Moral Degeneration


Penny was asleep in the passenger seat of the Chevelle as I drove us back to the gas station. We had already dumped our loot at the station, and just finished returning the stolen car. She had yawned big a few times and was asleep within a minute. Too much excitement for a short period of time I couldn’t blame her. Long blonde hair in her eyes I rubbed her head and smiled wide.

There had been a couple of hiccups. The laundry mat the Nightingales used to launder money wasn’t as solvent as I hoped. I got away with maybe $10,000. The woman that ran the place was tougher than most too. The massage parlor and liquor store they used went well though. I guessed almost $50,000 from each. Since you had to launder a little at a time it wasn’t surprising to find a cache hidden away. And with an assault rifle in your face most people would give up money that wasn’t really theirs. 


All in all I guessed we were close to $200,000 for the day. Not including the drugs from the Hermanas house. There were a couple kilos of raw heroin in the deal. Luckily for me heroin wasn’t my drug of choice so I hoped to sell to either the Nightingales or someone else. I could plant it on Florence but I had other plans for her. 


I pulled into the gas station and began sorting everything. Finding a spot for the rifle in a return air duct. I put the drugs on the top shelf of a closet and the money I threw in the back of my car.


Penny was still asleep so I drove out, locked up, and headed off to the mall. Feeling a lot better after fucking up Florence’s day I whistled happily as I joined traffic. 


When I got to the mall I parked us close to the front and shook Penny awake. When she opened her eyes she took in a breath through her nose and sat up. 


“Did I dream all that?” She asked. 


“Yep,” I said. Handing her a stack of money. “Your cut.”


“What?” She asked, her eyes wide as she took the money. 


“A piece of your cut,” I said. “I have plans for most of it. But you deserve 10%.”


“How-how much is 10%?”


“$20,000 or so,” I said. 


“What?!” She yelled. “Are you telling me I made 20 grand in a couple hours of work?”




“Damn, I see why people do crime now,” she said. 


“Trust me. There was a lot of legwork involved. Been doing a lot of investigating. Why do you think I’ve been so busy?”


“No idea, but I’m glad it’s over,” she said truthfully. Looking around she asked, “are we at the mall?”


“Yeah. It’s a little after noon. I figured we go in. Get you a nice dress for a date. Go to a fancy place then-“


“Fuck that,” she said. “I’m not spending my hard earned money on a dress. Oh no. I want stupid date stuff. The museum. Burgers. The arcade. Go karts. All that jazz.”


“Really?” I asked, a little surprised. 


“Well yeah,” she said. “Is that wrong?”


“No, I thought you wanted to get dolled up.”


“I do that for work. No, I want a simple you and me date,” she said. I frowned. “What’s wrong?”


“I don’t know. I thought I knew you, but I guess I don’t. You uh mind telling me your story on the date?” I asked. 


“Of course,” she said smiling. Her stomach grumbled loudly. “After burgers.”


“Deal,” I said, kicking it into drive and driving off.  




“My mom was single of course,” Penny said. We were walking through the outlet mall as we ate ice cream. “She always had some stupid girlfriend. She worked 2 jobs at least. And always picked the women that didn’t want to work. She’d make money and they’d spend it.”


“Of course,” I said, it was a common story. Opposites attracted one another. 


“I have 2 sisters that kind of left home young. They stuck in that area, but I hated the place. I said I wouldn’t be that way. I’d get me a job with minimal effort and the most reward. I was always in volleyball or softball and knew I had the looks. I fell for this stupid modeling crap but they just took what money I’d saved from babysitting when I was younger. So I turned 18 and started stripping.”


“Always work at The Club?”


“No, I’m originally from Wisconsin. My mom still lives there. I worked a few places but the city was where the money was,” she said. 


“What about your dad?”


“Never knew him of course. My mom was one of the lucky ones on the lottery. Got called like a year after she got on it. Twice. That was for my older sisters. Apparently I was conceived during some drunken night on the town and she happened to end up with a guy.”


“Your mom actually got picked for the lottery? I hear that’s rare,” I said. 


