Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 17 ‘Yoha’ Last Birthday. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


May 10th, I.J.C. 194, Earth, New Orleans.


“I see, How is the new program I sent? It should work with HaroNii, right?”

“Yup! She responds much faster and can process some really complex things!” Sylvy replied, I watched her rolling around in bed, though I could see the image of her fizzing out sometimes, I used Haro’s hologram to talk to her, by using my laptop that connects with Haro, I could video call her while letting Haro generate the picture as a hologram for me.


“I see, I will take a look at her once we meet in June. Is there anything you want from Earth?” Sylvy took a bit of time to think, pointing the finger through the phone while mumbling about what she wanted, it was quite cute, really.


“There really is nothing I want…papa can get me anything…AH! I want snacks!”


“You could get that on the colony, right? If I remember correctly, you could get that on a commercial side, plus your chef should be able to make anything you can imagine.”


“But I want something from you! I want snacks from Yoha!” She whines, rolling around as she flaps her leg in protest. 


“I get it, I get it…How about we make cookies together? Once I’m there we could search for some simple recipes and try to make them.”


“Really!? You promise, right?” She asks.


“Yup, when have I ever broken the promise?”


“First you promised to come visit me a month ago, You promised to send me HaroNii’s upgrade since year ago but you just did cause I reminded you, then-”


“Ok, OK! I get it, I promise that I won’t break it this time.”


“Ok, I will set a reminder for June 1st, And I already recorded this conversation so you can’t back out!” She said, giving me a pout that soon turned into a smile. “I hope June comes fast, right?”


I smile, “Yeah, Just 20 more days till we meet in person, kinda sucks that you can’t leave the campus ground though.” Sylvy isn’t allowed to leave the campus because her entire family is there, If the family decides not to leave, she can’t leave either.


“Once I’m there you going to be 2nd year. So I’m going to be in your care, Senpai.” 

Sylvy tilts her little head, “What does Senpai mean?” Well, she asked the obvious question…now that I think about it, why did I say that? Ugh…thinking about it make me feel kinda cringe…


“It's a Japanese word for Senior since I’m going to be a 1st year and you’re 2nd year. You older than me.” I explained it to her and she thought about it. For a long time too. Then, her face turned to a grin, which I don’t have a good feeling about. 


“I like it, from now on you must refer to me like that!” I hit the nail in the coffin, strength up digging my own grave…


“No, It's embarrassing so I won’t do it.” I flat-out and reject her. And she isn’t happy about it.

“Nope, I want you to call me that! Or do you want me to list the promise you broke?”


Uhg….“Why do you have to do me like that…” I dug my own grave and I can’t get out. Sylvy glared at me with her cute pouting face too, puffing her cheek and all…  “Fine! I will call you that, but only once! Just once! No more bargaining! It's a one-time deal, take it or leave it!”


“Sure, I will take it.” She said without hesitation. 


“...I’m going to make you regret this.” Taking in a deep breath, I look toward the camera. “Please take care of me, Sylvy Senpai.”


“Eeekkk! Seeing the normally cool Yoha acting cute like this is so precious! I must send this to Ms. Araya!” 


“W-wait! Anything but that!”


“Too late! I already sent it.” before I could even stop her, she had gone and done it! Urg! This girl! 


“Urg! That it! Today's call is over! I’m going to bed now!” I quickly closed the call while Sylvy just continued laughing at me. I think...she going to bring this up every chance she gets.


I plop down on the bed, rolling around as I scream into the pillow. Letting out all my embarrassment-


“AHAHAHA!” And the loud laugh of Mr.Stephan doesn’t help! I heard that laugh from miles away! ARGH!!! I swear I’m going to make her regret this one day!


[Gundam Nova]


May 15th, I.J.C 194, Earth, New Orleans. 10:35 A.M.

Today is my birthday, my 5th birthday, 5 years since I was reborn in this world…It feels… surreal. At first, I couldn’t believe that I of all people would get reincarnated, I mean, there should be a dozen more people who should get reincarnated than me but that does not matter. 


I don’t care about that, after all, things happen and you can’t control it. But what you can control is the way you live your life.


A life full of regret, no regret, or even a happy life. Everything can happen. And like now, I’m living a very happy life! 


“Looking at you, all dressed up just for a birthday party.” I heard Mr.Stephan say, as he looked over at Mrs.Kylie. Right now, I and Mrs.Kylie are getting dressed up, reason? Well, it has something to do with announcing my presence to the world, or something similar to that.


Remember how I got ignored during the test? Most of the kids there are mostly from Families of tycoons, big people with influence, basically, I going to be adopted into the Ottoman House. 


