Monsters and Maidens

Chapter 145 [Mark]

Seated within the warm bath in the dimly lit room, Mark’s thoughts ran through a thousand scenarios. Noah was in his mind. She was using her powers. He wanted her out, and he didn’t know how. His mind shoved against the soft feeling of a caress that was right at the edge of his thoughts, but it was like trying to punch water. It just moved out of the way and right back in.

She was just as surprised, eyes wide and attentive, flicking towards the beds and then towards Mark. There was some hesitation in that gaze that made alarms within his mind to go off. He remembered the waterfall, the darkness, the manic laughter, the joyous feeling of impending death.

His body lunged out of the tub with a slosh of hot water and Noah’s thoughts lashed against his own. Pain exploded in the front of his head, but he didn’t stop. Mark’s eyes sought for something to use, anything in his mad dash towards the diminutive maiden. And he locked onto a singular purple berry, its form almost glowing under the light as if put there by someone else.

Noah panicked, squealed and moved her arms wildly. More pain burst through Mark’s mind. Everything was turning white, his neck tightened until it was rock hard, his jaw tightly clenched. He wanted to speak out, scream, maybe even call for help, but the attack was trying to lock his body in place and succeeding. Two more steps, and Noah was starting to get desperate, scurrying harder against the corner, nails scratching at the wood, voice rising in a shrill scream as her whole body began to glow brighter.


His shout came right as his vision had started to blur. There was an abrupt halt to the attack and pain, and Mark didn’t waste the moment to gather his wits. He crossed the remaining distance and shoved the berry into her mouth right as she’d tried to draw breath again.

Noah choked, biting into it and the juice exploding within her mouth. It drenched her throat and chest. Mark quickly covered her mouth and pressed so her mouth would jam. “Swallow.”

Her body moved on instinct, and she did. The maiden groaned, coughing and leaning into the wood. Noah’s face flushed as she drew in a sharp breath, shuddering and wriggling as she fought against the wires that restrained her wrists and ankles. She was still trying to attack him. He could feel her mind bumping against his own, unfocused and looking for something to latch onto. But it was lacking the reactiveness it had before. It was easier to shove away.

Mark’s hands reached for her ears and twisted them hard. Noah let out a squeak and froze. “Stop.” He replied, pinching hard enough for her to shudder. “Stop or I swear to God I’ll rip them off one piece at a time.” With a squeeze, she became very still.

The human frowned as he looked down at her. Didn’t she have a gag on moments ago? His head whipped to the large bed. Brye was there, laying on her stomach and looking his way with a grin, golden eyes glimmering in the dark. Her fingers moved and between them, he saw another berry. Had she placed the one he’d used within his line of sight? “Need help?”

Grunting, Mark turned away from her and focusing back to Noah before she could gather her wits. “You don’t get to use your powers, especially not on me.” He twisted his fingers in the pinching motion, making her squirm and whimper. “Are we clear on this?”

Noah nodded.

And Mark frowned. “Say it.”

“Y-.” Noah coughed. “Yes…”

Was this enough? Before, it might have. Not anymore. “Yes, what?” He pinched harder.

“Yes… sir!” The mouse gulped, shuddering, face flushing red as she drew in shuddering breaths. “Yes sir.” She repeated, wriggling as his fingers held the round, warm, sensitive flesh firmly.

His mind stumbled through what to do next. He… what did he want? His eyes coursed down her naked body, the purple juice that dripped and coated her pale skin. She had goosebumps, and she was breathing hard, face flushed as she drew in air sharply with every gasp. He could feel the flesh of her ears warming up, redder by the second.

Mark knew all too well the effects of the berry.

His mind flashed to the cave, to Brye, the ropes, then the forest and Victoria. And for a moment, he thought back to his father, the sound of his mother shouting.

Mark’s lips thinned, moving rather than thinking. He grabbed Noah and checked the bindings keeping her wrists tied together. The only one that was keeping her fixed in place was one of the wires that looped around her throat and was tied to a metal ring embedded to the wall.

The human undid that specific binding and grabbed her shoulder. The maiden was very light, far more than she should have been for her size. She shrieked, trying to kick out and stop him. “Stay still.” He ordered, and her body went rigid. Her breathing grew panicked and short. He just took her towards the stool next to the tub, sitting her down. “Stay put.” He ordered, not that he needed this time around. The maiden was frozen in place and watching his every move with wide eyes, as if waiting for him to cut her throat any second.