“You don’t know the half of it. My grandma didn’t have my mom until she was like 40 since the lottery took so long.”


“Jeez,” I said. I threw the cup away and stood beside her as I matched her pace. “So you’ve been stripping and what?”


“What do you think?” She asked. 


“To be honest, I worried you were into drugs,” I said. 


“Why?” She asked. 


“Your car wasn’t the best. Hell I paid for your tires,” I said. “And your apartment is immaculate.”


“What’s that got to do with anything?” She asked. 


“People take drugs and get so hyper they clean,” I said. “Come on, you’re stripping and you weren’t tempted to start? Don’t play the fool, Penny.”


Penny frowned. “Fine, got me there. I might have done some stuff at other places. But Farrah has a no nonsense policy. Some of the girls smoke weed but hell that makes me eat more. So I just kind of stopped.”


“So what do you do with all your money?” I asked. 


“Save it,” she said. “I used to send some home. But realized how dumb that was quickly. A lot of my income is tips. I report enough to pay for rent and some bills. But I keep most all of it.”


“Wait, how long you been doing this?” I asked. 


“Couple years.”


“You make what? $80k. So how much do you have?”


“Like $50k sitting around,” she admitted with a shrug. 


“Seriously?” I asked. “Why?”


“I don’t know. Rainy day fund? I like having money. My car works for what I use it for. I pay cash for simple stuff. And I don’t really go out much.”


“What about living? Traveling? Making your money make money for you?”


“I don’t travel. No one to go with,” she said. “I don’t know. I uh had a girlfriend once. We talked about it but we fought too much to plan anything. I’ve been kind of just coasting for a little while. I was hoping to get enough to take a year off and just goof around. Find myself.”


“That’s admirable,” I said. “And needed. But babe, we have a pile of money sitting in the trunk that could be used for that. You can’t just take cash and store it away. You need income so you can invest the money and make that money make money for you. I still have over $100,000 in my account that I have earmarked for investments here in the next couple of months.”




“Because I don’t want to take a year off. I want to take a few decades off. I want to put in the work now. Invest all this crap and make a boatload of money. $50,000 is nice. But if you could turn that into millions? It’s a no brainer.”


She was quiet for a bit but eventually said, “okay. You do it for me.”


“I just said you need to report the income somehow. You can’t show up at the bank with that kind of money and they hand you stocks. You have to report it. Pay taxes on it.”


“Well shit,” she said, throwing her cup away. Taking my hand we continued our walk but headed for the car. “What’s the point of all the money we took then?”


“I’ve pulled a lot of cash out of my account recently. I’m hoping to replenish that. The rest I’m going to try to launder. So then I can claim it and invest it,” I admitted. 


“Can I get in on that?” She asked. 


I eyed her. Then shook my head. “No.”


“What?! Why not?”


“Because I don’t want to be like your mom’s girlfriends. I’ll take some if you want, but I’m going to be making this money for you and everyone else.”


“Everyone else?” She asked. We were at the car. I opened the door and let her in but as I drove I told her about my plan for the future. 


“So you want like this huge family?” She asked. 


“Biggest in the world,” I said without shame. “I want our thousands of dollars to turn into millions then billions,” I said. “I don’t want to rely on the government. And we do whatever we want whenever we want. I’m talking about private planes. And everything.”


“And a bunch of wives and kids?” She asked. 


“If they want, sure,” I said. “I’m still working it out. But yeah. I don’t know. I hate this current system. These guys are so absent. All I hear is how they take the government handout and seclude themselves. I’d rather be out in the world with you. Having sex with you. You want kids? Great. You want to go to Cancun for the week? Cool, let's take the jets and bring the kids along. But I’m not talking about lazing around and dying out either. I’m talking about our own companies. Run an empire. Make our name the biggest there is. I keep hearing how my dad is supposedly some big shot. I want to be the big shot but I want our kids to actually know who I am.”


“Fuck, Russ, you had me at giving me a ride to work,” she said. 


