Moral Degeneration


“I’m calling it in,” the doctor said as she finished writing on her clipboard. 


“What in?” I asked. 

“Last time you were here, you offered impregnation,” she said. The doctor was the same woman that had helped jerk me off last time. The nurse wasn’t there, but there was a camera pointed at us so it was mostly like the last time.

“Ooookay,” I said. “You want to do it here or what?” 

“You’re serious then?” She asked, her face placid, the sides of her lips quirked up slightly. 

“Yeah, I said I would.” She stood up. “But things have changed since last time.”

“Like how?” She asked. 


“Like I get to be in my kid’s life,” I said with a shrug. 


“You want to meet your kid?” She asked. 


“Not just meet them. Be in their lives. I seem to come to D.C. quite a bit. If you’re sticking around here, I want to stay in touch,” I said. I leaned back in the stool but remembered it was backless and struggled to right myself before I fell back.

“I…don’t see a problem with that,” she said. 

“And, I want to know what the hell is going on,” I said. 

“What do you mean?” She asked, her eyes darting to the camera then back to me. 

“Oh come on,” I said. “They don’t do this shit every time someone has a boy. You all already have my blood on file, semen too, which you have neglected to extract. I’ve given you the majority of my list of sexual partners. With very little whining on my end. I want answers.” 

“You have more sexual partners?” She asked, looking at the list she had written the names down on. 

“Yep, but you’re not getting some of them,” I said. I didn’t want to out Tina and Leland like this. Not yet anyway. I kept a few others back as well since I…didn’t know their names, but still. “I want answers.”

She tapped her fingers on the desk. “I have no idea,” she admitted. I frowned. “But I can guess.” 

“Fine with me,” I said. “Guess away.”

She blew some air out of her mouth, pushing hair out of her eyes as she deflated slightly. The doctor had been sticking her chest out, hoping for some action in full view of the camera for some reason. I let her think about it but then twirled my finger around in a circle saying, ‘go on’. . 

“We have no idea what caused the Pox. Normal humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The X and Y chromosomes determine gender. Women are XX, men are XY. The male determines gender. We are all women at the beginning, but as fetuses grow the X chromosome turns into a Y, allowing the male sex organs to grow. After the Pox, that X stopped changing into a Y as often.” 

“Okay,” I said. “And that’s important how?”

“Because it should be a 50/50 chance of generating a boy or girl. But something changed in all human males. Or to women that gave birth to males post-Pox. I’ve read a lot of scientific articles on it, but they all say the same thing. We have no idea why this is happening. There is one theory I’ve read a few times, which is what I’ve devoted my life’s work into finding.”

“Which is?” 

“The Inverse,” she said. “The opposite.” She was growing excited as she talked about it. “Back in the day people had tons of kids. Growing up was hard, and half would end up dead due to accidents, starvation, or lack of medicine. We have a lot of data from back then. There should have been a 50% chance of having a boy or girl, but not always. Since it was determined by the man we have found that not all men had the capability to generate 50% of either gender. There are dozens of cases of a man producing a dozen girls, or another producing a dozen boys. One after the other, statistically impossibilities. Scientists theorized that the Pox would breed out of us eventually, to help maintain balance. It was a disease that had changed us, and we would eventually become immune, but we haven’t. What they are now saying is that the inverse is just as likely to form. Where the majority of men have 8,000 girls to 1 male, the inverse would have 8,000 boys to 1 girl.” 


“Jeez,” I said. “That’s a thing?” 

“I have no idea,” she said. “No one does. If the inverse exists, they haven’t been found yet, but…”

“But my first 3 kids are supposedly boys,” I finished for her. “Which is rare?”

“Beyond rare,” she said. “You are talking about a 1 in 500,000,000,000 probability of happening. Which means it cannot happen.”

“But it did,” I said.

“Exactly,” she said with a nod. “Which is why…”

“You want my kid?” I asked. She shrugged. “No deal then,” I said without hesitation. She glared at me. “Dude, I’m not making a kid as some sort of science experiment. You want a lab rat, look somewhere else.” 

“Oh, no,” she said, shaking her head quickly as she raised her hands. “No, my wife was pissed at me for denying you the first time. We talked about it and with your genes…we were hoping you’d still mean it.”

I studied her, she didn’t appear to be lying. “And our kid wouldn’t be some test subject?” 

“No, god no, sorry. I’m just excited. Even if you give a chance of 50/50 for genders. I’m excited to have a higher chance of having a boy,” she said.

“So I’m not for sure this Inverse?” I asked. 

“No, but you’re something,” she said. Her eyes drifted down to my junk.

“You really want to do this here?” I asked, eyeing the camera. 

