Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 642: Kawai

Chapter 642

Luo Jiutian was full of question marks.

“I…I also use an axe…”

“This house doesn’t seem to be closed. Just this one.” The Taoist chief did not hear what he was talking about at all, and pointed his finger at the house, “Go and go.”

Luo Jiutian was pushed into the yard by the Taoist Chief. Looking at Luo Jiutian’s back, he smiled, bent down and put down the axe, swiped his hands in his arms, and touched out two spells.

The Taoist master held two amulets in both hands, put his palms together, and chanted something in his mouth, and then split his palms. The two spells burned in his palm, and soon turned into two clouds of dust. The Taoist leader closed the two piles of dust to the palm of his right hand. With a stroke of the index finger of his left hand, the dust instantly changed back to the shape of a spell.

It’s nothing more than a spell.

Dao Master tore the charm in half, bent down and put half of it on the steps of the farmyard. When he straightened up, Luo Jiutian blushed and ran out of the house.

He looked at the Taoist chief abruptly and ran out of the farmyard.

The half of the spell was just stepped on by him and disappeared.

“The person inside doesn’t care about me,” Luo Jiutian seemed to be complaining, “Just like in the daytime, there was no response at all.”

“That’s it,” the Taoist nodded earnestly, “That’s no way, let’s walk around, the village is just this big anyway.”

“Are you sure that the ancestral hall is still there? Lianshui Village has been burned like this. The ancestral hall should be of wooden structure…”

“As long as the incinerator is still there.”

“That’s right, the incinerator is not afraid of burning…”

Of course the Taoist remembered the location of the ancestral hall. The Lianshui Village was full of evil in the middle of the night, and the breath of death was too heavy. The Taoist took Luo Jiutian on the deserted dirt road of Lianshui Village. When passing a clearing, the Taoist stopped. Stepped down.

He turned his head and looked at the dark clearing.

Looking carefully, I discovered that this is not a clearing. The ground is scattered with collapsed beam structures. From their charcoal appearance, it can be distinguished that this is the wreckage of a house.

“It’s not here, right?”

Dao Chang shook his head, “This is not an ancestral hall.”

“Then here is…”

“This is the man’s house,” the Taoist said, walking towards the ruins, “We have been here.”

Luo Jiutian became curious, and hurriedly followed in the footsteps of the Taoist leader.

The soil under the ruins is sticky. When stepping on it, it will feel like sinking. Luo Jiutian raised his foot in disgust and looked at it. The ground here is darker and softer. It should be the result of the ashes being soaked in rain.

“It seems that the clues have also been burned.” Luo Jiutian looked around.

Daochang rummaged through the ruins with his feet, and then walked straight ahead.

“It’s not exactly…” The Daoist was carefully searching for something on the ground by the moonlight, “I remember… I found it here.”

Dao Master stood beside a slightly raised black soil bag, and stretched out his hand to greet Luo Jiutian to pass.

“What is it?”

“We mentioned it to you,” the Taoist used an ax to pull away the small pile of black soil, revealing what was buried under it, “Remember? There is a well in his backyard.”

Under the black soil is a small wooden board slightly higher than the ground. The two of them removed the wooden board, and as expected, a black hole appeared at the mouth of the well.

“This is the mouth of the well with the soul-relief amulet,” Luo Jiutian carefully examined, “It’s very evil. The house is burned like this, and it’s okay.”

Luo Jiutian went around the well and observed nothing, so he bent over and leaned forward to look into the well.

“In fact, there is nothing special. The spells posted here are all malfunctioning, and we have also taken them away, so it shouldn’t be… nine days?”

Luo Jiutian put his hands on his knees and stared at the well motionlessly. He didn’t even hear the voice of Dao Master calling him.

Daochang stretched out his hand to grab his shoulder and shook, “Nine days, what’s wrong with you?”

“Ah, Dao Master…” Luo Jiutian woke up like a dream and blinked, “I seem… under the well, there seems to be light.”

“Light?” The Taoist head also looked at it, “I didn’t see it.”

“It’s gone now.” Luo Jiutian wiped his sweat. “When I was staring down the mine just now, suddenly, I saw a light spot flickering.”

Dao Chang hesitantly looked at the dark underground space. The two of them had nothing. Without lighting equipment, the situation in the underground was unknown.

“What kind of light spot? Similar to the reflection of a mirror?”

“It’s not a reflection, it’s…orange-red light,” Luo Jiutian tried his best to describe it, “It’s the kind of swaying light, can you understand it? It’s…oh, yes, it’s like the candlelight of a candle.”


The Daoist Chief was also very curious, and the two looked into the depths of the well for a while, and looked up at each other.

“Let me go down and have a look.” Taoist said first.

“Then let’s work together…”

“No, for nine days, you stay on it,” the Taoist said with a smile, “If two people go down together, they can’t get up, and the well is too narrow to accommodate two people.”

“Then I will go down, you stay on it,” Luo Jiutian rolled up his sleeves, “I just saw it, so I should go down and look.”


“Door, don’t worry,” Luo Jiutian tightened his shoelaces, “I may not be good at spells, but I am a master at climbing walls and drilling holes. Wait for me here.”

Luo Jiutian did not give the Daoist a chance to refuse, so he turned over and jumped into the well, stepped on the wall of the well, and climbed a little bit.

The well wall is still dry, Luo Jiutian feels good, and he sinks into the darkness after a while.

Daochang squatted halfway by the well. When Luo Jiutian disappeared from his sight, he raised his hand to touch the other half of the spell in his pocket, and nodded safely.

“All right, nine days.”

“Safe!” Luo Jiutian’s voice came from down the mine.

The night wind blew across the remaining land, blowing the messy woods, and bringing the fine sound into Dao Chang’s ears.

rustle… rustle…

The Taoist head turned hesitantly.

The branches in the distance swayed from side to side, and the shadows were vivid.


Dao Master slowly stood up and stared down at the well.


Is    an illusion? An unfamiliar smell seemed to float in the air.

A strange breath.


Dao Chang turned around abruptly, and with a flick of his right hand, the yellow talisman struck out like lightning. Dao Chang’s breathing was a bit heavy. He twisted his eyebrows and looked at the talisman that hit the tree trunk.

The surrounding area is empty.


Is    really an illusion?

“Master!” Luo Jiutian suddenly shouted in the well.

“What’s wrong?” The Taoist leader immediately returned to the well.

“Oh, it’s okay, I don’t think you are by the well anymore. I thought something was wrong.”

“Don’t worry, no…”

Dao Master’s words were not finished yet, and suddenly, a strong smell came from behind him, before he even had time to turn his head to take a look, he was pushed into the well by a pair of hot hands.

(End of this chapter)

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