Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 13 The Ottoman’s couple! [OLD]

I made a mistake last chapter...there is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy and There is no February 30th! So yeah I change it, sry about that

[Gundam Nova]


February 29th, 194 I.J.C. Earth. 11:35 A.M.


“Phew…damn that was dangerous, that old man definitely knows that I'm lying.” I sighed, I could tell from his demeanor alone that he knew I was lying.


The fact that he left it be rather than pursue it said enough, he knew I hid something but chose to ignore it, which I’m really grateful for. Now then…since he leaves the room, I know that he is still waiting outside the room, just enough from the hearing range I think…


So… let's see the problem at hand for now, Yohai is still writing code and deleting it as she tries to learn more about emotion… There is nothing I can do, as for Haro? I just read about Earth's Magnetic field and…it won’t affect Haro, so that's good I think? It didn’t affect any of the electrical components…Well, the only way is to find out, I already made a copy of his data in case anything happened, and I also have that emergency transfer too, so there is nothing to lose if something goes wrong.


I quickly start Haro up, and…it takes longer than before, normally it would only take around 10 seconds but this time it took longer than 30 seconds? Well, it's not really that big of trouble.


“Haro! Hello, Yoha!” He greets me, rolling right into my arm, cute as always.


“Yeah, good morning Haro, sorry that I turned you off, I’m scared of what Earth’s magnetic field would do since you never experienced it before, But it seems I worry for nothing,” I said, patting his round metallic head. which is quite cold.


“No Worry! No Worry!” He replied, well, It seems there is no problem, I just checked his program with the smartwatch and it seems to be no problem too. Good.


“Well, then Let’s go.” Placing Haro down on the ground and taking my laptop, I walk out of the room with Haro rolling after me, I open the door, and just like I thought, Hemston is outside, waiting just outside of Hearing range.


“It seems you finished your business, and in a good time at that, We are just about to arrive.” Eh? isn’t it just about 10 minutes in there?


“The ship is quite fast…” I said, walking behind Mr. Hemston, as he looked over curiously at Haro.


“In the first place, We are not that far from The mansion. Plus Armageddon is designed to be a transport ship that prioritizes speed, with its speed and large capacity, it could be anywhere on the battlefield, resupplying the other base.”


“I see…So…are we going to the Ottoman’s Mansion?” 


“Precisely, It seems, Lady Araya has already informed you of that,” Hemston said. But his eyes soon move away from me, to Haro. “Lady Yoha, may I ask, is that the Haro you mentioned before?” 


“Yup, He an AI I created. His name is Haro, and his sister Haroni, is at Elysium Academy right now, With my friend.” Well, just speaking of Sylvy is already making me miss her, I wonder how she doing? I could FaceTime her but the distance between Mar and Earth makes it quite hard to have a proper connection so mostly it just texts…but wait…I’m on Earth right now! I could FaceTime her without the pixel breaking or voice cut off now!


Right now…She would be on break right? Right now Elysium Academy should be on its break, so I think I could contact her, but let’s do it after we get to the mansion. 


I still have a lot of time after. 


“Lady Yoha?” 


“huh? Ah, sorry I kinda doze off a lot when I’m thinking, did you say something?” I apologize to him, and he doesn’t seem to mind it.


“It is nothing important, It’s just that, Are you truly the one who created him? I apologize if I offend you, I just find it hard that a child… merely 4 is capable of such a feat.”


“Don’t worry, I don’t take offense in that. But…true…Just a normal child couldn’t have created Haro, but well, I had help, Mama is the one to wake him up, but I was the one who created him, everything from the base code to his personality. So, I’m not just an ordinary child, but I think you already know that already, I mean you been observing me the entire time together.”


The moment I said that, I saw his smile, a genuine one, one that seemed like he having fun. 


“It seems I have grown old, I can’t even escape the gaze of a child. Well, then Let us keep going, I believe we going to land in about 10 minutes.” He takes the lead, and I follow, we stay silent the entire way.


[Gundam Nova]


February 29th 194 I.C.J. Earth, New Orlean, 11:47 A.M.




I heard the sound of the jet fuel, slowly burning as it landed down softly, not causing even a shake. Hm, this is truly an amazing Ship, sadly…I heard that it could only operate on Earth, this is why it was deemed a failure.


I watch as the staff, or that is what Mr. hemston calls them, move our belongings outside, Haro is on my arm right now and my laptop is on my personal bag, I walk behind Mama as she follows Mr. Hemston, He walks swiftly and gracefully toward the Hatch, He opens them up and revealing the massive…forest? No is this a garden? Several thousand flowers, hundreds of exotic trees, and there is even local life around here!? And from afar, I could see the city…like, just the tiny bit, so we really are far away from them…


And in the distance, I saw a massive mansion…like huge, real huge…it even bigger than this ship…I think…I saw a car coming? it was really tiny but it moving fast…so fast in fact I think it was already halfway here?!


“Oho, Look at them go. It seems they really excited about meeting you huh?” Mama said, as she took my hand. and we walk together down the hatch, with Mr. hemston following closely behind as he watches me go down the Stairs.


“Our ride is already here, Come on let’s go.” Just like she said, the car is already parked in front of us, already loading…it is just halfway before, isn’t it!? 


“they…quite fast.”

“Yeah, they are like that sometimes, getting too excited…mostly it's just Mrs. Kylie though.” She said and she suddenly turned to look at me.


“what? Why are you looking at me like tha-Ah!” She suddenly picks me up! She just scooped me like it was nothing! and it is with Haro weight too! “What are you doing!?”


“Eh, just making you look cuter, I mean with a little blush on your face, it was perfect.” She said as she chuckled a little. “Now, now, don’t pout, smile for me, look they already come out.”


