Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 87- The big clash~2!

There were sector divisions in respective cardinal and sub-cardinal directions where all the soldiers in Kaori's teams were assigned according to their skills and experience. The major spots where movements have been cited before or the regions which could be called blind spots were covered by the veterans on the team.

Thanks to the fact that everyone was a specialist in their own right, credit to the mutual instructor they were taught under Kaori was able to assign all the members accordingly.

The man guarding the northeast area was a middle-aged man who has tremendous experience in combat and works as a brilliant barrier-type tank while working with a team.

It was directed to keep the damage as minimal as possible so a tank that is specialized in caging things inside his nigh unbreakable barrier, this kind of blast was something to be expected from this section to the least.


"Carlos?! Are you fine?"

It was Ryuuta who first rushed toward the broad man towering at a height of 6'3 with his front side currently blackened because of the previous explosion. He still held a tall five-meter barrier up front and his gaze was unwavering as ever, signifying that the previous outburst was not enough to take him down.

"What the heck are they..."

From what Ryuuta's eyes could verify a horde of monsters were advancing toward them with varying features, but the aura they carried pulled Ryuuta's alarm to no end. The number of them easily counted near thousands and even though they were half a kilometer away, their killing intent could be felt vividly.

'What's with those massive maws... '

There were mainly three kinds of monsters. The first was two meters boar-faced orcs wielding different kinds of clubs and both handed weapons and adorned with vibrant shields, clearly something which could only be forged not hand built. The said orcs were not pink in color but rather extremely dark green with red blood eyes and murderous intent flaring dangerously.

Several ariel figures of what seemed like goat and lion heads seemingly chimera in simple terms flying not so high in the sky yet their presence oozed with the warning to flee as away as possible. The fierceness they carried was equally profound like their brethren. The size of chimeras was also not less than three meters if measured from the crown of the lion's head to the tip of the serpent's tail.

The last was huge toad-like creatures who had weird humps over their back and no visible eyes presented to gawk at. What was startling was their huge size which was about five meters in scale and the flames boiling at their back indicated that it would be going to tough fight, both close combat and ranged ones.

'Can I defeat them...can I take down even one of them... "

The congregation of killing intent was making Ryuuta's sweat drop as he gulped his dry saliva. It was his first time seeing these many foes but fortunately, with the training he has received recently, he didn't let him wander into lands of fret for long before he pulled himself together.


One of the toads launched a massive magma orb toward the vanguards before Ryuuta readied his gauntlet. Fortunately, his comrade trusted him enough to not raise any objection as Carlos merely cast a barrier to protect himself from the impact.

Ryuuta's eyes glowed with an angelic red glow before mana surged across each of his nerves, providing him with enough strength to pulverize the attack, before the said boy leaped forward after a small run-up, leaving a small crater behind.

His body was enwrapped by pure energy, muscles tightening and body glowing with the same shade as his eyes all over, displaying Ryuuta in a completely new light of which he never even could have thought of achieving before.

"Expand! "

Ryuuta yelled before his gauntlet increased in size, as the small meteor neared the teenager, who also advanced fearlessly.


While utilizing a great fraction of his strength Ryuuta struck the magma ball with his fist, before a massive shockwave ran and expanded near the collision point, as magma flew all around in fine particles and rendered from causing any actual damage.

There was nothing left in mid-air other than Ryuuta who didn't feel much of a backlash before he stabilized his stance. But the boy got no chance to take a breather as well since suddenly two flying creatures advanced toward him at an astonishing pace.

'Damn... '

From near, the chimeras looked even more humungous and as they parted their paws to gulp Ryuuta in one go before the said boy fortified his body, and due to the weight increment, his body fell instantly back to the ground.

"Release! "

Ryuuta yelled before punching the open air and causing the effect of the weapon to reveal its glory by converting the shock of the previous punch into a beam of white light, directed at the closer chimera's eyes.



The creature howled in agony as its right eye transformed into a pulp of blood and gore due to the ray Ryuuta shot snatching half of its visual field.


However, before Ryuuta could have enjoyed his small victory, he felt something squealing behind his back, as his every single sense alerted him about the incoming danger.

'Fast... 'Is what Ryuuta could think before he ducked as fast as he could, only to see a huge mace swinging past the place where his head once was. Without a doubt, Ryuuta would have turned into a smashed tomato with that attack but now that he knows, how much agile these particular creatures were, he was planning to no longer play around.

With his head still bowed at a complete 90°, he raised his right leg and struck the piggy right in the gut. However, Ryuuta didn't feel the desired result since his feet rather got dug inside the belly instead of forcing the creature away.

'Shit...!! '

Ryuuta cursed under his breath and wished to quickly retract his leg from the trap but...


"AAAHHHH!!!! "

The back of his knee was elbowed with some great strength, breaking several bones and joints in the process.

Ryuuta cried in agony but he didn't let the monster catch him by his broken leg before the teenager used the other leg, fortified with heavy amounts of mana to kick the belly once again, and this time it worked, and the two of the entangled beings bounced away.

However, the place Ryuuta landed was actually the horde of incoming monsters, who by any second, would crush Ryuuta like a pebble...

"Such a lame start... "


A/N: - Inexperience and sometimes pride let you fall early. Ryuuta would be saved and this would prove to become a much necessary lesson for him.

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