Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 92- Let’s go on a trip?

Kaori cried for a long time in her beloved's arms.

Kei patiently waited for her to calm down while comforting the girl with his presence.

Kaori was hurt, not because Kei didn't believe her enough to leave everything to her but the fact that she wasn't able to fulfill her promise.

While she was relieved by the fact that no one died on the battlefield, thanks to the sudden appearance of the Dragon Princess, it hurt her pride as a warrior that in the end, she was just a mere weakling who couldn't protect what she treasures.

"You would get stronger, Kaori. Not even Yuna attained such powers when she was at your age. Despite being bound by the limitation of this world you brilliantly held your side in front of the Chaos army."

While rubbing her back, Kei tried to cheer her up with no fake lies since he indeed was proud of her and Karen as well. Kaori might be younger than Karen but in terms of Vampires, the latter was still in her teenage years so it was commendable to see what great feat she achieved while Kei was away.

While still on his lap, Kaori separated herself a little to look at his warm gaze before asking in a slightly hoarse tone, "You must be finding me childish, no?"

"A little." Kei smiled only to be lightly punched by Kaori on his shoulder.

Kei chuckled at that before he took hold of her hand and spoke in a gentle tone, "But if you can't be comfortable even around me, then what's the point of us being in this relationship? So even if it's slightly childish and extremely adorable, I am glad you shared these moments with me."

Kei slightly brushed his nose against hers as he spoke out his genuine thoughts. Despite being a little sudden and unexpected, Kaori and Kei were now bound by a thread that far surpassed the relationship of a boyfriend girlfriend, or husband and wife.

They were soulmates now who would remain side by side until the very end.

Kaori's head was already cleared up by his words as a hazy pink blush dyed her small ears.

"Me too, Kei...I am happy to spend such precious moments with you."

Kaori replied before she pecked the cheek of her lover.

Kei was slightly surprised since Kaori wasn't someone who could initiate a kiss under normal circumstances. But now that she had ignited the flames, Kei was not going to back down with just a simple peck.

"Now you have done it..."

Despite being exhausted, when it comes to lovemaking, these two seemed surprisingly energetic.


[8.30 p.m]

[Camp site]

Outside one of the camps situated in the middle of the site could be seen two figures, currently sitting around the campfire.

Ryuuta has taken some hours of sleep but his other two teammates, Hana, and Sayuri were still resting so without disturbing them he walked out to accompany his third teammate.

"It was turning real bad but in the end that bastard had thought of every possibility huh..."

Ryuuta muttered under his breath. After being threatened by Yuna, Ryuuta remains wary of his surroundings, especially while he talks about Kei.

"Well, something you could expect from a deity, I guess? Can't believe we sometimes made him buy lunch for us back in the day."

It felt like ages for Aoi despite not even a year had passed since that day when everything began to change after the arrival of the Vampire princess.

A nostalgic smile spread on the girl's lips as she recalled how Kei used to be all fidgety and flustered around her when they were just high schoolers.

"Yeah...I still remember, there was a time when we went to the arcade without a worry in the world. But now..."

Ryuuta left his words at that with a dry chuckle followed by. How the world has turned, it was hopeless to think that there might come a day when Ryuuta could enjoy his days while chilling out and living carefreely.

Those animal-faced demons have run away and could attack any moment, with maybe a higher amount of army this time. Kei might be strong but he couldn't handle everything on his own. To ensure the safety of the people who may get in the crossfire even he would need some reinforcement.

Even Aoi couldn't console her beloved in this since she knows whatever she says here, it would sound nothing more than a false hope.

Amidst such heavy silence, a familiar voice neared the two, "Why the long faces?"

Both Ryuuta and Aoi turned their heads in that direction to see a certain pair of red ruby eyes walking out of the shadows.

"Kei...shouldn't you be resting now?" Aoi asked with a slight frown since more than anyone in the camp, Kei has spent most of his reserve evolving a whole planet. It was given that despite being a Demi-God Kei must be tired as well.

"Until unless I don't have to wage a war against the Apostles, I would be fine."

Kei brushed off her worries as he took a seat opposite the two with his usual smile spread over his lips. The way he generally seems doesn't give an impression that this same guy holds the capability to wipe out this realm without breaking a sweat.

"Kei...I wanted to ask about these Apostle-"Ryuuta was about to ask about the identity of those terrifying beasts who for once seemed to have turned the whole battle in their favor.

But the person being asked suddenly interjected, "Ah, let's leave the topic for some time later. When everyone would be awake and in a position to listen, I would tell everything about those nut-brained creatures. For now, how about we go on a trip after Hana, Sayuri, Karen, and Kaori wake up? It would be the best way for our rehab."


A/N: - Kei going to formally introduce all his wives to each other. Dunno how it would end up.

The wisest wife of Kei might be able to handle the situation. Let's just hope~

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