Moral Degeneration


I got rid of my DOL tail by doing a U-turn during a red light. I almost hit a couple of cars, but if you can drive in India, American driving is pretty timid. Flipping the ladies off that were following me I stopped at the girls' houses. Farrah first, then Lanny and Mary, Anastasia and Rebecca, Lyza and Sarah. 


They were pretty pissed I had to cancel on our plans for the next week, but we did have time for a quickie. I went to everyone’s house I could one by one. Jess, Jane, and Julie, weren’t in so I left notes. I was surprised to find that Leland and Tina Wyatt were though. 

“Russell!” Leland gasped as she opened the door. Latching onto me I heard Tina practically fall down the stairs of their house as Leland dragged me in. “Did the DOL save you?” 

“Uh yeah,” I said. Since I was kidnapped in broad daylight right when school let out, it was safe to say everyone knew about it. Normally I felt pretty safe in crowds, but until I confronted my dad I would need to watch everything and everyone. 


Tina practically bowled me over as she ran into me. Grabbing hold of her I patted the older woman on the head. “I’m alright. I came by to tell you I have to cancel on our plans next week.”

“Why?” Leland asked, her eyes darting outside the door. “Did people find out?”

“No,” I assured Tina, still whimpering in my chest. “Yesterday was a misunderstanding. I need to go clear some things up in Washington.”

“You getting kidnapped was a misunderstanding?” Leland asked. 

“Sure, anyway, I got to-”

“Wait,” Tina said, holding on tight. Looking up to me she had some fear in her eyes, but also a smile. “I’m pregnant.”

I was stunned for a moment, but then it was congratulations all around, then more assurances I would be back, then our own threesome that moved into the noon hours. Which led to them making me food and more sex. I eventually dragged myself away and was saying goodbye to the other girls. They were upset, but doing it in person was well received. 


It wasn’t until about 5 PM that I finally left town, but instead of heading East toward New York I headed West. All part of the plan, I set off into the sunset, ready for the 15 hour drive ahead of me. A smile on my lips my Spring Break had started off right, and though I was sad to cancel my other plans it was nice to be on my own once more. 



“Do you have any idea how fast you were going…sir?” The trooper asked. I looked up at her over my sunglasses. As she realized I was a man my smile widened. 

“To be honest, no idea,” I said. I guessed about 90 mph, but I’d been going more than that on my trip West. I hadn’t run into too much traffic so far and had driven long into the night. Pulling over around 4AM I got a short nap in the car and was up and driving by 6AM. But this officer had a pretty sweet speed trap spot behind a hill and I hadn’t seen her. From her current reaction though, she’d never seen a man before. 

“I-uh-um-one second,” she said as she blushed and turned around. Heading back to the cruiser she began talking to her partner in hushed whispers. It wasn’t long until the older trooper was at my opposite window. 


“Um license and registration please,” the new officer said. I pulled out my wallet and showed her my license. 


“Uh, sir, it says here that you’re 14,” she noted. 

“I’ll be 15 in a few days,” I said. 

“Yeah but, you shouldn’t have a license…” She said. 

“Oh that, yeah my DOL Agent was sick of me driving around. She thought I’d get pulled over, and since I’ve been good lately she gave it to me,” I said. I’d really pushed for the license, and since I was a guy that had confirmed fertility they reluctantly gave it to me.

“Says here it’s a Learner’s Permit,” she added. 

“Close enough,” I said, still smiling. The woman at my driver’s seat was younger, and I guessed a trainee. She was all nervous smiles as she stared down at me. Brown hair tied back in a ponytail the uniform was tight on her. She had quite the bust too. A large C-Cup, nice ass, and perfect smile. The older one was in her early 30s. Not anything outstanding about her body, she had a gorgeous face. Bright blue eyes, hair braided behind her head, thin nose, and thick lips she could be a face model. 

“We will have to call this-” She tried to say, but I cut her off. 

“Listen, officers,” I said. “I’m uh kind of in a hurry, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call my DOL agent. She’s a stickler about checking in.” I couldn’t help but feel like I was in a porn scenario. Might as well play into it. “Is there anything I can do to not get a ticket?” 


“What do you mean?” The older officer asked, but the trainee knew what I was saying as she bit her lip and waved the girl over. They moved to my trunk and began whispering. No other cars around us, and only the wind to hide it, I heard everything they said.

“I think he is offering sex,” the trainee said. 


“Goddamnit, Rookie,” the older one said. “I know that, but he’s 14.”

“Almost 15,” the trainee said. “Come on, I’ve never even met a boy before, have you?”

“I pulled a really old guy over once,” she admitted. “So I’m kind of out of my element.” She still had my license and was tapping it on my trunk. “This is weird. We should really call it in.”

“Oh come on. You keep saying there are perks to this job.” 

“I meant like getting out of our own tickets, maybe a couple steaks that fell off a delivery truck. Not some boy ready to serve himself up on a platter,” the older one said. 


“I am willing to,” I said loudly, causing them to jump. “But we gotta make it quick. I’m on a time crunch.” The girls blushed and moved back to their cruiser. Discussing inside it took a bit but they eventually turned off their lights and pulled up next to me. 

