Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 218: Nyx - Godess of Night

Chapter 218: Nyx - Godess of Night

"Nyx, why have you come before me? I am quite busy!" The Lord of Tarturous begrudgingly claimed as he held a few documents within his palm. " I have no time? With those foolish Olympians having their war, the underworld is in shambles."

Staring at the rather tall and muscular man with long dark hair and crimson, grey eyes, I smiled, pushing my dark hair away. Seeing the clear agitation as he continued to read, I could not help but giggle. "Hades no need to be as such. I am here wondering if you know anything regarding the Darkness? Just as I, you have a powerful connection to it."

Scrunching his brow, Hades stared up at me for the first time, "Is it about that boy? You will do well to leave that child be. He is of..."

"he is our Little Brother, born from Tenebrae herself." I coldly stated as Hades lowered his hands, pondering for a moment. How long had I seen such a side of him? He had been doing such mindless work for the longest.

"I know, but he is also a being from the Nines. Not to mention the Court of Nox is on his tail." He countered with a dark menacing tone."That boy is in too deep,"

"So what? He has already made contact with that child Typhoeus. She is already sending over her consciousness. I think we should help him."

Sending me a deep look, Hades arose, towering over me as his gaze slowly darken, "You want to challenge the Court? Woman, has that loneliness of yours truly shattered your will to live? With the death of my brother, do you truly wish to create more chaos? I have no reason to help him!"

"Hades, we protect our kind!" I shouted as space began to quake at my power, " There are so few of us. He needs us!"

"NO!!!" He roared, causing all of Tartarus to tremble at his rage, "What can you even do to the court?! In this realm, we are truly immortal; nothing can kill us but out there. Out there, we are but low-rank gods. Even Khaos, a primordial being, would perish, but you wan to help this Arsene Snow?"

"SO WHAT DO YOU WISH WE DO?!" I shouted back as night descended throughout the realms of the Underworld. A shiver of fear could be seen in Hades, but it was crush as he stepped up, not backing down,

"This is a complicated game!" He shouted in a firm voice, "We cannot just do stuff for him in the open. I am not saying we should not help but knowing you, as far as I can remember, you have been rather willful. You would appear before the boy in a matter of seconds. He does not need such trouble yet.

Nodding in agreement, I relaxed, lowering my rage as Hades sat back down, staring off in the dark yet magical scenery of the underworld.

"Nyx, if you wish to help, teach him regarding the Darkness. No being has more of an understanding of its nature than you. We are all connected through Tenebrae, connect to his soul."

"But will that be enough?" I asked in a hollow tone, knowing I was forcing his hands, "From what I know, he is within the realm of little Ygg."

"Only you would call her that." Hades coldly stormed in a dark manner, "But do you not have children? Not to mention that deadbeat Erebos. Let his ass work for a change. That leach needs something to do."

"H-H-He left me long ago...Please stop bring that up." I mournfully said, biting my lips, feeling the sting of my heart. Closing my eyes, I felt a powerful hand upon my head.

"I... I forgot, forgive me." He said with a warm smile. It was so unlike him, but I still felt better at his touch. "Come, let's go visit that little dragon and see how far she has come."

"Um," I nodded, as my darkness covered both myself and hades. We appeared in a dark chamber. Feeling the icy heat of the underworld Hades and I stepped forward, walking through the deepest reaches of Tartarus past the titans that roared in rage.

Ignoring them, we stopped before a rather small cell, overflowing with the inscriptions of the Olympians and the Chthonic Gods. Narrowing my gaze, I looked upon a small girl that looked to be no more than two completely covered in chains. Black and Silver hair could be seen longer than her showering her small stature as she laid still.

Sensing us, she raised her small dollish head, opening her eyes that glimmered with silver light. A hint of fear and anxiety could be seen. Feeling my heart melt, I gasped in shock, "Hades... you had such a baby here?"

"You are all-knowing. Should you not know she was here?" He begrudgingly stated, rather annoyed over the situation, yet I could feel his soft tone.

Snorting, I waved my arms as the seal of the gods vanished. Opening her eyes wide, the little one shivered as I drew closer, "No need to fear me, my child, can you not feel it? We are almost the same little girl."

Removing the chain from her mouth Little Typhoeus shook with tears, "W-w-w who are you?" she asked in a timid tone, trying to hide the connection with Arsene we all could feel. Watching large drops congeal from her eyes, I could not help but turn to Hades.

"Let her go!"

Rolling his eyes, he shook his head, "I can, but she is not to run to Arsene, nor cause trouble within my Realm."

"Fine!" I barked, but hades simply smirked

"You? Are you mad?" He mocked in a jeering tone, "I would like to hear the same from that little dragon that almost killed Zeus. While my little brother is a hateful bastard, he was a mighty being and, in the end, needed the help of others to defeat this little dragon."

"Will you help, Typhoeus?" The Caged girl asked towards the King of the Underworld. Hades, however, remained icy, neither answering. I had wished to open my mouth. However, The king in question sent me a deep look.

"Typhoeus will not cause trouble unless big bad Zeus attack Typhoeus. Typhoeus will kill!!!" She shouted as tears of darkness ran from her eyes. Shotting Hades a deep glare, he sighed in difficulty.

"Fine, Fine," He said in a weary tone, "you all are destroying my life. Just let me work."

"In the name of Hades, I release you!"

Hearing the voice of Hades echo out from Tarterious, I watched as all the seals lose their power dropping. Suddenly a vicious power that shook the air erupted. Rising off the ground after so many eons and cycles, Typhoeus's tears continued to fall.

Mourning, I covered her small stature as more tears continued on staining my robes. Hearing the young girl cry, I felt my heart melt as she clenched my robes formed by my darkness. "..B...Bi..Big SIs...Th...ak thank you!!!" She wailed, breaking down.

Tightening my grip, I turned to Hades, "Come join us. You helped too."

"I'll past, look at all that slobber, I am the King of Hell..."

"Oh, just come stop posing. No one is here." I snorted as he pointed back to the titans locked alongside Typhoeus.

"Yeah, I shall pass. It's bad enough I was tricked into being the Underworld's Lord. I will not have my own Father and uncles mock me!"

"Your such a bitch"

Rolling his eyes, Hades snorted, "Just bring her to my palace. I shall have the shades prepare a room and a meal for her. Afterward, we can speak about this Arsene Snow."

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