Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 21 Night and Nightmare. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


January  1st, I.J.C 195, Elysium’s Colony, Dormitory. Klara’s POV


“Happy New Year, big sis!” A loud cry from the bunch of children rang throughout my dorm, I quickly turned down the volume. 


“Don’t be so loud, all of you. Anyway, do you need anything? I don’t know if I can return to Metallica but I think I could ship some over there.” I said to them, watching as the kids argued among themselves, I could hear Mother Clair trying to calm them down. 


“Don’t argue or I won’t send any candy over,” I said, and they all shut their mouths in an instant. Well, they're just a bunch of kids, after all.


“Sorry about them, they just miss you.” Mother Chair quickly took the phone away from the kids, “How are you doing dear? It's not too hard over there, right?”


“What nonsense are you talking about? I'm fine! My grades are also fine, So there is nothing for you to worry about.” I said though I felt my smile strain a bit talking about my grade.


2nd place overall… is still in the range of my scholarship. It passed by 30, and I just needed to be in the top 30…but it didn't satisfy me at all, that girl is still getting first place overall, even in physics! Just a few months and her body is already stronger than mine!


I study my ass off and to what? Just to get 2nd place overall? The difference in our score is overwhelming too. At least in the exams, she always finishes first and gets all the questions right…


While I was struggling with these…


“Is there something you want to talk about, Klara?” Mother Clair, the woman who took me and several others in after the war…no, it was the ‘Revolution’ that what father said before he died.


The gently older woman always has a way to know what she is feeling.


“It's nothing much…I'm just frustrated… that's all.”


“Really? Tell me about it.”


“There is this girl…she has always been above me since the start of the academy, even though I ranked first in the entrance exam but since it started I only came second…It…frustrating.” Mother Clair nodded and waited for me to continue.


“I…hate her, I hate her so much that I always instinctively look at her and find fault with it. Her smile is fake, her demeanor is fake, the way she conducts herself and everything down to her laugh…it's fake. It's like…she isn’t a child, but all those adults who always ruin everything….”


“I see, I see…pray tell me, my dear, why did you always look at her?”


…I don’t know…why? Why did I always look at her? 


“I don’t know, Mother,” I answered her honestly, “I don’t know why I’m looking at her, It’s…making me confused…Why was I so interested in her? I don’t really know anymore. Do you have an answer to that, Mother?” 


I ask her, watching the phone intensely as Mother finds the answer. “It looks to me like you want to be her friend.”


“Hah? What kind of story did you get from that? Me, being friends with her? That's impossible, you know I don’t like adults like that and she is acting like one.” I said, and for some reason, Mother Clair just chuckled at me.


“Dear, oh dear…Did you think that if you were not interested in someone you would notice everything? Indeed, you do not like the Adults like that, and I can understand that. But this girl you’re talking about is just a child, isn’t it? And she acts like an adult you don’t like, you could have simply ignored her but instead, you decided to put your focus on her.” 


“Why don’t you try talking to her?” 


“It's impossible,” I answered her flatly. “That girl always has her goon with her, putting up a wall that nobody could approach, she only approaches someone she wants to use, why I know? Because the goons that are with her are not even her friends, just the entourage she has to use as a connection.”


“She put up a wall at that age? My my, what a poor girl…” Mother Clair said, “A girl her age putting up a wall is not normal, Just like you were when I first met you.” 


I fell silent at that…my first time Meeting Mother Clair, huh? It wasn’t the best…I think I bit her arm to the point that it was bleeding.


“Well, I can’t say much as I never met this girl myself, but I trust that you would make the right choice. Well, I won’t bother you anymore, study hard and rest well, you don’t have to worry about us.”


“OK, goodbye, Mother.”


“Goodbye, Child.” We said goodbye to each other and I put my phone down. Watching the ceiling and replaying the words of Mother Clair. 


“A child like me…who put up a wall around herself and others…” That girl, what did she hide inside that wall of her? Whatever it is…it’s not my concern.


Putting the phone away, I turn off the light and drift off into the dream world.


[Gundam Nova]




“Ha! ha….Bad dream…? God…Haro, fetch me some water.” I wait and wait but nothing happens and I don’t even hear the sound of Haro moving. “Haro?” I looked up from my bed, everything seemed normal, it was my room, the PC which Yohai was calculating code was still running and Haro was there. But he…charging? Right… I put him in charge before I went to sleep.


“Ha…Water…No water here?” Great, now I need to walk a mile just to get some water from the kitchen. But god damn does my throat hurt…What time is it…1:35 in the A.M. Huh, this late? 