He tied the wire from her throat to one of her hands, keeping it firmly behind her back. It was undoubtedly uncomfortable, and she would choke herself if she tried to break out, but he did not care, undoing the wire holding his hands so that only her left hand would be free. He’d seen Brye do the knots a couple dozen times already, so it wasn’t too hard to pull off. “Clean yourself.” Mark proceeded to put one of the wet cloths on her free hand.

Noah looked at him as if he’d just grown a second head and asked her to sing a song.

Naked and feeling colder by the second, he didn’t have patience for the situation. His fingers pinched at her ears harshly, twisting them until she squeaked. “Wash yourself.” He repeated with a growl this time. “Get that shit off of your body.”

The Tigermouse hesitated, nodding hastily and pulling the cloth closer into her grasp. She didn’t hesitate as much to drench it in water, either. It took her some effort to start applying the cloth to herself as she was using her off hand, especially with the frequent pauses she made every handful of seconds. Each time, she’d look over her shoulder towards Mark, the young man not having moved an inch the entire time, keeping a firm grasp of her ears every step of the way.

His mind was moving through the steps. Ears were painful, and his commands snapped her into a reaction. He couldn’t really claim he had control over her, but by the looks of it, he could at least stop her from trying to hurt him if he reacted in time.

And as the cloth moved from her arms to her chest, Noah’s breathing started getting ragged. The movements started to slow down, a blush was creeping down her neck. The mouse’s hand lingered as the rough cloth brushed against her erect nipples, sharp breath and a wriggling naked bottom against the hard wooden stool. Mark noticed her tail whip to the side and wrap around his ankle softly as her hips made a slight rhythmic motion.

“Just finish already.” He ordered. 

The young woman almost dropped the cloth, shuddering with a deep breath, hand pressing hard against her chest and squeezing her small breast.

Noah trembled. She shook like a leaf as she moved her only free hand downwards. Her head hung, and she closed her eyes tightly as the hand continued its way between her thighs. With a squeak, she humped her own hand, and Mark felt himself grow hot when he realized the way she’d interpreted his orders.

The anger within him sputtered to a hesitant halt. He glanced the other way, keeping his hands firmly on her ears as Noah moaned softly. Her body was moving rhythmically, the scent of her arousal lingering in the air. Mark could feel his body reacting, but he pushed the thought away, tightening his grip on Noah’s ears until she squeaked. “Get it out of your system.” He ordered, his mouth feeling dry.

He drew the line there.

He would not rape her.

Yet the order appeared to break damns within the mouse. Noah moaned louder this time, her tail tightening around his ankle. The woman was quickly working herself higher. She pushed herself into it with increasing abandon, rhythmic squeaks and wet noises, erotic gasps and squeals. The young woman didn’t take long. She tensed, an abrupt orgasm that didn’t quite stop her since she almost immediately got back into it. She leaned against Mark, the soft skin of her back pressing against his erection as she breathed in, eyes tightly shut, hand furiously working at her wet cunt with her only free hand.

With every ragged breath, her small breasts bobbed back and forth, gleaming under the light. She squealed, another orgasm, and this one didn’t bring pause. Her legs widened as her fingers dug deeper into her pussy. Noah was clearly lost in sensation, entirely ignorant of how her rhythmic thrusting was teasing Mark’s cock with her back as she pressed further into him.

The young man was half paralyzed and half transfixed, hands gripping her ears as his thoughts had ground to a halt at the display she was unintentionally putting up for him. The sensation of her body against his own caused him to flush and grow hotter, and his fingers pinched more roughly into her ears.

Noah shrieked, entire body going rigid as her eyes opened wide. The sound died in her throat as she choked, pressing against Mark hard enough the stool moved and she fell to the floor. On her back, staring up at him, she heaved for air, body flushed and shuddering, her tail firmly gripping his ankle as her right hand remained tied behind her back, the left one knuckle deep in her sex.

She met his eyes, a gaze of deep satisfaction within her. With a deep gulp, she spoke. “Thank you.” She managed between heaves for air, closing her eyes and slowly going limp.

He gulped, looking down at the naked prone woman and entirely unsure what she was thanking him for. But a different realization slivered into his mind, and his head whipped to look towards the bed.

Brye lay on her stomach, face flushed and a deep smirk on her lips.

Somehow, Mark felt he’d stepped into a territory he shouldn’t have gone into.

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