otherwise, he would not have raised an adopted child who was not even related to him with such deep affection. Nor would he have cared about that child at the end of his life.


While I was thinking of his situation in the original story, Uemon and Yoshinori began to greet each other. They responded to each other with respect and courtesy.

"You have come a long way. Thank you for accepting the sudden request."

"No, no, no, I am grateful for your willingness to cooperate."

"No, that is not something to worry about. It is only natural for us to do so as well if it is a request from Kunimori-dono." (Note: Kunimori-dono: a title used in feudal Japan to address someone of high status or rank, specifically a lord or daimyo who was responsible for protecting their domain (kuni).)

Yoshinori answered cheerfully. At Kunimori's request, the Eastern Strike Force gave top priority to the extermination of the youkai who were destroying the city streets, but they needed a base of operations for that purpose. After several candidates were mentioned, the Hotaruya village was finally chosen. The reason was that the youkai were moving through this area, and the high elevation of the nearby mountains allowed for a view of the city roads from the mountaintop.

"That's fortunate. While we stay here, please don't hesitate to ask for our assistance in any way we can."

"That would be appreciated. Could I ask you to check the village's boundary later? We haven't had it inspected in over ten years. Also, we would like you to patrol at night."

After thinking about Uemon's offer for a moment, Yoshinori made the request. The contents of the request were the same as those requested in other towns and villages.

"Hahaha, we would be happy to help with such a simple task. If there is anything else you need, don't hesitate to ask."

"That's very reassuring. Now, let's stop standing around and I'll show you to the house."

With these words, Yoshinori invites Uemon and the other exorcists into the house. The preparations for their reception were already complete.

"Please follow me."

Naturally, I, the other servants, the hidden group men, and the miscellaneous are not allowed to enter the mansion. The servants lead the way to a separate lodging area. The ox carts and wagons will go to the stables.

"Then, see you later."

The southern native grins at me and says a few words as he heads toward the main hall of the house with his master, and I bow in return before following the lead of this house's servant with my subordinates.

The row of small houses built at the edge of the mansion's property was spacious and had enough facilities for living. At least there were pillows made of buckwheat hulls and futons stuffed with cotton, and the men were treated better than in the huts provided by the Kizuki family.

"You will be served three meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We will refill your water bottle in the morning. We will also guide you to the hot springs later for washing your body."

The last words of the servants cause a commotion. In this world, where firewood is scarce and heating water is a challenge, bathing usually involves washing the body with a bucket of water, soaking a cloth in it and wiping the body, or taking a dip in a river or lake. Even if there are hot springs, they are usually monopolized by bigwigs. Public baths are not so common unless they are capital. Therefore, the fact that even lower-class people like us and laborers can soak in a hot spring surprises everyone.

Well, this village is located on one of the most blessed spiritual veins in the northern part of the country. Maybe finding a hot spring is not so difficult. Come to think of it, there is a scene of bathing in a hot spring in the novel and manga versions. I thought it was just a service scene, but perhaps the villagers use them daily.

"All right, the servants can have this long house. Half of the footmen (laborers) are here too. Is that all right with you?"

"Yeah. We and our hidden men will use that longhouse over there. ...The rest of the laborers can use the third one."

To my proposal, the representative of the Eastern Strike Force responded. The commoners and the hidden group of people look down on the servants. The same goes without saying for the footmen. Putting them together would cause problems. Although it creates an imbalance in the numbers, I doubt they would compromise for us. So it's better if we give in to them, just to save time.

"They're really unpleasant people. What is that attitude? Yun-shoku..."

"It's useless to react. Don't worry about it. ...This is someone else's estate. It's better not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Mikage mutters unpleasantly beside me, but I rebuke him. He seems to be angry that the servants who always shed blood the most are looked down upon, but I can't let him get into trouble here. I'm also responsible for my supervision.

"We start work tomorrow. We have work to do, including loading and unloading cargo, so there's no need for training. So, eat, clean your weapons, and get some sleep. We used a lot of energy on the mountain roads, so prioritize recuperation."

