Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 24 The feeling of each other [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


September 25th, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy, In Door Gym. Klara’s POV


It has been more than a month since I started joining that weird secret ‘Club’. And you know…They are like a group of stalkers obsessing over one person. That one person is Yoha Seres Ottoman. 


So…What did the club do? Nothing…Just having one of its members try talking to her is a sin and they will get kicked out, but for some reason photos are fine? Yeah, this group is quite problematic but they didn’t harm anyone so it's fine, right?


“Hup!” I focus my strength to my left and punch the punching bag in front of me, aiming for the lower of the bag, I send it flying a bit and it slowly falls back in place. I then follow up with a kick, then punch again.


Left, Left, right, kick, left, right, kick. A routine of punching that I became familiar with over the past few years. I think…it is called boxing? I don’t really know, I just saw it on the internet and thought it would be a good workout routine. Which it did. Thankfully there was no one around so I could use all my strength without worrying about hurting people near me.


After 3 more sessions, I stop for a breather and grab a bottle of water, gulping it hastily. “Ha…Getting some workout after a tired day is such a good feeling.” I stretched for a bit before plopping down on the bench. I took out my phone to read some news.


“Huh…Siga-2 Mysterious disappearance?” I mean, it is nothing new that some Colony got destroyed by a passing asteroid or deteriorated to the point it is inhabitable anymore, but this…is weird. The news said there were no survivors at all, not even one soul was found. 


It was like a whole colony disappeared without a trace, and it has been disappearing for over months now, it had just been discovered because the supply of Livestock from Siga-2 wasn’t coming even after 3 months. 


This is weird…First is the destruction of Metallica, the disappearance of the Stellar Research group and now one of the associates with Stellar Research. No…Siga-2 is probably the last of the Stellar Research’s Colony…All of them either got destroyed by experiments or lost to time.


Wow…The Stellar Research is actually thin in number…Does that mean Mar is a free place now? I mean there is no one to occupy all those materials that still haven’t been evacuated after so many years…




“Wha! W-wait my phone!” I managed to catch my phone before it could fall to the ground, I rather not have to pay the Academy for the Damage…Who would bang on the door anyway-


No way…there is no way that girl is here. I recognize that light blue hair anywhere and she is heading straight for me too!? Where do I hide?! Where! There! Behind the Pillar! Quickly launching myself to the other side of the wall, it thankfully covers my whole body. 


“Sigh…Thank god-” Thumb! The sound of flesh hitting a punching bag is so loud that it echoes Throughout the Gym. Thumb! Thumb! Thumb!


It didn’t stop, She continued to hit the gym bag with so much force that I thought was not possible. How did she even come here anyway!? She should be at her mansion by now! It's 8:50 PM. For god sake!


“FUCK! Fucking shit! Piece of shit! ARGGG!!” Thumb! D-did she just curse!? I mean MAYBE she just had some hard time but isn’t she supposed to be like this high-ranking individual? “EVERYTHING SHOULD JUST DISAPPEAR! WHY IS THIS SHIT EVEN HAPPENING?!” 


Uhwa…she had a bad breakdown…What do I do? Do I come out and try helping her? Oi oi, I’m not really that much of a therapist, I don’t even know if I can comfort her. I mean, I never had anything like that before so I don’t even know how to deal with it.


Thumb! The sound continued, the endless sound of her punching the bags while crying…it was uncomfortable to listen to, I couldn’t even get out of my head, I rather have her acting all high and mighty than anything like this. 


Thub… the sound was weak and followed up by another weak tud of flesh hitting the ground. The silent sobbing of a child…was so loud in this enormous gym. 


“...Sniff…Mama…What should…I do…” She didn’t even notice me…Normally she would have instantly known that someone was near her when she was alone and called or looked over at that person, but she isn’t even focused on anything.


What do I do…Urg…I don’t know what to do! So there is only one thing to do. The only way I know how to comfort someone. Taking in a huge deep breath I walk out of the wall shadow and That girl instantly snaps her head toward me. The tear-filled eyes, the bag under the red outline from her crying, the messy hair, and the sweat that clung to her shirt, coupled with several bruises I had never actually seen before…


It all… makes her look too pitiful…


“You…again huh…” Her soft voice sounds so weak that it actually makes me question if she is actually the same girl I see every day. “This…is going to be a problem…I got seen like this…Nehehe…Ah…” She suddenly lunges at me with such force that I don’t have time to prepare myself.


“Guh! What was that-GAH!?” I fell down to the floor and she was on top of me, before I could finish my word she suddenly grabbed my throat, cutting off my breathing.


“Never…Told anyone what you saw, Or I will make your life a living hell, Not only you but your family and friends too!” she said, while the hand that grabbed my throat was getting stronger, and her eyes were bloodshot, the same gentle but scheming eyes were all but gone. The only thing I saw was of Anger and sadness.


