Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 262: I May Have Fucked Up

Chapter 262: I May Have Fucked Up

"Came to your senses, have you not?" I spat in ridicule, "Hurry up and open the damn gates and stop with these fucking games. Did Grandmeir not report I had a god with me?"

Appearing before me, I gazed a the woman with long grey hair raining to her feet. Her skin was aged and cracked. In contrast, her eyes were wide-reaching to her ears and drooping like the willow tree, while her nose hung crooked on her face filled with boils.

"Fuck your ugly!" I exclaimed in awe, "I thought cultivation helps make people look better. But you may be the ugliest human I had the honor of gazing upon. Age did not help you either. Wow. Your mother must have abanded you, didn't she? If I had a child-like you, I might actually kill her myself. Damn, do you have kids? God, I hope not. Fuck, did you **** that poor man? I can assure you he didn't put it in willingly."

"Arsene, please shut your mouth," Whispered Melino? into my ears, "Why are you antagonizing her?"

"antagonize?" I shouted, pointing towards God's little mistake, "Melino?, look at that nose you can open a fucking beer with it. Her skin looks like she literally shat it out. I am stating facts. This bitch is ugly!"

"ARSENE!!!" Roared the woman in anger.

"Stop, don't scream my name!" I shouted back, "Who the hell are you anyway? Fuck off and let me speak to someone important!"

"I am Gruna inner sect Elder responsible for disciple..."

"I don't care, bitch! I want to speak with someone that isn't responsible for Disciples. It's like asking to speak to a principal, but a teacher comes out. You pulled some stupid ass shit just now! Fuck off, you ugly bitch!"

"Arsene!" Melino? shouted, "At least have some decorum!"

"Nope!" I pettily explained. "Why should I? Sure I was being a dick, but was she not the one that started it? Did she expect me to kneel or beg to join the Vanir Clan? Form how I see it, this bitch had some motives, and I am far too busy even to involve myself. So Gruna can fuck off from my damn sight, you old ass shit stain. "

Trembling dark droplets of crimson slowly fell to the ground as Gruna hovered above us, clenching her fist. Taking a step past Melino?, I drew close towards the gate, eyeing the guards, "Will you stand against me? I am sure you know who I am and what I mean to your clan. So I will ask once more before the shit hits the fan. Open these fucking gates!"

Glancing amongst each other, the two guards simultaneously turned towards Gruna, still shaking. A vicious air was slowly turning upon her, but my gaze remained upon the two guards.

"Op... Open the Gates!" He shouted, bringing a vicious smile upon my face.

Turning towards Gruna, I snickered, "I bet you didn't think it would end like this. However, you can try to attack me! Base upon how my words are being ignored, it would seem the Vanir Clan is either foolish or dumb. But it's fine; it's not me your offending. "

With the large silver gates opening wide, my mind was permeated with a deep sense of awe at the enormous city of endless life within the heavens.

"Is this Eden?" I whispered at the primal aura I was feeling within the air. Like I had entered another world, I felt completely out of place. I had thought of a silver civilization and houses towering above the clouds, never a city of nature such as this.

Trees large as mountains were visible, sprouting from the very clouds curling like vines stretching hundred of kilometers. Yet from a distance, these trees seemingly began to congeal together, taking the form of an infinity long tree similar to the World Tree. However, within those trees, I saw hundreds of disciples dressed in Emerald and Azure clothing with elegant clouds pressing upon their robes.

"it's magnificent. The air reminds me of the Village of Katala." muttered Melino? stepping in with an awe-inspiring glint, "Father's realm is nothing like this! This is simply amazing. "

"Aye," I agreed, turning towards Zanris, whose expression was sour and bitter. A glimmer of hate and love were both presents as she shut her eyes.


"No, well, maybe just a little." Zanris weakly said, losing the childish persona, "It has been so long. I was just a little surprised how much I missed this place."

"Want to meet her?" I asked, already knowing the answer, "If not, then lead the way towards the Patriarch. It would seem he is not aware of my arrival."

"It's 'she,' and I am well aware of your arrival Arsene Snow. I was the moment you stepped upon my land!" Said an attractive woman with long silver hair. Staring at the skimpy clothing, reviling the Markings of Valhalla, I narrowed my gaze, lifting my gaze towards her emerald eyes. "Welcome to the Vanir Clan! I am Unnr, The Broken."

"Arsene, I am going to explore. You deal with this..."

"No one is going anywhere till we have an investigation on who you are." Unnr coldly declared, startling Melino?. Pointing to herself, she turned to me.

"Is she talking to me?"

Nodding without hesitation upon seeing the crimson glint. Zanris didn't even need to say anything as she gripped my arm in a panic. Feeling the hair upon my skin rising, I gulp at the change.

"Melino?. Darling, please don't do it! Not here!" I gently whispered into her ear upon seeing a pale qi begin to rise from her body.

All of a sudden, the skies turned to blood as an unrivaled force consumed the air turning into a force that brought both Gruna and Unnr to their knees before the pale rider. Getting their teeth, a painful bellow swallowed my airs as Gurna was the first to begin to vomit her organs out suddenly.

Watching her very eyes begin to bleed from their sockets, Melino? hysterical laughter flooded my ears like strings scratching against one another. with her siren wails, I gulp, not daring to speak, much less move.

"Filthy filthy things! Why does other me wish to keep the peace? Mere mortals that have never experience death or the infinite torment of Tartarus. MORTAL DARE TO SPEAK TO ME AS SUCH?!!!!" Melino? screeched, releasing a deranged burst of divinity from her soul, blasting everything away within a few kilometers. Watching the two-guard literally melt into themselves, I immediately activated the Rune of Teleportation. Not questioning why I am even alive. It was not important, not when a Goddess of Madness at an arm's length of me.

Drawing the Helheim scythe from the air, Melino? insane laughter continued to echo as her sensual tongue licked its tip, "Hela, my dear sister, shall we feast together upon their souls? Forget work like father, and let's experience the torment of the ALL!!!"

"Yeah... Ima just go!" I said, vanishing towards the ground by Silvia, who seemed bewildered by the crimson skies. "soooo, I may have fucked up bringing a god of Madness here!"

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