Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 258: Leaving Once More

Chapter 258: Leaving Once More

With a mischievous smile upon her lips, Lilith giggled to herself as she placed me into a wheelchair.

"You seem a little too happy about this!" I bitterly asked as the pits of my stomach began to twist.

"Of course, having to take care of you is a dream of mine?" Said Lilith in a loving tone, sending me a kiss that sent a chill down my soul.

"You were dreaming of pushing me in a wheelchair? Lilith, something is definitely wrong with you!" I song as her pearly laughter echoed throughout the manor.

Rolling me through towards the dinner table, I found Melino? patiently waiting with a listless expression as she whispered to herself. Looking around at the empty table, I justified Melino? actions thinking she was speaking to a ghost. That had to be it even if there was no type of energy present to justify some form of entity there.

"Has she been speaking to ghost a lot?" I whispered towards my driver.

"Ghost? this bitch is crazy. She gets like this a few times a day." Said Lilith peering towards the Melino?. "You're a devil, you can see a ghost, and she is definitely not speaking to one."

Taking a seat at the table, I shook my head as four new arrivals slowly made their way towards the dinner table.

"Ava, Victoria, Elsa, and..."

"I go by Falis," The young boy that was once an innocent kid coldly exclaimed.

"Sure," I said without much care as I turned to the familiar face of the pale Ava still pulsing with innocents and the charming Elsa who seemed rather disturbed to be at my table.

"Ava, it is quite a sight to see you once more." I joyfully exclaimed.

"I am sure you would think so," Victoria barked, shooting daggers into my skull. "Everyone we have even known or cared for is dead, and you act like we are happy to see you!"

Not getting the least bit offended, I shrugged, "Why did you come empty-handed? Where is the food?"


Slapping the table, abyssal energy began to overflow from Victoria's seductive body as she drew a sword black as night from space around her. Noticing mysterious inscriptions rising upon her milky skin, I merely tapped my fingers upon the table, "Victoria darling, are you truly going to go against your master?"


Giggling of to the side Lilith gently placed her arm upon Melino?, bringing her back to reality. Covering her mouth, her piercing eyes peered into the drama of the dinner table, scrunching her brow in heavy dissatisfaction.

"Than attack me, Victoria. Come and kill your master!" I ruthlessly exclaim.

There were many ways I could break Victoria. Personally, while I did like her, Midgard was not the place to address her feelings. She needed to deal with her problems, not me!

Moving like a phantom, Victoria flashed towards me, her dark blade in hand, as she shot it towards my skull with ruthless abandonment.

However, with a mere thought, Victoria's vicious blade came to a halt. Studying her shock, my lips curled into a menacing devil.


Dropping like a fly, Victoria appeared on her knees before me, tears already pouring from her eyes, "What else can you take from me, Arsene? I have nothing, not even my freedom! What more can you take!" She cried, covering her eyes as her whimpers echoed

Rising up from their chairs, Ava, Elsa, and Falis all of sudden drew their weapons, pointing them towards me. A cold gleam radiating off of them as strange markings began rising from their skins.

"Do you think a united stand means anything to me?" I coldly asked, "It would seem none of you understand there is always something more to take. When family and material things are gone, what else do you think is left."

Opening their eyes wide, a shiver ran through their bodies as my smile only deepen, "Love, Hate, Pride, and all the very emotions you display. All of these can be taken till you are nothing more than a hollow toy. You stand before me, truly ignorant of my standings. I could have all of you barking like a dog when greeting me. Your lives belong to Lilith and myself. Remember that the next time you have the courage to point your blade towards me."

With horror running through their bodies, I waved them off, "Victoria, go and gather the food. The rest of you take your seat." I commanded, making my point quite clear.

"I told you all this would happen; guess reality and what you had planned was quite different from what you thought, huh? And did you really think I would let you harm him? Arsene may like the long con, but I do not. Pull that shit again, and the only thing you will see next is hell. " Said Lilith with a mocking light.

Gritting their teeth, I grew rather bewildered, I understand why Victoria hates me, but Lilith was the one who killed their loved ones. I didn't do shit! Oh, wait, did they die when I exploded Asterion? Oops, wait, what of Falis? Lilith for sure killed his father!

Resting my eyes for a second, the scent of fresh home-cooked food was presented to me. Staring at the strange vegetarian dishes, I turned to Lilith, who also shrugged.

"Everyone in this Village is a vegetarian. It's actually quite good. Although I cannot Identify a single dish present." Siad Lilith, "It all looks like... I don't even know how to describe this. Soup and greens?"

"Umm, I thought they hated me for what happened. In fact, I am quite surprised they are even alive!"

"Oh, they do hate you. I saw one drawing a picture of you before burning it." Said Melino? with a vibrant smile, "They even have this church going on about sending you to the depths of Hel. It's quite poetic."

Flicking off the crazy train, I looked down as Victoria began plating everyone's plate.

"Are you leaving again?" I asked towards Lilith, who nodded.

"Yes, but just for a week before I return to Hallr. Do you remember the place we stayed at after Esla and her Sect chased us down?"

"Quite vividly, if I remember correctly, you said there was some ancient power there. We didn't want to get into any more shit, so we left. " I hummed in remembrance, shooting the Victoria a cold stare.

"Yes, I don't particularly understand what it was, but when I touched the gate, my body appeared within the abyss."

"So you have been exploring the abyss?" I question, watching as Lilith drew still and silent.

Scrunching my brow, an alluring smile sprung upon Elsa's cold face, "Why not tell him? I am sure he would be flatter. "

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF IT!" Lilith barked in embarrassment, yet Elsa merely stared at me.

"Can you guess what she was doing?" Elsa whispered as Falis turned to Lilith.

"Aunty Lily, what are they talking about?"

"She went deep," Elsa warned, "I have never seen someone so... so engaged. Honestly, we thought her eyes would burn out, the way she stared at that strange device."

Turning pure ruby red, a chilling air suddenly began to grip the dinner table as Lilith lowered her fork and knife.

"ELSA~" Lilith sang, smiling in a loving manner.

Coughing gently, Elsa stared at the crooked smile of her master, lowering her head in dread, "Nevermind, I will just tell you later! When master leaves."


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