Monsters and Maidens

Chapter 137 [Rick]

Rick walked down the road. The day was beautiful, sunny sky, a fresh cool breeze to counter the hot sun, shoes didn’t have any holes in them, and the dirt under his feet had a crisp crunch about it.

It was a shame that Monica had opted to kidnap him. She wrapped him in her arms and walked, the taller and stronger woman basically dragging him as her eyes kept flicking towards Dia with a certain degree of nervousness about them. The nurse, for her part, was holding his hand and not letting go, but otherwise ignoring Monica.

“Wouldn’t your quiet compliance be a form of pampering her?”

“She’s mostly behaved well all morning.” Rick glanced at Tomas as best he could, making an exasperated gesture with his hands. “If you’ve got some different way to promote her doing that, that doesn’t involve jerky, I’m all ears.”

“I just thought this feels like you’re promoting her clinginess.” The younger man commented.

“Believe me, I know.” It wasn’t like there was much of an option. Monica wasn’t exactly some sort of child. As far as Rick was concerned, she still had ways to go to get acclimatized to this whole ‘society’ thing. “I hope this isn’t bothersome, Victor.”

“Please, don’t mind me.” The man spoke with a nervous chuckle, walking from nearly ten meters away and showing all smiles. Next to him walked two twin purple-haired maidens. “I am paying for safety, after all. I wouldn’t dare comment on the methods so long as there are acceptable results.”

“Rick becoming a merc is the second wildest thing after the confirmed threesome that included the hot-nurse and amazon-kitty.” Kat chuckled, arms wrapped around Lizzy’s neck as the Salalexis was giving her a piggyback ride. Next to them, Ginny looked slightly nervous, her gaze bouncing between Kat and Rick as she walked. The Draco appeared just one wrong twitch away from jumping out and pulling either of them some place safer.

The teacher grumbled. “Could we please not touch on that?”

“Oh please, you woke up the whole village. There were alarms raised, the Hunters went on high alert. Every patrol available went to the street ready for a fight.” She laughed now. “Your sex-life is a matter of public safety.”

“God.” He was thankful for Monica’s arms holding his head. It hid the slight coloration on his face. Not feeling particularly inclined to continue in the current conundrum, he began struggling against Monica’s grip.

The feline loosened it just enough for him to finally return to his feet, but not without firmly grabbing his hand in the process. Now the human was left with the maidens on either side, each clinging to a limb. “Nope.” He declared, pulling them both closer and wriggling his fingers out of both of their hands.

He didn’t so much escape. They let go, and the human crossed his arms, trying to use the chance to relax his shoulders. Monica pouted more severely, and Dia mostly nodded along. There was still a sense of troubled jealousy he could sense from them both, and so he just stepped away. “That’s enough Rick for now.”

He ignored the giggling that broke out behind him. 

Now free, he kept walking, noting Monica’s constant looks towards Dia. No doubt she’d cling to Rick the instant the nurse opted to so much as twitch the wrong way.

“You have family, Victor?” He shifted his attention to the merchant and the two maidens walking on either side of him.

The man’s face lit-up. “Of course, sure, yes I do!” The two maidens at his side sighed while the man moved with an extra spring in his step. “I’ve got a one beautiful wife and three daughters. Maidens, of course. And quite the healthy boy. I hope he will get the business one day. I was always told that I should marry at least four maidens, but who has the energy to have so many children? I just prefer having the maidens help and work and that’s that. None of my business if they get someone to love. What’s the sense of pushing it? Far better to just focus down on whomever you fancy and just go for it. None of that whole multiple-wives thing some of the lower folk love to have. Such a hassle, really. I’m sure you can tell maidens are just so competitive sometimes, right?”

“… I see.” Rick nodded slightly. Had the man been saving up all the words he hadn’t used since that morning?

“Wait, your daughters are maidens, right?” Kat glanced at merchant-Victor, a strain in her voice. “Are they property?”

