Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 111

[Doo Doom Bar! Gauntlet!!!]

[Doom Bar!!!]

[That was so scary! I was trapped in a really dark place!!!]

[Doom Bar, Doo Doom Bar! I was trapped in a very bright place!]

The Hedgehog Summoner and the Abyss Undead Spirit.

The two latched onto my legs again at the same time.

The hedgehog climbed up my legs and onto my shoulder.

And then it rubbed its face against my cheek like crazy.

[Thank you for not forgetting me and remembering! It’s definitely only the Gauntlet! I love you, Doo Doom Bar!!!]

Apparently, they seemed to know that their existence had been forgotten by others.

[Mysticism] – Sorry for not remembering, Dochi. 😭

[Yumi] – I’m sorry. ㅠㅠ

[Rize Nova] – This couldn’t be helped.

[Boglebogle] – Still, I’m glad you’re safe.

[Pururu] – The more I think about it, the scarier that ability is. To erase existence from other people’s memories.

I stroked the hedgehog’s head with my finger and asked.

“Dochi. Did you have consciousness when you transformed into a bear doll?”

[Not originally! I was trapped in a weird space! But after I heard the voice of the Gauntlet and the glorious word Doo Doom Bar, I started to see the outside world faintly!!!]

To put it simply, it seemed that it regained a bit of consciousness upon hearing my voice while in bear doll form.

[Anyway, thanks for saving me! Doo Doom Bar!!!]

With an expression full of gratitude.

The hedgehog kept thanking me and didn’t let go.

Being a small animal, it wasn’t burdensome.

After that, I shifted my gaze.

The body of the half-split Dolmaker.

Countless chunks kept spilling out from the torn space behind it.

[Pururu] – What’s that again? Gross.

[Mysticism] – 🤢

[Boglebogle] – Looks like those who turned into bear dolls. I guess they’re returning to their original forms.

[Rize Nova] – They all seem dead.

After all the chunks spilled out.

As if there was nothing left to spit out, the torn space closed up.

“…I guess if you turn into a bear doll and a long time passes, the original body dies.”

A gruesome mountain made of body parts.

As I approached slowly, a foul odor pierced my nose.

“Puppetmaster, can you come here now? It would be a waste to just toss away these bodies.”

I couldn’t tell which monster they belonged to due to the severe mutilation, but it seemed to be a mix of quite a variety of monsters.

Surely among them, there would be a monster with abilities that could help us.

So it wouldn’t hurt to keep them.

[I’ll head right over.]

The voice of the Necro Puppetmaster flowed from Iris.

While waiting for the Puppetmaster.

I carefully circled around the mountain of corpses and examined them closely.

“It looks like there are a few corpses that are relatively intact.”

Poison Apple, Iris, Jellyfish, Dog Spider, Melody Fox, and so on.

There were several familiar monsters.

And a human…

This would probably be a monster resembling a human.

Perhaps it could be one of the old explorers.

[Pururu] – I can’t watch this anymore. I feel like I’m going to vomit.

[Mysticism] – 🤮 I’ve already done it!

[Pururu] – Dirty girl.

[Yumi] – Our Hedgehog would have ended up like that if we hadn’t rescued him…

[Rize Nova] – That could have been a big deal.

[Boglebogle] – I wonder if the spirit died too.

While I was observing the corpses like that.


Suddenly, a moan came from among the pile of bodies.

What’s this?

Was there a living monster?

Perhaps due to the tangled mass of corpses, I couldn’t sense any life response.

I squinted and focused my senses.

Then, deep within the mountain of corpses, I detected a Danger Level B monstrosity.

“Kino. Can you clear away the corpses? I think there’s a surviving monster inside.”

[Yes, Father. Just leave it to me.]

When I made the request, Kinogine Aracne began to emit threads to clear away the bodies.

[I sincerely thank you. You are the savior of my life.]

A monster placed a sword on the ground, then politely knelt down and bowed to me.

It was the monster that Aracne had just pulled from the pile of corpses.

[Mysticism] – 😮 It talks just like Rize!

[Rize Nova] – No, it’s different.

[Boglebogle] – What the heck is this guy?

The creature’s name was Lionheart.

A beast-like monster with the appearance of a lion, its actual Danger Level was S-Class, and nerfed Danger Level was B-Class.

