Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 229: Teleportation Rune

Chapter 229: Teleportation Rune

~HMM~ I groaned, opening my eyes to the light overflowing within my vision.

"Thank the Gods!" Anna yelled in horror and relief as she hugged my body. Feeling her massive weaponry pressed tightly against my face, I didn't even question what was going on, merely enjoying the warmth.

"You have been out for about three days, my Lord." Anna pitifully exclaimed as I suddenly felt a wave of pain assaulting my senses.

Opening my eyes wide, I could see her scream in panic, "SORRY!!!! I forgot to remove the needles from your acupuncture points. Forgive me, my lord. But do not fret. I trained as a doctor all my life before I started working for Lady Yura." Anna exclaimed as her hands moved with the graceful skill of a trained doctor.

"You did?" I questioned in confusion since Yura never mentioned her. I thought she was a random worker.

"Yes, a few years ago, she saved me alongside many of my family members. I know it's strange, but my family was quite well known within Midgard, but I regret nothing. Joining Lady Yura was the greatest decision for me. A life for a life."

Humming in response, I arose, checking my body. I could feel my dantian had expanded almost three times its size, causing me to grin, which equates to me breaking through three times. Feeling the overflow of qi rising from my body, I bellowed in laughter.

"Anna go out and buy more resources, and get some for yourself," I said as her face open wide. "After all, it never hurts to have a better cultivation."

Bowing, Anna left with tears in her eyes. I was sure she didn't tell me the whole story, but it didn't matter. Watching as her shadow faded, my smile slowly vanished.

"Is there a reason your here?" I asked as a being of sin appeared before me within a mist of demonic qi. Feeling death grip on my neck, I didn't freeze or panic, merely staring at the entity taking form before me.

"Are you truly my master husband? For a devil to faint due to excess qi is strange and rather pathetic." Anya sharply said with piercing eyes.

Scrunching my brow, I snorted, "You truly have a mouth on you. It will be wise to hold it. I am not your master, but there is a reason Asmodeus came to me to train his daughter. Keep testing my patients, and I will break you."

"YOU!!!" SHe yelled in mocking laughter, "We are demons Arsene, such threats mean nothing to us."

"Oh, then do keep testing me, and we will see who has the final laugh. As a demon, you should understand what true torture is like." I replied with a fiendish grin, "Now tell me why you are here?"

"The young mistress said to brand your arm with a rune. This should allow you to teleport through Midgard, assuming you know where to go. There is a five-second delay, so it's not very usable in battle. My sister and I both worked on this together to have the best result."

"Guess that makes sense," I said as she waved her palm. Feeling a heat pressed against my shoulder. I raised my sleeve, smiling at the pentagram depicting a sinister tree. Arching my lips I smirk, at the emblem they used.

"So, Anya, have you wondered what you would do if I decided to marry Ezra?" I asked, watching her body stiffen. Releasing a rather fiendish smile, "I hear the ninth level of hell is rather magical. Maybe you can become friends with the Prince of Hell bael. I am sure he would enjoy the touch of a woman, and as a demon, I am sure your body and soul will be more than adequate to... release some tension. "

Releasing a depraved laugh, Anya backed away as my words rang deep into her mind. Flickering away from my sight, I smirked, "I will enjoy breaking her. I wonder how her sister will fare? She is not as rude, but both of them will need a deep lesson when speaking to me. "

Sending my intent back into the ring I received from Anna, I continued to absorb any more resources to boost my cultivation. Falling into another trance, my body did not react like last time as I began comprehending the various elements.

Days slowly began to pass like seconds before a gentle arm gripped my shoulder. Coming back to my senses, I shivered, leaping away at Roald standing in front of me.

FUCK!!! That was scary; I need to learn to lay down formations that can defend against intruders.

"Sorry, but it's time," he said with an apologetic smile. "Anna, let me in. She doesn't know I snuck away. I am in a hurry."

Nodding lightly, I quickly went to find anna to collect the rest of my resources before leaving with Roald. Looking at the carriage waiting for us, I got comfortable before I sent Roald a deep stare.

"Why so quiet...Oh shit, I forgot Silvia." I yelled

"She is there already. Lord Orion brought her. He, along with his sister Auldreid will be there to help escort us back to the Vanir Clan."

Releasing a smile, I closed my eyes as time began to fly. Trying to comprehend more about the elements, I slowly became lost before I felt the carriage come to a halt.

Opening my eyes, Roald sent me a deep look. "Please do not anger these people, Arsene. Gandmeir is known for being strict."

Stepping out of the carriage with indifference, the first person to meet me was quite the surprise as I gaze at the rather vibrant smile upon Ezra in her french maid uniform.

"It's always a lovely sight to you in such a magical outfit," I said as she snorted.

"Were you just gonna leave without saying anything?" She asked in a dark tone.

"Have Mare create you a phone, and we can talk whenever. I was actually going to ask Asmodeus for his number. I just don't know how to go about doing it yet."

Rolling her eyes, my arms wrapped around her waist as she opened her eyes wide in shock, "My dear future wife, please do not worry. I Arsene Snow will call you every day. Please do not cry, for I shall be a call away.

Pushing me away, Ezra gave me a cold death stare stomping her feet in anger, "Arsene, you prick."

vanishing from my sight, I laughed before turning to Roald, a little bewildered. "Shall we? Let's get going. I am sure Mr. Strict is quite angry."

Shaking his head, "Arsene, please don't ang— "

"It's fine, Roald," A dark, powerful voice called out as I felt a chill run down my spine. Narrowing my gaze, the elder ring within my left eye began to glimmer as black lightning overflowed from my body.

"Oh, quite a feisty one, but Mr. Arsene, I don't care of your status within the sect. If you dare pull that type of shit again, I will personally send you to Helheim." A rather muscular half-man with a vicious gash upon his right eye tracing down his cheek said with a dark, ruthless light.

Studying his middle age appearance, I scrunched my brow, "A dwarf?" I whispered as he nodded.

"What? never seen one such as myself?" He coldly rebutted, circling my body with a scrutinizing glare. "I expected to see you yesterday, but here you are. Do you know how long I waited?"


"I don't care, Mr. Snow." the Half-Man coldly spat, "I am in charge of your training, and I don't take crap from little shits like you. Even if Silvia vouches for you, follow my rules, and we will not have a problem. Are we clear?"

Opening my mouth wide, all I could do was laugh. Never in my life had I met someone daring to speak to me in such a manner. Raising his large yet small arm, the Dwarf spoke.

"Respect is earned, boy, so what will you do?" He asked, causing me to think for a moment.

Observing the dwarf and the scars upon his palm, many thoughts ran through my mind. He wasn't particularly handsome, falling in the ugly category, especially with the large, tough-looking wrinkles upon his face.

Raising my palm, I shook his hand as he smiled, "Well done, boy, had you not shaken my hand, I would have kicked your ass so hard, not even your mother would have recognized your deformed grimace. The name is Gandmeir, Elder of the Inner sanctum of the Vanir's."

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