Monster Integration

Chapter 322 Saving I

The two people who they are talking about is jill and the boy named Andy, these two people fight is the most destructive and amazing of all.

Jill had comprehended the Rule of Speed which is clearly showing her blurring speed and her opponent had comprehended the Rule of Meteorite which Peak Level 2 Rule.

Both of them are fighting at blurring speed that very few people able to see the moves they are making because their speed is too fast.

Whenever they go, they brought destruction and many people even heavily injured by their stray attacks.

All people are vigilant of their fights as they don’t know where they will appear next and they might get injured by the stray attacks.

As people have said, the fights are going down below are at the level of League of Heroes and the Fight that is happening between Jill and Andy is better than a Final match of the League of Heroes.

I have watched matches from many leagues of heroes and I don’t think there was anyone who had used the power of Rule there and that made is quite bland compared to the fights that are happening below.

Here every move of people infused with the power of Rule and one can feel that power even at such a distance.

Currently the fight between jill and andy going at full speed with andy launching attack after jill countering dodging them.

Andy looks the same age as me but he is graced with tall physique and handsome looks and he is using gauntlets as his weapon which is perfect to use with his Rule of Asteroid.

Rule of Asteroid is Peak level 2 Rule which is descended from Rule of Meteorite, a level 1 Rule.

Rule of Meteorite also one of the best offensive Rules amongst Level two rule as it had both speed and immense power which could destroy anything.

If not jill who had comprehended Rule of Speed and barely able to contain it, I don’t think any other three people in Jill’s team would have been able to stop Andy, I even dare to say Andy might even able to beat all eight people single-handedly if not for jill restraining him, this is how terrifying Peak level 2 Rule is.

There is a vast difference between Peak level 2 Rule and Level 2 Rule and the reason why jill is able to restrain Andy is that her comprehension of Rule of Speed is really high.

Her comprehension of Rule of Speed is likely the same as my Rule of Sunfire, halfway reaching Mid-level of the Basic stage while Andy’s comprehension is barely reaching Low-level Basic stage.

The gap in Rule comprehension is the reason why jill had been able to fight with Andy.

I am quite shocked when I measured Jill’s comprehension of Rule of Speed, all the comprehension of Rule of Sunfire I got it imprinted from Ashlyn, It is not I had comprehended.

The Rule of Killing which I had comprehended is only able to reach Low level of Baic stage because I had experienced the dream, if not my comprehension would have been on the same level that of Andy.

This Andy is a natural fighter! He is making use of every chance he got, no matter how small it is to launch a lethal attack at Jill.

If not fighting against an equally talented opponent, this fight would have been over quite a while ago.


Andy destroyed another big boulder that came into his way, not caring about a few people standing on it.

The people were lucky they had enough time to put up defenses unlike people from minutes ago who didn’t have a second of time to dodge got injured quite badly by andy’s attack.

Andy would have easily diverted his attacks seeing Jill had dodged it but he didn’t despite knowing people were standing on it.

He had crushed that boulder and followed jill through it, launching another barrage of offensive skills which these people have no end to it.

Normal people have maximum five to eight skills, that include offensive skill, defensive skills, Speed type skill, Strength type and if they are luckily some hybrid skills, they may have more than one offensive or defensive skill but these people seem to have no limit.

They are so many skills that one could barely able to track them and they not only have many offensive and defensive skills, they also more than enough other skills also.

This amount of skills in their arsenal make fighting them really tricky and one wouldn’t guess what type of skill will his opponent use next.

That’s Super Elite for you, they can get 90% skills in their organization vault for free and only have to pay for those special 10% rare and powerful skills.

Both Jill and Andy are at a Peak level of Sergeant stage and watching them using one mid-level skill after another, I can conclude that the rumor about Super Elite able to use Mid-level knight grade skill at a Peak level of Sergeant stage seems really true.

Normally one has to Master stage to Mid-level Knight grade skill, only then they are able to exhibit real power of them but Super Elite can use them without difficulty.

Seeing them use Mid-level skills this easily, I hope that I would also be used mid-level skill easily as them when I would at Peak level sergeant stage as I am not much different than the Super Elite.

The only thing, I would have to do is merge enough berserk energy into my source.

After watching Jill’s fight I placed my gaze toward the other fights.

Like Jill’s, her brother also fighting the battle and Like her, he also comprehended Level 2 Rule.

His Rule is a peculiar one, his Rule seemed to be strong Variation of Ice Rule which is a Peak Level 3 Rule but Williams Rule is level 2 Rule.

His Rule feels much colder than Ice Rule, it feels like if one touched by this Rule then his only option would be turning a live popsicle.

Not only is it colder than normal Ice Rule, but it also seems to have Misty quality in it which is why he seemed to perfectly countering his opponent who had comprehended Rule of Strength.

I take a look at the fights and saw how the other Rules works, most of the Rules I was able to identify but some were completely unknown to me.

Like the Rule of Gold, a powerful Variation of Metal Rule. It had quite good offensive power especially when it comes to cutting and hacking.

I first was not able to identify that Rule but my the girl beside me kind enough to inform me when I asked her.

The fights continue on without any signs of stopping and no one disappointed to see such a good fight which is rarely seen.

As I was watching the fight, I felt a premonition of intense danger only to see jill and Andy very close to us.

Andy activated his skill and two golden-brown two giant fists materialized in front of him and attacked Jill who had dodged them nick of time.

As Jill dodged that giant golden-brown fists, that first came toward us and their speed is so fast that barely anyone would have a chance to do.

People beside me got very scared seeing the big golden brown fists coming at them, all of them started to act all sorts of skills and artifacts they have to get away from the hill but it would be really hard for them to dodge this attack.

As this attack is infused with Rule of Astorite which aura enough to immobilize people for a moment, not to forget the speed it’s coming toward us, it will be very hard for them to dodge this attack even if they tried their all.

I could dodge this attack easily if I injure Sunfire into my speed skill but if I do that, these people beside me would be heavily injured.

Some of them even might die as I could sense that Andy had completely put all his Rule power in that attack.

Not only these people even those of people who are fighting below would also get injured quite badly if this attack hit them.

Looks like I have to become the savior of these people.

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