I told Mikage to make sure that all the other servants did the same. Many of the servants who joined the East Strike Force were young and inexperienced. Those who were highly skilled and capable had no choice but to be sent to the more dangerous units of Shisui and Hina.

(Maybe I should have joined one of those units instead...)

I'm not claiming to be at the front lines, but as a senior member of the servant group, I pride myself on having some combat skills. So, it is not right for me to be in charge of this relatively safe area. I made sure to equip the soldiers in the North and South units and prioritize safety during our final training before departure, but I still have to prepare for the worst and be ready for casualties.

"But, I can't stand it..."

It's hard when a boss dies or a colleague dies, but I've been reminded that the hardest thing is when a subordinate dies since I became a Yun-shoku. Since the responsibility is clearly placed on me, the stress is unbearable. I am also worried about what other subordinates think of me. Thanks to this, I have been suffering from stomachache, lack of sleep, and constipation. It's unbearable...

Of course, I can't pretend to be a tragic heroine. If I have time to lament my situation, I should do what I can. I can cry and regret as much as I want later. But since I am in charge of other people's lives, all I can do now is to fulfill my duty.

"At any rate, what do I do now..."

I need to find out how far off from the original story the present is, whether it is possible to recover from it or not, and if not, how to deal with it. I need to find out if the monsters are here when they attack this village, and if so, how I can retrieve the main character later. But first, I need to make sure this village is actually under attack...

"...Should I tour the village?"

To assess the situation, I ordered my subordinates to carry the cargo and headed to the cart myself. ...However, as I approached the stables, I stopped in my tracks. It is obvious that there are many wagons parked at the stables. Some of them may be used in the village, but even including them, there are obviously too many. Wait a minute... before that... that coat of arms on the wagon...!?

"Oh? It's you...?"

Recognizing the voice of the elderly woman and recalling the conversation from a recent mission, I turned around slowly, resigned to what was to come.

...Well, that's how it goes.

* * *

"Huff, it's a messy situation..."

She sighs in the guest room she has been assigned. The room was a good one for a village headman in the countryside. No wonder. Hotaruya village is located in Jōkei County, one of the richest areas in the northern region, and is situated on the most blessed land in the county.

The land is not large. The population is not large. However, the land is rich in every way. The villagers have enough to eat. Even a single person can probably survive on the land. Moreover, they also produce commercial crops such as shiitake mushrooms and safflowers for export to other parts of the region. The rice produced in this village is first-rate and favored by the nobility. In fact, half of the rice collected by the village headman is exported. The price is almost double the market price, which is ridiculous.

Apparently, the village headman here makes good use of the foreign currency she earns. Inviting people to help develop the village is a good way to do so. Even peasants are lent expensive farming tools. In addition, doctors, priests, craftsmen, and teachers seem to have been invited from the capital and other places like Shiro'oku. In the library in one corner of the house, there were so many practical books that one would not expect to find in a countryside place. They are not covered with dust, probably because they are used frequently. Well, some people who are showy may buy books just for the sake of it without even reading them, which is a waste of valuable literature.

In that sense, the village headman must be a wise woman. Certainly, all the furnishings in the mansion are luxurious, but they are not excessive. They are very refined. The village headman seems to know how to spend her money. And as a trading company, this village is more promising as a market with a higher purchasing power than an average town, and it is also an excellent business partner. Even the trading company sources its supplies, mainly crops, from this small village.

For that reason, she also came to this village to conduct direct sales and meet face-to-face as part of her tour of various shops and actually made contracts as well...

"It's troublesome. This youkai commotion..."

She sighs. As she does, she impales a slice of peach that has been cut and placed on a wooden dish next to her with a toothpick. It must have been cooled by the well water, because when she puts it in her mouth, the coolness and freshness are pleasant, and the sweetness of the sugar lightly sprinkled on top of the peach's original taste spreads in her mouth. It is truly sweet dew.

However, her sighs do not stop. The situation was not that good.