Getting out of bed I open the door only to see the endless darkness that was in the hallway…Weird, they normally have some light on all the time. Taking out my phone I turn on the light and walk out the door.




“Brrr ... .What the? Who leaves the window open?” looking over to the side I watch as the cold wind rustles the curtain…Wait…wind? That’s weird…the hallway doesn’t have any windows, only a glass wall…How did the wind get in?




Again…The wind blows again, but it comes from behind me. I turn around, only to see the familiar sight, the grass that blows against the winds, the tree that sways lightly with a shade that blocks off the light…The familiar table…the familiar hair…the shade of blue that flows down to her waist. 


She looked toward me, flashing the same smile I saw that year, but…why…why can’t I seem to remember her eyes? Why is it blank in my head? Is her eyes the same as mine? Red? Blue? Black? Why? Why? Why? The most important aspect of Humans is the eyes, and I can’t remember it.


“Yoha?” she speaks, The voice…it was the same calm and sweet voice I always heard…but it’s also not the same…”What’s wrong, Baby?” There’s something…that I can’t tell…her voice was distorted, like an error in a game or video…


“Why dIddd yo Jus Stannnding Theeere…?” just when I noticed the voice was off, it had just gone full-blown on it.”


“What are you?” I utter, looking as the thing in front of me starts to distort, glitching, artifacting like a computer overheating. 


“Vaaaat duuu yuuu mmeeannnnn?” It started moving, jumping off the table before I could even react. It jumps straight at me, and with a power I never knew I had, I sprint off into the dark hallway without even thinking. 


I run at full speed, into the dark hallway without looking back, I run past hundreds of candles, being unlit as I speed past them, but somehow, the candlelight doesn’t even light up this hallway.


I could hear it, the footsteps of that ever-closing monster. I run and run. Sweatdrop down to my eyes stinging them beyond anything I ever feel, the pain I feel in my legs as I run through the hard consent barefoot. I feel tired, so tired that I could drop down anytime now.


“WWWWhyyyy aeeee yyy RuuuuuuuninnNNNN?!” 


“Shut up!” I scream at the voice behind me, without looking back, this is just a bad dream, I know this is just a bad dream- Ah…




It’s…hurt…I trip- “Ahhhh! Shit!” The monster grabbed me hard, and I couldn’t move my arm. “Grrh! Couldn’t you grip it softer!?” Yeah, the weird Humor is there, alright?! “Gah! Fuck! Hurt-hhhhu…” Just as I was about to curse more, I accidentally looked into the monster's face… The eyeless monster with blue hair, and mouth began to open up, tearing the flesh off its face.


The eyeless monster ‘Stare’ at me, and before I knew it. It swallows me.




The silence of the explosion, countless mobile suits, mobile armor, and ships, flying through space, shooting out beams, destroying each other. But among them, I saw it. The white mobile suit, cruises through the endless asteroid, passing every mobile suit that blocks its way. The white silhouette emerges from the asteroid and then…everything turns black.


[Gundam Nova]


“Ha! ha….Bad dream…? God…Haro, fetch me some water.” I wait, listening to the sound of the Haro engine and before I know it, a cup of Water is in my hand.


“Yoha! What is Wrong? What is Wrong?” He asks me, rolling on my bed as I pat him.


“Nothing…I think…I just have a bad dream…but what is it about? I forgot already.” What did I dream about? I think…I saw something blue?


“Yoha! Too much stress! Too stress! Calling Sylvy! Calling Sylvy!” Haro said as he opened his hologram and before I knew it, Sylvy's face appeared, though it was just the call wallpaper I attached to her number.


“Not now, Haro. I will call her later, OK?” I said and he rolled away, I sigh out and drank the water, and placed the cup on the nearby table. Whew, with much-needed water, my throat feels much better already.


“Ha…What is my schedule today-” Eh…Is my eye deceiving me? At the door, I saw a steak of very familiar blue hair. It went out of the door in a second, I rushed after it but when I came out of the hall that was lit by the light from the colony, there was nothing…” it seems…I need to rest too.”

I'm back! Sorry...I actually didn't write much of anything. Too absorb with clearing my problem and connect with my Mother Aunts, and Uncles, again. Well, I'm going to say this first but I'm going to be very busy with life from now on, so I don't think I could upload every day, maybe 3 times a week? or maybe I would work on a schedule but yeah! Right, I will try to upload everyday until I can't. Let's talk next time alright! C ya!

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