Monster Apartment

Chapter 118

Chapter 118 Zhu Niao: To thank you on the verge of d

Zhu Niao jumped repeatedly on the verge of doing things.

She took a picture with her hand, and after hesitating for a while, she finally found out with conscience that she didn’t make any big news when everyone was in distress.

She put away her phone, and walked towards the two people who hadn’t noticed her arrival.

Her steps are very light, so light that it is hard to notice.

Gu Bai caught a slight movement and turned his head slightly.

At this glance, Gu Bai caught a red figure.

He turned his head and smiled at Zhu Niao who was walking slowly to fight.

“Ms. Zhu Niao, meet again!” Gu Bai waved his hand.

The little human girl looked in the direction he was looking, and she was taken aback.

As far as human aesthetics is concerned, Zhu Niao’s whole person looks almost flawless beauty.

Her skin is white, but her face is flushed with health.

The skin is like fat, and the face is like peaches and plums. This is an accurate portrait of Zhu Niao.

She is wearing a white shirt with a black and red checkered skirt today.

It was a little considerate of human feelings about temperature, and I put a thick red coat on the outside.

There are two rows of golden bow-style buttons on the coat, and there is a layer of soft and white fluff on the neckline and edges, which makes her skin tone whiter and fairer.

Two long, straight legs were exposed in this still cool weather, and a pair of dark red velvet high-heeled stilettos were stepped on their feet.

The whole person looks tall and gorgeous.

The little girl looked at the women who came by in amazement, she was fascinated on one side.

Gu Bai didn’t notice the abnormality of the girl next to him, so he stood up from the edge of the altar.

Zhu Niao Jiaoyan also showed a smile on her face. Her gaze faintly swept over the humans around Gu Bai, and then she looked back away from her gaze without anything, and gave Gu Bai a big bear hug.

“Oh, I want to die!” Zhu Niao rubbed Gu Bai’s head twice, “Si Yiming is willing to let you out!”

“Si…Mr. Si…” Gu Bai felt a little breathless when he was being held, but he still conveyed his words with difficulty: “Mr. Si has always been willing to let me out…”

Zhu Niao paused and decided not to ask for dog food.

She let go, put her elbows on Gu Bai’s shoulders broadly, and said, “Haezhi said you have something to ask me for help?”

Gu Bai heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and pointed to the wall opposite the altar.

“That.” He was a little bit embarrassed, “I can only perceive the breath of your blood, I don’t know anything else…”

Zhu Niao was not surprised by this. She withdrew her hand on Gu Bai’s shoulder and waved her hand casually: “I know, I’ll go take a look.”

Gu Bai nodded and watched Zhu Niao walk around in front of the totem and stretched out his hand for a while, then continued to observe other places.

She also grabbed Xie Zhi and murmured together, it seemed that even Zhu Niao had to carefully distinguish the problem of materials.

Gu Bai looked at it for a while, then returned to the little girl, raised his sleeves again, and opened the notebook and folder: “Come on, let’s continue.”

The little girl came back to her senses, her eyes still on Zhu Niao.

If the other party had an illusion, he turned his head to look at her, and there was no fluctuation in that glance, as if he saw an ordinary stone passing by.

The little girl was agitated, and quickly withdrew her gaze.

Gu Bai shuddered as he watched the girl, and was stunned: “Is it cold?”

The little girl shook her head and whispered: “The attitude of your monsters towards humans is so different.”

Gu Bai heard the words, glanced at Zhu Niao’s side, and nodded.

He felt that there was nothing to conceal about this: “Because humans have a short lifespan.”

The little girl was taken aback and gave a short “ah”.

There was still some confusion on his face.

“Because humans have a short lifespan, monsters can only watch humans grow old and die, so it is normal that they are unwilling to pay attention to humans or simply not look at them.”

The vast majority of human beings plan for the end of their life, mostly to take care of their lives, and then take a step ahead of their partners.

Because they are afraid of being the loneliest loneliness in the long time with someone.

After the monsters gradually recognized the nature of the vast majority of humans, they gradually stopped interacting with the cunning race of humans.

And those with nostalgic nature—such as monsters or sacred beasts like Zhuniao, especially so.

Gu Bai turned the notebook in his hand to the page he had just communicated with, and smiled comfortingly at the little girl: “Okay, let’s continue.”

The little girl still couldn’t react, she replied ignorantly, then opened the notebook, and continued to remember seriously.

Zhu Niao pulled off a piece of wall covering with some color and played with it in his hand. While distinguishing the composition of it, he withdrew the light from staring at Gu Bai.

“Pixiu just follow Gu Xiaobai to toss like this?” She asked thanks.

“Huh?” Xie Zhi was touching the mark on the wall, and was slightly taken aback when he heard Zhu Niao’s question.

Zhu Niao angered at the two behind.

Xie Zhi suddenly said: “Xiaobai wants to be young, so he has to let him experience more.”

Zhu Niao frowned, a little disapproving.

“Let’s go with him.” Xie Zhi said, “Si Yiming will worry about getting sad in the future.”

Zhu Niao stopped talking.

She looked down at the wall covering in her hand, then looked at Gu Bai who had already raised her sleeves and took out the paintbrush and was about to start trying to repair the main body of the altar. After thinking for a while, she looked around here again, and suddenly made a shot. Snapping his fingers, his face was stunned.

“I remember here!” Zhu Niao said.

Gu Bai looked over at the sound.

Zhu Niao threw away the wall covering he had pulled from his hand, and walked to the side of Gu Bai who was about to repair the altar. He glanced at the restored shape of the altar that was inferred from the data, and took a pen to modify several places.