Ah…I hate it, I hate it so much… “Guh…GAH!” With all my strength I got up and pushed her off me, and then with my fist, I punched straight into her face. 


“What the fuck is your problem?! Threaten me? Sure, do that all you want! But my family? My friends? I will fuck you up! I don’t care if you are Oh SO High! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!” I got up on her and started Punching. Putting in all the strength I ever had in my life. “I Hate you! All you ever did was act like you were some kind of ADULT! Distancing yourself! Calculating everything!”


“YOu were good at everything! Doing everything like it was easy! Snatching the first place is like some kind of toy! YOU NEVER SEEM TO PUT EFFORT INTO ANYTHING! ALL YOU EVER DO IS LIE AND DECEIVE PEOPLE-URG!”


“AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME!” She overtook my control and punched me in the face, which hurt like a bitch. Even with her so tired out of her mind. “WHAT DO YOU KNOW! Do you think I want to be like this!? Do you think I want to be Born like this!? DO YOU EVEN THINK I WANT TO BE A FUCKING PILOT!? I want to code, I want to fly in a mobile suit! I don’t want to fight in a fucking WAR! I don’t want to kill people! I don’t want to use them too! Sniff…I just want…My life back…But it went…My home…” Her punch became weaker and weaker… as she just grabbed my shirt and tried to pull me.


“I hate you…you were always trying to talk to me like some kind of Parasite…even when I try to avoid you! SO WHY! Why is it always you that I run into!?” She shook my shirt with such meager strength that I could simply overtake her…but for some reason…I don’t want to do it.


“Why! Why did Mama have to go away!? Why did I have to lose my home?! Why did I have to fight!? Why did I HAVE TO LIE!” She asks. A question I couldn’t answer, I didn’t even know her story in the first place, the only thing I know about Yoha Seres Ottoman…is that she is a girl who acts like an adult, who sometimes finds solace in an empty bathroom to empty her contend, the girl who always kind to everyone, acting it like it actually coming out of her own feeling even though I could clearly see that she hate it.


I never…actually see her struggle…with anything. 

“I…Don’t know…” She stopped in her tracks, it seemed she finally came to a sense of what she was doing. “I know you as a girl who is calculative down to even the way she smiles, a girl who can do everything, a girl with both money status and connection, a girl who didn’t need to struggle to even get anything.” She releases my shirt and tries to get up but I grab her hand and push her down. She struggles with all her might but her tired body is nothing compared to mine.


“You are a girl I was so jealous of that I always think of you! A girl who seems so perfect that should never exist. But I was wrong. I know that now. You are just someone who struggles with her own life, just like me, I can’t say that I know how you feel, but at least now..there is one more person who knows of your struggle too.”


She just lay there, silently watching my eyes as I said all of that…Her ruby-red eyes reflected my own, I could see my own green hair that was becoming messy because of the previous fight, and my own Purple eyes that seemed to glow in her eyes.


“I…won’t say to let go of your past or something like that. I can’t let go of mine…but! But if you…were willing…to share yours, I would gladly share mine. Or maybe if you want to rant, I will listen to it. I know you didn’t rant to that girl right? Sylvia? I think that her name. You can rant to me. I would listen, or if you don’t want to talk to me anymore I would gladly be out of your way.” 


I sit there, on top of her, I already release my hand from her arm and watch as she just stares at me, unblinking. Unmoving…I was starting to get worried, did I push her too hard and her head hit the-


“I…” She suddenly spoke after a long silence. “I want you to get off me.” 


…Oh…Yeah, I should get off her. I quickly did that and she got up, wiped out the dirt on her clothes, and walked toward one of the water dispensers to wash her face. As she finished, she turned to look at me, her face was…a mess is quite the wrong description, blood flowing from her nose, bloodshot but tired eyes, and messy blue lock that got disheveled from the fight. 


She looked at me, with her eyes fully locked into mine, but it was different…this time, it felt like there was life in those eyes. “...Thank…for listening to me.” Once she finished saying that, she started walking away. Somehow…I feel like if I didn’t do anything, I would never get to talk to her again.


So I did the only thing I could think of, I rushed and grabbed her hand before it could touch the door to the gym, she turned to look at me, staring at my hand while her gaze questioned what I was doing.


“Ah…Um…I know we never introduced ourselves properly for the past…5 years, so…My name is Klara Nelson, Please to know you.” 


She stared at me, questioning what I was even doing with her gaze, I also questioned myself too! Why did I do that!? I could go on with my life without knowing her!


“My name…is Yoha…Milas Revory.” Eh? That's not her name…I thought it was Yoha Seres Ottoman. “I changed my name after being adopted into Ottoman, it was one of the conditions…But for me, my name will always be Yoha Milas Revory. Now please let go of my hand. Or I will yank it off.”


“Ah…Sure.” I quickly let go and watched as she walked off the door toward one of the scooters and drove it off quickly. Meanwhile, I was just standing there, staring at her… “Yoha Milas Revory…That…a nice name.” 

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