Moral Degeneration


Jane waved at me as I parked the Chevelle in the lot. At the front of the church it looked like any other church I’d been to or driven by. The only big difference was the name. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I wasn’t much for church in my last life. Foster parents tried to force you to go, but there was only so much fighting they could handle. I didn’t really start to believe in something other than myself until I was dying in a ditch in the middle of a desert. 

I had been alone most of my life. Forced to rely on myself. I never believed in God or whatever, but when you face certain death. Things that seemed so clear to you before, had the lines blurred a little. My true father told me religion was a requirement on holidays. We would be there for Christmas and Easter, and that was about it. He believed in god, but nature was his church. Seeing all that god had made for us to use he thought it was a shame to spend time appreciating what god made at a church when you could instead go out and see it. 


I thought so highly of my foster father, if he told me to get baptized I would have, but he never pushed. He let me find my own path and I ignored it for years. But coughing up blood, praying for help, and somehow finding the strength to keep going, I did believe there was something more than life out there. Even now I was a living breathing miracle. Living on in some new timeline. There was more to life than evolution, and probably more to life than a god, so I let it be and thanked whoever that I was still kicking. 

Thus I didn’t mind religion. But the Latter-Day Saints crap, I was pretty sure that was a cult. Like full on do what the leader says and if you don’t you’ll get struck by lightning and killed. And if that doesn’t kill you we will give you the silent treatment type of cult. I wasn’t interested in joining a cult, but I was interested in how the hell the polygamy worked. If Jane was all for me having multiple wives it was at least worth looking into. 


“You made it,” Jane said, a wide smile on her lips. The dental hygienist was cute as can be. She wore a white lace dress and black shawl. Her blonde hair bright in the morning light she was all smiles as I got closer. “Who’s car was that?”

“Mine,” I said. “Want to go for a spin?” 


“I’d love to,” she said, but her eyes darted to the door. I noticed her mom on the other side, eyeing us as she talked to other mothers. “We only have a second. I really like you. But I live with my mom at the moment. If you want to go on that date I need you to appeal to the pastor.”

“Uh okay,” I said and she was grabbing my hand to drag me in. After that it was a whirlwind of introductions. I met her sisters, which there were 5. She was the oldest of them and they all looked wide eyed at me. I wanted to know how the hell she had so many but was brought over to meet her cousins and half-sisters, and one woman after another. 


I was a little confused until I was brought to the pastor who was a man. In his mid-50s he was charismatic, tall, and fit. A wide smile on his lips he wore a nice suit and most every woman’s eye in the building was on him. 


It was easy to understand why as Jane introduced us. “Russ, this is my dad, Jim,” she said.

“Russ, so good to meet you,” the man said, shaking my hand. He was a little over 6 feet tall and had a strong grip. “A few of my daughter’s have brought boys here in the past. But you seem different.” 

“I’d like to think so,” I said, my mind working a mile a minute. “Wait so this is your dad…” I looked around. “Are all of these girls your daughters?”

“Ha, no,” Jim said. “A lot are my wives.” I counted and there were a lot of older women that were his wives. “Let’s go through the service. I can explain it to you afterward if you like.” With that the doors were opened wide and the women streamed in. I was allowed to sit next to Jane, with her mother on the other side of me. Surrounded by at least a couple hundred women I was mostly stuck in my thoughts as the service went on. They sang, talked about prayers for this or that family member, Jim talked about Mormonism. I pushed the talk out of my mind and it eventually ended. 

Once the service was over, Jim was bombarded by women. He talked to most all but he called Jill, Jane, and I to an office for a private talk. 



“We are a big family,” Jim said. I didn’t like how close his current life was to what I had been planning for mine. “I run this church with my wives. We help one another when we need it. We do a lot of church outings as a family. And have the closest thing to a normal household of any other religion.”

“So you were raised in the church?” I asked. 

“I was. Not every church of the Latter-day Saints is like this, mind you. But we started it some time ago, and our family is continually growing.”