“That was a while ago,” I said with a laugh. “I had you back then huh?”


“Fuck yeah,” she said. “I’m not sure what it was but I wanted to be with you.”


“Sex is that good?” I asked. 


“It is and other things. Like you found out I was a stripper and didn’t care,” she said. “And you were all for helping the girls get pregnant.”


“I know it comes as a surprise, but I enjoy it.”


“Yeah but you keep coming back. Farrah and Lanny? I’ve never known happier pregnant girls. That day Lanny got stabbed. You rushed in and took control like it was the most normal thing. She fought you on it. But you were right. She gushes about it so much. How safe she felt knowing you were there. Then you did…that thing. Russ, I’ve never known anyone to go out of their way for any of us. But I know that if I needed help. You’d drop everything and come running.”


“Of course,” I said. Squeezing her hand. “You’re mine, Penelope. Your problems are my problems.”


She sniffled and wiped a tear from her eye. “See, it’s stuff like that. I don’t know what it is but it makes me feel all warm inside.”


“Hey, Penny, I love you,” I said. “I’m sorry I’ve been busy. But when I’m free I’ll be here.” I parked and leaned over, kissing her. The kiss extended as she pulled me closer and she had a giddy attitude when we came up for air. “Now let’s go to this museum and keep our date going.”


She looked over to see the museum beside us but instead grabbed my dick. “But I want sex.”


“Me too,” I admitted. “But I want to hear more about you. Besides, I’m sure they have a bathroom we can sneak away to.”


“Okay,” she said, her bright smile showing again and we stepped out together. 



“Almost a perfect date,” Penny said as we stepped out of the elevator together. 


“Almost?” I asked. “We did the museum, go karts, had sex everywhere we went. What else is there?” 


“You’ll see,” she said as her eyes went down to the duffle bag full of money in my hand. 


“Why did I need to bring this up?” I asked. 

“I want to count it,” she said cutely. “You’re right. Maybe I should get a new car. And I want my cut to buy it.”

“Fair enough,” I said. She opened the door and walked into her apartment to reveal a naked Luna there. 


“Hey babe,” Penny said, running over to her. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked, turning my head surprised as she tried to cover up. 


“Penny said to wait here naked,” Luna said blushing. The 2 blondes were more than gorgeous in front of me. I dropped the bag, ready for some serious fun. 


“Nope,” Penny said. “We can do that after. Grab the bag, come on.” She took Luna’s hand and dragged her into the bedroom. I frowned but did as requested. Inside Penny was already naked. A few red marks and bruises on her body from our lovemaking in weird places throughout the day she acted like it was only natural. 

“Now, Luna, honey, we need your help to count some money,” Penny said. 

“And where did you get this money?” Luna asked, wide eyed as Penny grabbed the duffle and dumped it on her bed. “Holy hell. How much is it?”

“That’s what we need to find out,” Penny said. “As far as where it came from…”

“Fell off a truck,” I said. “Am I getting naked too?’

“No,” Penny said, but laughed and jumped on the bed with the money. Her breasts and ass bouncing she settled near the head of the bed. “Start counting. I’ll explain when we are done.” 

“Explain what?” I asked as I got onto the bed fully clothed. 

“Explain the ending to my perfect date,” she said. Luna and I shared a look but she shrugged and got on the bed too. Gathering the money into stacks we began to attack it little by little. It took a while but we eventually added it all up. 


“$192,551,” Luna announced. 


Penny whistled loudly. “So $19,000 is mine,” Penny said, taking a few stacks of a thousand.

“You get some? I want some,” Luna said, turning to me.

“Penny worked for it,” I said.

“You said it fell off a truck,” Luna said, annoyed. 


“It was a lot of work to bring it back here,” Penny said, but eyed me with a shrug. 

“Fine, you can have some…$3,551. Leaving me with $170,000.” 

“What are you going to do with it?” Luna asked, a little annoyed.

“He’s investing it to make us more money,” Penny said. “Leave it. Now, the real fun. The reason I wanted you to bring the money up here is…I want to have sex on it.” 

