Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 56

I carefully picked up the paper that Pururu sent me.

And slowly moved my gaze across the paper, enjoying the drawing.


【Yumi】─Wow. Did Pururu really draw that? It’s got such a vibe!
【Rize Nova】─ You really have a talent for art.
【Mysticism】─ 😮
【Mysticism】─Pururu looks suddenly impressive.

While I was admiring the drawing, I narrowed my eyes slightly and said.

“···Nice drawing.”

【Pururu】─Hehe, feels good.
【Pururu】─Why are you saying ‘huh’ like that?
【Yumi】─No, it’s just that your reaction is a bit subtle. Does the drawing not please you?
【Mysticism】─It’s well drawn.

Ha Yumi seemed to notice the change in my expression.

It wasn’t that I didn’t like the drawing.

Saying it’s well drawn wasn’t an empty compliment either.

It was truly a unique and cool drawing that made me want to admire it. Honestly.

The sudden change in expression was for another reason.

“No. I really like it.”

【Yumi】─Really? I thought you didn’t like it since you suddenly frowned.
【Rize Nova】─ When one is immersed in appreciating a work of art, their expression tends to become serious.
【Mysticism】─A work of art! Artist Pururu!


“By the way, Ruru, is this name Kinogine Aracne?”

Due to the sudden change in expression, I quickly changed the subject, worried that Pururu might feel uncomfortable.

【Pururu】─Yep, that’s right.
【Pururu】─The name written in parentheses next to the Korean name means you can pronounce it that way.
【Yumi】─Is the name written above in Greek?
【Pururu】─Yep. Aracne appears in Greek mythology, so I wrote it in Greek.

“Oh, so it’s in Greek. You put a lot of thought into it. Thank you.”

【Pururu】─Hehe, you don’t have to thank me. It’s for the little one, so I should pay a bit of attention.
【Mysticism】─Pururu is amazing.
【Yumi】─But did you know Greek too, Pururu? You’re surprisingly versatile.
【Pururu】─I used Google Translate, though.
【Rize Nova】─ What is Google Translate?
【Pururu】─ You don’t need to know.

Kinogine Aracne.

The race name given by Pururu.

I passed the name to the evolved Dog Spider.

It seemed to ponder for a while with a mysterious expression upon hearing the name.

[Kinogine, Aracne···.]

“This is the name Pururu gave you. How about it? Do you like it?”

【Pururu】─Say you like it right away, little one!!!
【Yumi】─ It’s not ‘little one’ anymore.
【Mysticism】─Change the nickname to Chubby.
【Pururu】─Missy, shut up. You’ve exceeded your chat limit for today, so use emoticons only now.


The Dog Spider opened one eye slightly.

It had been occasionally opening its eyes like that for a while now, probably a habit that appears when expressing some emotion.

[I think it’s a good name.]

The Dog Spider slightly raised the corners of its mouth and smiled.

It seemed to accept the new name relatively well.

“Then from now on, I’ll call you Kino for short.”

[Yes, Father. And thank you for giving me such a wonderful name, Pururu.]

Aracne gently closed its eyes and respectfully thanked Pururu.

The previous innocent and cute appearance faded, and it became an elegant and polite mature figure.

【Pururu】─Whoa! How dare you, being so young, call me that? Impudent!
【Pururu】─From now on, you shall call me Sister Pururu, little one.
【Pururu】─Come on, pass it along.
【Yumi】─So Pururu is a girl after all.
【Rize Nova】─So it wasn’t asexual.

“Kino, when Pururu refers to herself, she wants you to call her ‘sister.’”

[Okay, understood. Sister Pururu.]

【Yumi】─Kino! You can call me Mom!
【Yumi】─Hey, can you pass that along, will you? ㅎㅎ

I pretended not to see Ha Yumi’s message and moved on.

【Rize Nova】─ Please tell me to use the title ‘Mother’ as well.
【Pururu】─ You’re not a girl, you crazy guy.
【Yumi】─Two moms···!
【Rize Nova】─Asexually, one can be either female or male. Thus, one can be a father or a mother.
【Pururu】─ Just get lost and die.