“Crazy,” I said. “Uh not you. I mean, polygamy is illegal right?”

“It is,” he said. “But the DOL knows what’s going on here, and they don’t really care. I still have to donate, which is all they care about. But I wasn’t much for disappearing on those I care about. As I got to know more people at the church we evolved into what we are today. When the last pastor passed I was only 18. But I stepped up, took over, and before I knew it I had 7 wives. Then 20. Now…208,” he said.

“Holy f-hell,” I said. “What do you do? Spend the night at 1 a night?” 

“If I can,” he said. “You seem much more amenable to this than the last boys that came. They barely made it through the service before they scampered off.”

“Well uh…I really like Jane,” I said. She blushed and her mother had stars in her eyes watching her husband. It was true, whatever he said would go.

“Great, just great. I’d love to talk to you more, do you think you’ll come back?” He asked. 

“I’d like to,” I admitted. Not for the service because it sounded like BS, but I would like to pick his brain. It was sad how rare an actual man was in this world. Seeing all the dresses on the women, and the devotion to him, it was probably more than a little controlling, but that was religion for you. 


“What is your address? I can send you some information, let me write it-“


“I can get it to him,” Jane said, raising her hand. “Don’t worry about it, dad. He and I were hoping to go get some ice cream though…”


“Oh right,” Jim said. “You have-“


“Husband, don’t you think Jane is a little young to do something like that? Alone, with a boy?” She asked. Normally I’d agree with her, but Jane was out of dental hygiene school. What was that? A 2 year college course? She was at least 20.


“Too young,” Jim asked, eyeing Jane. She gave him a sweet and innocent look. “No, Jane isn’t like that. Just have her home in time for supper. Oh maybe I should change my plans and stay with you tonight.”


“Uh that’s a great idea,” the wife said, obviously happy for some time with the guy. Jane grabbed my arm and pulled me away. I said my goodbyes and we were out the door. 


A wall of women focused on us. It appeared they all wanted a word with the husband. Jane was used to the glares. Pulling me through the crowd she let out a giggle and sigh when we got outside. 


“Finally,” she said. “Sorry about that. My dad sees all of us as 5 years old. And most of our moms are pretty overprotective.”


“It’s fine. I sure as heck didn’t expect that,” I admitted. Taking her hand I walked with her to the Elle. “So what do you want to do? Movie? Food? Go bungee jumping?”


“Bungee jumping?” She asked, getting excited. “What’s that?”


“It’s where they attach this rubber rope to your feet and you jump off a bridge,” I said. 


“Oh lord. That’s a thing? No thanks. I don’t know. I’ve never been on a date before. What should we do?” 


“Making out in the back seat of my car is always an option,” I said, opening her door. 


“Okay,” she said with a giggle. “But I want ice cream first.”




“I didn’t know my house was abnormal till I was a freshman in high school,” Jane admitted. She had decided on burgers then walking around a local mall. We were eating frozen yogurt as we walked back toward the car. 


“I knew who my dad was, but didn’t see him all that much. He’s always doing stuff for the church or his younger wives. Gotta pop out those babies to get into heaven or whatever.”


“Well obviously,” I joked. 


“Right?” She laughed. “All of my friends were my half-sisters in high school. All we talked about was church and helping other churches. My mom works sometimes. And all of me and my sister’s time is spent sewing, cleaning, or assisting others. Like I swear if I wasn’t at school I was at some sister-mom’s house watching her kids while she worked or did whatever.”


“Ouch,” I said, truthfully. It sounded like a nightmare for those in it. And if I wasn’t careful I could make the same mistake for my kids. I was walking a very fine line. “When did you…lose…”


“Faith?” She asked. “I don’t know. I still believe in God and stuff. But the whole mormon thing?…I watched this documentary on cults. Or one of my friends outside the family showed it to me. It took like 6 months after the movie to see the similarities between my situation and the cult documentary. There was always a leader. Someone people couldn’t question…my dad. They had a dress code…dresses only and they had to be ankle height or you’re a slut.”


