Monster Integration

Chapter 319 Rule of Strength I

I woke up quite late the next morning as I had quite safe after sorting out all the stuff.

I feel quite good though, I had gained more stuff than I had imagined and this is not the end as I will come across more till the fifth Region.

After taking a shower, I started to cook lunch but today’s lunch is quite special as except for meat it is wholly made by materials from the central continent.

I had gained more than enough food-related stuff, if I use it quite frugally It can last me a year.

As I am about to start making food, I pleasant thought came into my mind and I decided to make today’s meal a four-course.

It will take me just a little effort and time which today I am willing to give, Ashlyn was quite angry at first seeing it is taking time to make but when she saw that the food going to be amazing, she became quite but not before demanding the snack from the stuff I got yesterday.

It took me two hours to make the food but It was worth it as I wasn’t able to stop myself from eating after taking the first bite.

"I am full!"

I said as I rubbed my tummy, I had really eaten a lot more than I can digest. Now, I can understand why Ashlyn laid on her stomach every time she ate.

It took me half an hour to stand up and start preparing to leave as I felt quite heavy after eating.

I wore all the artifact I had selected yesterday including the white sneaker shoes which I brought in the Awakening grade.

The reason I have not changed my shoe type totem artifact because it is already the lowest grade, so, there is no need to change it.

After packing everything, I took the high jump and started running on the sky, as for the rain that is falling, I simply covered myself with a faint layer of silver fire, so the rain would turn into steam before it could touch my body.

I had encountered the first bandit team after half an hour leaving the camp, there were six people and all of them were emitting killing intent toward me but it was faint.

They likely wanted to break some of my bones before robbing me whole, they are going to injure me but not kill me and I did the same with them.

After hearing their bandits speed which every bandit group has and enduring some of their attacks, I simply launch a firebolt with the power of Sunfire.

Two of the six bandits had the power of Rule but they were not able to counter against my fire bolts, I left them injured after looking at them.

As my journey progressed, the more bandits I have come across, it feels like every region strength of bandits and their numbers kept increasing, and I kept finding more and more bandits who have the power of Rule.

But all the bandits I’ve come across have Level 3 Rule power, I have not come across anyone who has 2 nd level Rules.

I wanted to fight with those who have Level 2 rules, I wanted to see how my Rule of Sunfire measured against it.

Level 3 Rule don’t stand a chance against me, no matter how powerful they are.

As I was about to cross the boundary, I activated my defensive skill and also combined full power of Sunfire with it, so even if I transformed in the volcano, I will have a slight chance to survive.

As I crossed the boundary, I appeared on the other side in Region 6, with my luck being good I didn’t transport inside the volcano but outside it.

Looking around I quickly defined my direction and took a jump in the sky, I wanted to cross the Region 6 today if possible.

If my journey is unobstructed, then there’s a chance but with all these bandits my journey became delayed.

Name of Devil and devil came! Just as I thought about ap I thought we ith sigh as I saw a team of bandits coming toward me.

Dealing with them within minutes, I resumed my journey. These the team of the bandit was quite good but still a small fry despite having all the lieutenant stage members.

Not only I, even if they had come to the ross corporal stage who had comprehended the Level 3 Rule power, he would have also been able to deal with these people with little effort.

Power of Rule transcend stages, even at a low-level understanding, I could beat Lieutenant level like ant then I can Imagine how powerful I would have been understandings had reached the medium level even High level.

From the memories, I know that the central continent, those people who could comprehend Rule to the Peak level of Basic grade when they are in knight stage and extremely red extremely talented and even members of the Supreme level organization’s look down on them.

The owner had also advanced his Rule of Killing to the peak level of Basic stage and he was quite proud of that.

Comprehending the Rule is Easier but advancing is harder and the higher the level of Rule is the more difficult it is to advance.

As I was reaching near the boundary, I found three people coming toward me. These three people were wearing Masks and also Robe white hide their body get-up

This get-up seemed to be trending amongst the bandits, most of the bandits I had come across wore similar get up to this,


A said leader ina hoarse voice as they were ten some meters away from me, I can sense that three of them are at the Initial stage of Lieutenant stage.

Experiencing this ten of time, I slowly landed on the ground seeing I am landing on the ground, they also landed in front of me.

"What do want?" I asked the classic question which I had asked tens of times to the bandits when they came to rob me.

"Cut the crap, we are bandits and we want of Rob you. If you don’t want all of your bones broken and left lying like a dead dog, give us all the stuff you have." said the leader.


He became surprised by my direct reply as other people would either say something placating, flattering or run or attack but he had never seen someone directly say no from all the people he had robbed.

"Then, I’ll have to break your bones and take your stuff,""You to beat him up and take his stuff!" ordered leader to his minions.

I quickly activated my defense skill seeing their attack is coming.

Bang bang bang bang....

They launched attack after attack but not a ripple had appeared on the shield.

"Rule power?" asked leader with surprising sound seeing not his two Lieutenant stage minions attacks are not even producing ripple on the low-level defensive skill of Corporal stage.

I did not reply to his question but gave a provocative smile installer’s

"I’ll see if your shield can hold it against this!" said leader and oppressive feeling emitted from him.

This feeling had raw power, it could crush anything that comes in their way. Feeling such oppressive feeling, I know which Rule of this bandit leader had comprehended and quite excited to go against it.

The leader had comprehended the Level 2 Rule and one of the best effective type in level 2 Rule, The Rule of Strength.

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