Monster Breeder

28. Twisted Treefolk Part 2 (R-18)


It’s a surreal moment for me. Having sex with hot monster girls was always a fantasy, but this is a scene from beyond my imaginings. I’m running towards a full-scale battle alongside three monsters as their equal. Sure, only one of them is reasonably ‘Tamed,’ but I don’t expect us to break ranks and start infighting.

We’re united in purpose, ready to take down a common enemy. The four of us finally catch sight of that very enemy as we enter a clearing. Goblinoids run to and fro with captured Fuzzy monsters, including the childlike pygmies. The sad, screaming smallfolk are piled in front of two towering figures.

“Twisted Apple Treefolk,” Gabby identifies the first immediately.

Thirty feet tall at the canopy, it’s a great gnarled tree with a huge humanoid face. He has no leaves, just bare branches bearing those rotten purple apples. His mouth is wide as an oven with jagged wooden teeth, his eyes little red beads glittering with hate. He walks like an octopus on many ambulatory roots. An eleven-inch wooden rod stiffens as he sees the prey arranged before him.

Two long, skinny arms grab a screaming mouse boy and a bunny girl. The flailing bunny gets impaled through the ass on his mast, resulting in a large bulge going almost to her chest. I know she didn’t get enough lube and warmup for that insertion… Then he tosses the poor mouse into his gaping maw. The Twisted plant monster crunches once, silencing his prey as blood gushes onto his dimpled cheeks.

Fuck, that’s sick.

Half a dozen apples drop as he chews, and another half dozen grow to take their place. The new apples blur through their normal development, starting green, turning red, then darkening to a rotten, saggy purple. Goblins, Hobs, and Orcs scramble to devour the fallen fruit and maintain their inebriation. Stinking, fermented juices spray everywhere.

“Pitcher Treefolk.”

Beside the Twisted apple tree crawls another gruesome monster. At first, she seems cute enough. She has green skin, green hair, massive tits, and a lascivious smile.

Vine tendrils catch a bunny boy, not my Cottontail, thankfully, and lift him to her. She flips him upside-down, hanging him by the ankles so his little pecker flops in her face. The green maiden takes him in her mouth and suckles until he cums, then gulps down his cream.

Her crotch melds seamlessly into the lid of a ten-foot-tall pitcher that opens when she’s done enjoying him. The bunny boy splashes into the liquid inside and screams a horrific death wail. All we see are desperate fingers scrabbling at the edges of the pitcher until the flesh melts away to reveal bone. The voice goes mercifully quiet as steam rises from the acid-filled pitcher.

She covers her mouth politely as she belches in satisfaction.

“Okay, yeah, they need to die.”

Suka and Dura look at me askance as if questioning who I am to decide the fate of two powerful monsters. Gabby doesn’t bat an eye, and I quirk a smile at the realization.

“Can you handle a secondary objective?” my Goblin wife asks me. I nod, and she motions me to lean down. When I do, she whispers into my ear. I’m a bit shocked, not knowing what she’s about in this case, but I won’t demand answers from my most faithful companion.

“Got it. Here’s the plan…”



I stride naked towards the Twisted Apple Treefolk, hips swaying. Despite desperately wishing I’d taken Allure as a breeding option when I had the chance, I think this plan might work based on the lusty looks I’m getting.

“A human?” The voice is like the groaning wooden boards of a house in strong wind. The Apple Tree’s beady eyes glitter with greed as he devours me with his gaze. “Bring her to me.”

Soon I’m surrounded by Goblins, Hobs, and Orcs. I even see who I assume is Igrut attending the Treefolk and recognize him as the Ogre who chased me on my first day as a Tamer. I wasted one of my Julia or Jenny Lures on that bastard!

Of course, I don’t need an escort. I’m walking toward the Treefolk of my own volition, putting all my seduction training to practice. Before coming, Gabby ‘revved me engine’ so to speak (though I only have a vague notion of such appliances from books) with some oral. Dura helped by massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples. Suka had to plug her nose so as not to, in her words, ‘cloud her judgment’ before the battle.

With my cunt dripping Lure, and a little of my nectar dabbed behind my ears like perfume, I must be tempting indeed to any monster that can see or smell me.

The Apple Tree grabs the anally impaled bunny girl—who long since gave up on screaming and is just quietly crying—and unsheathes her from his rod. Then he flips her about to deepthroat the already abused critter, using her mouth to clean himself. She struggles, but her tiny limbs can’t do anything against the larger monster’s strength.

I walk past the pile of cowering Fuzzy folk to approach the Apple Tree and kneel before him as if prepared to wait on him hand and foot.

“How refreshing to finally meet a human who knows her place!” he says.

“Come on, share a little with poor old me?” the Pitcher woman pleads.

He threatens her with a clawed hand. “The human is wasted on you! All I’ll get back is a pile of bones if I let you play with her for more than a minute.”

“Please, master, I’ve never seen such a big rod before! May I touch it?” I have seen bigger, and I’d never service such an awful bastard. I just need to get close.

“Heh, heh, heh, yes, you may.” The plant man gloats with his eyes as the Pitcher woman pouts. He removes the bunny girl from his wooden cock as she goes limp from lack of air. The length of it is now lubricated with her spit.