Ignoring Rize’s message lightly.

Before slipping the paper into the compendium, I showed it to Aracne.

It had drawn its own appearance, and I thought it should see it at least once.

Aracne took the paper.

Then, squinting its eyes, it appreciated the drawing and gasped softly.

[Wow··· I liked the name, but I really like the drawing.]

“I’m glad you like it.”

【Pururu】─Haha, this big sister put in some effort, little one.

Aracne smiled with satisfaction and stroked the drawing.

[It seems sister Pururu also has a talent for drawing like Father. Although it doesn’t look exactly like me, it captures all the important features well.]

“Hmm? How do you know if the drawing resembles you or not? You haven’t even looked in the mirror yet.”

[I gained the ability called Psychic Sense while evolving, so I can perceive my appearance using that.]

“Really? That’s a good ability.”

【Yumi】─That means you can see yourself from a third-person perspective.
【Pururu】─It seems you can also see the terrain around you well. Not relying on sight.
【Rize Nova】─So that’s why you’ve been keeping your eyes closed.
【Mysticism】─Psychic Sense!

“Anyway, Kino. If you’ve seen enough, please return it now. I need to slip it into the compendium.”

I reached out my hand to Aracne.

Then Aracne hesitated for a moment, hugging the paper tightly and said.

[Father. I want to keep this drawing. Is that okay?]

It seemed to take a greater liking to the drawing than I expected.

【Pururu】─Just give it to him as a gift for evolution. I’ll draw another one for the compendium.

After hesitating for a moment, the original creator gave permission.

I nodded and said that it was okay for Aracne to keep the drawing, mentioning that Pururu also said it was fine.

Feeling happy, Aracne made its droopy dog ears wiggle.

[Thank you. I will treasure it. From now on, this will be my treasure number two.]

“Treasure number two? What’s number one?”



Aracne, who gave a cheeky answer, carefully tucked the paper between its bosom.

Since its bust was so ample, there was no problem in storing it without folding the paper.


After finishing the meal gathered together with the monsters.

I checked the abilities of the newly evolved Kinogine Aracne.

The first ability I examined was Psychic Sense.

Using this ability, I could perfectly perceive my surroundings even with my eyes closed.

【Pururu】─Why did such an ability suddenly appear?
【Yumi】─It seems like it was influenced by the fox.

Not only that.

Its reaction speed had also become unbelievably fast.

As if predicting the short future.

It reached a level where it could read the opponent’s actions in advance and respond.

【Pururu】─ㄷㄷ Beforeseeing.
【Yumi】─What’s that?


Next to note was the enhanced ‘Nullification Web’ ability.

Now, the Nullification Web could be effective even without direct contact with the opponent.

To be specific.

It seemed that just being near the webs would weaken the opponent’s strength.

This ability was somewhat similar to how monsters were nerfed around explorers.

Though it was significantly less effective than the explorer’s nerf ability.

For reference, small amounts of web had little effect.

The more webs located near the opponent, the greater the level of weakening.

“I don’t seem to··· be influenced too much···.”


Azelas, who was of the same rank as Aracne.

And the Black Magma Slime.

The Nullification Web did not work properly on these two.

Even if a pile of webs was scattered around them.

Of course, that was when they didn’t come into direct contact with the webs.

When their bodies made contact with the webs, they noticeably weakened.


Aracne always had webs wrapped around its body, which acted like a shield.

Magic or psychic attacks wouldn’t reach Aracne’s body as they would be obliterated before contact.

【Pururu】─Just like what I saw last time.

Moreover, even intangible psychic abilities couldn’t interfere with Aracne.

I couldn’t test if Psycho Clown’s Mind Control worked since it only affected weaker foes, but Telepathy and other psychic abilities didn’t work at all.

【Pururu】─Oh, so now you’ve got perfect resistance to psychic powers. You’ve definitely changed since last time.
【Mysticism】─Temptation won’t work, either!
【Rize Nova】─Even brainwashing abilities won’t work on you.