“What?” I asked with a laugh. 

“Yep. A nice sloppy threesome in a pile of money,” Penny said excitedly. “Like some heist movie. I didn’t know I wanted to ever do it, but since we have the money, this will make my date perfect.” 

“Fine with me…” I said but eyed them. “For outfits.”

“Outfits?” Penny asked.

“Have you finished your thing?” Luna asked.

“No,” I said. 

“No cheerleader outfit then,” she said. I rolled my eyes but nodded.

“Oh sex outfits?” Penny asked. “Okay, I’m sure I have a bunch to choose from. Come on my sexy blonde, let's see what stripper clothes I have.”

“Okay,” Luna said excitedly then stopped and counted out her money and threw it on her pile of clothes near the door. Penny laughed and they went hand in hand to the spare room where she kept her more fun clothes. 


I laid back on the pile of money. I didn’t feel too bad giving the girls the money, they earned it, and I did it for them anyway. I had doubled my fortune in a day\. I couldn’t help but want to keep doubling it. There were always opportunities. Bank robbery, breaking and entering rich people’s homes, kidnapping, and ransom. I’d done all in the past except the bank robbery, but they were basically the same. 

I was hesitant to do those things though. The robberies were a risk. I had probably rushed the gun on some because I was so pissed off at Florence and wanted some payback, but it had paid off at least. I needed to iron out how to launder the money, but I had time and opportunity. 


Brought out of my thoughts the door opened to reveal 2 police officers. The first one was taller and older. Dirty blonde hair, the tight uniform was navy and her chest practically spilled out of it, showing me half of her nipples. The bottom of the uniform was a skirt that ended just below her pussy lips. Beside her was a younger girl with brighter blonde hair. Her chest did spill out of the outfit and my erection fought it’s restraints. 

“I hear you’ve been breaking laws,” Penny said, biting her lip as she walked over. I nodded, but she pulled handcuffs from behind her back causing me to gulp. The Gothika girls and Florence flashing in my mind, I pushed the thoughts away. Luna too walked over to my other side with handcuffs. 

“We will have to strip search him,” Penny said, looking up to Luna. The high schooler blushed and giggled, trying not to laugh. “Officer Luna, head in the game!”

“Right, sorry…ma’am,” Luna said, as she giggled. “Uh, take off your pants.” Her attitude made me feel better about the situation. 

“We are police, we don’t ask, we do,” Penny said. Unbuckling my pants she pulled them off as I laid down. “Get his shirt.”

“Right,” Luna said giggling again. 


“Officer Luna, your nipple is showing,” I said.

“Oh sorry,” she said and proceeded to mash her breasts in my face as she finagled my shirt off. 


“Quiet!” Penny barked. “Look at all this evidence we have.” She knocked over the stacks of money, splaying it back on the bed. “We uh…need to interrogate him.”

“Right,” Luna said, blushing as she bit her lip. “Damn I wish we had the camera. Uh how do we interrogate?” 

“With our vaginas,” Penny said. “Come on rookie, get your head out of your ass.” 

“Sorry…captain?” Luna asked. “Uh, can you show me how to do it?” 

“Of course,” Penny said, hiding her own smile as she struggled to keep a straight face. “First we have to make sure he can’t escape.” She picked up the handcuff. Attaching it to my wrist she added. “Have anything to say in your defense?”

“I’m innocent?” I asked.

“That’s what they all say,” Penny said and latched the other end of the handcuff to a peg on the headboard. I could lift my arm up to get out, letting me feel a little better. “Get your side, rook.” 

“Right,” Luna said, saluting. Pulling her handcuffs out of her cleavage she laughed and cuffed my other hand to the bed. “Now what?”

“Now we…hold him down,” Penny said. Her eyes on my dick she moved to the bed and straddled my thighs. My dick easing into her I fought laughter but groaned as she tightened. “Fuck he’s so big.” 

“Right?” Luna asked, getting excited. “What now?” 

