Moral Degeneration


“Alright I’m here,” Eleanor Deash said as she closed her car door. She was the current number 2 of the Nightingales. Long sleeve tattoos along her arms, she looked pretty tough, but I was ready for her in case she tried something. “What do you want?” 

“I want to make sure you’re still onboard with taking the number 1 spot,” I said. 


“I’m here, ain’t I?” She asked. 

“We established that. I want to hear what I get out of moving the current Florence out of the way,” I said. 


“The Club,” she said. “That’s what you wanted.”

“That’s right. The Club is off limits. You ladies can go in 1 at a time, but no groups. And they don’t have to pay protection money anymore,” I said. Eleanor frowned but nodded. “And I want condoms at your cost.”

“Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time. That all you care about?” She asked. 


“It’s important,” I said.

“Yeah, I heard about your little deflowering party,” she mumbled. 

I stiffened, I’d forgotten about that. “Your daughter wasn’t-” 

“No,” Eleanor said. “It’s sad how pissed she was that I didn’t let her go.” 

I laughed. Julie had said that she had been the star of the school after the party. Everyone wanted to get to know her now. I promised to make an appearance at another party soon enough.

“It’s not funny,” Eleanor said.

“No, it’s not. It’s sad how bad men are these days. Don’t even notice the beauties around them,” I said.

“You really are weird,” she said. “Half the rumors I heard said they raped you.”

The picture of the girls from Gothika flashed in my mind. I squashed it. “No, they didn’t. But it will probably be a while until I do so many favors. Enough of that,” I said with a sigh. “I need 2 other things from you. 1, I need a line on the Hermanas.” 

“A phone number?’

“More like information on where they lay their heads or keep their drugs. Last time there was no Florence a war broke out between you 2. I want to cut that off at the head. Get me a location on them.” 

“We haven’t been on too good of terms lately,” she admitted. “Someone blew up one of the cars out front of the club, and another shattered some glass. Florence was convinced it was the Hermanas that did it.” My propane bombs had done their job. I wondered if the Hermanas thought the bombs were from the Nightingales. “There’s a house we’ve met them at for drugs,” she said. 

“Picking up or dropping off?” 

“Picking up. They use it a lot. And I’m pretty sure they process drugs or something there,” she said. 

“Perfect,” I hoped. “Last thing is, I need you to tell me Florence’s biggest weakness.”

“What will you do about it?” She asked. 

“Depends on what it is,” I said.

“I need you to be a little more talkative,” she said. “Ja-Florence is my friend. She was a good boss, but after her daughter got popped she’s been making mistakes. What are you going to do with her?”

“Get her arrested,” I said. “Nice and simple.”

“You won’t catch her with anything too illegal,” she said. 

“Doesn’t matter, I’ll plant it if I have to,” I said. “I’d prefer not though. Come on, what’s her weakness?” 


She chewed her lip but eventually admitted, “Morphine.”

“Morphine how?”

“As in she likes to take it now and then,” she said.

“How do you know this?” I asked, moving through the process of sorting the information.

“Everyone knows about it,” she said with a shrug. “She does it on her days off. Has a contact at one of the hospitals. Picks it up. Gets high as a kite and you can’t reach her.”

“You know where and when?”

“Wednesday,” she said. “St. Luke hospital. I can get the dealer’s information.”

“Good,” I said, getting excited. Looked like I had a day set aside.

“What will you do then?” She asked. 

“You’ll see.” She frowned. “I won’t kill her. Or anyone, but she will be going away for a while. Enough time for you to step in. Think you can?”

“Yeah,” she said and left it at that. “She really piss-” She stopped talking as my phone rang. I almost ignored it, but didn’t recognize the number. 

“Hello?” I asked. 

“Where were you Sunday?” The woman’s voice asked.

“Who is this?” 

“Your future mother-in-law if you’d do your fucking job!” She yelled.

“Florence, hey,” I said. Eleanor stiffened. “Sorry, what’s the problem?”

“Get here, now,” she said and hung up.

“Was that seriously her?” Eleanor said, genuine fear in her voice. I nodded. “Fuck!”

“You didn’t say anything to her, right?” 

“Fuck no,” she said, chewing her nail. “She’s probably coked out too.”

“You said her weakness was morphine.”

“It is,” she said. “She gets stronger on coke.” 

“Goddammit. Doesn’t matter. I gotta go. And I guess you should be there too,” I said. She nodded and we were both racing to the club. Part of me knew this was coming, but I hoped to be rid of her before the confrontation happened.