“So you’ll do it?” She asked, perking up again. 

“I keep my word,” I said. “And you are very beautiful.” And a doctor, and she had inside knowledge of the DOL, and could be a great source of information if I stayed in her life. There were too many gains not to. 

“My wife would really like to try-” She stopped talking as the door opened. In walked Simpson, but instead of in front of the group he was behind an older woman. She had gray-silver hair, and all seeing eyes that bored into me as she stared. 

“You can finish your date later,” the woman said. The doctor deflated again. 

“Give me your number,” I said, pointing at a corner of what she had been writing on. “I’ll call you. We can set something up.”

She quickly wrote it down. Thanking me, profusely as I was escorted out into the hallway. “What’s with the entourage this time?” I asked, eyeing Simpson, but the older woman spoke up. 

“I’m Nancy Cullin,” she said. “Director of the DOL.”

“I know who you are,” I said.

“Really? How’s that?” She asked, leading into an elevator.

“A very special thing called the internet,” I said.

“Of course, I hate that thing,” she said, annoyed. “It is good to meet you, Russ. One of the lost boys, in the flesh.” 

“Lost boys? Let me guess, boys you lost?” 

“They said you were smart,” she chuckled. 

“Genius-smart is what I heard,” I said.

“Yes, I heard that too,” she said and continued out of the elevator. Simpson and a couple agents behind us. They were quiet as we moved through the halls. Eventually we came to a conference room. Inside there were 4 women in business suits, sitting in front of 4 stacks of paper. 

“What’s this?” I asked. “My deal with the devil?” Nancy hesitated a hair, which told me I wasn’t far off. 

“We have decided to extend the olive branch,” Nancy said. “Agent Reels relayed your demands the first time we asked. We are ready to meet and exceed them.”

“You mean…” 


“Yes, government contracts for Cooper Trucking,” she said proudly. “We are willing to spot $500,000 for the construction of a new shipping location in Houston, Texas. Cooper trucking would then be able to handle all shipping needs between Houston and Minneapolis for the U.S. government.” I began to dig through the documents as she continued. Most of it was legal garbage, but there were firm numbers in there. 


“$3,000,000 guaranteed for the first year?” I asked.

“Yes, that was the best I could do,” Nancy said. “But that is only to start. As we shift away from other shipping companies there is a 10-year plan…”

“I see, 3 to 15, as long as we meet certain deadlines, quality control, and pass inspections,” I said. I poured through the documents, easily remembering the important details. “And all for the price of…4 donations a month?” 


“Yes,” Nancy said. “You would still receive your $2,000 a month tax-free payment as well.” She quieted with the perks as I read and reread the documents. All eyes were on me as I did so. When I was done I leaned back in the chair and let out a long sigh. 


“It’s a good deal,” I admitted. I thought for sure they would try to screw me over on it, but no, with my supposed genius level IQ I didn’t see anything too out of the ordinary. “I see there is a 1 year clause in there. Which allows both parties to dissolve the agreement without justifiable reasons. I guess that’s there in case I’m not really producing males at a higher rate.” She didn’t answer since I didn’t ask a question. 

“But if I am…how much proof would you need?” 

“One more pregnancy,” Nancy said. “If you can produce 1 more male within the next year, that’s good enough for us to keep this going.” I nodded, that seemed fair.

“Let’s see, my current rate of women is 7 pregnancies in 2 months. You want me to sleep with 4 in a month, doubling that rate. Let’s say I really am making 50% male to female, that’s 2 more men a month. This contract is 10 years, that’s 480 pregnancies since I doubt you’d waste time with women not ovulating. So that's 240 extra males in the country. Which is about how many you would get out of 2,000,000 births. There can’t be more than 2,000,000 births in the U.S. a year. I see the draw for you.” 

“Russel, I understand you are doing this to help yourself, which I can respect. We are doing this for our population. To keep this country going. I don’t know what the odds are, but everyone is saying what you’ve done isn’t the norm anymore.”

I nodded. I’d originally planned on saying no. I wanted to get to know my kids. I didn’t want to be like Jim at the Latter-Day Saints. Having a vague understanding of who his kids were. But this could be big for me, Audrey, our future, and the world. 

“Fine,” I said. “First I want Gail and Millie set up with nice job offers in Melena.”

“Already in the works,” Agent Simspon assured. 

“Also, a friend of a friend is in Sandstone prison near Minneapolis. I want her out.” 


“A sister of one of my classmates. She only had a B&E charge, so I doubt you care.” Nancy turned to Simpson who nodded. 

“Done,” she said. “What else?”


“Men are allowed to start their own websites to draw women in. I assume I get to do the same? Or are you choosing?”

“This is a big deal,” