Monster Breeder

11. Apprentice (R-18)

“You drugged my tea?”

“Of course,” Gabby replies as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “You’re a human, and I’m just a little Gobbo. How else am I supposed to stop you from escaping?”

I point at her fingers on her teacup. “You could threaten me with your claws.”

“And damage your soft skin like a savage? The very idea!”

I can’t help it. I fail to stifle a giggle at her indignation that I suggested a Goblin use her sharp nails. Her eyes glaze over behind her wire-rim spectacles for a moment as she listens to me laugh and watches me smile. I swear, I never knew I had this effect on monster girls!

“Why didn’t you just lie to me?”

Gabby snaps out of it and frowns. “You’d have found out when you awoke, and then where would we be? How could you trust me after that?”

I’m not angry; I’m actually enjoying the verbal repartee. “How can I trust you, now? You tried to drug me.”

“Obviously, you can trust me because I’m honest.”

“Then why drug me in the first place?”

Gabby opens her mouth to speak, then closes it. She tries again but remains silent. Then she takes a sip of her tea and sets the cup on the table. After a few seconds of contemplation, she finally responds, “I suppose this is what they call a difference in ‘cultural norms.’ All anyone talks about in Ogre Fen is raiding Kennel Hills and capturing humans. Everyone knows humans are the most enjoyable sex partner species, whether male or female.

“A traditional relationship for us would be an Orc or Goblin and their captive spouse, with a human being a sign of prestige. I never considered the other side of it. Please understand I wouldn’t have treated you badly! I never intended to harm you…”

“I think I’m starting to understand, and I believe you,” I say. “But didn’t it occur to you that the lost and naked human on your doorstep might be more than willing to trade favors for sex?”

She blushes a darker shade of green and her spectacles fog. “Oh, my.”

“Let’s start again.” No harm, no foul. “Hello, my name is Alex. I’m a Monster Tamer, and I’m lost.”

Gabby cleans her spectacles on her robe before redonning them. “Yes, alright. Hello, Alex. I’m Gabby the Goblin Apprentice. I live here in this abandoned hut I found. What’s a Monster Tamer?”

A second-tier Goblin! No wonder she has more confidence than the Goblins in my hometown. “Let me go first since you tried to drug me. What’s a Goblin Apprentice? Do you have a master?”

“I thought we were starting over?”

“We are. I’m just having fun with you,” I say and take her hand in mine. She twitches as if suppressing the instinct to retract the limb. Her hands and feet are ever so slightly larger on her frame than expected from a human her size, but still small in mine, distinctly feminine in shape, and her skin is soft to my touch.

“V-very well. I have no master; ‘Apprentice’ is simply a title. I think it makes me smarter… or it’s felt that way since I evolved. Mostly I’m grateful it locks me out of the Orc, Ogre, and Hobgoblin evolutionary branches. What’s a Monster Tamer?”

I giggle, and Gabby’s gaze glazes again.

“Persistent, are we?” I stand, her hand still in mine. “This seat is uncomfortable; let’s move to the bed.”

“Y-yes. Certainly.”

We sit side by side on the mattress. Her eye level is much closer to my nipples this way, and she struggles to avoid staring as she blushes prettily all the way to the tips of her ears.

“After the collapse of civilization and the dark ages, humanity decided to live in harmony with the monsters. Tamers are humanity’s ambassadors; their job is to show monsters the advantages of standing alongside humans.”

I run a finger along the length of her pointy ear. She shivers beneath my touch.

“So, tell me why a pretty, capable, evolved Goblin like you is out here on her own?” I wouldn’t have thought Bruke would allow her to leave despite being an annoyance.

“I may have become a bit… obsessed, after my evolution.”

“You talked their ears off?”

“Well, yes. And then… feeding other Gobbos mysterious substances was one thing. They kicked me out when I started experimenting on them.” At least she seems a little embarrassed. “I swear I only set one Goblin on fire. Sadly, he didn’t evolve into anything interesting.”

“You know humans don’t evolve, right?” I need to make this clear to ensure my health!

Gabby glances at my wolf legs and tummy tattoo, starving with curiosity.

“This is the fault of some weird monster! I get the marks you see after… interacting with monsters. Then I spend them on new abilities and transformations. I’m still figuring out the system.”

“I’ve never heard of anything like it!” I can tell by the way she’s studying me she wants to do a different kind of ‘experimenting.’

“What’s all the equipment for?” I point at the contraption on the table, not quite done learning about my potential partner.

She distractedly glances in that direction and answers, “I’m attempting to initiate my next evolution.”

I love a woman with ambition!

“Some of the evolutionary trigger descriptions are a bit vague, a few have multiple avenues, and others were left blank. The requirements for my next stage are regrettably beyond my current means. My only recourse is to bumble along until something works.”

Somehow, she evaded a literal answer to my question! And what’s this about ‘descriptions?’ No matter, that can wait.