I got to the club and it was as loud as ever. A few more choppers out front, most of them were driving cars since the weather was still cold. Anyone that drove a motorcycle up North was an idiot in my book. Then again anyone in a gang wasn’t all that smart as it was. I parked a block away to not show off the Chevelle. Anything parked in the neighborhood was probably safe. Carjackers didn’t want to piss off the Nightingales. 

Walking up to the club/bar there were a few girls outside. I recognized Red right away. The only Nightingale prospect in the group, she had red hair, no tattoos, and generally looked out of place. I wondered what her story was. Late teens she was probably someone in the neighborhood that looked up to the bikers. She gave me a smile as I walked by. 


“Fucking you again!” A girl yelled. I recognized her as the coked or methed out girl I dragged from the Club. 

“Me again,” I said. “Got a problem?”

“You’re damn r-” she said coming for me, I slapped across the face with most of what I had. She landed on the sidewalk hard, and passed out. The others outside stared at me wide eyed. 


“Florence wanted to see me,” I said and stepped inside. The place was as I remembered it. Filled with cigarette smoke, women playing pool, loud music, beer and other drinks flowing everywhere. I noticed Eleanor was already there. Sitting with a few others near Florence. Instead of going right for her I moved to one of the tables and opened a pack of smokes.


Putting a cigarette in my mouth I leaned forward and a heavyset biker woman lit it for me. Taking a deep drag I walked slowly to Florence and her table. A skinny girl that didn’t appear to be a gang member set on her knee. The whole table of the higher ups eyed me. 

“You were quick,” Florence said loudly over the music. It quieted slightly. The chatter too as other people stopped to listen. It was easy to see that yes, she was coked out of her gourd. Twitching, bloodshot eyes, nostrils flared.

“Premature ejaculation is a very common condition,” I said.

She looked at me confused but a few around her table barked laughs. “Cut the shit, Russ,” Florence said, rubbing her nose. “Why the fuck weren’t you at Sandstone on Sunday?”

“I was there a week ago,” I said. “I didn’t think I had to go every week.” Erica assured me she wouldn’t say anything to her mom, and I believed her. The music quieted still. Florence didn’t need to yell when she answered this time, but she did anyway. 

“You go until the deed is done! Or did you forget our deal?”

“I didn’t. You said with my current favor I had 2 months of no shit from you,” I said.

“No, I want this done now,” she said. “I’ve already had requests from a couple of other girls there that want it done. You don’t deliver, then I’ll make your baby momma’s wish they’d picked someone else.” My smile dropped as my stare became serious.

“Oh, he’s angry now,” one of the girls said.

“He is,” Florence said, licking her lips. Her eyes darted around. This was the most entertainment any of them had had in a while. And I guessed she wanted to keep up appearances. “You didn’t fuck who I told you to fuck. So you owe me one,” she said.

“One what?” 

“A fuck!” She barked.

“I’ll do it, Sunday,” I said, already planning her demise for Wednesday. 

“No, now,” she said. “I’m sure you can find one of these girls willing to do it. Right here, right now. You fuck one of them and I’ll ignore the offense.” She had a sadistic smile on her lips. The girl on her lap giggled, turned on by the idea. More than one of them was.

“You can’t be serious,” I said, having flashbacks of Gothika. I did not like being put in this sort of situation.

“I am. Pick, now, or I’ll do it for you,” she said. 


I seriously contemplated killing her. My hands making fists I could do it before anyone could stop me. What would happen after wouldn’t be good. I could probably get away, then plead self-defense, spend a few years in prison if any if I could swing an impregnation deal…but that would fuck up my long term plans. Put me in the pocket of the government, which I did not want at the moment. No, if the government wanted me it had to be on my terms, and they had to pay dearly for it. 


I let my hands relax. Studying everyone quickly Florence wasn’t the only one coked out. This was why I hated true druggies. I did things recreationally in the comfort of my own home, or at a brothel, she probably had a few guns within reach. Never a good mix with drugs. 

Scanning the room it was mostly silent as the girls cheered or jeered at me. This didn’t appear to be the first time they had done this. Maybe some sort of rite of passage for the drugged up twink in the back. My mind went through what would happen if I ran, most likely nothing. I could get away and finish what I had to, but there was always a risk. I closed my eyes, letting out a long breath as I pointed. 

“You,” I said at Red. 