It is a respectable rod, though; smooth as any dildo, without splinters, and gnarled with knots in interesting places. If I wasn’t determined to kill this bastard I’d be more than willing to go for a ride. I put one hand on his shaft, leaving the other free to navigate my tummy tattoo menu while I pretend like I’m about to kiss the tip.

Almost absently, he lifts the bunny girl to his mouth. She springs to life and squirms in his grip as she realizes his jaws are about to close around her middle.

Fuck! I’ve got to hurry…


*Goblinoid Marks – Three*

Goblin Ears

Goblinoid Ears (Apprentice, Hob, Orc)

Goblin Gut

Goblinoid Gut (Apprentice, Hob, Orc)

Goblin Nails

Hobgoblin Nails

Goblin Stature

Hobgoblin Stature

Orc Stature

Goblin Cock

Goblinoid Cock (Hob, Orc)

Goblin Apprentice Fast Learner

Goblin Apprentice Quick Study

Goblin Apprentice Summon Spectacles

Summon Club (Hobgoblin, Orc)


*Selected Goblin Stature!*


*Selected Orc Stature!*


Then, a hidden clickable option appears on the Stature branch.


*Selected Orc Strength!*


My risk pays off in spades as I swell in size. The Twisted Treefolk no longer look insurmountable as I grip the Apple Tree’s cock in both hands.

“Rip off his dick!” Gabby shouts from the distance.

I twist even as he bites down on the bunny girl. I hear a snap, a scream, and an earth-shaking howl of rage as the wooden member breaks loose in my grip. While his mouth is gaping wide, I reach inside and snatch the bunny girl from the jaws of death.

I turn to the cowering Fuzzy folk and scream, “Scatter!” at the top of my lungs.

Wolf Rush!

Sprinting away through the ensuing chaos, I duck and weave through a forest of grasping hands as Goblinoids try to stop me or at least slow me down. Half-drunk Goblins, Hobs, and Orcs are running everywhere, trying to recapture the fleeing Fuzzies, mice, and bunnies. Meanwhile, even as I escape, Dura and Suka in her war form are charging into the confused melee.

I spot Gabby and run to her side (damn, she’s tiny), but even my human ears can hear the pounding footsteps behind me. The little green shortstack reaches into a pouch, and I know to hold my breath.

“Pepper Spray!”

Turning, I see five Orcs all coughing, sneezing, and crying. Shit, that’s a lot to deal with!

“That was your last Pepper Spray, right? I hope this was worth it.” And after she said she’d use it to cover my next shenanigan, she goes and asks something this ridiculous of me! I drop the severed Treefolk cock, which wriggles in my grip as if alive, at her feet.

“Oh, it is.”

Gabby rips a fistful of hair from her head and bites her arm bloody. I’m shocked to see the sudden self-harm from my seemingly mentally stable wife, to say the least. Then the Goblin Apprentice soaks her hair in the crimson flow before wrapping the mess around the splintered remains of the twisted member’s base. Her cupped hand catches a trickle of blood she uses to thoroughly coat the shaft.

“Bound and bonded by blood, you belong to me, now.”

I shiver at her dark tone and darker words.

The severed member stiffens as if electrocuted. Her Goblin blood soaks into the wood like varnish. Then, before our eyes, the shaft turns green. Not a spring green, but a green perhaps a single shade closer to wood-brown than Goblin skin.

Gabby grips it at the base and points. It no longer struggles in her grip. “This is an Apprentice’s Rod.”

My wife finishes not a moment too soon because all five Orcs have nearly recovered.

I spare a glance at the bunny girl and try not to vomit. She’s breathing, but her guts are on the wrong side of her skin. “Can you do anything for her?” I ask, not hoping for much.

“She has a few minutes before she bleeds out. Kill the Treefolk, and I’ll do all I can.”

It’ll have to be enough.

The first Orc charges me. Ordinarily, I’d be terrified. Seven feet of muscle barreling towards me should send me scurrying. But… I’m seven feet tall now, too. I’m looking at the monster eye-to-eye, though he’s too stupid and drunk to realize it.

With a flex of will, I summon my red crab armor to clad myself in spiky crimson chitin. I cock back a gauntleted fist and punch him square in the jaw, snapping a tusk in two.

I’ve been watching Dura fight all this time with Fast Learner equipped. I don’t let a second of that knowledge go to waste as I equip my spear. Flipping to use the butt end, I dodge the next Orc’s club and swing with all my strength.

I break the shaft to splinters against the Orc’s side, feeling his ribs crack on impact. As the second Orc collapses, numbers three through five flank me. I can’t run while protecting Gabby and a wounded bunny girl.

Fast Learner earns its mark three times over as I calmly analyze the attacks three Orcs level against me. I dodge the first club with a side-step, use Earth Magic to trip the next Orc so his blow swings wide, and punch him in the head so he stays down. Bracing for impact, I wait for the last Orc’s club to hit me.

It doesn’t.

The fifth Orc sprawls sideways as the ground beneath him moves. I look over my shoulder to see Gabby waving her new magic rod while watching me. She used Fast Learner to imitate my spell! She probably recorded to memory all the magic I used in her presence for this moment.

Suddenly, I like our chances.

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