Monster Breeder

3. Human Plains

*Sniff, sniff.* *Sniff, sniff.*

I uncork the Lure bottles once out of sight of the town guards. I give each of them a good, long whiff. The musky smells stir heat in my loins.

I’m a bit surprised to find they’re easily identifiable. I got a hint of each girl’s skin scent during the hug, and there’s a faint reminiscence of them in their juices. Failing to restrain myself, I wet a finger with a bottle’s contents and suckle the digit. Then I repeat with the second. Just a little sampling.

“Mmm,” I lazily sprawl on a flat rock outcropping, basking in the sun as I enjoy the essence of my childhood friend’s pussy. Julia’s is a little bit sweeter, and Jenny’s is a little sour, but it’s a good tang. There’s no way I’m spilling a drop; wouldn’t want to waste any or spoil the utility by getting liquid arousal on my clothes. This stuff is catnip for monsters!

I sigh as I watch the clouds roll by while I fantasize about a future steamy encounter. One hand descends beneath my pants to rub my core as the other sneaks up my shirt and beneath my bra to cup a breast.

I’m in no rush, after all. Nothing but arbitrary time limits and a week’s worth of supplies. May as well stop and smell the ‘flowers.’ Too bad none of the guys gave me their Lures. I can’t help wondering what human seed tastes like, and I’d have loved to go ‘fishing’ for monster girls!

A morbid thought intrudes in my ‘post-nut clarity’ after bringing myself to a languid climax. What are my chances here, really?

The Human Plains surround our town, extending from the Western Sea to the Eastern Desert. The Dark Wood lies to the south, and the Charlatan Forest borders the north. In the northwest, the Ogre Fen and Kennel Hills stand opposed.

What defines the ‘Human Plains’ is the lack of monsters. Not to say they’re totally safe. Random monsters are always wandering through a given territory, an Incursion could happen at any time, and nothing can stop a God Beast from striking on its whim. However, the last known human town has stood for decades approaching a century.

It’s good land, easy to farm, with neither too much nor too little rain. The original settlers supposedly found the Taurines and Lambies living here and decided to stay.

As for my chances, I’m under no delusions. The only way this journey ends is with me being ravaged by a monster. I’m a squishy human with no natural defenses, and everything wants my pussy. I can run, I can hide, but being captured is almost inevitable.

Why fight it, right? This world, this body, they’re made to fuck monsters. It’s not your situation; it’s what you make of it!

Rather, I want to know my chances of succeeding in my personal and official missions.

Personally, I want to fuck a monster girl. She’ll probably try to capture me, but that’s practically flattery. Not a bad end if I do say so myself.

Officially, I need to get pregnant by a monster the town doesn’t have and return to civilization to give birth. To be more specific, I need to keep doing that until I have a boy; ‘Form of the Father,’ after all. That would actually make a difference, impacting the fate of humanity long after I die of old age. I could get my name in the history books!

That’s easier said than done, though.

Given how long we’ve lived in the Human Plains, that means all the low-hanging fruit is gone. My chances of finding an unusual monster are next to nothing wandering around out here. I’ll have to head for one of the perimeter territories to find a new monster.

The Western Sea is right out. Oceans scared humans before they were filled to the brim with real monsters. Even if a sea monster didn’t drown me, escape from underwater capture would be next to impossible.

Ogre Fen and Kennel Hills are redundant to me. Everything there evolves from either a Goblin or a Doggin. Stay away.

The Eastern Desert sounds like a great place to shrivel up and die under the blazing sun.

So… Dark Woods to the south or Charlatan Forest to the north, huh? Supposedly, the monsters to the south are stronger and more dangerous. However, Charlatan Forest gets its name from the numerous deceptive traps throughout its territory. Getting eaten by a plant monster and being slowly digested seems like a bad way to go.

I guess, counter-intuitively, I should go for the Dark Woods. If I’m submissive, I can probably survive being ravished by an Ursa and escape when it leaves to hunt. Giving birth to whatever an Ursa evolves from would have me set for life! If I happen to run into a monster girl along the way, so much the better.

That settled, I straighten my clothes and stand. I prepare to leave the shelter of the rock when I feel a tremor through the ground. My heart rate skyrockets as I hide in a shadow. Peaking around the edge, I see what is approaching.

A male Ogre is walking towards me. He’s pale-skinned with a dad bod, ten feet tall, and even uglier than an Orc dude. His cock dangles below his loin cloth like a third arm. I hear him sniffing the air and realize he probably caught a whiff of me masturbating. Arg, come on!

How is there an Ogre wandering around ten minutes away from town!

Not fair!

I creep from cover to cover while staying out of his line of sight. Yet, he keeps coming in my direction. Fuck, I don’t want Goblin babies!

Grinding my teeth in frustration, I draw my two Lures. Which one do I throw? Julia or Jenny? Julia… or Jenny? I hear his steps nearing while I deliberate. Damn it, this is throwing pearls before swine!

I swap the vials between my hands rapidly until I lose track of which is which and throw the one in my right hand. The Lure flies true, arcing high through the air before shattering on a rock many yards away. The Ogre’s head whips around as he smells my broken treasure.

Fucking relish her scent, you bastard!

I sprint in the opposite direction. I make good distance while the Ogre stomps away, salami dick waggling as he runs. Track and field was a critical part of training, as building stamina is important for Breeders as well.

Minutes later, I stop to catch my breath. This sucks! I strengthen my resolve not to open the Lure I have remaining, as I don’t want to know whether I threw Julia or Jenny.

I look skyward to check the time and what direction I ran but see a large bird high above. Shit! Is that a God Beast?

Ripping a brown-and-green survival blanket from my backpack, I cover myself for camouflage and hope I haven’t been spotted. After another minute of waiting to be snatched, I realize I’m being a little silly. What are the chances that was a God Beast compared to an eagle, or hawk? Just a normal bird giving me a fright after that Ogre!

Oh, well. I dust off my blanket and repack it. Looking up, I can’t find any sign of the bird.

That’s when I hear a strange whistle on the wind.

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