Monsters and Maidens

Chapter 132 [Rick]

The tavern, or bar, or whatever the place opted to call itself, had several things about it that caught Rick’s attention almost right away. For one, the only females in sight were the four bouncers near either exit, and the maiden tending the bar itself. The second thing to catch him by surprise was the fact that the alcohol was far stronger than he expected it to be. The beer tasted like it’d had rum mixed into it, and there was a sweetness to the flavor that masked the punch a lot more than he expected. If he wasn’t careful, he’d likely get drunk way faster.

The third thing to grab his attention was the absence of music or background… anything.

Most bars he’d gone to had at least a television or a radio or something. Part of him was expecting sound to burst out through hidden speakers at any moment and the bar to explode into celebration at the fixing of the technical issue.

“You look like you’re about to get jumped.”

The voice snapped him out of the thoughts that kept dancing around the room. Rick forced a smile and took a long swing of his drink. “Spent a little too long in the forest.”

“You saw some shit, huh.” The foreman, Carl, nodded somberly. “Must be pretty damn horrifying. Whole Knight Squad getting slaughtered…”

“… yup.” Another nod. Rick held his tongue, making sure to keep from sharing his actual thoughts. As far as everyone here was concerned, he was just a traveler, not an offworlder. “Say, I never did learn much about the Earl. He a good man?”

“As good as any of those nobles go.” A large shrug. “Far as we care, he’s kept the taxes fair and the roads safe. Honestly, gramps keeps telling the kids to appreciate the peace while it lasts.”

“He lived through war?”

“The Rebellion, though he was a wee lad back then.” Carl shook his head. “Keeps quiet about it, but you hear the stories of how it went. Maiden killing humans, maidens fighting maidens, ferals burning defenseless cities to the ground… that sort of thing.” A loud snort as the man took a swing. “So, what were you doing before joining the militia? Usually folk get a run earlier in life.”

“I just recently became a citizen of the kingdom. Family’s place didn’t have much space for me, so I just went around looking for a new lot in life.” Rick just parroted off the first excuse that came to mind.

“Huh, so a noble’s son?” As Carl asked this, and the teacher choked, eyes wide and looking around right until the man slapped his back. “Don’t think us simple folk too dull. You stink of rich.”

The teacher chuckled nervously, trying to calm down. “I… how?”

“Skin’s pale, clothes are nice and new, you talk all pretty-like, and you drink like a babe. White Claw being yours? Traveling with a human girl? Stinks of old money all over.” The man laughed. “Don’t worry too much over it, we don’t much care where you come from.”

“Yeah… yeah, I’d just rather not…” He coughed, cogs spinning wildly. “You know, I’d rather avoid trouble.”

Carl rolled his eyes, patting his belly and keeping his tone light as he waved Rick off like it was nothing. “Got some tips if ya like, though not for free.” A wink. “Just wanna know what the lass’ story is. First human lady I’ve seen that didn’t come with a military escort.”

“Kat?” A slight pause. “She’s… traveling with her grandfather, don’t know much about her. Tomas fancies her, and there might be something mutual, but… that’s about it.” He shrugged slightly.

“Bah, fine, keep your secrets.” He grumbled, another long swing from his mug, leaving it back on the counter and gesturing at the bartender to refill it. “If I were in your briefs and wanted to avoid trouble, I’d either stop trying to pretend I’m someone from the dirt and just say something about being some noble lady’s thigh-warmer.” A chuckle followed. “Seeing how White Claw looks at you, no one would doubt that.”

“Duly noted.”

“So…” Rick paused, glancing at Carl as he sipped from his drink, the bearded fellow looking at him with a wide smirk. “So…” He repeated.

“So… what?”

“How is she?” The man chuckled. “Wild?”

“Oh! You mean… in bed.” The chemistry teacher coughed, taking another swing from his drink. “She… uh, she’s intense.”

“Come now, you can’t leave things like that!” A new face showed up, a man nearing his fifties, weathered face and bright smile. “Name’s Victor, sorry, but I couldn’t stop but overhear. You’re the man who caught White Claw. Right?”