“Those are some pretty fine ankles,” I said. 


She blushed and twirled her dress. Still in a good mood despite what she was admitting to. “Punishments are real big in cults. If I questioned my mom as a kid we were sent to the Quiet Room at church on Sunday. Basically jam packed with all the other girls that did something wrong that week. That was kind of the eye opener for me.”


“So you haven’t told your mom you’re not interested?” I asked. 


“No, I doubt I ever will. She’s been pressuring me to move to another area with a different pastor. Which is basically telling me to go marry that guy. Who cares how old he is.” She scoffed. “No, I’m saving up for my own place. I graduated last spring. And started working for Linda a few months back, which is great. I hope to have enough soon. My mom takes like 75% of my pay for ‘rent’ right now. But she just gives it to the church or other sister-wives.”


“Ouch. How much do you need?” I asked. 


“$3,000,” she said. 


“What? You’ve been working for rent? Can’t be that much for a 1 bedroom,” I said. 


“It’s not. I’ve been looking at places. And I could get a small place for $750 a month. I need first and last months rent though. And I can’t move out or my mom would call all of her sister-wives to stop me. So I’ll have to buy all new stuff. And I’d need a car since I’ve been borrowing one from my half-sister. I already have $5,000 for the car. Which is me saving almost everything. A few more months and I’ll have the rest.”


“Sounds like you have it all figured out,” I said. “Come on. Let’s go get you an apartment.” 




“An apartment. Let’s go get you one,” I said, opening the passenger door. 


“What do you mean?”


“I mean I’ll front you the money,” I said. I moved to the glove box and pulled out $4,000. I left $1,000 there just in case. With my cash from the robberies I had a lot secreted away all over the place. 


“What?!” She asked, eyeing the money with tears in her eyes. 


“This is a loan, mind you,” I said. “$4,000. Take all of it for now. I’m sure you could pay me back really quick if your mom isn’t taking all of your money.”


“No way!” She squealed. “For real?” I nodded and she latched onto me. Thanking me over and over again. 


“Come on,” I said, patting her butt. “Let’s go apartment shopping.”


“But it’s Sunday?” She said, wiping a few tears. 


“You’ve never gone apartment shopping. The weekend is when they do most of their business.” I took her around my neighborhood, where she worked, and eventually found a fully furnished place for $50 extra a month. She fell in love with the decor and was signing the documents by the late afternoon. 


“I can’t believe it,” Jane said as we walked out of the place. “Are you sure you don’t mind lend-“


“I don’t mind. Pretty sure you’re good for it,” I repeated for the 12th time. “Are you sure you don’t mind leaving your mom’s place?”


“Heck no,” she said instantly. “I’ll leave all my crap at home if I have too. Except my money. I need that. But everything else she can have. I’m so excited. It’s like something I’ve only dreamed about.”


“Good,” I said. “But I do have to get you home. You can’t move in until tomorrow anyway.”


“Yeah, yeah,” she said, skipping to the car. I got her back in and she was all smiles and humming happily. 


It was a good feeling to have been able to help her. Even if she did flake on the money it wasn’t like I could launder it all right away anyway. I had other plans to get more, but on an as needed basis after I figured out what I could get away with at my auto shop. 


“What now?” She asked as I joined traffic. 


“I was hoping to talk you into a little make out fun at a secluded spot,” I admitted. 


“Not that…but yeah okay,” she said. “I mainly meant what can we do from now on?” She leaned closer to me. Whispering in my ear as her hand crept up my pant leg. “Can we go on more dates?”


“I’d like to,” I said, pretending to ignore what she was doing. 


“Just like to?” She asked while unzipping my pants. 


“Really like to,” I admitted. “What do you want to happen?”


“This,” she said, pulling my dick out and beginning to jerk me up and down. “Some dates. Fooling around. No sex mind you. That’s saved for only my husband.”


“Oh, you uh, have an idea who that could be?” I asked. 