“Follow me,” the older woman said from the passenger seat. I nodded and drove behind them. I was in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota. Lots of barren land around us we came up to a side road and they drove down. I had an accessible gun close to me so I wasn’t too worried. The gravel road turning into grass and dried up mud we stopped at a small pond. All 3 of us got out as one. 


“How do you want to do this?” I asked, unbuttoning my shirt. The trainee gave me a hungry look, but the experienced woman frowned. 

“Jesus, you weren’t joking, kid,” she said. She eyed the rookie. “My wife would kill me if I did something like this. This is all you.” The trainee grew more excited. 

“Are you sure?” I asked. “You don’t want a kid?” 

“I do,” the older woman said. “But my wife comes first.” 

“I respect that,” I said. Feeling a little bad I looked around. “Where do you live?”

She hesitated, but answered, “About 30 minutes away.”

“Well speed and make it 10. You could probably get back in time,” I said. 


She eyed me harder. “How much would you-” 

“No charge,” I said. “Check out my Lineage information. I have pretty good genes.” She still had my wallet and began to search for it. “Your wife could come too.” She read it over and it wasn’t long until she was in the driver’s seat speeding off. I eyed my rookie hungrily as she did. She was all blushes and giggling as she approached.

“What’s your name?” I asked, my hand moved to her ass as she moved to me. Instead of answering she kissed me. Her body practically vibrating in excitement I didn’t bother to ask again. My hands moving up her front to unbutton her brown shirt she did the same to my shirt.


Her excitement was infectious as we lived out a porn fantasy. My pants down to my ankles, her completely nude she laid on the trunk of my car as she said, “Cum on me.”

“I have condoms,” I offered, my hard dick moving up and down her slit. 

“You do?” She asked, considering for half a second. “No, I don’t care. I want the real thing.” 


I nodded, moving over her body as we kissed and I dove in. She moaned in my ear, biting my ear lobe as I pierced her hymen. She cried out but instead of acting hurt she pulled me into her harder. Her hands on my ass cheeks her legs did the splits as I became buried in her. 


“Holy fuck!” She yelled, her voice echoing in the short valley by the pond. “Final fuckingly.”

“I love virgins,” I growled and I gave her no respite. Burying myself in her over and over she cried out, uncaring how loud she was. Her voice cracking, forehead sweating she took all of it and came within a few thrusts, but was more than happy to let me keep going. Her hands pulling her nipples our tongues intertwined and we became one. 

When I did cum she slid down the trunk and opened her mouth wide. Her tongue sticking out I groaned and pulled her hands up to jerk me off. She got the idea and began. Her mouth sucking on the tip the first shot hit the back of her throat then she coughed through the rest of the money shot. Thick globs of cum on her she licked it off as she caught her breath. 

“Can we go again?” She asked. I nodded, pulling her up and was taking her from the back. She had no interest in condoms, and at the moment neither did I. 

When she was too sore to continue a half hour later the cruiser came speeding down the gravel road. I stood in a Superman pose, naked as the day I was born over the rookie’s body. She had brought a blanket out and was laying on it, cuddled up in the morning sun. 


Where the older officer was all business, and I guessed the butch in the relationship, the wife was graceful and serene. Her eyes a little farther apart, curly light brown hair, and wearing a sundress I immediately liked her more. 

“I don’t believe it,” the wife said, eyeing her wife. 

“Believe it,” I said. “So are you interested?”

“I am,” she admitted. “You uh care about getting us both pregnant?”

“I’d prefer it,” I admitted. Basically the same situation as Gail and Millie, their story must not have been as rare as I thought. It wasn’t too long until the wife in the sundress was riding me in cowgirl, and the officer was riding my face. Both women making out overtop of me I filled one then the other. They weren’t virgins, but it was still a great experience. 


After I came in both of them twice the 3 girls were exhausted and I was ready to keep driving. Taking my wallet back I got their names and was on my way West once more. 



“Care for a ride?” I asked the girl on the side of the road. She was carrying a fishing pole simply walking down the street. 

“No than-” She stopped talking as she noticed I was a boy. Her temperature rose and her tan skin turned red. “Uh sure.” She hesitated and opened the passenger door. 


As she buckled up I asked, “Where to?”

“Just down the road. There’s a stream I fish,” she admitted. 

“Perfect,” I said and was heading that way. It was less than a mile, but I pulled over to the side of the road.

“Do you fish?” She asked. I eyed the stream that was pretty close to the road. The water was dark blue. The winter snows melting it was high and calm. 

“I do, but I don’t have time,” I admitted. “I could use a wash though.” I got out of the car and was disrobing on my way to the stream. 

“D-do you have a swimming suit?” She asked, all blushes and stuttering. 

“I do, but I won’t need it,” I said. I eyed her. She was in blue overalls and a tank top. A simple country girl she had her hair braided in 2 pigtails behind her head. “Care to join me?” Before she could answer I jumped into the freezing cold water. Gasping and coughing as I resurfaced she jumped in next to me. Fully nude as well I got a great view of her petite body. 


