Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 130 - Murderer

  Chapter 130 Murder Ghost

  The biting cold pierced Xiaolan’s heart in an instant.


“It’s terrible here…” Bai Yun hugged his shoulders and sniffed. “The ghosts here kill people every night. The night we were caught, Yu Xuan was killed. I didn’t have anyone. Believe it, I’m scared… I’m so scared… Now… I’m the only one who’s alone now, I’m afraid tonight, maybe…”

   “Wait, wait,” Xiaolan raised her hand and interrupted, “You start from the beginning and speak a little bit more in detail. Although it’s very embarrassing, I don’t understand this way.”

Bai Yun nodded at the beginning, took a deep breath and began to tell: “That night, you saw it with your own eyes. Yuxuan and I were caught here with both hands. At that time, Yuxuan and I were caught in the classroom. We thought it was Zhangcheng. As for the classroom in the high school, we hurriedly opened the door and ran out. There was no one outside the door, and you were not there. We found it very strange. When we ran downstairs, we realized that this is not Zhangcheng High School anymore. world……”

   “I saw the lights on in a few buildings, so I took Yuxuan to knock on the door, but they were very unfriendly…”

   “Is there anyone else here?” Xiao Lan couldn’t help but interrupted again, “Is the person who entered this other world before?”

  Bai Yunqi took the tissue from Xiaolan and wiped away the tears and blood on his face.

“It seems to be them. I’m not from Zhangcheng No. 1 Middle School. I don’t even know. Yuxuan did recognize a few people, but they didn’t intend to take us in. The two of us randomly found a room with a bed and a lamp to sleep in. It’s down.”

“At that time, we didn’t know anything, and didn’t understand what this other world was. Yuxuan kept complaining. After coaxing her to sleep, I fell asleep not long after. I had a dream in the middle of the night. I dreamed that I was locked in the refrigerator. It was getting colder and colder. When it was extremely cold, I woke up. I didn’t know when the windows of the room were opened. The night wind woke me up. Look, Yuxuan is not in her bed, the door is open, and I remember that the light was on when we were sleeping, but the light was also turned off…”

“I called her name, no one answered, I was frightened when I turned on the light…” Bai Yun’s staring eyes vividly restored his fear that night, “Yu Xuan’s bed is full of blood. …I was, I was…”

   Xiaolan frowned, “You don’t smell the blood?”

   “Smelt it, I smell it…” Bai Yunqi licked his dry lips, “But I only discovered the **** smell in the air after seeing the blood. How would normal people think about it…”

  No way? Xiaolan reflected on herself. Maybe you are really too sensitive to smells.

  ”Go on.” Xiaolan simply squatted next to Bai Yunqi.

“I was very scared at the time, but even more worried about Yuxuan, so I rushed out with my mobile phone. The night here was pitch black. I used my mobile phone to illuminate and found blood stains in the corridor. There was a lot of blood. My heart was at that time. It’s been cold for a while, but still chasing after the bloodstain, and directly catching up to the rooftop…”

  Bai Yun recalled the experience that night, his eyes drifting away, his eyes filled with despair and horror.

“Yu Xuan… she was on the rooftop. Yu Xuan was covered with blood. The ghost held her hair and hung her in the air. I called her name like crazy. She… she woke up and was there. There was struggling desperately there, yelling’Brother help me’, I rushed over, and when I was about to catch her, that ghost, let go…”

   “Did you see a ghost?”

  Bai Yunqi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and shook her head, “I can’t see, I can only see Yuxuan’s hair being lifted up by a certain force. The moment Yuxuan fell, I heard a woman’s laughter.”


   Xiaolan pinched her chin.

   Is it really Mingya?

“I cried and ran downstairs, Yu Xuan had no breath, the little one, died in my arms, just like she was just born, little, her last sentence was’Brother save me’ , I have no use at all, I killed Yu Xuan…”

  Bai Yunqi beat his leg fiercely, anger and sadness overwhelmed the boy’s heart and brought this sadness to Xiaolan.

  I always felt that Yuxuan was also responsible for her death.

  If I were faster then…

  ”Sorrows change smoothly, Yunqi,” Xiaolan patted Bai Yunqi’s shoulder, “Where is Yuxuan now? Is he still downstairs?”

“Not anymore…” Bai Yun cleared his throat and calmed down his voice, “I held Yuxuan that night and kept crying. I didn’t know when I fell asleep. When I woke up, Yuxuan’s body was gone. Now, I searched the whole building and there was nowhere, but the blood on the ground told me that Yu Xuan was indeed dead.”

  ”The blood is still there?” Xiaolan hesitated, stood up, “Take me to see.”

  Bai Yunqi sorted out his emotions, and led Xiaolan to find the door to enter the wall.

  It turned out that not far from the stand is the entrance. The two hollow metal gates are open obliquely, as if they have been damaged for a long time. The metal strips of the gates fell into the soil and seemed to have taken root there.

Entering the gate, there is actually a courtyard. In the courtyard are decayed lawns and marble fountains. The metal valve of the fountain has been rusted. On the top of the fountain, there is a stone-carved cat, which is very delicately carved and lifelike, but now it is also full of cracks and scars. .

  Bai Yunqi took Xiaolan around and turned to a crossing pedestrian street. The street trees on both sides withered and turned into dry branches. From a distance, Xiaolan saw the dazzling dark red of the big beach.

   “It’s the building.” Bai Yunqi pointed there calmly.

   Entering this building, Xiaolan felt indescribable. Bai Yunqi led him to the third floor. Except for themselves, no one was seen along the way.

   “That night, how many of them lived in this room,” Bai Yun started pointing to the room with 3026, and then looked at the next room, “I and Yuxuan live next door to them.”

  This is 3025, Xiaolan walked in front and gently opened the door.

  The strong smell of blood rushed towards him, choking Xiaolan. Bai Yunqi quickly helped her and opened the door to release the smell.

  ”Aren’t the windows open? Why are they closed now?” Xiaolan pinched his nose and asked, “Have you been back?”

  Bai Yun sighed, “In order to find Yuxuan, I searched all over here, and closed the window when I came back.”

  Xiaolan coughed twice.

  Indeed, the whole room was filled with a gloomy smell of death.

The smell of blood can only stimulate the nasal cavity, but the smell of death can crawl along the nerves to the brain.

  It is indeed dead here.

  The smell dissipated a bit, Xiaolan stepped into the room, and oncoming him was the shocking blood on the bed far from the window.

  (End of this chapter)

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