This is the deal my mother made with Mr.Stephan, I would get adopted into the Ottoman House and inherit the house so Earth wouldn’t function without it, After all, once the Ottoman couple passes there will need to be a new one to replace, but would the new powerhouse be as capable as them? 


That way, as a deal, Mama put me in their protection but also put me at risk, I would be trained under their guidance, which would paint me as a target for those who want the power of the Ottoman.


But If I manage to survive long enough then, I will inherit the position and the name. Gaining power, even though I don’t really like it. Still, I can hand it over to someone I deem good enough. It was one of the reasons why the Ottomans were so ready to accept me. 


They will move with me to Elysium’s Colony while Mama stays on Earth, she said it was maintaining the household. I don’t like the fact that The Ottman Couple would go with me but not Mama.


Honestly? This deal isn’t half bad, other than putting a target on my back I would receive full support from the Ottomans too, But can I really handle the responsibility? That was on my mind the moment I learned about this deal, which was just 2 days ago. 


And it was sudden too, it goes like this. Yoha, you going to inherit the house in the future, from Mr.Stephan. Then I go like this, Huh? 


I think I Froze for about a minute there before I could think again. But anyway, what happened will happen. I just accept it as a part of my life. It's not like I need to stick to it either, If I really want to, I can just pass it to someone I deem good enough.

“Young miss, please stop moving around.” 


“Ah, sorry, I was thinking about something.” Apologizing to the maid who doing my makeup, I stop shifting around. So let’s talk about something else, like my dress, or the absolute state of panic in the mansion right now? 


So…My birthday preparation was…a disaster? The Ottoman started sending out the invitation just yesterday, so when I woke up today…at 5 A.M. at that, I was dragged to eat breakfast, bathe, and fit the dress then get makeup done…


I was half-conscious the entire time. Just nodding to everything they say and listening to one ear and out the other. Mr.hemston is the only one who notices it but chooses to remain silent. 


Well, as tiring as it is, I kind of understand it, they have an image to keep, but the fact that day sent the invitation just one day before is already a bad image. 


“We finish, Young miss, you can move now.” The maid said, and I started blinking, Damn the thick makeup is making my face feel very stiff.


“Thank you,” I said to her, and she was very happy. 


“Now, since you finished with the makeup, It's time to show your face.” Mr.Stephan said as he took Mrs.Kylie’s hand.


“Hm? But what about Mama?” I ask, I didn’t see her since the morning.


“She won’t be attending, The star of today is you. Just focus on that.” He dismisses it quickly, suspicious…”Don’t worry about it.” He pats my head roughly which almost ruins the hair that all the maids painstakingly prepare.


The maid quickly set it back.


“Now, remember what Hemston taught you yesterday. Just act naturally. Don’t leave our side.” He said as we walked through the hall, listing the things I needed to do, greeting guests, always having a happy face on, and not wandering around. the only good thing is there is no dance like those cliche balls. 


I just need to appear happy, greet the guest, and don’t be rude. Just a simple thing. 


We arrive at the end of the hallway, this door is the one that separates me from the world of Noble, once I enter I would get painted as a target, while also receiving support from these two. 


“I take a deep breath, as I watch the two figures in front of me, my future mentors, the two of them walk confidently through the door. And I follow after them. 

The grand ballroom was decorated so grandly that I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Golden chandelier, red carpet, and white table, hundreds of guests, more than I expect…The influence of the Ottomans is really terrifying, even with that sudden invitation.


I walked with the two, my steps were a bit faster so I was in the front, while the Ottoman couple stayed a bit behind me, This debut is for me so I must stand out. 


Several gazes were put on me in an instance, and it was honestly uncomfortable, most of them were just observing, but I could feel it, someone was calculating, my worth if investing in me would be a good idea, the kind of gaze I hate the most because that person doesn’t see any human, they just see a doll that worth their time or not.


My eyes scan through every possible person in the room, kids my age, older or even younger. Adults in suits and dresses, my eyes mostly focus on the adults I notice right away the moment I met gaze with some of them, that those people were calculating, or observing. 


They did not break away from my gaze, I even saw some old folk that really liked it…


Once I reach the end of the stairs, I wait silently for the Ottoman couple. Whose are a step behind me.


“Thank you to all of you who were able to show up even with the sudden invitation, Today I would like to introduce you all to the heir of our Household.” he pats my back, indicating my turn to shine.


“Hello, Everyone. I thank you all for coming to my birthday. My name is Yoha Milas Revory. I hope to make acquaintance with all of you.” 


I bow down, pulling my skirt up as Mr.Hemston taught me, and when I start hearing the sound of clap, I get my head up. To see all the adults clapping for me, some of the kid does but most just stare at the food.


Then I start Autopiloting, listening to Mr. Stephan's speech while keeping a happy poker face, one ear in out the other as I greet people, I won’t remember them for sure, if I really need a reminder then Haro could be the one to remind me. 