She touches my cheek with her fingers, making me turn to look at what she looking at, A couple coming out of a luxury car. The man has a broad shoulder, muscles that hide beneath the suit, and stern face, and a scar running down from his forehead toward his neck…from the way he walks, it seems that he lost sight of his left eye as he sways toward the left a little, maybe it to see more?


His leg is steady though, with no cane or anything to help with walking, so he is quite healthy. 


As for the woman…what do I say…She should be in her 60s but she looks 50 years old…her skin though it wrinkles a bit, is mostly smooth, gentle face with a gentle smile, and the way she walks, it was graceful but not the same way as Mr. Hemston but more like she truly a noblewoman. 


She would be considered a beauty if only she looked just a tad bit younger…but this…is more graceful.


Mama with me still in her arms, walked down toward them. Mama's mood is…good…Like she visits her old home. Which is good, Happy mama is a happy me, well, not when she teases me though.


When I was getting closer, I could see the change in the wife's facial expression. It was from shock to happiness, then sad and happy again, it all happened in just a second. I only manage to just know the surface feeling, but I don’t know what she really feels deep down.


“Welcome back, Araya. Come on, let me see that cute little child in your hand.” Her greeting ends quickly as she quickly demands me from Mama, just like a grandmother…


“Well, it nice to see you again too, but you just gonna move to my child?” She said and handed me over in an instant…Yeah, she did not even ask my opinion and just handed me over to her.


“Hello, baby. My name is Kylie, how are you?” And she even used baby talk on me too…Should I entertain her? Yeah, not like I would get a second chance…Hehehe, let’s just shock her a bit.


“Hewwo? Ho ar yu?” Yup, The baby talk! I never did it so I don’t know how that sound…I just use what my nephew in my past life used to say when he was a baby. 


“Aw…you still use Baby Talk? Such a cute little thing-”


“Actually, I can talk just fine. I just think it would be funny.” I said and watched the result unfold, her face frozen immediately, And I just watched there, in her arms, with Haro. Damn, she really strong…I think with me and Haro it should be around 20 Kilograms? I know carrying a human is easier than something that weighs equally. But damn, she was strong.


“...Oh…Wow, she really takes after you, Araya.” Mrs. Kylie turned to Mama and said that. Mama only snickers at her and turns back to talking with Mr. Stephan. “So, what is your name?” She asks me, albeit not in the baby-talk voice.


“My name is Yoha Or Yoha Milas Revory, and this guy here is Haro, Haro said hello.” 


“Hello! Hello!” Haro said hello, and I could see the shock on her face.


“This one talk? I thought it was a plushie or something. Nice to meet you too, Haro.” Mrs. Kylie said, in a very grandmotherly way as she pats Haro with her other arm.


“Um…can I get down now?” I ask and for some reason, no for a very good reason, I think she going to say no.


“No, dear. Let me hold you a little longer.” Yup…Just like I thought. I’m really popular with older women…well, that's because I’m cute, hehe. “How are you doing, Is the trip to Earth too harsh? And how was your life in Siga-2? It's not too hard, right?”


“No, it wasn’t really that harsh, it was quite comfortable in fact, and living On Siga-2 has been fun too, I have a friend too, and she is studying at Elysium Academy right now, so I can meet her again in June.” 


“I see, well, let's just make the best of our time on Earth, right? Oh, it seems they finished talking.” She turns around to face the approaching man, his stern face…is quite intimidating.

He stood there, silently observing me. and I too, also observing him. His facial expression stays the same, not twitching, not moving but his eye…it…calculating. The kind of eye I hate the most…


“Heh…I see that you hate my eyes.”


“Yeah…It the kind of eyes that mean you up to no good.” I said honestly, and he stayed silent, only to have the biggest smirk ever.


“This little girl is good, Araya. She has potential. AHAHA!” he laughed out loud as he roughly patted my head. It's not that hurt but still annoying.


“I told you so. She is my daughter after all.” Mama came in, took me away, and put me down on the ground, finally! 


I stretch my legs a bit and put Haro down, My arm is starting to feel tired after holding him up for so long. “Well, since the interview is still a week away, we could take our sweet time anyway. So let’s us go settle in the house first, I think Yoha needs a break too.”


Mama said and the two of them agreed, which led me to get picked up by Mrs. Kylie again… I am not amused…She picks me up and gets into the car, making me sit on her lap with Haro…What with people in this world, carrying a 20 kg weight with ease?


Mama is sitting next to my right and Mr Stephan is sitting on my left…with Mrs. Kylie in the Middle. When the car starts, the question also starts.


“so yoha, What do you like, dear?” Mrs. Kylie asks. 


“Coding, Mobile suit, and Pudding. If I have these 3 things, then I’m already satisfied.” I said. The 3 favorite things in my life, of course, are hobbies, not people. So I won’t be counting Yohai, Mama, Haro, and Sylvy in this.


“I see, I see. Pudding, right? let’s try some next time, okay? You never tried one from Heinesse, right?” 


“Heinesse? I don’t know…I never heard of it before.” That is a new brand…


“It is the name of the restaurant here, The pastry chef there is the best in the town.” She said and used her phone to show me a picture…of a beautiful pudding…The soft cream…the shining caramel on top and the dazzle of chocolate…It was beautiful!


I want to try it! What's more, there are many desserts too, but Pudding is still the best! 


“It seems she is excited.” 


“Sweet thing huh? I never really got into them before.”

Mama said something that I didn’t quite catch as I was too busy looking over all this deliciousness! 


Cake, cookies, biscuits, crepe, and even fried sweet!? There are all types of sweets in there! Hehe…hehehe…Just how would they taste how would the pudding taste!

Another one! I don't think the next few days will have any chapter, I'm having an Exam rn so it will be a bit busy, but if I can manage I will upload it.

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