Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 788

788 Children, attack!

“Head of state, we are about to arrive at the Lost Planet. Should we stop the enemy from above and complete the scan before going down?” Helen handed over the control of the drone to ya Jiko and began to control the spacecraft to enter the low-Earth orbit above the target planet.

Link waved his hand and pointed at a large crater on the planet. “Do you see this crater? order all weapons to open fire and crash into it.”

Helen took off her holographic helmet in a hurry and said in shock, ” “We’ll crash into them directly?”

Everyone open fire to attack a crater. Helen couldn’t understand what was going on.

Furthermore, the pirate ship would have to crash into it and accelerate all the way down from the periapsis. The Lost Planet did not have an atmosphere, so there was no friction or resistance. The acceleration would only be more exaggerated. At this speed, there was no other possibility than being destroyed.

“Yes, we’ll crash into them directly.”

Seeing that the head of state’s tone was undeniable and not joking, Helen made up her mind and adjusted the engine power to the maximum. The powerful thrust allowed pirate to break free from the shackles of the planet’s gravity and quickly rush towards the Lost Planet.

the ships that had formed an alliance behind them could not help but show joy when they saw that pirate was about to disembark.

“It must be because they don’t have enough energy. They’re preparing to land and fight us. chase after them and suppress them with fire. don’t give them a chance to fight back!”

The few captains had greedy looks on their faces.

There was still a glimmer of hope in space, but once they landed, they would have to face the continuous bombardment of six warships of different sizes.

Not to mention that this planet had no atmosphere, and the temperature on the ground was low. Even the rock elements on the surface were the most common type in the universe, and it did not even arouse the desire to collect them. Such a planet was the most suitable to destroy the corpse.

A Lost Planet that had no value in harvesting suddenly welcomed so many guests. It was bustling with activity.

The pirate was extremely fast. All the cannons and energy cannons were focused on the crater on the ground. Countless bullets connected in the air like light spots and landed in the center of the crater.

The ammunition and firepower were like mud cows entering the sea. There was no dust or debris at all, and the shell shells did not splash in all directions, not to mention the shock wave of the explosion. This strange scene completely violated common sense. Helen clapped her hands on the control panel and stood up from her seat in excitement. what’s going on?!

Helen was personally involved in the development and installation of these weapons, so no one knew better than her how effective they were.

With the firepower of the pirate and the martyr’s unmanned assault aircraft, it was not a problem to penetrate the armor of a small ship. However, when they hit the crater, there was no reaction.

When the holographic screen enlarged the situation on the ground, Helen clearly saw that all the bullets went into the crater.

this … Helen took a look at the temperature outside. According to the analysis of the map, the surface temperature of the Lost Planet was-60 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the surface of the crater should be frozen solid. Moreover, the center of the crater was the place where the pressure was the greatest when it was formed, so the ground should be the hardest. It should not have been penetrated by a few rounds of ammunition.

Just as Helen was trying to figure out what was going on, link placed his hands in front of his chest and issued a series of clear orders.

recover the martyr’s unmanned assault aircraft. The spacecraft has begun to decelerate. Once it enters the center of the crater, it will activate the reverse propulsion force immediately.

Helen knew that the head of state had come all the way here for a mission, so there must be something unusual here. With his little brain and the information he had grasped, everything was a mess right now. It was better to act according to the head of state’s instructions. He would definitely answer his questions later.

The chaos Faction, who had been following behind like a hyena, was extremely anxious when they saw the spaceship accelerate toward the ground. In such a situation, a slight mistake could cause the ship to be destroyed and everyone to die. If that happened, they would not be able to get any rewards for this operation. However, at this moment, when he saw the pirate begin to slow down, and the mast with the energy sail also reversed and assumed a deceleration posture, his suspended heart finally settled down.

I knew it. No matter what, it wouldn’t self-destruct without putting up any resistance. It would definitely slow down. The captain was already thinking about the loot after splitting up the pirate ship.

All the firepower of the six ships had locked onto pirate. At the same time, their speed had also slowed down. It was as if they were going to destroy pirate with their firepower.

However, before they could open fire, pirate crashed straight into the center of the crater.

In the next second, something incredible happened. The pirate ship seemed to be swept into gray quicksand, and half of its body was directly inserted into the center of the crater. Then, the silent sand pile began to sink, as if a bloody mouth had swallowed the pirate.