“Victor… huh, I know a Victor.” Rick gave a slight nod.

“Hopefully a good fella.” The man offered a hand to shake. His grip was firm. “Would a drink in exchange for more details be the right price?”

“I’m not one that tends to share those kinds of details.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “She was feralborn, kept me alive for some reason, and things sort of rolled from there.”

“Mhm, everyone’s seen how she handles things.” The new Victor laughed. “Has a lot of things to learn. Must be quite the handful.” An emphatic nod followed. “How would you say she’s at fighting? Can she distinguish between friend and foe yet?”

Rick frowned. “I feel like that particular question came out of the blue.”

Victor frowned in turn, as if trying to decipher what he’d just said, but quickly recovered. “Don’t be very surprised. I’m looking for some security heading to Balet, and if I could convince the owner of White Claw to keep me safe…”

If he were a dog, his ears would have perked up. “So you want a bodyguard?”

“From ferals.” New-Victor pipped up with a slight grin. “Lost my guards during the rush and I’ve been stuck around these parts since the rush got everyone’s hands tied up. Would you be interested?”

“Somewhat, depends on how much.” A little pause. “And you’d have to consider that I’m not traveling alone.”

“Sure, sure.” Another quick nod. “Food expenses for yourself, White Claw, and the nurse. And ten gold coins?”

Carl choked on his drink, eyes darting between Rick and Victor. The teacher had to take a moment to ponder whether this was some sort of act as a way to get scammed or if it was something else. The sense of money was not one he’d gotten a solid hold on. He’d have to ask the others to get a better sense of how fair the offer might be.

“Sounds decent enough, but I’ll need to talk it over with my friends first.” His response was cordial enough, taking a long swing from his drink. “Wouldn’t want to commit to anything and then find out they’d rather avoid such dealings entirely.”

“Of course, of course.” Victor nodded. “I’ll make sure to pay you a visit, say… tomorrow noon?”

“Sounds… good?”

“Great! Great!” A pat on the back. “I’ll be there, then. Got lots to prepare. Be seeing you.”

Turning around, he left, waving off as he marched straight out the door. Rick was left blinking and slightly confused, glancing at his drinking partner as Carl merely shrugged. “City-folk, that one. Business burned down in the rush.” A long swing. “Personally don’t like him much, but he’s always paid well.”

“What about him don’t you like?”

The response was a simple shrug. “Just too… rushed, I guess.”

“Hm…” Rick shook his head. No sense in hurrying things on that end. He’d get time to talk things over with the others. “So, about the Earl, you don’t got anything?”

“Like I said, peaceful times make for boring stories, thing’s been quiet with him in charge. But many folks appreciate that.”

He could understand the feeling. The chemistry teacher merely nodded along and spent the rest of his drink. The hours oozed by slowly, doubly so when there was nothing to really keep his sense of time. By the end of his second glass, he was already starting to feel slightly light-headed and a bit loose-lipped. Carl was fun in a down-to-earth kind of way, but Rick was not feeling like he could really loosen up.

So, not wanting to risk talking too much or saying something he shouldn’t, Rick called it a night and headed back through the village in the general direction of the shack he was sharing with Dia and Monica.

Tipsy and a little disoriented, the local Hunter girls (green uniform, green collar) were more than happy to help. A few offered to accompany him the whole way, but something in the back of his head kept telling Rick he shouldn’t, so he didn’t. There was an odd sensation of being watched that followed him as he walked his way back.

He stopped as he found the shack having its door blocked by a heavy trunk.


He knocked and heard movement. “Rick?” The voice called out. It was Dia. “Rick, Monica locked me in!”



This time the young human shouted, jumping and turning around as he saw Monica was standing right behind him. She was angry, snarling as she stepped closer, pinning him against the tree-trunk. Reaching forward, she yanked the trunk out of the way, nearly tossing it out of the way. The door burst open and Dia stepped through. The nurse was shoved aside as Rick was shoved inside.

Whatever complaint Dia had was ignored, Monica lumbered into the house, pushed Rick onto the hay and straddled his hips. “Sex.” She stated, pushing him down. “Now.”

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