Even Sylvy doesn’t remember the kids that her father introduced to her. But well, there are some that leave me an impression. 


Do you remember the girl who came out after me in the test and gave me the stinge eyes? Yeah, I see that girl today too, Such a coincidence right? What more? She is in front of me right now. 


“Greetings, My name is Sebas McMellow, And this is my daughter Alfina McMellow.” Mr.Sebas greeted me while pushing his daughter up front…His Daughter, Alfina…is having quite the face right now.


“M-my name is Alfina McMellow. Please to meet you.” She forcibly gave me her name, her face was a mix between Happy and anger…The happy is probably a fake one. 


“It's nice to meet you too, Lady Alfina.” And like now, I feel like laughing but I need to contain it…


“My son couldn’t make it, but as you going to enroll in Elysium, I’m sure that you will meet him eventually.” He said and then turned his attention to Mr.Stephan and began talking while the wife was talking to Mrs.Kylie. 


That leaves me with such an awkward atmosphere, staring at Alfina…Right, so What should I do here? Alfina Seria McMellow. Her last name is McMellow…My favorite Pudding is from the McMellow Palate. 


I’m their regular customer, Y’know. It was partially almost every 3 days since I came to Earth. I just stand there awkwardly, as Alfina too, just stand there…


Right…Just let’s by gone be by gone. The past is the past. So let’s start a conversation. “Lady Alfina, do you have a favorite snack?” Since She is from a house that mostly sells food through the universe, I think it would be a good conversation starter.


“E-eh? Ah, um My favorite is… shortcake.” 

“Shortcake, Huh? My favorite is actually Pudding, I love the pudding that your company makes, it is very delicious.” I praised her company and I could see her eyes light up, which is a good sign.


“I-I see, Our Company is very strict about the process of making the food and snacks, so…” And she started to talk, like a lot, I just listened silently, nodding and agreeing to the words she said. 


“That's why our company can rise to the top of Earth’s conglomerate.” as she finishes rumbling I turn my Auto Pilot off and nod at her. It seems she is really proud of her father's company. 


“I see, You must be proud of your father’s company, seeing as you learn so much about it, I think it admirable,” I said and I could see her face flush, we talked for about a few minutes more before they excused themselves and let the other come greeting.


The party continued with me greeting everyone until the afternoon when I was finally allowed to get some food. I took a plate of steak and settled down on the table near the Ottman couple, who were talking to each other like it was nothing. 


Once I settled down I slowly dug into the steak, careful not to appear clumsy, the steak was juicy, truly as expected of the chef that able to increase my weight, I gained 5 kilos after coming here.


“Excuse me, May I sit here?” A voice from the left, male, but his voice is soft, a kid. I turn around only to see a handsome boy, eyes shining like jade, with smooth black hair. 


“...Yes, I have no problem with it,” I answer and then focus back on my food, The boy thanks me and then sits next to me, which is a bit too close for my comfort but I decide to ignore it. 


Hm…His name is…? I think he is one of the boys who greeted me today. Let me jog my memory a bit…Ah! Samuel! That’s right! Samuel Doran. I think his house is related to some Military? Glancing back a bit I saw someone with similar hair to the boy next to me, talking with Mr.Stephan and his group.


“So, lady Yoha is going to enroll in Elysium Academy next June, Right? We going to be classmates.”


“Ah, yes. Please take care of me.” I answer him quickly and then finish my steak, and wipe my mouth with a handkerchief. 


“...right, do you have any interest in Art?” what a persistent boy, doesn’t he know that I’m trying to ignore him?!


“I don’t particularly interest in Art,” I said, and as I was about to get up I felt a tug on my dress. The boy stops me from leaving…It's kinda annoying when people don’t know how to stop. Is it an order from his father? From what I observe so far, I feel like his father is some kind of ass-kisser, but honestly? Everyone is an ass-kisser at some point.


“My lady…Do you have an interest in Music?” His voice is…low, in a threatening sort of way, like trying to intimidate me. But wow does he suck at it.

“My apology, but I don’t have interest in that either, also, Could you let go of my dress, People are watching,” I said softly, directing him to the stare of people. It would not look good on him, to pester a lady even though he got rejected.


I watch as he slowly releases my dress and with a red face, excuses himself. Good riddance. I walk toward the table with a drink, while ignoring the stare I get. I take the grape juice and drink it to refresh my plate. 


Then, several children started approaching me and starting a conversation, as I was the star of tonight and the heir to the Ottoman, people would want to form a connection with me. 


Most of them are just trying to impress me with their Art or Music knowledge, but I don’t really care about those. But some are really creative. I like someone with imagination, when one of the kids talks to me about the trees I actually start to take interest in it. 