The man’s face twitched before his smile brightened with practiced ease. “They are part of the family, though many people have said I pamper them too much. I’ve made sure they get a good education. Hopefully, they will find a nice man and snatch their heart. Though Ema keeps turning down the gentlemen, she’s met thus far. Still, they’re my darlings, I tell you, and I will definitely not have them sent to some ranch or sold to the highest bidder. Does that make me too lenient? Maybe, but family’s family. Or so I keep saying.” There was a slight pause as his gaze focused on Kat. “Would you be interested in meeting them? I suspect Ivy might be quite eager to enter your service.”

That caught the young woman by surprise. “I mean, I’m not quite sure what you mean?”

“You’re a lady, and certainly, you might have customs that are not shared with those born in this fine and right kingdom of Edogia, but I’m sure even you would be in need of someone to support you in matters of coin and business? I can guarantee Ivy is quite privy and skilled in these regards, she has studied both law and business, and being a Witch, she has had much experience with the more traditional spellwork, of the divination sort, as is her mother’s specialty.”

“Wait, a Witch? An actual Witch? With the wand and stuff?” Kat perked up.

Victor’s smile brightened. “Oh yes, she has a focus, built it herself out of a murisium core and flakes from radiant elemental stones. Her mother had had many long a dispute over this choice, but Ivy’s skill in forecasting the weather with her spells has saved me many a nice suit, though it’s still not quite as useful as her mother’s ability to tell when a tax collector might be coming by, I do feel that she has learnt much.” A vigorous nod. “Yes, yes, frankly, she is a very bright young maiden, with a great future ahead. Her usefulness to you would definitely be quite the contribution to whatever business endeavor you’d wish to start.” His gaze flickered to Lizzy and then Ginny. “Maybe a surveillance and safety enterprise?”

“A what now?” Kat blinked.

“Victor.” Mr. Gabriel spoke with a slight frown, the look in his eyes causing the merchant to hesitate. “Back off.”

“I, yes sir, I meant no offense.” Victor didn’t even twitch, bowing his head. “I understand if you might have higher standards than what I can humbly offer.”

“There’s nothing humble about you.” The old man spoke. “Your business is with Rick, not us.”

“Yes, yes, I will make sure to keep that in mind, good sir.” The man’s shoulders deflated slightly, and the maidens next to him squirmed, but kept quiet as they lowered their heads.

“Hey, I decide what I do.” Kat turned to glare at the old man sitting on the centaur.

“He is a salesman. Any offer he makes will come with strings attached.”

“I would not be so facetious, sir.” Victor bowed slightly. “Though I understand the concern, I must insist this is my daughter, and not some merchandise. I would never allow for a final transaction to occur without her approval for it.”

“You’re barking up the wrong tree, buster, we’re dirt poor.” The older man snorted, crossing his arms with a glare. “Got nothing for you to take.”

“Maybe we should drop the topic for now?” Tomas muttered, scratching the back of his head. “This whole arranged relationships thing is… not normal to us?” He chuckled slightly. “I mean, the normal for us is more like Kat and I? Just meet and-.”

“Wait, what do you mean ‘relationship’?” The young woman frowned slightly. “Like, sure, we are kinda having fun, but-.”

“I think we should have a lunch break in an hour or so.” Rick raised his voice, gaze meeting Kat, Tomas, and then Mr. Gabriel. “And if there’s any talking you want to do, perhaps consider doing so more privately.”

That appeared to snap the trio, shared nods, and worried ones as well. The teacher’s focus shifted to the maidens. They’d been quiet, but he could tell there was more than one with a troubled look, Freya and Ginny among them.

Shaking his head, Rick tried to put his thoughts in order. He might need to have a private chat with Victor.


I'm back!

And with it come some changes/experiments.

I am going to start posting a new story, Tuesdays and Saturdays starting March 15th!

"The Flesh is (not) Weak", if you want to read the first 8 chapters, they're freely available over at my Patreon.

Posting schedule for Monsters and Maidens will move towards a daily update except on Tuesday and Saturday. Mostly as a way to avoid overexerting myself.

Hope you guys enjoy the new story!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.