The Nightingale trainee squeaked, pointing at herself. All eyes on her, she turned beet red. Her red hair was darker than Sarah’s, the side of her head shaved, but her skin was just as pale. Not much chest on her she was as skinny as Brianna, but I could see she was tough in her own way. Dirt under her fingernails she didn’t appear to have much money. The white shirt she was wearing under the black leather prospective member vest was stained. Her jeans had holes in them and there was a line of dirt on her nose where she had wiped some dirt from her thumb on it. 


“This is getting better,” one of the girls said as others cheered. 


“Fine! Maeve! Get over here,” Florence said. Red jumped and rushed over. “You still a virgin?”


“Yes” “She is!” “Has to be” Girls yelled, I didn’t like where this was going, but I agreed with them she had to be a virgin as she stammered.

“How long have you been with us, Maeve?” Florence asked. I looked to the door but a few girls had moved in the way. 

“3 months,” she said.

“Good. Been a while since we’ve had a meeting with the other charters. You haven’t had the chance, so want to have a go at him?” Florence asked, acting like some queen granting land. 


“I uh,” she said, looking at me then blushing and looking back to Florence. “Is it normally like this?” 


“Oh yeah,” Florence said. “Rare for a boy to come to us like this, but we like to have all the girls have a go at the new boy toys. Ever had a boy?” 

“No,” she said.

“It’s your choice,” Florence said, revealing how she really thought of men. Tools to be used. From what I knew of bikers in my original timeline, it probably wasn’t too far off with how a chick would be treated. I kept pushing back thoughts of Rissy from Gothika.

“Do it” “Come on” “If you don’t I will!” More girls yelled. She thought about it, looking back to me then Florence, but peer pressure won. She nodded and the girls cheered for her pushing her toward me.

She didn’t appear too bright though. Moving her hair behind her ear she asked, “Where do we do this?”

“Oh no,” Florence laughed. “You do it right here. Now, in front of all of us.” Maeve regretted agreeing already. Her entire body turning red she turned to the others but they were cheering her on. It wasn’t too much of a surprise that she started acting more confident like she wanted to do it. But it was easy to see she was shaking underneath the facade. 

“We don’t have to,” I told her, locking eyes with her. “If you’re scared-” 

“Fuck her already!” A woman yelled kicking at my backside to push me into her. I moved instantly. Grabbing her ankle I lifted it up and she fell back. She cursed, spilling her beer everywhere and her girlfriend moved for me. I thrust my hand at her nose ready to break it, but stopped as Florence roared.

“Stop! Did I say to fucking interfere?!” She yelled, throwing her bottle at the wall. The room quieted. “This is a special moment for Maeve. Act like civilized cunts and let her have it!” Probably the most uncivilized situation imaginable, she was getting off on this control. I stepped back, dropping my arms. The woman I dropped cursed but was helped up. She considered making a move for me, but Florence talked again. “I’ve been hearing this kid has quite the skills. I’m interested to make sure he’s taking care of my daughter.” 

“Want to ride him yourself?!” Some laughed. The room burst out into more laughter but Florence and I locked eyes. She dared me to try something else. I turned back to Maeve.

“Are you good?” I asked. 

“Yeah,” she said, her voice cracking a little. “Let’s do this.” 

“Ever done it before?” I whispered.

“I’ve kissed,” she mumbled.

I nodded and moved toward her. My hands at the back of her head I was a little taller than her as I pulled her face to me. She was passive for a moment, but was quickly following my lead. Our lips moving across one another I made myself believe I wanted this. Some easy roleplay playing on in my mind I pictured her as asking for this. Begging me to take her virginity as so many had recently. It wasn’t very helpful as women yelled at us to do this or that, but it helped a little. 

She got more into the kiss so I did too. My hand moving to her firm ass she lifted her leg to loop around the back of my thigh. Pushing into one another it wasn’t long until I was actually getting into it. She was pretty. No freckles on her cheeks she still blushed everywhere as the kiss continued. My hand moving up her shirt to touch skin she gasped and moved her tongue into my mouth.

My tongue on hers after that she became a panting mess as I took more control. My hand on the back of her head I didn’t let her escape any more as she squeaked and shuddered. When she had to catch her breath we pulled back to stare into one another’s eyes. I fought looking at the other women in the room, but they had quieted. Enjoying the show I stopped Maeve from turning to them as I lifted the bottom of her shirt. 


Jolting slightly she giggled but helped me. Revealing no bra, her flat chest had thick dark red nipples pointing at me.

“Take it off!” Someone yelled. I did so. Sliding my own shirt off Maeve bit her lip as she moved her hand across my chest. I had muscle now so I was proud of it. My own hand moving to her chest I pinched her nipple as I pulled her back to me. Kissing once more her hands were everywhere on me as I explored her as well.

