Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 1 Reincarnation.

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


Beep! Brrrr!


Amidst the loud honk of several cars that continuously pass by, the man waiting on the headlight is not one bit concerned or even cares at all, because of the box in his hand, the thing that he wait all month for.


“Hmm…I wonder if I should do a custom build for this? But! This is a rare metal structure Sazabi after all, I guess a normal one will do! Ahh, it would look cool as hell posing them fighting with the Nu Gundam…” The man continues to dream of displaying the piece in his arm next to the figure he painstakingly built.


“Month of waiting is finally over! I have no work tomorrow too! Ah, I should-” 




The ringing of a cell phone, the vibration was from his pocket, the man quickly stopped going to his dreamland as he picked up the phone and looked at who called him, it was his nephew, he quickly picked up the old thing, and answered his nephew.


“What’s going on, Kenny! You never really called me back before you know? Or is your money run out?” He greeted his sole Nephew with love, as he was the one who raised the boy since he was nothing but a baby.


“Nothing much, just want to ask about some question I got. It's right up in your area so can you come over?” Said his nephew.


“Hm? Sure sure, I can go there right now, gotta call taxi first though, but man, today sure is raining a lot don’t ya- and he hung up.” His brow raises at the antic of his nephew. Kenny who is normally a very cute child is now in his rebellious phase, well, he has been in it for quite a while now that he is in college.


“Hm, guess I should buy something to cheer him up, a lot going on the kid's mind after all.” His nephew has finally got himself a girlfriend, an act the man is very proud of because even he can’t get a girlfriend after all and is very much a virgin right now.


“Well, finding a girl with a hobby similar to mind is quite hard…guess I should use that app my college mentioned…” taking out another phone, this time, it was a smartphone, he open up the love-finding app that his college recommended to him.


Yohan Agnes / male / 27 / programmer at—--/ hobby Game, Gunpla, Gundam, anime. / 


Then slap a picture of him at the beach, though he didn’t have a nice six-pack or something, he was still quite well built, at least for someone who didn’t take care of his own health.


Just as he was putting his phone away, Yohan look up, only to see a fricking massive truck heading straight toward him. 




That was the only thought he could get out before everything faded black.


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


Dub tud dub tud dub tud…


A steady rhyme that continuously rang in the ear, a familiar sound of a hearty beating heart, though it was faint and distant. Every second, something continuously rings in my mind. Telling me, to wake up.


But…the eyelid that blinded me was heavy, I couldn’t open them at all, and even my body, my arm which should be strong had no strength to it, my leg which I could feel it moving a little was very much limited in its movement, all in all, I was nothing but a trap mouse right now…


What the hell?! Is what I would scream out if only I could! I got hit by that fracking massive behemoth of a truck and then woke up in this state of coma!?


I can’t even hear shit! And I feel my mouth is being forced to feed something that feels akin to milk for some reason!?


Come on, don’t do this to me! I have my Gunpla to build, my Nephew to teach, and virginity to lose! I was about to use that god-damn app too! Urgh! Somehow, I feel my bowel move and a lot of unpleasant things come out, and I can’t even control them!


I was shitting and peeing my pant and I can’t control them!!! End me! Please! I can’t live with these humiliations!


But most important of all, I can’t see my nephew in a suit at the wedding! Even though I promised big bro that I would be there and watching over him after they were gone! I can’t keep that promise if I was in this state! So wake up! Me! Wake up!


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


“Awah! Uhwa!” 


“Ngh? Hmm…what time…is this?” The woman, looking over at the phone was looking for Graon in annoyance as she looked at the time, it was 2.35 in the morning, and her baby was crying… 


Slowly, the woman got up from her chair which she had fallen asleep, and walked over to the crib where a child was crying all by her lonesome.


“There, there, baby, what’s wrong?” The woman asked in a gentle voice, knowing the baby wouldn’t understand anyway, she looked over at the diaper and found it full already, swiftly placing the baby down on the baby's wardrobe, she looked over for some diapers and fortunately or unfortunately, there was one left.


“Got to buy them again, huh…” She sighed as she took the diaper, and placed them next to the crying baby, “Alright, let mama take a look-urgh…” She quickly wiped away the unpleasant thing that stuck to her child and quickly applied a bit of baby powder before she slowly put the diaper on the child.


“Raising you is hard…so this is how it feels huh? To be a mother?” Picking up the still-crying child, the woman gently rocks her with a lullaby she heard from the past, slowly, the child's crying dies down and instead replaced with a soft snoring.


Placing the child down back at her crip, the woman stares lovingly at the sleeping child, her hand reaching for the child's little hand which instantly grabs her finger tightly.


“Sleep well, Yoha.” Said the woman, before her eyes slowly shut down from the tiredness, letting sleep overcome her and take her away to dreamland.


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


“Awubb…uhhh….” Right now…I’m in a situation that I don’t think I would ever understand…A giant was in front of me, her golden eye seemed to pierce everything along with the soft gentle blue hair, a thing that should not be natural but the color fit so well…


Her beauty draws me in, she should only be around late 20 or mid-30, but she is huge…like…bigger than my whole body which I consider myself quite tall, 179 y’know?!


What is more concerning is…My hand! My strong hand is now turned into a limping baby hand! My manly voice now turns into quite a girly baby voice and my leg which should be long and slender is now instead replaced by short and plumpy legs!


But! But! I-i thought it was only in a story!? Those trash stories about Isekai or something!? But why! Why me!? Why was I here?! Reincarnate into a baby I don’t know whether I take away her body or it actually mine!?


And you heard it right! ‘Her’! Am a fucking female! I don’t have that anymore! My proud Little brother is gone!

“Uwah! Awah!!!!!!” My distress emotion which quickly transfers to my body takes action, and that is by crying! I couldn’t control it! Ahhh! I can’t control myself at all! Damn this body! How are those trashy MCs able to control them to not even cry!?


“Hm? Something wrong, baby?” The woman, who I now think is my mother is picking me up, and opening up her breast before shoving it to my face! And my damn body that can’t control itself is sucking it! I was now forced to drink my mother's milk!


It was humiliating! Why! Why can’t you make me remember at least when I was 5 years old or something!


After a round of feeding, I managed to calm down and not cry, but then, a sudden tiredness overcame me and put me to sleep before I knew it.

Author's rant of the day!

Hello! It's a me! Jestly! I am back and now start rewriting the chapter bit by bit, you all probably see the [Old] I add to the former chapter, right? Well, I don't want all my hard work to just waste away and got delete so I will put them there as memory and if you all want to reread them then go ahead! Also, I will now shamelessly promoting my discord which is dead! So Yea! Anyone who want to joining in for some game or Anything can come and join me in here! Though my timezone is asian. So, cya in another chapter! Jestly....OUT!

Shameless Discord promotion Time!

Come join me in [Jestly's raving cave.] We got crab rave! Or so I think.

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