His name is Aldore Pensenty, he is a year younger than me, and his house is quite a new one. A researcher who gained fame from his research could force the tree to release more oxygen and take more carbon monoxide while reducing their oxygen intake at night. 


His research was able to make the Colony have more trees. It may not sound like much but with more Oxygen from trees means less artifactual Oxygen. Which is bad for health if you take in too much. 


I listen to this kid rumble about it with interest, which prompts the other to start trying to think of an interesting topic. Which finally got me to start to show interest in them.


Sera Ronald, her house is one of the militaries and she likes to talk about Energy Relate thing. She a year older than me. 


Rey Mikael, His house is one of the militaries too, he likes to talk about Mobile Suit, A subject I’m very interested in. He is also one year older than me.


And lastly, Micheal Juda Kremal is a kid I’m particularly interested in. his father is a professor at Elysium Academy, Professor Hans Kremal. And what does he teach? Coding, I want to learn from him, and this kid…I guess he takes after his father as he also starts a conversation with me by using Coding, Which is my Main interest aside from Mobile Suit.


So that's it, I got 3 talk mates if we don’t count Alfina who is too shy to try to get into the conversation. I exchange contacts with them, which makes them very happy. 


With us continuing our talk, time soon passed and the party came to an end before I knew it. Mama didn’t appear once, but that's ok, because? After everyone goes away, I take off my makeup and the stuffy dress. 


I was quickly changed into a comfortable hoodie, I was about to lay in bed when all of a sudden, Mama appeared in my room!


“Mama! Where did you go all morning?!” Quickly rushing to hug her, I receive a soft head pat in return.


“I was preparing your gift, Baby. Let’s go see it shall we?” She quickly swooped me up in her arms, before I could even protest, and before I knew it I was sitting in a car, riding to the city.


“Ne, What kind of gift are you preparing for me?” I couldn’t contain my curiosity, and ask her.


“You know it's a secret, just sleep for now.” She said as she plopped me down on her lap, and started slowly caressing my head, it made me…feel so relaxed…Soon, before I knew it. I was already asleep.


[Gundam Nova]

May 15th, I.J.C 194, Earth, New Orleans. 8:54 P.M.


The low sound of waves, slowly and slowly hitting the surface, was a familiar sound, the memory that I remember to my core is beginning to surface up to me, I feel like, if I open my eyes I would see a whale…So I slowly open it. And just like I thought…a slow wave that made me feel calm, the blue color that took away my unease. And the soft hand that slowly caresses my head.




“Yes, Baby?” She response. The soft caress never stops. 


“Thank you…I like the gift…” I said and she just chuckled.


“This is just one part of it, don’t you feel something different? Like something weighing down your neck?” 


My neck? I slowly got up and touched my neck, I felt some kind of string there, a chain? I lift the chain up, and see…a bird? Is it missing its wing? When I was about to ask Mama, she took the necklace up in her hand gently and then pulled out the necklace of her own, this time it was the Missing wing of the bird. 


With a click, she connects the two of them, making the necklace into the shape of a flying bird. 


“Yoha, No matter how far we are apart, as long as you wear that necklace, we will always be with each other,” She dismembered it again and took the wing away, warning them herself. “Since I won’t be able to see My baby for a long time, I prepare this. Do you like it?”


Do I like it? “I love it! Thank you, Mama!”  I jumped at her and took her into a hug which she just chuckled. 


“Right! There is one more thing.” with that she took out a box and handed it to me. “Open it. I’m sure you will like this.”


I nod at her and quickly open it up, and to my surprise, it was a pudding. It doesn’t look amazing or anything, the shape is weird, the caramel on top is a bit burned and it was about to melt too.


“I tried making them but it didn’t turn out great, if you want I can go buy one of those spe-”


“No! I love it! Thank you for the food!” I quickly took a bite before Mama could say anything more, and it was too sweet like I was eating a gallon of sugar, the pudding was hard and the caramel was bitter and salty, but I ate it all, I gulped down every bit of it.


Mama just watched me, as she slowly caressed my back. 


The pudding wasn’t delicious, but it made me happy, very happy…I finish it in a second and Mama just starts laughing.


We then talk about a lot of things, while watching the sea from the New Orca Zoo. Riding the submarine while watching fish, talk about things as we normally would. But for some reason, I feel more tired than usual… I feel like I couldn’t keep my eyes open. 


I feel…Sleepy…


“Sleep well, Yoha. And Goodbye.” A mumble which I don’t understand…but I did hear the last word…goodbye. But I couldn’t ask her what she meant, All I knew was that I was very tired…

4k words...I'm tired. I have been writing this chap since 6 PM and it is 4 am my time! Damn, I should start taking a bit of a break. see you the next day guy! Thank you for reading my rant bit!

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