I feel like the suspense has gone on long enough. I put my hand on her thigh, and she startles.

“So, Gabby, what kind of relationship are you interested in?”


“Oh, you know, friends with benefits, fuck buddies, fucquaintances, coitus companions… what kind of role did you imagine me playing?”

“R-roleplaying…? Ah, well, I always thought, if I had a human woman, she could warm my bed while I provide her with food, shelter, and protection from monsters. I’d miss not having children, but it’s been a warm, comforting fantasy of mine for many years.”

She wants me to be her ‘kept woman?’ Or I can take this in another direction…

“Why, Miss Gabby, it seems like you’re interested in something we humans call ‘marriage.’”

“M-marriage?!?” Her huge, soulful eyes widen as if I’ve struck a chord. “It sounds so official! Is there a special ritual?”

“Yes.” I suppose that’s true. “One partner presents the object of their affection with a love-token to keep with them at all times that displays their bond to the world.”

Gabby absorbs my explanation, rapt with attention. Then her gaze drifts as if reliving a memory while her hand rises to her earring. “This belonged to my mother. She was human. Such a kind, wonderful person. It’s all I have to remember her by.”

I don’t inquire, as I know how dangerous a place the Wilds can be.

After removing the earring, Gabby hands it to me. “W-will you be mine, human Alex?”

I turn the piece of jewelry over in my palm. It’s heavy, as if I hold the little Goblin girl’s heart. “I have a Mermaid’s child inside me. She saved my life from a Kraken, then helped me to shore after…”

Gabby nods in understanding. “She must care about you a lot if she let you go.”

I smile. “I’d like to visit Ariella often.”

“You crossed Fuzzy Field once on those wolfish legs. You can do it again.”

“I have responsibilities as a Tamer, and I need to learn about the magic of these marks.” My fingers brush the tattoo on my tummy.

“You’ll warm my bed at night, though?”

I grin this time. “You’re an understanding little Goblin. I thought they were greedier.”

“I’ll have you know I’m very greedy in bed!”

“I look forward to pleasing my greedy Goblin,” I say as I slip the ring onto my finger. Gabby’s mother must have worn it as a ring because it’s perfectly sized for a woman’s hand.

Gabby blushes her darkest shade of green yet. “I have… a human! I’m married to a woman!” She speaks as if she stumbled upon a massive treasury, and it’s doing wonders for my ego!

I push her flat on the bed. “Now, it’s time to consummate our bond.”

Her yellow eyes widen, and she says, “I haven’t bathed in days!” I burst out laughing as Gabby slips out from beneath me, speaking in a rush as she runs for the door, “Don’t-go-anywhere-I’ll-be-right-back!”

My little Goblin girl is not an average specimen. If I’d had the time and opportunity to proposition Skish, I’m sure that monster girl would’ve started riding my mouth in seconds, regardless of how many loads she’d taken there earlier in the day. I doubt most Goblins in Ogre Fen bathe more than once a month.

While I am appreciative of Gabby’s consideration even though my Wolf Nose is decommissioned, I’m not one who easily tolerates waiting.

I follow my newlywed lover outside. There’s an overhang above the well and a few trellis walls growing peas surrounding the area, so we’re not entirely exposed.

Gabby cranks the winch’s handle with some difficulty. It’s not sized for her, so she’s using her whole body to make each rotation. More importantly, she’s disrobed and cast her clothes aside.

My naked Goblin wife is thicc! She’s a curvy girl with broad hips, a large bust, succulent, thick thighs, and a round, jiggling ass. Her breasts are no bigger than oranges, but enormous on her tiny frame; a human with her figure would be sporting G-cups.

The squeaking winch masks my approach until I loom over her from behind.

“Allow me.”

“Eep!” Gabby yelps as I take the handle from her grasp. It’s a cute noise made by a cute girl, making me eager to hear her make all sorts of noises.

A few rotations more, and I have a bucket full of water. I upend it over myself, washing away the remnant salt of the sea and sweat from my travels as Gabby scrunches her face at me in a pout.

“I’m the one who was dirty…”

“And now I’m all wet.” I throw out this playful double entendre with a mischievous smile. “But I have one spot that’s still dirty,” I say as I widen my stance and part my nether lips with one hand.

Gabby’s yellow eyes dilate as her mouth parts in anticipation. “It’s alright if I…?”

Leaning my lower back against the well, I slowly gyrate my hips in answer. She’s the perfect height to stand beneath me and kiss the flower between my legs. Her body tenses as my human flavor awakens her monstrous instincts like catnip, making her drunk with lust.

Water droplets trickle from my limbs and hair onto her as she tastes me for the first time. I love the scene so much that I decide to add a little flare.