“The altar is like this!” Zhu Niao put down his pen.

“Hey?” Gu Bai took the pen blankly, “Do you remember here…?”

Zhu Niao nodded: “Ah, there used to be humans under my protection here. This altar was built by humans from that tribe, but I remember it was not a cave, but a large open space.”

“It should be to complete the formation, which was patched into a secret cave by the fairy.” Xie Zhi added a guess.

After that, as time went on, there were several repairs of formations and caves, so the age of the soil detected by humans fluctuated greatly.

Zhu Niao gave an “um” in agreement.

She looked up at the irregular openings in the dome, and at the distribution of the voids, thoughtfully.

Holding Gu Bai’s notebook in her hand, she compared the position of the altar a little, shoved the notebook in her hand into Gu Bai’s arms, and pointed to the top of the dome.

“I will poke a few more holes,” she said.

Gu Bai was taken aback, then turned his head and glanced at the little girl next to him who was responsible for contacting this matter.

The little girl opened her mouth and wanted to object, after all, this is a famous material cultural heritage, how can she move it casually!

But after thinking of the identities of these people in front of him, he shrank his neck and whispered: “Please…”

Zhu Niao glanced at her, flew to the top of the dome with one kick, and groped for several more holes.

Gu Bai blushed and quickly lowered his head the moment she flew up.

The little girl next to him bowed his head at the same time.

The two stood side by side, watching their noses and noses, and the two blushed exactly.

But Xie Zhi is different.

Xie Zhi looked up at Zhu Niao, and said, “Why don’t you wear safety pants.”

Zhu Niao was taken aback for a moment, and he was so angry that it was a fire in his backhand: “My old lady showed you!”

Xie Zhi avoided the fire, stepped on it, and moved his gaze from Zhu Niao to the new holes.

He saw the famous temple at a glance: “Seven stars in the south?”

Zhu Niao fell down, patted off the dust on his body, and nodded: “Yeah.”

She patted Ash and asked, “When is it?”

Xie Zhi looked at his watch: “10:50.”

After counting the time, Zhu Niao said to Gu Bai: “Fix the altar before three quarters in the noon. It’s still an hour, or you have to wait for tomorrow.”

Gu Bai was suddenly spotted, waved his paintbrush, his face was still red, and he gave a panicked “Oh” and hurriedly went over to paint on the altar of Zhu Niaogai.

Gu Bai’s business ability is still quite good, saying that the repair is done before three quarters in the noon, he will not delay even a minute.

The three quarters of noon in the ancient legend is the most yang period of the day.

The sun gradually moved to the top of the head, and the sunlight fell through the void in the dome, forming dozens of beams of light.

These light spots were scattered on the wall and on the altar.

When Gu Bai’s last stroke fell, a few rays of sunlight fell on the altar with loess structure in an instant.

These rays of sunlight completely occupied every corner of the outline of the altar, reflecting the loess altar like white jade.

As time went by, the light scattered on the wall also fell on the altar, faintly traveling a flame outline in the center of the altar.

The ground shook slightly.

As if something was suddenly activated, the dim cave suddenly became extremely bright.

It was so bright that it was even a little dazzling-the little girl who dazzled the human snorted uncomfortably and raised her hand to cover her eyes.

Gu Bai squinted his eyes slightly, and in a brilliant light, he saw the surrounding areas that should have been walls, and painted these complicated patterns.

The end of these patterns is the totem of the Vermilion Bird that you can see directly after entering the cave.

“This is the pattern here.” Zhu Niao’s voice sounded from her ears, with some complaints, “How complicated are the brains of those immortals?”

As Gu Bai listened to Zhu Niao humming and confessing his fate, he took the notebook from his hand, and recorded the complicated and mysterious patterns in quick and neat movements that were completely different from verbal disgust.

“What are you doing in such a hurry?” Xie Zhi watched her painting, “Aren’t you afraid of making mistakes?”

“The complete formation pattern will only be revealed when it is activated. If you are not in a hurry, are you responsible for this human being blind?” Zhu Niao said angrily.

Xie Zhi looked at the little girl who was squatting on the side to avoid the dazzling light, and with a light tusk, he walked over and took out the notebook from her arms.

He whispered something like “Humans are really troublesome”, while opening the notebook, back to back with Zhu Niao, and quickly recorded the formation pattern on the other side.

Gu Bai looked at this, then at that, and after thinking about it, he took out a thick and pitch-black special-made Xia Jin from the strap, flicked it, and wrapped the whole little human girl inside.

“Gu Xiaobai is really softhearted.” Xie Zhi said with a glance.

Zhu Niao echoed casually: “Yes.”

Gu Bai watched their babbling and non-stop movements, feeling that he was ashamed of this compliment.

“Nothing.” Gu Bai said honestly, “If Zhu Niao said, I didn’t even notice this.”

Xie Zhi was taken aback, and he reacted at random, laughed twice, and teased: “Yes, Zhu Niao didn’t tell me, I didn’t notice this.”

Zhu Niao’s backhand was to poke an elbow on Xie Zhi’s waist, with a vicious tone: “Just you shit!”

After being stabbed, Xie Zhi’s face was distorted and his eyes widened in disbelief, pointing to Gu Bai and then to himself: “You…I…Obviously Gu Xiaobai said it first!”

Zhu Niao quickly recorded those formation patterns, turned his head to look at Xie Zhi, with a smile on his face: “I wrote it down, I will tell Si Yiming when I look back, you instigated me to use violence against Gu Bai.”


Thanks:? ? ?

The author has something to say: Zhu Niao: It is a jio to thank you on the verge of death!

Thanks:? ? ? ? ? ?

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