When she came up for hair she was still blushing but focused on me. “How old are you?” I asked.

“19,” she said. 

“Liar,” I responded. 

She rolled her eyes then sighed, “17.” Our bodies gravitated to one another in the water. 

“Live around here?” I asked, my hand grabbing her side she shivered but smiled wider. 

“Up the road,” she whispered, her own hand moving to me. She was hesitant but respectful. Grabbing my side and arm I pulled her whole front to me. Her naked chest against mine her eyes blinked multiple times in quick succession, trying to process the situation. 


“I’m Russ,” I said. 

“Nellie,” she whispered and our lips were on one another. My hands on her ass my hard dick moved between her thighs and she grunted as I swam us back to shore. A small bank on the side I picked her up and walked her to the grass. 

“Want to fool around?” I asked. 

“You mind…not cumming in me?” She asked. 


“I have condoms,” I offered. Her eyes widened and I was moving over to my clothes to grab one. As I walked back I studied her. Not much weight on her at all she looked half starved, but was still pretty. The pigtails and the country vibe helped. 


I went down on her and she came loudly. Then I was piercing her maidenhead as well. My large dick almost too big for her. She cried out but never stopped me. Using 1 condom turned into 3, and by the time we were done she was sleeping in my arms. But I still had places to be. Leaving her there I wondered if she would think I was a dream. I took a picture of her license and was back on my way. 



“You alright?” I asked the older woman on the side of the road. She had her thumb out beside her car as I stopped. 

“Do you have any gas?” She asked shyly. “My wife is going to kill me but I forgot it to fill up.” 

“Yeah,” I said. I got out and opened the trunk of the Chevelle. Moving my luggage, the bag of money, and the other with my shotgun I found the gas container. 

“Thank you so much,” she said as I threw in a few gallons. “I thought I could make it to my place but I was wrong.” 

“No problem,” I said, taking off my sunglasses which caused her to gasp. 


“Are you a man?” She asked after a long stunned silence. 

“I am,” I said unashamedly. “Are you a woman?” 

She nodded numbly, then was all blushes as she said, “I uh let me repay you. I have gas at my place. And I’m sure my wife would love to thank you.” 

“You have gas at your place?” I asked. She nodded. I shrugged and followed her. Her car was a big white truck and looked nice, but it wasn’t long until I found that I made the right call. We moved to a private drive that read Bullseye Ranch with a big sign over the entrance. Large fields on either side a group of horses ran by as we eventually got to the compound. 


A huge home 3 stories tall sat at the center. 3 barns set up around the main house, another small grain bin for feed, hay bales rolled up in the field, I knew these women had money. The woman I had helped pulled up to an actual gas pump. No money involved she opened my tank and filled it right up. Or at least started to. It wasn’t long until she was running off to the main house. 


I considered leaving once my tank was full, but I was also up for new experiences so I hung around. I was glad I did as a line of women came out to see the boy. They ranged in age from 5 to 70. 


“Never seen that before,” some of the teens admitted. They were all giggles and I was smiling wide as they stopped in front of me. 

“I’m Russ,” I said. They introduced themselves one by one. 

“Thanks for helping Sandy,” an older woman said. “You uh, want to stay for dinner?” It was getting dark out so it was hard to say no. I was let in, given a beer, and practically fawned over by each of them. I got their story as we ate. 

“We’ve been working the farm for generations. A few of us leave, but we usually come back,” the oldest woman said. I guessed she was the matriarch of the 15 or so girls. I knew Willow had the same sort of set up, so I wasn’t too surprised.  

“Farm girls, then?” I asked. “Can’t say I’ve been to such a nice one before. And this steak, my god it’s good.”

“Butchered today,” the wife of the woman I helped said. She was all smiles as she stared at me, as all the girls were. “Care for another beer?’

“Sure,” I said, and pretended to be oblivious. After dinner the younger girls were sent off to bed and I was offered a night cap. Joined by all the older women of the house the study was filled with them as they sat on or around 1 couch and I sat on the other with the 3 girls in their late teens or early 20s. 


“We don’t normally do this,” the older woman said. “But the lord works in mysterious ways. Russell, would you be willing to impregnate these 3?”

I pretended to be surprised, which I kind of was. The girls were all different. Black hair, blonde, brown, they had all different body types as well. Large chest, small, medium, it was like they weren’t really related with how different they were. 

“Can I ask, why me?” 

“We have had different donors in the past,” the woman I met first said. “But they-”

“We want to have siblings. As full-blooded as we can,” the older of the 3 girls admitted. “We are all close, and were on the lookout for someone, but… you’re here.”

“Well…I have some conditions if I were to try,” I said.

“We have mon-” 

“I don’t care about money,” I assured. “But I would love to stop by more. I’m busy now. In the future though, I could spend a week here if you’d have me. Get to know my kids if it took, and if it didn’t…help again.”

“That’s….surprising,” the grandmother said. “Are you serious?” 

I eyed the 3 girls around me, they bit their lips, one had her hand on my thigh. I nodded. “Very.” 

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