Notable features included one wing made of fire and one wing made of water.

[How can I possibly repay this great grace…?]

“There’s no need to repay. I just noticed something inside the pile of corpses, so I pulled it out.”

I didn’t intend to rescue it.

I was just curious about what monster was inside.

I added this remark.

Nonetheless, Lionheart insisted on repaying my kindness and urged me to tell him anything I wanted.

[If I can’t repay my benefactor, my heart will never be at ease until my life is over. Please allow me to repay this kindness.]

“No, there’s really nothing I need…”

[Surely there’s something you want; please, just think about it.]

[Boglebogle] – I said there’s nothing! Just leave me alone.

[Mysticism] – Let’s tame it and give it a good scare! 😠

Is there anything I could ask for?

While I pondered for a moment, a thought suddenly flashed through my mind.

He wouldn’t know about it, but…

Just in case, I decided to ask.

“Hmmm… do you happen to know how to become the ruler of the labyrinth?”

[I do not know that. But if the information about it is the repayment you desire, I will find out somehow even if it costs me my life! Just trust me!]

Lionheart jumped up from his seat.

And he hurriedly dashed off, promising to bring back good information that would meet my expectations.

[Boglebogle] – Do you think he can find out how to become the ruler?

“Of course he won’t.”

When Lionheart left.

At that moment, the arriving Puppetmaster began collecting all the corpses that fell from the Dolmaker’s domain.

While waiting for that, I marked the Poison Apple’s body with a sign.

An X mark.

A sign that said never to eat it.

[Puurururu. Now I’m safe.]

I gave up on taming it.

It wasn’t worth the time to tame something like that.

Though it pretends otherwise, this creature is filled with hostility, just like other Poison Apples.

Just as I was about to turn around and leave.

‘…Wait a second.’

Suddenly, I recalled one of the Necro Puppetmaster’s abilities that I had almost forgotten.

Mind Control.

The ability to manipulate the emotions of the opponent.

‘That ability could only be used on characters weaker than oneself, right…?’

When the Puppetmaster was once a Psycho Clown.

In other words, back when he was S-Class, Mind Control was pretty useless.

It was good for controlling his emotions.

But he couldn’t use it on other monsters besides himself.

However, now that he had become SS-Class, things were different.

S-Class monsters were clearly weaker than the Puppetmaster, allowing him to use Mind Control to eliminate hostility.

‘Why didn’t I think of this before?’

Well, at least I realized it now, so that’s good.

I shifted my gaze and called out to the Necro Puppetmaster.

And then I explained the method I just thought of step by step, asking him to eliminate the hostility from the Poison Apple I had marked.

“Mind Control still works, right?”

[Of course. I haven’t used it since my evolution, but I know that I can use it.]

The Puppetmaster replied that way.

He immediately activated Mind Control on the Poison Apple with the mark.

[Puurururu? What are you trying to do to me! Are you trying to break the promise…?]

The Poison Apple, who was throwing a fit.

Suddenly shut its mouth and went quiet.


Then it started to giggle.

Its expression looked quite foolish, like a screw had come loose in its head.

“Puppetmaster. You just got rid of the hostility, right?”

[I eliminated the hostility, and since it was making a racket, I changed its personality to a more positive one.]

“Well done.”

By the way.

That changed personality isn’t permanent.

Mind Control isn’t everlasting.

Afterward, I tamed the Poison Apple and appointed it as the manager of this apple farm.

So it seemed quite pleased.

[Puurururu! I have gained power! All Poison Apples, if you don’t want to become my next meal, bow your heads to me!]

[Mysticism] – 🤔 So it’s going to sort apples and hand them over to the exploration team?

[Yumi] – Seems like it. In a way, it’s a traitor to its own kind.

[Pururu] – But if it’s been tamed, can’t it just ask for summoned apples from now on?

[Rize Nova] – Some prefer Poison Apples themselves over summoned apples. I noticed that Mummy Skeletons particularly enjoy eating live Poison Apples.

[Boglebogle] – They seem to like eating everything alive.


While cradling the exhausted hedgehog, I returned to the hideout with the monsters.

And the data collection work for the Lionheart I had just met was already completed by the Centauress.

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