Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 76- Preparation and revelation!

It has been four months since Kei left earth and informed Kaori to prepare for the upcoming changes, the earth would be facing in the near future. Since he was busy with the preparations and Sufi, he didn't even have records of time and ended up being away for quite more than he primarily intended.

In the meantime, the face of the earth has begun to take a shift which was unheard of in the ever-recorded history of humanity, and never ever anyone thought that one day they had to actually go through such a situation they only have read in fiction.

It was Kaori's effort and also the connections Kei had over the world which helped make them believe that indeed some surface-turning and mind-wobbling changes are about to occur for good of humanity. Necessary changes which the blue planet should have adapted yet because of their policy to restrain the information and suppress the superhuman caused them, they were never able to develop.

Asian continents were nothing to worry about since the allied governance was in full support of Kaori who actually was the number one hunter in the whole continent. They had trust in her and from what they have been witnessing in the past months regarding the rapid growth of dimensional rifts, they had no other option rather than to listen to the lady.

But the world was not in control of Asia and there were pretty stubborn and egoistic countries like Germany or the United States who didn't want to believe a crap and were pretty sure that whatever calamity might arise, they would tackle it by themsleves. They were not ready to have any preparation and let their citizens know about this supernatural phenomenon.

Kei upon hearing such annoying feedback opened several portals around such government high offices and army camps and let them feel the terror of what it feels like to live under someone else's mercy. He had the strength to conquer the earth but he didn't want to take another realm's official responsibility. He had already learned his lesson so he left everything on the beastkin to make the humans understand what they needed to acknowledge.

It took time and effort but soon governments and the other rulers came to an agreement that if they wanted to survive then they had to open this other world, to the citizens and make them aware of the other realms. In that way, the procedure would run smoothly and they could prepare for the upcoming change.

Naturally, there were some small countries or part of it, that were still hellbent on not accepting any foreign advice and continue believing their ancient scriptures and deities that they would protect them in times of crisis.

Kei left them to be since as he already told Kaori, help can only be offered to those who are ready to accept it.

And thus the era of evolution began as the world was opened to a new reality where they came to know about the things they could have never believed if not for shreds of evidence or the people announcing them. Many deaths and sacrifices were already made before people began to change their viewpoints and accept what seemed to be surreal some days ago.

Awakened humans have now required no need to hide in the shadows and extermination of leftover beasts began to be hunted down in daylight without minding to erase people's memory on such occasions. All the public working institutions and other non-related organizations were commissioned under the Government's rule.

Alliances were formed and gathering all the major countries' leaders, a central ruling body was constructed to fight against their mutual enemy and face the upcoming evolution. True, not everyone believed that Earth might change but they have seen enough portals in the past few weeks because of a certain someone's interference to neglect it any longer.

Focus on military development was also on full throttle but those who have seen or faced, the other worlders, know how futile it was to rely on such means when something out there could wipe out everything that Humans take pride in, in one brush of their hands.

So more than military advancement, what the government focused on were awakeners. Since those superhumans are the last source of hope humanity could cling to when an all-out war would occur which surely would. Thus, the training began for those who have the potential to become the strong pillars of the earth and prove to be the vanguard that the new face of the world, desired.


"Can't believe it all is happening for real."

Watching the news flashing on the tv which showed the military activeness in the civilian areas and how the advertisement of new academies based on military and awakener training were actively wide spreading all over the world in such a short time.

Kaori knew that despite being greedy, the upper echelons would understand her point and make necessary preparation since what all of them feared was death. They feared extinction and were left with no other option rather than to accept their fate and begin their preparation.

Students from the general category were now trained on how to handle their bodies, mind, and weapons in a state of crisis. That was what was told but the true motive was to prepare their body for the upcoming surge of mana which would amplify when Kei would evolve this planet.

The more a body has its peak fineness, the more compatible mana would be with them. And as for awakened then special new academies were being arranged with the necessary equipment and instructors who would help the superhuman to reach a new height.

"This should have happened a long time ago and given the intelligence humans carry, it would have been not surprising that this realm could have ascended the hierarchy as well."

Kei replied with a sigh as he rubbed Kaori's shoulder who was currently leaning on him and snuggling closely. It might be Kei's illusion but Kaori seemed to be even more affectionate than the last time he came to meet her as ever since he arrived, he has gotten countable minutes alone when he was not attached to Kaori.

Only when she had to use the bathroom or when Kei had to use his barrier formations for which he didn't allow Kaori nearby.

But he was not annoyed with such behavior since acting all serious and responsible all the time, Kaori really doesn't get many opportunities to reveal her real self. And truth be told, Kei felt it really adorable when he saw how she was trying to seduce him last night in hopes that he gets smitten by her and doesn't leave for a long time.

But in the end, Kaori ended up knocked out after the third round.

She tried to hide her intention but the bond they share serves all the truth in full display.

"Hey Kei...I told Ryuuta about you..."

Kei glanced at the sudden revelation which arrived in a much more serious tone from Kaori.

Feeling his gaze, Kaori, who was already not paying attention to the tv, switched it off and turned toward the man and explained the circumstances.

"You know, it's a pretty terrible attempt to hide it from Ryuuta that you are still at your relatives after so many things have happened. And to restrain him to go and search for you, I just had to tell him that you have awakened recently and didn't want to be disturbed. I am sorry if I-"

"No, it's okay. And since I would be meeting him in the academy anyways, it's better that you already led the outline for me to reduce my beating."

Kei knew Ryuuta would beat him to no end when he meets Kei since hiding something big as awakening was not something bros do. Well, Kei had his defense prepared that even Ryuuta also hid his chunni powers, so everything was sorted.

"Wait! You are enrolling in the academy!?"

Came the surprised yelp from the girl who now had her knees resting on the couch as she looked in amazement at Kei.

Knowing how busy he always has been and now when he had such a massive role, for Kei to get admitted to the academy as a student was indeed startling. But there was something Kaori misunderstood here.

"I indeed am enrolling there but not as a student tho..."


A/N: - This arc would be small and focused on friendship and fluff.

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