Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 34 Vacation. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


December 9th, I.J.C 199, Elysium Academy. Klara’s POV


Time passed…it had been a week already, and everything was normal. I went to Yoha’s mansion to check the AI she had been developing and then went to the academy, study, and everything.


Sylvia too, has been acting like nothing happened…so that is how the two of them stay together, one is broken and the other is allowing it…not because she wants to, but because she can’t do anything about it


The atmosphere was different, it was…pleasant before…but now, it was gloomy. It was because of me because Yoha was No different from before, and that was what worried me. She deletes her own Memory. And I've been doing that for a while.


Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. A mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. And for her, it would be experiencing it…Her mother's disappearance. 


The shock from waking up only to realize the person you love is not there anymore, and that there is no trace of her. There are many coping mechanisms, and forgetting a select memory is one of them. 


So…how do I help her? What to do with a PTSD Victim? I have been delaying it for a week now, trying to find a way on my own, going on the net, surfing away. And most of them are going to the hospital, I don’t have money for that, but she does, but of course, she would never go.


So the only way I know is…




“Yes, Dear?” The sound of an elderly woman was gentle and soft. Just the voice alone almost makes me tear up.


“Mother Clair…I need…a bit of advice.” I said out, and I could hear her soft breathing.


“Why, Tell me what troubles you, my dear.”


“There is this…one friend…she has…Ptsd or that is what I suspect. But…I don’t know what to do…She was…acting normal. So…I don’t really know what to do.” I said my piece, though it was not really the whole picture.


“...I see…Well, then. Here is what you should do.” 

[Gundam Nova]


February 28th, I.J.C 200, Elysium’s Colony, Ottoman’s mansion.


“My lady, all the preparations have been completed,” Hemston said as he carried a bag full of cloth to me. “But…do you really need to ride on…that thing?”


“Don’t worry, Hemston. I have my guards with me, and this…should be a good moment for me to rest too, though I don’t understand why she would want me to go with her.” Klara has invited me to go back home with her, saying that it would be eye-opening. 


Metalica…A place of war, the rise of revolution against Earth’s conglomerate by a group of extremists, resulting in over 10000 deaths. Her home is that place.


Well, maybe she just wants to hitch a ride, I mean she asked me to get a ride for her after all, she got no money to spare for that and she didn’t get back home for more than 5 years since she had been here.


Well, I will just indulge her, I want to see Metalica too. The place of war, a place where my future would be…


“My lady?”


“Ah…sorry, has the car arrived?” I ask, out of habit I stir the conversation elsewhere.


“Yes, all of your necessities have been put inside, and this is per your request.” hemston handed me a bag, inside was Haro and his Charging station, and also my laptop. “Please don’t forget to train your body, but since I won’t be there to supervise you please do not go overboard.”


“Don’t worry, I know my body well, I won’t break it before my time,” I said and I could see the strained smile on his face. “Just joking, Anyway, I should go now. I shouldn’t keep Klara waiting.” I got up from my seat, took the bag from Hemston, and waved him goodbye. 


With the Academy years over, I got around 1 month to rest before the Military camp began. I would experience what it was like to be in the military and well, I just hoped that it wasn’t too harsh, not like…what? Hmm…it seems I forgot about it, oh well. 


Once I get into the car, riding and enjoying the view for a bit, I finally arrive at the airport. 2 people are going with me, Odis and Hanya, the butler and maid who isn’t really a butler and maid.  They are guards, my guards specifically. However, once I got into the military they would be my subordinate, much like the rest of the Ottoman workers. 

They took out my bags for me and we walked into the port. Let's see… Klara said she would wait at Entrance 6…there.


Turning left I walked toward entrance 6, handing them my pass, I was allowed in. Looking around for a bit I found the green hair that was familiar to me, walking up behind the girl sitting peacefully on the bench, I touched her shoulder…


“EKK!” And earning a cute little scream from her, Klara turned around and looked at me with a pout.


“What was that for!?” She asks.


“Nothing. I just want to surprise you.” I answered, and she was not satisfied with my answer as she continued to pout and look the other way. I feel my face turning into a little smile and sit next to her, placing my belongings down on the next seat to me.


“…who are they?” Klara is the one to begin our conversation, asking about the two bodyguards. 


“They are my Bodyguards, Odis and Hanya.” She nodded to my words and the silence continued, there was still a bit before our Ship arrived. And I take my time enjoying the silence, but Klara seems awkward. 


“Why did you invite me?” I asked her the question and she was startled, eyes darting everywhere as if to find an excuse. 


