Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 644: Puppet in t

Chapter 644 Puppet in the urn

Wen Ling frowned and fumbled on the surface of the stone box, turning his face, Qin Yin was about to get in.

“Yeah!” Wen Ling was startled, and quickly reached out to catch her, “No!…”

“Can’t you go in?”

Qin Yin backed away in a panic, unexpectedly, at the moment when her right leg moved backward, Shimen quickly folded inward.

The speed of Shimen closing was much faster than when it was opened. Qin Yin’s feet were about to be stuck. Qin Yin had no choice but to retract her feet. With a bang, the Shimen closed, the solid goalkeeper stone box inside and outside. Divided into two spaces, separating Qin Yin and Wen Ling.

“Small sound!” Wen Ling slapped Shimen vigorously.

“Wen Ling! I can hear you!” Qin Yin responded to Wen Ling’s call from inside the dark stone box, “Don’t be afraid! There is nothing in it! Wow!

Accompanied by Qin Yin’s deafening scream, the whole stone box moved, and the stone box began to sway and rise. Qin Yin inside sat down on the bottom of the box, making his **** hurt.

Wen Ling hugged the rough surface of the stone box tightly, and wanted to go up with the stone box, but the stone box swayed too violently. After a while, Wen Ling was thrown back to the ground, the flashlight dropped aside, and he rolled. It took a few laps before it stopped.

Wen Ling awkwardly grabbed the flashlight, and took a picture of the stone box that had risen to a few meters high.

She saw Qin Yin!

The bottom of the stone box is transparent, and Qin Yin can be seen curled up there, her head shrunk into a ball, with the stone box swaying from side to side, her body constantly hitting the stone wall.

The stone box rose again for a while, and when it was not too much, it stopped.

Wen Ling jumped vigorously, the bottom of the stone box was not too far away from her, but it was just a height that she couldn’t reach.

Qin Yin also noticed that the stone box had stopped, she showed her face, and immediately noticed that the bottom of the box was transparent.

She slammed the bottom of the box hard, and Wen Ling responded to her with hops and hops.

“Ah, it hurts!” Qin Yin rubbed his elbow.

The transparent bottom of the box seemed to be stronger than the stone wall. Qin Yin felt bruise everywhere on his body. Wen Ling was jumping around like a kangaroo right under her. Qin Yin cursed and raised his right hand, and began to sketch in the void. Circle.

But, she can’t draw a complete circle.

The light blue light did appear, but as her finger moved, the blue light drawn in the previous second slowly disappeared into the darkness. No matter how fast she drew, the arc would disappear before the connection was complete.

Damn it.

Qin Yin hammered the ground with anger, and screamed with pain.

“What’s wrong?!” The questioning spirit below didn’t know what had happened, only heard Qin Yin’s wailing, and jumped up anxiously.

“I’m okay!” Qin Yin yelled at Wen Ling, lying on the ground, “Qing Ling, you have to…be careful! Something appeared behind you!”

In the darkness behind Qin Ling, a group of vague things was approaching. Qin Yin thought it was a living thing, but when the thing emerged in front of the two of them, they could see clearly that it was a waist-high black stone. tower.

There were a bunch of messy things on the stone platform, and Wen Ling habitually stepped back a few steps. Seeing that the stone platform had stopped right under the stone box, there was nothing unusual, so he raised his flashlight and walked forward.

There is a black square box on the stone platform. A small glass is placed next to the box. A circle of stones of different shapes is placed near the edge of the stone platform.

Wen Ling picked up the square box and examined the surface of the box carefully. The box felt rough, the whole body was pitch black, nothing special…until she saw the bottom of the box.

Wen Ling opened his eyes wide.

The bottom of the box is transparent. A slap-sized doll is lying under the box. The doll’s eyes are dark and dull, staring at Wen Ling blankly.

Wen Ling moved his eyes away and just saw Qin Yin above his head.

Qin Yin also lay on the bottom of the stone box, looking at her curiously.

“What is it?” Qin Yin put his face on the ground, “Is it a box? Is there anything in it?”

Wen Ling took a breath of air, shaking his hand, and the box slid down on the stone platform.

She trembled.

Gray pupils reflect everything in front of you, boxes, dolls, stones…

She sees through.

She understands.

Wen Ling shook his head and backed away in disbelief.

“no no……”

“Ask Ling? What’s wrong with Ling Ling? What do you see?…”

Qin Yin was crying, and the sweat on her forehead dripped to her chin. She suddenly felt dizzy, so she took a big breath, but the situation didn’t seem to get better. I don’t know if it was a psychological factor. She felt that it was getting more and more here. It’s getting hot and getting stuffy…

Wen Ling suddenly raised her head, looking at Qin Yin with tears in her eyes.

Somehow, Qin Yin’s heart suddenly chilled.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

“Small sound…”

Qin Yin blinked, she looked at the box on the stone platform again, and she understood a little bit.

Wen Ling sobbed and wiped the tears from her face, she moved back to the stone platform and looked at those things with red eyes.

She knew the meaning of this mechanism.

She knew the way to escape.

You need to kill Qin Yin with your own hands.


Shen Fu followed the fool and Bao Mu for a few steps, and then stopped with them. He looked at Bao Mu and then at the fool.

“What happened?”

“It’s okay, it’s just…” The fool thought for a while, “We don’t know where to go.”

“…Are we lost?”

“In fact, we didn’t recognize where the road was,” Baomu leaned on his hips, looking at the mountains that looked strange to them, “Do you know the road?”

“How did I know each other?” Shen Fu smiled, “But aren’t you looking for friends? Where should they be?”

“Uh…we don’t know.”

“I don’t know?” Shen Fu tilted his head, “Where did you separate? Maybe they will be waiting for you where you separated.”

“The place where we were separated… is also far away,” Fool and Baomu looked at each other, “And they shouldn’t be there waiting for us.”

“Then where are we going to find it?”

This is a problem.

The three of them thought for a while, but still had no answer. Bao Mu suddenly raised his finger and looked at Shen Fu with interest, “Perhaps…are you going to see the man’s body?”

“Huh?” Shen Fu couldn’t believe what he heard, “What corpse?”

The fool also couldn’t believe that Bao Mu actually said this, he stared at Bao Mu in surprise.

“It’s the one who killed you, Dai Lili’s boyfriend,” Baomu was stunned by the two of them, “What’s the matter, isn’t that your enemy? I thought you would want to confirm that he was dead… …”

“Bao Mu’s words also make sense,” of course the idiot still spoke to him, “Look at Shen Fu, as the senior who died first, you can laugh at him.”

“……is this okay?”

“Nothing wrong,” Baomu waved his hand, “His body is not far from us, I can smell it, let’s go, go and see.”

(End of this chapter)

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