“Now we read him his rights,” Penny said, causing me to bark a laugh. She slapped my cheek lightly. “Quiet prisoner. Uhh…you have the right to remain quiet…but you can let out some oh gods and groans and warn us when you cum.” My dick didn’t have a condom on it so I nodded. We had been kind of risking it now and then but she felt too good to stop now. “You have the right to an attorney?” Penny asked. 

“Are you going to call someone else to join in dressed as an attorney?” I asked. 

“Damn, that would have been good,” Penny said. “But no. Uh anything you do to us can be held against you in a court of…sex.”

“Perfect,” I said. “Thank you for reading me my porn Miranda rights.”

“Yeah, that’s the name of the porn we should make,” Luna said. “Miranda Rights.”

“That sounds pretty hot,” Penny said. “What will it be about?” 

“I’m thinking a hitchhiker named Miranda that Russ…interrogates,” Luna said. 

“I love it…next time. Yeah, let's make like a really cheap porno,” she said. “For now though. This man was caught with all of this money. We need to subdue him, make him regret his ways.”

“What if I don’t regret it?” I asked. “Then I get to do what I want to you, right?”

“Good luck with that,” Penny said. Pulling a handcuff key out of her cleavage she showed it to me. “You’ll never make us cum so hard that we let you get a hold of these.” She moved over and put it on the nightstand…within reach of my hand. 

“You’re right,” I said, holding back more laughter. “You police caught me again.” 

“That’s right,” Penny said. “Now Rook shut him up. I’ll uh do the interrogating then give you a chance.”

“Ok,” Luna said. Leaning over me she and I began making out. Her chest in my line of sight I bucked as Penny began going up and down. She squeaked and groaned as the bed shook.

“Fuck! You need to stop growing. You’re fucking huge,” she squeaked. 

“I love it,” Luna said. Her hand moving across my chest as she pinched my nipple and continued to kiss me. “He needs to get bigger and bigger.”

“Fuck!” Penny said, speeding up her rocking, she came. Grabbing Luna’s head the 2 women began to make out. I flexed my dick, enjoying her tight folds and for once simply relaxing. My hands restrained, it was nice letting them do all the work. Luna pulled away from Penny and stuffed her tits in my face. 

“Don’t suffocate him with your massive pillows,” Penny sputtered as she started up again. 

“It’s part of the interrogation,” Luna said. “Fuck this is hot. Thanks for the call.”

“Anytime,” Penny said. “Let’s uh do a double date next time with the 3 of us.”

“Deal,” Luna moaned. “I want to have sex in a changing room and all over the mall.” 

“Dammit, I didn’t think about that,” Penny said. “Fuck, I need to kiss someone. Either move or mount his face.”

Luna pulled back and got on my chest. The 2 women began groping and kissing heavily. A perfect view from the crack of Luna’s ass I let them do as they pleased. Penny continued to cum and during Luna’s turn on my dick Penny sat behind her and pinched Luna’s nipples or played with her clit as she rode on top of me.

When I came Luna popped off and both girls licked all over my dick until I finished cumming on their faces. They licked my cum off each other then cleaned my dick too. 

“Are you ready to talk?” Penny asked. 

“No,” I said as she jerked off my shaft and Luna sucked one of my testicles.

“I think we need to do a different tactic,” Luna said. “How about you tie me down then go from there.”

“That’s a bold strategy, rookie. You sure you can handle it?”

Luna covered her mouth trying not to laugh. “I uh can try.”

“Alright.” And we were changing positions. Luna was the one tied to the bed then Penny was the one telling me how to fuck her. Kissing me, biting and nibbling her nipples Luna came over and over and when it was Penny’s turn we were gentle. That's when I wrestled the keys from them and handcuffed their hands together. 


Jumping between fucking one and the other Penny on top of Luna they were a groaning mess as I made one cum then the other. Turned on more than ever I kept going, never slowing as I took every hole of theirs how I wanted. By the time midnight rolled around they were tapping out, but I wouldn’t let them rest. Too turned on by them, they begrudgingly let it continue until they were asleep on a bed of money. 

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