After delaying their departure for a day due to unseasonable heavy rain, it turns out that youkai are now rampaging on the city roads. Thanks to that, their original touring plan has been ruined. They merchants indeed requested the imperial court and provincial governors to eliminate the youkai, but according to the village head, capable exorcists who are working nearby are coming, so the problem will not take too long to solve. However, she cannot trust such talk. She doesn't know how many days they will have to stay. It's a real headache. She's getting a headache now thinking about the decision of the loss.


She sighs deeply again and collapses on the tatami mat. Then she stares at the ceiling for no reason. She sticks a toothpick from the plate beside her and throws a piece of peach into her mouth. They are sweet and delicious.

"If only Tomobe-san was here..."

She scoops up the peach juice dripping from her mouth with her fingers and licks it off. As she licks it off, she dreams of that possibility.

In that case, they are under the same roof. During the tour, they were constantly on the move and working, so they couldn't rely on each other too much, but if they can go on a date in a small village... Hehehe, then any losses caused by the delay are worth it. It's autumn, so a fall foliage viewing would be a good idea. It would be interesting to have lunch together and read a book under the trees. Tomobe-san can read a little, so she'll ask him to read to her while she rests her head on his lap. It's so romantic, isn't it?

"Playing and being spoiled a lot... He-heh, I bet he'll be exhausted and fall asleep as soon as we get home."

Of course, Tomobe-san is the one. It's a strategy. He's probably exhausted because of the seriousness of his response. She feels sorry for him, but it can't be helped. Let's let him sleep soundly right away.

"And then, just like that..."

Yes, and then she wants to sneak into his room quietly and watch him sleep. And after that... cuddling together is also tempting, but she would prefer to straddle him and...

"Hehe... Come to think of it, he did use that horse properly, didn't he?"

The word "horse" brings her back to that memory.

She bought a black horse so that he could use it, but at the same time, it was her sentimentality. It was because of the way he transformed on that day. People around him say that hair is ominous, but to her, he is a prince. Not a white horse, but a black horse. Hehehe, it's funny, isn't it? But even he can understand what she means by those words.

"Huff, Tomobe-san..."

She sighs again. Her breath comes out hotter than before. She realizes that her cheeks have turned red. The reason? No need to answer. There is an itch in the lower part of her stomach. Unintentionally, she lies down and rubs her inner thighs together glamorously.

"Personally, I'm fine with the way he looks..."

She doesn't think that's abnormal. Even in his monstrous form, he is someone she owes a debt of gratitude to. In addition, he is still the person she loves more than anything.

No, rather, she felt a kind of dark excitement in offering herself for him who had devolved into that form. He may be as large as a horse, or even larger.

The lust of a monster. The lust of a beast. She's sure there will be no mercy. He'll discard all his outward reason, kindness, and compassion, and become a literal beast. He'll cover her with his massive body, pierce her with his strong spear, and she'll desperately cling to his belly while begging and crying to him. In the end, she'll be consumed by him without hesitation... But it's so romantic and just the thought of it makes her feel like she's losing control. It's like she's addicted to him, just like an opium addict.

"...Mmm, hmm..."

She reaches out one hand to the lower part of her body. At the same time, she takes out a pouch she has been keeping in her pocket. This "candy" is indispensable for her to release her passions. It has his taste and it melts in her mouth, and even in her brain. ...Hehehe, it's like an opium addict.

"Hehehe, that's also a part of the fun..."

The girl smirks seductively and smiles lasciviously. If being consumed by him is the result, then it is her desire.

(Well then, because I have no more patience left, so I'm going to do the ninth venting today...)

"Excuse me, miss."


As soon as Tsuru calls out to her, she tightens her face and hurriedly puts away the pouch. At the same time, she moves her hand, which had reached her lower abdomen, to the side. It is a rather slovenly appearance, but it is still better than the sight of her comforting herself.

Then, the shoji (sliding door) is opened and she turns her gaze in that direction. Because she is annoyed that her enjoyment has been interrupted, she puffs out her cheeks.

"What is it, Tsuru? I'm bored right now..."

In a slumped position, she looks at Tsuru and says something rude to her. But she doesn't care. It's better to do this to disguise her discomfort with the action she was about to take. A perfect alibi, right?


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