In the blink of an eye, the entire pirate had sunk into the center of the crater. Only the quicksand in the center of the crater proved that what had happened was true.

The chaos Faction was dumbfounded by the scene before them. This was a ghost. Such a huge pirate ship had suddenly disappeared.

“What do we do now?” The captains of The Six Forces had set up a public communication channel, and at this moment, their faces were full of caution and regret.

They had never known that there would be such a change in the crater of the Lost Planet.

Now that pirate had completely ” sunk ” and disappeared, they had to make the next decision.

No one knew what was inside the quicksand of the crater. Whether or not they should take the risk to go in became the most urgent matter for the captain.

“We’ve already chased him all the way here. If we don’t go in, we’ll return without any success.”

“As far as I know, the fuel for your four small ships is not enough to go back, right? If I don’t earn some, I’ll have to enjoy the cold universe on the return trip.” The boss of the medium-sized ship said in the public voice channel.

With their Mingmen in the palm of their hands, the bosses of the four small ships had extremely gloomy expressions. After a moment, they said, ” “after this is done, your two medium-sized ships will each take three portions, and our small-sized ships will each take one. our only request is that you provide us with the energy to return. otherwise, even if we can’t go back, we’ll still find a way to keep you here.”

Before they could take down the pirate, cracks had already appeared in the fragile alliance.

The corner of the middle-sized ship’s leader’s mouth rose. He knew that if they were united, they would be separated, and if they were separated, they would die. He had deliberately said this to divide more benefits. As a matter of fact, he was able to get an extra share of the profits just by moving his lips, so as to avoid falling out with them later.

since no one has any objections to the distribution of benefits, let’s go in and see what’s going on inside this Lost Planet.

While they were talking, the six spaceships had carried out different degrees of detection on the meteorites and quicksand, but all the detection signals stopped abruptly when they reached the ground. They could not detect the situation below the crater at all. It was as if the surface of the planet had formed a protective film, and the real situation under the protective film was completely isolated.

however, choosing the chaos faction meant that he would have to live on the edge of a knife and lick blood. without risk, where would he get the benefits?

The six ships sailed into the quicksand one after another, and the scene in front of them suddenly fell into darkness, but a ray of light could be seen at the end of their vision, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, when the ship broke through the quicksand and completely revealed its head, the scene in front of everyone stunned them.

Inside the cold outer shell of the planet, there was actually a hidden paradise.

The ground was covered with lush bushes and trees, and there were also tall snow-covered peaks.

In the sky, there were large birds flying in groups. Their wingspans were three to four meters wide, and the inside of the planet was like a new world.

And the sky behind them was a kind of extremely bright Crystal that illuminated the ‘sky’.

I never thought that there would be a new world inside the bare planet! The boss of the wind breaking was dumbfounded.

“Hello? What’s the situation inside? what did you see?” the ships behind them were still in the passage and could not see the situation outside. they could only listen to the voice in the public channel. the people behind were extremely curious about the situation in front.

“You’ll know soon,” the boss of the wind-breaking ship said slowly.

The wind breaker continued to descend, but the pirate ship was nowhere to be seen. It was as if the target had never appeared.

In the next second, the monitoring value on the instrument panel of the wind-breaking suddenly rose rapidly. The strong magnetic field that appeared on the ground was like an invisible hand that pulled the wind-breaking down directly. In an instant, the entire ship lost its balance and fell rapidly as if it had drunk fake wine.

The other ships in the tunnel behind him filed out, and they were attracted by the gorgeous and strange scene of the underground world at first sight.

but soon, they saw the broken wind, which was destroyed by the strong magnetic field and falling in an irregular pattern.

Before they could react, the strong suction force was activated again, trying to pull their ship into its arms and have an intimate contact.

All the indicators on the control panel were abnormal, and the warning lights in the hull lit up. When operating again, there were too many faults, and many instruments were damaged by the strong magnetic field interference. The spaceship had completely lost control, following in the footsteps of the wind breaking.

only one medium-sized spaceship had a more advanced program. it had warned about the strong magnetic signal in advance. the spaceship was full-powered and full-loaded with reverse power, and it began a tug-of-war with the strong magnetic field on the ground.

