Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 55 Dream and Memory [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


“Ha…ha…ha…” The rough breathing of Yoha entered my ear, her body was shaking intensely as her body heat kept rising and rising, the doctor here had never seen anything like this before, I just finished my nighter after analyzing half the content of the program, a couple of with Klyara own theory, right now, I conclude that Yoha’s body is instead of overloading.


The information she received from her scanning through her own laptop was too much and overloaded her body, just like Klyara suspected, her body was now trying to push out the unnecessary information. Normally that would be easy, but…the information that was put into her by herself…is placing its roots too deep and the brain is trying its hardest to get it out in the process, it may even delete some original Memory in order to clear the space, that why I’m scared, if she wakes up then forgot about me, how would I react? Would I sit there and stare at her, trying my hardest not to cry? Or while I just burst out laughing like a maniac and then try to reforge our bonds, but that is impossible, if this one broke then, I can’t do it anymore, she won’t open up again.


“Argh! You are such a pain!” I said out loud, hoping maybe she would hear it and wake up but nope, she didn’t, she was still there, sleeping while breathing roughly. “Well, not like I could dop anything, Guess I should sleep. I need my energy to deal with tomorrow.” stretching myself, I walk back to my room to get a good night.


[Gundam Nova]


Hot…everything…is hot…my eyes….I couldn’t open them, My hand…couldn’t move, I can’t feel anything other than hot…what happened…? 


My body felt so hot to the point that it felt hurt, my inside was burning and I hoped for it to stop but it didn’t stop, it continued to rise up, I wanted to wake up, I wanted to get up, but I couldn’t…


Soon…my body which couldn’t endure such pain, slowly made me fall asleep, and when I woke up, I was in another place. I couldn’t remember this place, it was like…at Siga but…more mundane, everywhere I looked there was nothing but buildings, my height wasn’t right, I was taller than before, but…I wasn’t looking from the inside of the city, I was in place… far away from it, so height up that I could see every inch of the city.


“There you are, Raphael, we were waiting for you.” A man spoke behind me, my body turned against my will and I saw a man with bright golden eyes, the same shade as mother.


“Lavinos…What are you doing here?” I…no not me, this isn’t my voice, this is a man's voice. A voice I didn’t know of.


“What are you saying? Tonight is the day of celebration if my little brother is not there to celebrate my son's birth, who will be there?” The man, Lavinos said jokingly before he turned serious. “Just now…there is a poison in the drink of mine, it’s your doing, isn’t it?” 


“Oh? Why do you think that?” The voice of the man I was seeing sounded amused, as he lay back toward the fence, letting the artificial wind blow behind him.


“Hehehe…only you would be so daring, you always oppose Father so it was not surprising that you would oppose me, I wonder why I never execute you from the numerous attempts you try.” The man in front of me leaned into the door, and his facial expression turned into that of amusement too. 


“I would miss your little attempt, dear brother, though, I can’t say the same about your face, or your wife that matter.” Then just as Lavinos finished speaking, a sudden stomach pain assaulted me, looking down, I could see a giant metal rod piercing deep inside my stomach. No…not my but the man I was now seeing from.


The man looked up and I could feel every inch of his muscle move, his face turned into a smile before slowly, dropping from the fence, into the ground below.


[Gundam Nova]


“HAA!” I got up, and instantly looked around, only to see a white room of a medical room that I had grown too used to it, I wasn’t at that place, I wasn’t in the dream…or memory? What is it? It feels so vivid…like I knew it and lived in it yet also as if I was nothing but a stranger. Lavinos and Raphael…who are they? Why does he…have the same gold eye that reminds me of Mother…Why did I know that her eyes were gold? I thought…I forgot what her eyes looked like…


“Urgh! Shut up!” 


“OW!” With a sudden slap on the head, I looked around only to see Ms.Klara, who was sleeping grumpily as her arm dropped down to the side of the bed again and snoring…She was with me? 


[Are you awake, Mama?] This voice…it comes from my watch…




[Booo! Wrong name! It seems your head is still in a state of confusion, there is a possibility of your brain being damaged by the intense heat so Please wait a bit!] Then suddenly, A bright light flashes on me from my watch, I squint my eyes and get my watch out of my face.


[Scan complete! Your brain is still able to function at almost 100%. The usual! There is no damage to your brain but the same cannot be said for other organs! Your liver is melting a bit, but that can be healed, what I was really worried about is your large intestine as it was almost broken loose due to intense heat inside your body, so please, for the next 3 days, Stay still and only eat what I said!] 


I nod, albeit confusedly at what going on…my daughter suddenly scans me, saying that I said her name wrong and Ms.Klara is sleeping next to me…I thought she hated me…


“Um…then…what is your new name? If I may ask…why is she...doing here?” I pointed toward Ms.Klara who was still sleeping, peacefully next to me.


Yohai stared at me before she got back to thinking again. [Recalculate…. complete. It seems you have short-term memory loss, Don’t worry, It will be all gone in a few days from my calculation and you will turn back to normal If you need to. Do you need me to replay your memory of the last 5 years? We can go back even further as I have all the data of Haro and your laptop along with your watch.] 


“five…years? “ I turned to look down and just now, I finally saw my arm clearly…it was longer, and had much more meat on it than I remember. I quickly get up and find a mirror, only to see my face that has completely changed during the ‘5’ years time.


“What..the…I really age…So the short-term memory thing is possible because I still remember that I was just finishing training with Hemston and…” Blank…everything come up blank…




[Nope! It's Klyara!] the  AI girl said from my arm and I just accepted it. 


“Klyara, what is today's date?”


[March 27th, I.J.C 200, Right now, you are on the Atlas class ship call the Klasna. You are on your way to a Military training camp. I suggest you go back to sleep. I concluded that the problem would be gone in about 3 days so please do not worry! I will do my best along with Mama2!] 


The Ai said excitedly, as she then started changing into a cheerleader uniform…It is so…strange, to see my daughter who looks like me now looks older than I know, she who is a child of few words turned into a talking machine with so much…emotion. It was weird…but I trust her, though I don’t know what really going on, I still trust her. After all, if I can’t trust my creation, then who can I trust?


“I will leave it to you then…I should probably go back, if someone sees me now, they would think something is wrong, I should consider closing myself off for a bit, I don’t think it would be a problem.


[That would be the best decision, yes! Now, go back! Shoo shoo!] 


‘Alright, alright, no need to shoo me…

Arthor's Rant of the Day!

Arh! This part is hard! I was aiming for a more natural approach but it seem force somehow! But I feel satisfy with what come out, not the best form me but I think I can improve, that all for today rants! C ya in the next chapter! Jestly....out!

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