“W-well, you know! It is an eye-opener if you go see another place right?! You seem a bit stressed so I thought I would invite you! Also, since you are not going to do anything while waiting for the camp anyway I thought I would invite you, also to closely monitor your AI too! Don’t think too much about it!” 


Her demeanor was that…of a panicked person trying to find an excuse for their lie. Well, I won’t be mad if she just wants me to join the ride so that I can help her pay the fee, but It…kinda hurts to be used for money.


But what can I say? Every ‘friend’ I make is…for a purpose and she doesn’t mean anything malicious so I don’t really care, and she booked the cheapest flight too. So it would really be an eye-opening experience. After all, I never rode one of these before. 


After a bit of talking, we finally found some conversation to talk about and not be awkward and before we knew it, our ride had arrived.


Me and Klara got on board the ship, which was quite big but nothing like The Stellar. But at least they got all the accommodation, The lounge where there are many arcades, bars or ‘Adult’ Entertainment. 


The room was acceptable, it was clean, neat, and fairly stylish. 2 bedrooms, 2 desks, a kitchen, and quite a spacious bathroom. Well, it was quite nice for the price it offered. Around 2000 credits? 


Odis and Hanya would be stationed in the room next to us, sandwiching us so that there would be no attempt on me from the room next door. Well, there is no bomb that could pass on board but it is not like they can’t make the bomb on the ride itself. 


“Woah…” Klara was now brawling her eyes out at the sight of this ‘luxury’ ship. Looking at every corner, finding everything exciting, dragging me to see even the basis of necessity such as a toilet that closes itself once you use it, or that it sprays water to clean ‘that’ place.


Well, this side of her is cute too…I really use the word ‘cute’ a lot, huh? But…do I really know what it means? Wow…did I really reach that point of cold heart? I think I still remember how I felt when I first met Sylvia. ah…Sylvy…right, that's what I call her. Wow, I really need a break.


“Yoha! Let’s go to the lounge! Come on!” Klara, who was done exploring the room, dragged me by hand to explore the lounge and I followed without complaint, letting myself be dragged like a doll. As long as it made her happy, I was fine with it. 


She took me to the arcade zone and had me play with her, or beat other players for her. Most of them are fighting games like Street Fighter-...what is that game? Why do I know about it? Hmm… memories are jogging around…maybe it has something to do with my ‘Past’ life? Yeah, that should be it.


The time I spent with her was fun, beating other players for her, playing one of those House of the Dead games or those 4D games where they spray water and shake your seat to make it more fun and seem like you are part of the game itself.


Overall, it was fun, unlike on the stellar, even though there is much better entertainment there, it was still…much more fun with someone.


Once we had our fun, we went back to our room and made dinner. I asked Odis and Hanya to not disturb us since Klara said she wanted to try and make her own food. She never cooked before and at the academy, there are always free meals.


“No no, please be gentle there…like this, slowly stir, not adding too much air while mixing them together,” I said as I took her hand, slowly guiding her so that she would not mess up.


Right now, we are making Meat and Potato stew, since meat here is frozen and potatoes are in abundance, I decided to make it, plus they are easy to make too.


I use the ladle to spoon up a bit of the stew, place it on a small tasting plate, and take a sip… it's quite…savory but quite sour. Taking out the salt I add it and stir it gently, then taste it again. This time, it was a bit saltier and sweet. 


Salting did a good job, if I added sugar it would still be sour but with salt, it neutralizes the receptor on the tongue so I would taste less Sour and more sweet and salty.


“I think it's good enough, here give it a try.” I give her the tasting plate. She took a sip of the stew and her face lit up.


“Woah! This is delicious! Almost as delicious as Mother Clair's cooking! I bet you would learn a lot from her!” Klara praises my cooking, and I smile at her.


“I do hope to meet her soon then, I hope to learn a lot from her.”


“Yeah! She is really a good cook! She would make this giant batch for the kids back home and we would then eat it with bread and all.” She said with a feeling of nostalgia, her face lit up with a warm feeling. “I really…going to come back.” 


“...I hope you have a happy time then, now. Please help me set up the plate, I have bread I got from the cafeteria too, and also soda and such if you want.” for some reason…my heart…felt like it skipped a beat.

Author's rant of the day. ARHGG I WAS GOING TO ADD ANOTHER LOVE INTEREST BUT BOY THIS SHIP SAILED TOO MUCH! I CAN'T STOP IT! HELP ME! So anyway, this ship turned out more solid than I though but don't worry. I would add another love interest and I really love him since he is the second character I create a plot for. Now! It is up to me whether I can make this a good romance with 3 people or die horribly along the way, please cheer for me and my brain before it explodes!

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