Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 23

A planet full of light and energy.

A place ruled by a race called Orakan, Lumina.

For decades, a fierce confrontation has continued between the corrupt government and the revolutionary army.

And today, the confrontation between the two forces has come to an end.

The revolutionary army has been defeated.

The supreme commander of the revolutionary army, ‘Rize Nova,’ has been captured along with two key officers and brought to the gallows.

The oppressed citizens, who have lived in pain for so long, looked up at the gallows with despair on their faces.

Execution orders were given.

The citizens clenched their fists and tightly shut their eyes.

The blade falls toward Rize’s neck.

At that moment.


Without any warning, space warped and split apart, swallowing the five Orakan into pitch-black darkness.

In the blink of an eye.

The Orakan on the gallows were dragged into a labyrinth.

Rize and the executioner fell in the same place, while the other two officers landed in a different location.

“What, what is this! Where are we?!”

“These vile revolutionary scum have done some strange trick…!”

The executioners were panicking and at a loss.

Unlike them, Rize calmly surveyed his surroundings.

Something was coming this way.

Sensing a killing intent, Rize quickly got up to avoid the ambush, but the executioners swiftly became monster food.

What is that monster?

Isn’t this supposed to be the world I lived in?

Putting those questions aside for later, Rize cautiously slipped away from the monster’s line of sight.

While wandering in the labyrinth…

Rize encountered another monster.

It looked weak at first glance.

So, he boldly engaged in combat, but realized his judgment was wrong after just one exchange.

That thing can’t be defeated.

It’s not a level I can dare to challenge.

It exists in a realm I could never reach.

Realizing the strength of his opponent and his own limits, Rize wisely chose to flee.

He barely succeeded in escaping.

The problem was that in the process, he sustained a serious injury to his side.

Thanks to the Orakan race’s unique regeneration abilities, he didn’t have to worry about dying.

However, the wound was too deep, and he collapsed on the ground.

In a state where he couldn’t even walk.

If he lay still, he would be detected by the monster and meet his demise.

Ultimately, Rize began to crawl on the ground with all his might.


Smooth black skin.

White bone-like structures covering half of the head like a helmet.

Thick strands of hair mixed with black and orange.

No visible eyes or mouth.

The physical structure resembled that of a human.

This was the appearance of the drifter he had just encountered.

Pururu – It’s a monster! Attack!!!


Yumi – The monster is wearing clothing?

The drifter, crawling on the ground, looked up at me.


Its black skin split open to reveal a hidden mouth.

It wasn’t that it didn’t have a mouth—it was just concealed.

“Please, help me…”

The drifter finished those words and drooped its head.

Has it fainted?

It looks like there’s a big wound on the drifter’s side.

Blue blood was flowing from there, not red.

It seems it lost consciousness due to that injury.

Pururu – Hey, what’s up? I just understood what it said.

Yumi – Me too! It seems to be an intelligent monster!

Pururu – But how can a monster speak Korean?

Yumi – I don’t think it’s Korean? It feels like a different language but I understand it naturally. Maybe there’s a translation function in this broadcast?

Pururu – Is that so? But it sounded like Korean to me.

Pururu – Anyway, kill it now! This is the perfect opportunity! It could be dangerous when it wakes up!

Yumi – No way. We should tame it to increase our power.

Pururu – Oh, right. Tame it quickly!


“Taming is impossible. This isn’t a monster native to the labyrinth—it’s a drifter.”

Pururu – ?? How do you know it’s a drifter?

I squatted down.

Then, pointing above the drifter’s head, I replied.

“I can see a sign that says ‘drifter’ right above its head.”

Pururu – Oh, it’s a status window ability. The status window is OP!

Yumi – So that means it’s not a monster? It sure doesn’t look human, though.


“Anyway, since this drifter seems to be able to converse, we should take it back to our hideout. We can’t just leave it here.”

Pururu – Are you going to help it? What if it’s a bad guy?

“Then I’ll kill it later.”

Anyway, this drifter doesn’t pose a threat.

The danger level I sensed was about C-rank.

As long as Jellyfish’s protection magic is in place, it can’t harm me.

“Jellyfish, lift this thing into the air.”


The jellyfish activated its levitation magic.

The drifter floated gently into the air.

“Guys, let’s head back.”




We decided to temporarily suspend the exploration of Passage No. 8.


After returning to the hideout.

I laid the drifter down and examined the wound.