With an effort of will and focus, I use my Water Magic to conjure a levitating sphere of water above us. Gabby is too absorbed with my taste and aroma to indulge the part of her brain that gets excited about magic. Instead, she begins experimenting with her lips and tongue on my petals. Her somewhat clumsy but sincere attempts at pleasuring me are all very much appreciated.

“That’s good,” I say, reveling in the sensation of her sucking my labia inside her mouth. Her tongue traces the rim of my honey tunnel. “We’re in no rush.”

I relinquish a trickle of control over the water sphere to drip its contents over us in a gentle shower. My hands find the Goblin girl’s head, run through her hair, massage her scalp, and rub the base of her ears. Our eyes meet, and she manages a contented smile despite having half her face buried in my muff.

“Mmm, mph.” She seems to enjoy the drizzle of water and the attention of my fingers, making gratified sounds even as I grip her scalp and press her hard against my core. Her lips mash against my clit. I feel her hands grasp my ass for balance.

My hips roll on her open mouth, and I arch my spine. This is bliss: a curvy monster girl servicing me during a warm shower. I feel at peace. This is what I’ve wanted since I first learned about Tamers. I’m far from my parents and town, but this could be a new home.

The orgasm catches me off guard. I was simply that relaxed.


Gabby greedily guzzles my juices as I cum. I stand there, trembling, while her tongue thrashes in my channel. When the pleasure is too intense, I yank her off me by the hair. She stands there, head back, gaping mouth catching raindrops as her tongue lolls lewdly.


My need bursts into flame, and I push the Goblin girl supine in the grass. I lay atop her as we interlock our thighs. Our cores rub against each other’s silken skin. Her arms wrap around my lower back and my tits flop on her head as we move together.

The foreplay stokes our flames higher, and I slide down her body until our faces meet. We share a first kiss here naked on the grass while it rains on a sunny day. We embrace one another as our tongues touch, and she grinds her core against my hip.

I slide lower to find her green melons. Deep green nubbin tips top the two towering tits. I take one in each hand and squeeze while sampling each nipple. Gabby bites her lip and groans as I go back and forth, suckling on her breasts.

Going lower still, I pause to appreciate my small lover’s tummy. She has the fertile belly of a matron goddess with supple love handles. When I press my face into her yielding middle, she sits up to return my earlier favor by rubbing my scalp with her fingers. These little gestures of affection strengthen the budding bond between us. We both want this.

Arriving at her nethers, I spread her legs wide. I’m greeted by a puffy pussy with lovely, ruffled labia. Her musk hits even my dulled sense of smell despite the rain washing away the majority of her scent.

“I told you I needed a wash… Goblins have a strong natural odor.”

I swallow a mouthful of saliva. “Didn’t you know, Gabby? Modern humans have adapted to monsters and bred with them for generations. Your aroma is practically an aphrodisiac.”

I dive on her cunt with abandon as water slicks our bodies. I eat at her hungrily, devouring her taste and running my tongue across her lower lips over and over. She smooshes me between her soft thighs. She arches and thrusts against me. My eyes drift up to see the gorgeous Goblin’s pleasure-wracked expression of joyous agony through the cleavage of her luscious mountains.

The flavor on my tongue is heavy yet tangy with exotic undertones like a full-bodied wine. It’s a flavor that will be indelibly imprinted on my brain. A flavor I will savor every night.

The rainwater makes her softness squishy, and my hands take the opportunity to feel her from smooth thigh to ample bosom. I sink my fingers into her tofu-soft middle. I drink the water running down her belly even as I suckle her labia and tongue her clit.


I’m glad I kept my human fingers because I amplify my Goblin lover’s pleasure by inserting a digit to stir her honeypot.


Curling my finger while circling her clit with my tongue elicits a powerful reaction. Gabby arches her hips high, trembling all over as she silently begs me for more. A second finger finishes her.


Her juices gush onto my hand as Gabby convulses in orgasm. I relish her quivering quim pulsating around my fingers and her cute, scrunched climax-face.


*Married the Goblin Apprentice – Two Goblinoid Marks!*


*Goblinoid Marks – Two*

Goblin Ears

Goblin Gut

Goblin Nails

Goblin Stature

Goblin Cock

Goblin Apprentice Fast Learner

Goblin Apprentice Quick Study

Goblin Apprentice Summon Spectacles


I notice a small clickable option next to Goblin Stature.


*Temporarily use a Goblinoid Mark to undo a current Body Mark so you can equip Goblin Stature?*


Finally! This is what I’ve been waiting for. ‘Temporarily,’ huh? Now the pendulum swings away from ‘permanent body modifications.’ If I wanted, it seems like I could undo my Wolf Legs or Nose, for example. The efficiency is bad if it costs two marks, though. But this is the excuse I needed!

Because… I can grab a certain new appendage and, even in the worst case where it replaces my current equipment, I can undo it later.


*Selected Goblin Cock!*


“Gabby, you and I are about to have a lot of fun.”

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