Mob Yandere

Chapter v11-epilogue-2

[Part 1/6]

There's no way a half-hearted monster who doesn't resist or strive can survive power struggles. Once such a person steps down from the stage, their life won't last long. Considering their origins, there won't be many who will defend or protect them.

"It was a close call with that girl (the mother?). If I had left her alone, she would have definitely become Yakitori. Or maybe he (the new leader of tengu?) would have made a move before that? That would have been the worst. It's a shame to ruin the piece I carefully crafted."

The ghost chuckled, reminiscing about the distant past. Shinobu felt the content was too heavy for the light tone in which it was spoken. This person's sense of things is off.

"Well, that's how it is. I explained that to the bird (the tengu) when I banished them to the mountain and sent it back home. They understood it solemnly. And I was convinced that my decision was correct."

Rather than being framed, losing an arm, or having loved ones taken away, it's better to being content with the peace, safety, and stability of the person you love... but that's not enough. Such a humble way of being won't survive. It will only lead to more pain. It's right to keep such a woman away.

Yes. For the sake of that cunning yet naive young man himself...

"Well, Minister. As per the current report, the situation requires urgent attention. We should act quickly and take the initiative."

"It can't be helped. Prepare to write a letter. If we don't propose canceling the extermination to the team... Ah, it's truly frustrating!"

The ghost nods. Using his position as an assistant, he pushes the responsibility onto Princess Daughter Miyataka and quickly leaves to get stationery. Ignoring the complaints and curses from behind, he shrugs his shoulders.

(Quite aggressive, huh... He seems really worked up. It was more potent than I imagined.)

He left before things got out of control. He doesn't think he'll act recklessly, but... it's better to be cautious considering that reaction.

(Masking it as an explanation to everyone. I also need to retrieve Kouka-kun (the fox) and the others. Well, I did say it's better not to get involved.)

Perhaps the serpent will survive too, and the Tengu may submit. He doubt that serpent will respond to their request, but regardless of their intentions, he can guide them. This incident may not be a big loss for then, but the fish they let slip away could be significant.

"Well, there's no point in dwelling on the past. Anyway..."

It's quite troublesome to be drawn to those "people" again... the ghost felt a great deal of pity towards a man who could be considered a part of his own family in a sense.

* * *

Sleep does not last forever. Dreams eventually come to an end. The real issue is what awaits me after I wake up from the dream.

"Oh, you're awake?"


Her gazes meet mine as she peer down. Still not fully awake, I stare at the other person with my mouth slightly agape.

"Hey. Are you fully awake now? Can you understand this? How many are there?"

"Uh, um... let's see. Um... two?"

My sluggish response seemed to irritate her, and she forcibly made me sit up. White fingers spread out before my eyes. I saw a blurry peace sign and, though my mind was still foggy, I managed to answer as instructed by the voice.

"Good. What finger is this?"


"And this?"

"...A circle?"

"Very good, and this?"

"A finger in a circle... wait, what the hell are you doing?"

As my consciousness became clearer, I instinctively retorted. I recognized the woman Tengu smirking and making crude gestures in front of me, and I was utterly exasperated. Wait a minute. Tengu?

"What do you remember?"

"What do I remember? Wait... where is this? Who are you?"

With the Tengu's question, I focused on grasping the situation. The luxurious room I found myself in seemed familiar. The one-winged Tengu before me also seemed familiar. But I couldn't make sense of anything. Everything was unclear....

"!!? You, could it be...!!?"

The most vivid and recent memory I had was of the scene where our envoy was ambushed. And the sight of the head of the Kakitsugi family exploding...!!

"You, are you...!!?"

I reached out to grab a weapon, but there were none in sight. Instead, all I felt was muscle pain throughout my body, and I clicked my tongue in frustration. I glared at the woman Tengu, who responded with a casual glance.

"Damn it, don’t underestimate me!!? With body strengthening... 'Middle Counselor'!!? Gah!!?"

I tried to counter with body enhancement despite the pain, but the words that came out made my resolve waver. Seizing that moment of hesitation, she pinned me down.

"Darn it...!!"

"Hey, don't do anything stupid, okay? Do you want to start a fire?"

The final trump card, transforming into a youkai, was stopped before it could happen because ropes wrapped around my entire body like worms. My spiritual power, youkai power, and even divine power were being hindered...

"Damn it...!!"

"I wish you wouldn't get so confrontational, you know? It's not like we're planning to get violent here. Aren't we comrades who have been through thick and thin together?"


Confused by her incomprehensible remarks, I stared back, thinking it might be a psychological tactic. The Tengu woman chuckled at my reaction and shrugged her shoulders. Calmly, she turned her back and took something out from behind.

"Well, calm down. Here, have a drink. It's still a bit mild, but... it's not bad at all, you know?"

She poured golden liquid from a bottle into a bowl. The aroma, a mix of sweetness and sourness, filled the room. She held out the bowl in front of me. Is this... honey wine?

"It's Anma's honey-infused snake pickled in sake."

"What in the world is that?"

I was even more confused by Tengu’s explanation. How did she come up with such a thing? And why offer it to me? It's too suspicious. What is she planning...?

"It's all thanks to you. The person who made the greatest contribution should be the first to drink."

"Who would drink the alcohol offered by a monster?"

It's an absolute rule not to eat or drink what youkai offer. I never know what might be in it. With a nostalgic and lonely gaze, the Tengu spoke to me. It's incomprehensible.

"Well, that's a shame. You rarely get to drink such good stuff, you know. You've missed out big time."

"Unfortunately, I have a source for top-quality goods. Much safer and better than that."

The female tengu who doesn't hold back, tasting and drinking the sake in the bowl, then spitting it out. It's not pretending to be tough. In reality, a random Nanban girl from somewhere often give rare and famous sake as gifts regularly. ...Although that wolf girl often sneaks a sip.

"You monkeys make quite a drink. But I can't imagine anything better than this sacred sake... Phew! Ah, so strong!!"

Rather than mocking my words, the Tengu responded with surprise and drank the sake. After drinking, she exhaled loudly. It must be quite strong. The exhaled breath was filled with the scent of alcohol comparable to that of an Oni.

"...What do you plan to do with me? Boil me, roast me, and eat me?"

"Hahaha! So, is this sake a seasoning then? Don't worry. I don't intend to eat you. We don't have any tasty human cooking methods in our village, you know?"

"You're joking... What kind of conversation is this!?"

It was truly a ridiculous conversation. A conversation with unclear intentions. What on earth is happening... Could it be that I'm a hostage? No, there is the Middle Counselor, I shouldn't be valuable enough as a hostage. What is this Tengu woman's aim!?

"My aim isn't that grand, you know? What if I'm just conversing with you to honor our agreement?"


"Yes. Agreement."

Then the female Tengu rolled up her sleeve. Glancing at the tattoo-like pattern on her white skin, she looked at me again.

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