The spaceships ‘spaceships’ spaceships ‘spaceships released energy wildly, creating a powerful thrust that wrestled with the strong magnetic field on the ground.

But even so, the spacecraft’s altitude did not change at all, and it was frozen in place.

” slowly adjust the direction of the body, turn the tail and tail of the ship, and then push it at full load. ” The leader of the faction was also an expert in spaceships. He knew that if the body of the spaceship was facing down, the propeller would form an angle with the spaceship and waste a part of the power generated. He could now maintain balance. As long as he turned the direction, he could rely on the complete thrust to smoothly escape the danger.

The ship carefully turned, and the engines at the tail and side changed direction with the vector.

When the ship completely changed direction, everyone on the ship let out a long sigh of relief. Before the captain gave the order to shoot at full speed, through the cockpit at the head of the ship, the expressions of the people in the cockpit changed drastically, as if they had seen something terrifying.

Next to the quicksand entrance, countless claws extended out of pirate and shot into the sky screen crystal. The entire ship fell to the top to overcome the strong magnetic field on the ground.

At that moment, many of pirate’s cannons were aimed at their ship.

A chill ran from his tailbone to the top of his head.

the next second, pirate’s firepower poured down on the hull like a downpour. the hull was under heavy attack, and sparks flew in all directions. the armor made a crackling sound. under the intensive attack of the heat-melting and armor-piercing shells, the flat armor quickly melted like chocolate, with holes and festering.

“Hurry up! dodge the attack!” The captain’s eyes were about to pop out of his head. He had never thought that the other party would actually be hiding here. now that the ship was damaged in many places and had to resist the strong magnetic field, it could be said that it was attacked from both the front and back. Once Yin Qing was hit, they would fall down and be buried with the others.

The only thing he could do now was to avoid the pirate’s attack, then find a canopy hook to lock the ship’s hull, and then think about the next step.

However, just as the captain gave the order, the door of the pirate slowly opened, and a man in combat uniform appeared on the deck. He held a scepter, and his clothes fluttered in the wind as he looked at the ship.

They recognized him immediately. He was link, the owner of the huge aircraft fortress. it was the man who walked out of the long dock under everyone’s attention.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, and a strong sense of doubt lingered.

What was he doing?!

Link stood on the deck. There was strong turbulence in the air, but his feet seemed to be rooted to the deck. He didn’t move at all.

The scepter in his hand glowed with a strange light. As link pointed it at the ship, the black scepter formed an invisible [ King’s space ], covering the head of the ship.

Suddenly, a strong suppression and obstruction effect appeared in front of the ship. The balance between the ship’s propulsion force and the strong magnetic field was broken. The entire spaceship seemed to be pushed horizontally by a heavy object. The balance gradually tilted to the ground, and the ship retreated in the air.

“What happened? Why is the ship going backwards?”

For a moment, a sense of panic spread throughout the ship.

boss, the head of the spaceship is being suppressed by a force field. We can’t turn around or change direction!

However, with the pressure from Link’s King’s realm, the result of the tug-of-war was already settled. No matter how the ship struggled and operated at full capacity, it would only decline after being captured by the strong magnetic field.

“Motherf * cker, fire! Fire the cannons! Blast this guy to death!” The captain was flustered.

however, when all the muzzles were turned, they only saw link waving goodbye and the cabin doors closing.

The two sides fired at each other, but the medium-sized ship had already been hit once before. Soon, the armor on its body fell off and it quickly fell down. The series of bullets fired from the muzzle drew a regretful trajectory in the air and gradually shrank in the field of vision.

The entire underground space of the Lost Planet returned to silence.

“Head of state, can you tell me what’s going on here now?” Helen’s eyes were full of stars. Who would have thought that there was another space inside the Lost Planet with such a strong magnetic field that even medium-sized ships could not escape?

If not for the head of state’s warning, Helen would have been sucked in by the strong magnetic field even though she was piloting pirate.

Link smiled. don’t panic. The Inhumans have been holding back for so long. It’s time for them to come out. We’ll explain it to you slowly when we get down.

P.S. [ Qi peijia, old Qi’s new book is out. astral Apostle “. I’m still familiar with it after reading three chapters. Everyone, go collect it. ]

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