“I have a pretty good idea,” she whispered. Her grip getting tighter. “I’d suck him dry every time I saw him. We could have kids. I wouldn’t get jealous of others. I’d be the perfect housewife.”


“I bet…what do you get out of all of it?” I asked. “Sounds too good to be true for the guy.”


“It’s how I was raised. I find a man of the house so sexy,” she admitted. 


“I could be a jerk, you know? Make you work. Take all your money,” I warned. 


“If we were married my money would be your money,” she said, batting her eyes innocently. “But I think you’d be more than capable. I can feel it. Make me yours and that's what I’ll be, Russ.”


“Fuck,” I groaned as she sped up again. “I’m uh seeing a few other girls. Made a few others pregnant. Would you want to meet them?”


“Sure,” she said but pulled back. “But I’m not a babysitter. Or maid.”


“No,” I said. “I meant are you interested in sleeping in the same bed…you know, to spend more time together?”


“Like all of us together? In a…sexual way?” She asked, blushing. 


“If you wanted. We would get more time together,” I said. 


“Like me and other wives?” She asked, her face beet red. “Seeing each other naked and stuff?” She was a blushing bride for once. 


“If you wanted,” I said, testing the waters. “I wouldn’t really care if you’re into other women. Share and share alike as long as I’m the only man.”


“D-Does losing your virginity count if you’re with a girl?” She asked. I wasn’t sure if the redness in her face was from embarrassment or getting turned on. 


“I don’t think so,” I said. “Not without much penetration at least.” I noticed an empty lot next to us and pulled in. “Are you interested in that sort of thing?”


“I uh I don’t know,” she squeaked. I leaned closer, playing with her slit over her soaked underwear this time. She gasped as she held onto my arm. Her big eyes blinked rapidly as I stared into them. “Is that normal?”


“I don’t know,” I said. “I’m into it though. There’s something hot about cumming on a girl and watching others lick it off of her.” 


“Fudge,” she gasped as my hand reached into the front of her panties. She was drenched as I played with her slit. Kissing her neck over and over. “What else?”


“What else do you want? You’re the one that wants to keep her chastity,” I said. “Which is very sexy by the way.” I began to move faster against her clit. “You could go down on a girl. 69 with her. Clean my dick after I came in her.”


“Double fudge,” she said. “I don’t think I should.”


“Why’s that?” I asked. 


“It’s wrong,” she whimpered. “Right?”


“If you’re my wife, you can do whatever you want,” I said. “Think on it.” I moved my fingers inside of her and hit her G-spot. She continued her almost cursing until she came. Her legs opening and closing as she moaned. When her orgasm wrapped up I pulled my hand out and licked my fingers. She moaned again. Pushing her lips on me she kissed hungrily. 


My dick still hard and out she moved her head down to it without hesitation. Sucking on the head she moaned happily and descended down. This time she coughed and came back up though. 


“Are you um, bigger?” She asked, her eyes on my dick. 


“I hadn’t noticed,” I said. “We don’t have to-“


“I want to, so bad,” she said, pushing me to my seat. Her knees on her seat she leaned over me. I leaned the chair back and she swallowed my dick whole. 


I fought the cursing and began bucking my hips up into her. She wasn’t paying attention though. Moving to the tip she thrust back down. Her tongue sticking out of her lower maw she moved her head side to side to rotate around my dick slightly. I began to curse for real as she raised up then dropped down while doing that. 


 Before I knew it I was cumming in her throat. Instead of stopping in one spot though she continued moving up and down. The nerves of my dick unaccustomed to the heavenly feeling made spots appear in my vision as I came harder than I could ever remember. 


Her hand pulling my balls she let out load slurps as she took every last drop of cum in. When the blowjob finished I leaned back in the seat catching my breath. 


“Holy crap,” I grunted as she moved up and caught her own breath. “We get married and I get one of those every day?”


“If you want,” she giggled. 


“Okay. You uh move into your place. Let’s uh schedule more dates.”


“Please,” she said licking her lips and she was back down sucking my soul out of my dick. 

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