‘The wound has nearly healed.’

It seems natural healing occurred on the way back.

It had exceptional regenerative abilities.

Must be a trait of its race or an individual ability.

I was going to ask my assistants for some bandages, but that won’t be necessary.

I sat down, picked up a pen, and opened my notebook.

While waiting for the drifter to wake up, I thought I might as well draw something.

It would be boring to just wait.

Time passed, and when I completed a drawing.


The drifter, lying down, clutched its head and sat up.

“Are you feeling better?”

“Where is this…?”

“This is my home.”

“Ah… You saved me, didn’t you?”

I didn’t particularly save it.

I just brought it along.

But I nodded just the same.

I had already earned a favor, so there was no harm.

“Thank you. I don’t know how to repay such kindness from someone I’ve never met…”

As the drifter stood up, it spoke.

Though different, the language flowed naturally as a translation reached my ears.

This must be one of the labyrinth explorer’s abilities.

Or maybe language constraints disappear in the labyrinth.

By the way, when I first arrived in this other world, I used a translation magic tool, but later on, I gradually learned the language of that world.

‘But does that mean the monsters understand me because of the translation function?’

While receiving the drifter’s gratitude, I sneakily glanced at the monsters.

‘Then why can’t I understand their speech? They seem to communicate with each other just fine.’

See, Pii, Suu.

It seems those were just simple sounds.

Did these guys not have proper language?

I had some doubts, but I quickly shook my head.

Dog Spider.


Black Magma Slime.

I suspect these three are mentally immature.

In other words, they’re like little children who haven’t yet mastered the language their race uses.

If my assumption is wrong, then it must mean the monsters residing in the labyrinth have particularly low intelligence.


Right now, I’ll put aside pointless thoughts and continue my conversation with the drifter.

“Really, truly thank you.”

The drifter was on its knees, pressing its head to the ground as it repeatedly expressed gratitude.

Pururu – That guy’s speech is so cringe. “Thank you!” he keeps saying.

Yumi – Eh? I heard “thank you” sounded normal to me?

Pururu – I guess translations vary from person to person?

Yumi – There seems to be a bit of a difference.

“Again, I truly appreciate you saving me from that monster!”

Pururu – It looks like he’s not a bad guy after all.

Yumi – It seems so, given his gratitude.

“One thank you should be enough, so you can stop now.”

“Ah, understood.”

The drifter scratched its head awkwardly and shook off the dust from its clothes as it stood up.

Once standing, the drifter glanced nervously at the monsters that were by my side. It thought I was eyeless, but its helmet bone concealed them well enough.

“These guys are my friends, so there’s no need to be scared. They won’t attack.”

“…That is a relief.”

Pururu – I really want to beat up that speech.

Yumi – I’m feeling a bit annoyed just listening to it. It’s like an extreme concept enthusiast.


“Let’s sit down and introduce ourselves, shall we?”


The drifter and I sat facing each other on the ground.

I introduced myself first.

I didn’t reveal any other information, I just asked the drifter what world it came from, what race it belonged to, and its name, among other things.

“My name is Rize Nova. I am of the Orakan race.”

Pururu – Ora ora!!


“When you say the world of origin… should I just name the planet?”

Nodding while jotting down the drifter’s information in my notebook.

“Lumina. That is the name of the planet I reside on. I was not brought here by choice; I was pulled in as if swallowed by the unknown darkness.”

Rize spilled his information fluently.

Even revealing that he was the supreme commander of the revolutionary army fighting against the government.

I got all the general information I needed.

It would be inappropriate to pry about his abilities here.

For now, I decided to conclude this preliminary information gathering.

I closed my notebook.

Rize stared fixedly at the notebook, tilting his head.

“But why did you record my appearance just now?”

“Just a hobby, so don’t mind it.”

I put the notebook in the box.

Then, shifting my gaze back to Rize, I asked.

“Rize, if you could return to the place you originally lived, would you want to go back?”

“Of course. I have things I need to do.”

“I can return you to your original world if I set my mind to it.”


“Yes. I have the power to do so.”

Pururu – If you don’t change your speech right away, I won’t be sending you back.

If he wanted, I could send Rize back.

I had four transferable return tickets, after all.

But it wouldn’t be for free.

I looked Rize up and down.

“If you want to go back home, how about giving me everything you currently have?”

Pururu – ?

Yumi – Oh my.


It wasn’t a threat.

It was a polite trade proposal.

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