Monsters and Maidens

Chapter 170 [Mr. Gabriel]

“Elder Gabriel, we should be heading back.”

He leveled a stern gaze at Rose. The Centaur squirmed slightly and nodded sheepishly, clopping her hooves and turning to look at the alleyway they’d walked into while remaining silent. There was nothing there save darkness, some trash, and mud, but Mr. Gabriel didn’t mind it, walking past and making his way forward. Tess the Mousegirl was stuck to his side, albeit far more loosely than she’d been on the main streets of the city.

She felt safer away from the crowds, and Rose was practically the opposite.

Keeping a steady march, his eyes continued to turn upwards to the rooftops.

The castle town had a feel to it that made it appear haphazardly put together, a certain chaos to the streets and their layout. But he’d seen more subtle traps during his time. The layout was clearly meant to make it hard for attackers to navigate the city effectively. Trying to go on straight lines would lead to dead ends, taking a wrong turn could have you clashing face-first into whatever incoming force was trying to rally their way to the fortress. The philosophy was quite thorough, like trying to use a river’s strength against itself.

Old habits died hard, and in this case, Gabriel had spent the better part of the past few days walking around the city. His legs weren’t as strong as they used to, but he wasn’t about to let that slow him down. “There we go.”

There was a mild sense of accomplishment once he confirmed the street they came out to was the one he’d been aiming for. And that meant the conman’s house was… “There.”

Just slightly further up the street and-.


The centaur sprung to action faster than Gabriel had the chance to notice what was going on. He spotted the two lizard girls standing in front of the house with a third one talking to them.

“Don’t worry Rose, we’re alright.” Ginny spoke with a wide smile and a flushed face, her hand gestured at the woman next to her. “We met on the market.”

“And who is this?”

Gabriel’s voice startled Ginny, she turned to him with a moment of nervousness that was followed by a quick bow. “Greetings, elder, I was merely introducing a maiden I met at the market.”

His eyes turned towards the woman in question. She wore a long dark cloak which hid just about everything about her save her head. Her hair was a shimmering blue that made it appear as if made out of gems, her eyes a brilliant gold, high rosy cheekbones and a picture perfect demure smile framed in ruby red lips. Her eyes locked on him, and for a moment Gabriel felt like he was a teenager all over again.

The moment was fleeting, however, leaving him with only a slight smile of days long past.

“I met a woman like you, once. Most exotic girl in Ho Chi Minh.”

Her face flushed slightly, she bowed her head. “You are too kind, sir.”

“That, and she gave half the platoon more crabs than a crustacean buffet.”

“Excuse me?”

He laughed, ignoring the shocked and confused expression the maiden shot his way. He waved them off.

“Don’t pay me any mind, I’m just some old bones rattling.” His focus moved to the blue-lizard girl. “My hell-spawn still jumping on the bed with the Tomas boy?”

Instantly the woman squirmed. “I, erm-“

“So yes.” His gaze rose towards the window on the second floor, eyes narrowing slightly. 


“Yes, sir?”

“Go tell her she has exactly ten minutes before I go up to get her down myself.”

“I, um-.”

“I am going to count the time, whether you tell her or not.”

Jumping from her spot, the maiden turned towards the house, rushing inside.

“It appears you are quite strict.” The voice came out smooth, the stranger stepping closer to him.

“Owner of the house is too scared to put his foot down. Someone’s got to hammer some manners into that girl.”

“Children do need some tough love from time to time.”

“You have any of your own?” He turned to look at her, noticing her hand gently patting Lizzy’s head. The reptilian maiden nuzzling into the touch. “That girl was a very squiggly line.”

“You’re surely not insinuating I am old enough to have children, sir?”

“I met one of you lot that looked as young as my granddaughter and was closer to my age. I’m not taking chances with assumptions.”

The smile remained sweet and soft as her golden eyes shone. “A very wise view. Is there a Miss Elder by any chance?”

“Long gone, I’m afraid.”



“I am sorry to hear that. She must have been very happy with such a man at her side.”

“The lucky one was me.” A deep sigh, he glanced at Rose, the Centaur had gone quiet, moving to his side and watching the conversation unfold. On the opposite side, Tess was gripping his hand tight enough to hurt.

The door opened. “I have informed her, sir.”

“Good, good. The ten minutes were almost up, anyway.” He glanced at the blue-haired woman. “I think you should be going now.”

“Indeed, my owner must be getting worried.”

Gabriel snorted. “Owner, sure.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“A pretty woman like you? Men would be lining up to get wrapped around your finger like a ring.”

She laughed, the sound a soft chime that sent chills through places Gabriel hadn’t felt move in decades. “This was a very pleasant meeting, Elder.” She bowed low. “I hope to meet you again.”

“I’d invite you in, but it’s not my home.” He shrugged, giving a dismissive wave of goodbye. “Maybe when I’m under my own roof.”

“I will be waiting, then.” She bowed again. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Liz, Ginny, and Rose.”

“Have a nice day!” She Draco waved her hand enthusiastically and watching her go.

Gabriel merely stepped into the house with Tess, stroking her hair with his free hand until she loosened her death-grip on his fingers. The mouse slowly eased and relaxed until she leaned into his hip, wrapping her arms around his chest in a hug.

He waited until Ginny brought in Lizzy and closed the door before talking.

“You should be careful around that woman.”

“I… she is a stranger’s maiden, of course, sir. We must be careful.” She nodded emphatically but it was obvious her response came from an instruction manual.

“The only time Tess gets this terrified is when Monica’s looking directly at her.” His expression grew stern.

“I will keep that in mind, elder. I thank you for your wisdom.” Another quick nod before crouching, taking out some leather straps from her pocket and putting on what looked like little leather boots on her claws. “Miss Rose should be waiting for me at the back, I’ll let her. Hopefully we can help to prepare dinner.”

“You do that.”

With a weary sigh, he turned to walk his way up the stairs. He didn’t need a cane, Tess was more than eager to help him every step. The young woman was no more than four and a half feet tall and she showed far more strength than any he could muster. Likely more than he ever could have.

Reaching his granddaughters’ room, he knocked twice.

The door swung open. “Wha… Hello gramps.”

“Well, at least I can be sure you got that from my side of the tree.” She yelped when he reached out to pinch the back of her hand. “Keep your hormones in check, girl, this isn’t your house.”

“Hey!” She rubbed at the back of her hand. “I can do whatever I want.”

“And so can I. Your mother taught you better than to be this disrespectful.”

“What do you want me to do? This city blows, the closest to a party they don’t even have parties unless it’s some big event or whatever.”

“Well, Victor did say he had a daughter that…”

“Shut up!” Gabriel and Kat spoke in unison, the shirtless Tomas flinched.

“You can help with the meals.”

Kat’s eyes widened. “Are you joking? That’s what the maidens are for.”

“You can speak up when you get a better idea.” He leaned over to glance at Tomas. “Same goes to you.”

“… yes sir.” He sighed.

“What!?” Kat whirled on him.

He just shrugged. “I don’t have a better idea.”

The two began to throw half-hearted grumbles at one another, and Gabriel could only sigh. He couldn’t wait until he found some place to settle down his weary bones and stop worrying so much about the petty things.

It was just so tiresome.

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