In addition to various minor abilities, the one that stood out the most seemed to be Spirit Summoning.

From Aracne’s words.

The estimated number of spirits it could summon was more than tens of thousands.

Currently, it had summoned around a hundred spider spirits.

The spirits looked very similar to the Dog Spider, but were slightly smaller than a Dog Spider when it was just born.

【Pururu】─What the! The little one has come back to life!!!
【Yumi】─Whoa. A mini little one.
【Mysticism】─A bit creepy.
【Pururu】─Hey buddy, what’s the danger level of those little ones?

“About D-rank.”

The spider spirits were D-rank danger level.

The actual danger level was estimated to be around B-rank.

This little one is boss-level B-rank···.

I guess it’s shrunk due to a size nerf and is not actually quite large.

【Yumi】─Since the actual danger level is B-rank, it’s the weakest among the monsters we’ve encountered so far.
【Mysticism】─That’s not a monster! It’s a spirit!
【Pururu】─B-rank is boss-level. It’s not weak.
【Yumi】─I’m just saying it’s weak compared to other monsters dwelling in the Labyrinth.
【Pururu】─No, no. Each individual may be weak, but together they are strong. I heard that a countless number of the great little ones can be summoned.
【Yumi】─Is Aracne the great little one?
【Rize Nova】─Hmm. But does it make sense to summon several thousand boss-level monsters?

“That’s basically impossible with logic. That’s why they’re SS-class.”

With that, the ability checks were all done.

The other monsters looked on with envy as they watched Aracne display its abilities.

Soon, the monsters’ attention turned to Melody Fox.

[Cough, cough! As I said last time, I want to be friends with you. Let’s get along from now on.]

Clearing his throat, Centauress sat next to Melody Fox.

[Pee! Peeee!]

Glowingly circling around Melody Fox was Jellyfish.

[Kirik. Your tail looks soft. How nice.]

[Want to dance with me? Singing while dancing will double the fun! Doo Doom Bar!]

Psycho Clown and Hedgehog Summoner awkwardly struck up a conversation with Melody Fox.

【Pururu】─It’s obvious what their intentions are. Haha.
【Yumi】─If you approach like that, it’s going to be hard to become friends. You need to approach naturally to open their hearts.

The already SS-rank monsters, along with Medical Mushroom and Iris, showed little interest in evolving and didn’t bother Melody Fox.

In any case, although many monsters were showing interest.


Melody Fox ignored them, jumping up and landing on Aracne’s chest, burying its face.

It seemed she had no intention of opening her heart to anyone but Aracne.

【Pururu】─What a haughty little one.


I know who Pururu is.

The moment I saw the drawing she sent, I immediately recognized her identity.

Her drawing style was so distinct.

Pururu’s identity is Seo Dan-bi.

She’s a high school classmate of mine, and I’m certain she’s the girl I occasionally drew with.

‘When should I reveal that I know her?’

I’m not going to pretend I don’t know forever.

I plan to reveal her identity and talk today.

Even though I noticed her identity a while ago.

The reason I’ve been playing dumb up until now is simple.

It’s out of consideration for Seo Dan-bi.

In other words, I’m just giving her a moment of respite.

If I suddenly expose her identity, she’ll be terribly embarrassed.

She won’t run away now, but still.

I also needed a bit of time myself.

I’m still contemplating what to say to an old friend I haven’t seen in a long time.

Just pondering how to bring it up naturally.

While I was deep in thought about when to reveal it.

【Pururu】─Hey buddy, I’ve finished drawing the compendium picture.
『PLATINUM rank Assistant ‘Pururu’ has sent support supplies!』
【Pururu】─Receive the drawing!

A piece of paper arrived.

Since I gave the original drawing to Aracne, Pururu had drawn a new one for the compendium.

I casually picked up the paper.


“Thanks, Dan-bi.”

【Mysticism】─🤔 What’s Dan-bi?

I accidentally called Pururu by her real name.

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