This time though my hand went to her pants. Unbuttoning them she shivered and pushed the tight jeans down. Wearing simple white panties she dropped those as well, despite the fear that made her body shake. She was being forced to do this almost as much as I was now. I regretted not picking one of the other women. There were quite a few lookers, but I had watched Red a lot during my reconnaissance. I had grown to like her.

She risked it and moved her own hands to my belt. I pulled back, letting her unbuckle it. Her hands struggling to keep the fear at bay. I helped her. Dropping my own pants I revealed my fully erect dick. There were plenty of whistles in the room. Closer to 9 inches than 8 it was thick and veiny after my recent virgin access. Maeve gasped, her hands still shaking as she reached down to it. 

“Where do we do it,” she whispered.

Trying to get some normalcy I couldn’t help but joke. “Your vagina, but we can do your ass if you really want.” She had a wide eyed stare for a full 2 seconds until I cracked a smile. Actually laughing, some of her tension left. 

“No, I mean…” She looked around, trying to ignore the others as well. 

“You want to do this?” I asked.

“I…” She looked to the crowd. “Think we have to.”

“I have to. Not you,” I said. “You can walk away.” The yells from the audience got louder. “Do you want to do this?”

“Yes,” she said. “This is where I want to be.” I nodded. Grabbing a chair at the bar, it was bar height and had a back. 


“I doubt you want to do the bar or the floor. We will have to make do,” I said. Moving the chair to her she nodded and sat down. Still scared she was hiding it better now. 


I bent down and pulled a condom out of my pocket. “No!” Florence yelled, the others quieting. We all turned to her. “No condom. That’s the rule for the first time.”

I frowned, looking at the crowd they seemed to agree. This was starting to look like some initiation. For me or her, I wasn’t sure. I looked at Maeve and she was scared again. But more yelling, more pleading, and she was nodding. I groaned, moving between her legs. 


She stared down at my cleanly shaven dick. Her own red bush was quite unruly, but I ignored that. Lining my dick up with her slit I ran the head along the lips causing her to jolt. Grabbing her legs I moved her to angle her back against the back of the chair. Her pussy at the edge of the chair I decided I gave her enough chances to quit. 

“I’ll make it quick,” I promised. She nodded, biting her lip and I entered her. 

She was fine at the start but I pierced her hymen and she cried out. Holding my position there for a moment she fought tears in her eyes as she gritted her teeth. Leaning forward I kissed and nibbled her thick nipples. When she let out a small moan I moved back in. Women still screaming their heads off at us only a few feet away. I made sure there were no cameras pointed at us and kept entering her. 


Maeve took in huge lungfuls of air as the pain increased, but I only kept onward. My hand on an ass cheek to keep her rooted, the other flicked her nipple to try to distract her. When I was fully in, her chest heaved upward as her entire body shivered.

“Holy god!” She yelled. I took that as a good sign and pulled out. Her tight cunt restricting me. She did feel good, but I couldn’t enjoy it like I wanted to. Moving back in she cursed again but I sped up. Aiming for my own pleasure I wanted to be out of there before something else happened. I could barely defend myself in the position, but I was ready in case I had to. 


Finally into the sex her eyes were wide as I kept in and out. She came, a full body orgasm that hit her then passed. I sped up again. Both hands on her ass to pull her to me. My mouth on her nipple I focused on the pleasure. How good her virgin muscles felt. The liquid pouring out of her with every thrust as I gave her my all.

Each thrust produced a gasp or moan. Her head shooting back in a voiceless scream she pinched her own nipples as her eyes shut hard. I kept the onslaught going. Loud smacks echoing in the room I only thought of reaching my own climax.

I felt it build up and reached my second wind as I went faster. As I did she began to cum harder. Her legs kicking she yelled my name and tried to wrap her legs around me, but I ripped them off. Pulling out I jerked off onto her stomach. The first rope of cum hitting her nipple the next 3 hit her stomach and caused her to open her eyes and stare at it.

Letting out a simple sigh I bent down. Grabbing my pants I picked them up and tucked my still hard dick into my pants. Picking up my shirt I turned to Florence. “Go fuck yourself,” I said with a smile as I flipped her off. The room had been stunned silence for a while. Either enjoying the show or something else, I didn’t care. My night and mood ruined. I had another reason to kill her. My plan didn’t call for it, but I was tempted to handle it that way.

Shoving a couple of women out of my way I stepped out into the cool night air and cursed. Walking back to my car I had to get my head on right before I saw Luna. I couldn’t have her see me this way. 

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