Monia: How Should I Convince My Yandere Wife To Let Me Free?

Chapter 95: The (After) Story Continues!


Chapter 95: The (After) Story Continues!

Frankly, these three are now immortal. As such, this story could technically go on for damn well forever. But… instead of doing that, I will just highlight the various ongoing in their unending lives.

This takes place just shortly after their wedding, so it isn’t some major jump into the future… yet. Anyway… now that the two yanderes had woken up, they were no longer ignoring Monia’s wants.

Risa: “I will not tolerate such a shoot, Melissa!” She said with a stern tone.

Melissa: “How prudish do you have to be to…” Her words were cut off.

Monia: “No, really… Why is me modeling for a luxury perfume somehow bad, Risa?” She asked with a head tilt.

Risa: “It sends a bad message.” She answered with her head held high.

Yes, besides the first time, and that perverted shoot of Melissa’s, Monia hadn’t done any more modeling since then.

And perhaps due to her sacrifices, the two had become far more human. I mean, they were still yanderes, but they started to treat Monia even better than before. For one, they didn’t restrict the woman at all anymore. Mostly…

Melissa: “Okay… am I having a stroke? What kind of bad message are you speaking of?” She asked with an annoyed tone and expression.

Risa: “Of course, her modeling for perfume… gives off the message that she has to wear such products. That is absolutely not true, and her natural smell is to die for!” She replied with a serious tone.

Monia: “Wait… isn’t that the same for, like, clothing? I think that you’re being…” Her words were cut off.

Melissa: “Fuck… You’re absolutely correct, Risa!” She said, angrily slapping the coffee table.

Monia: “???” “Since when did they drink some crazy juice?! Ah, it was from the very beginning…” She thought with a defeated tone.

Claire: “…” “This is still better than any show, movie, game, etc. In existence!” She thought with a happy tone.

Claire is still Risa’s head maid, even though she is married. In truth, the woman really likes this job, and she now finds the three women’s silly antics to be entertaining as all hell. This, by accident, kinda guaranteed that she’d end up immortal as well, since they got attached to her.

Claire: “Why don’t you just request that they put a disclaimer that Monia doesn’t need to use such products?” She suggested. “Like hell that they would go with this idea!” She thought with a giggle.

Risa: “Claire… that’s genius!” She said, standing up and patting the maid on the shoulder as a form of praise.

Claire: “(~OAO)”

Thus, Monia got her next modeling gig, all with the amazing disclaimer of, “Monia supports this product, but her natural smell is amazing, and she doesn’t need to use any kind of perfume. Source: Her wives.” on everywhere the ad was displayed.

Monia: “…” “Heh…” She thought with a deadpan tone and expression.

Seeing it long after she did the shoot… Monia had the urge to have the ad removed. But, knowing her wives might kill someone to achieve that, she let it go. “I just need to be more careful in my request in the future…” She thought with a sigh. Yeah, that’ll work, surely…

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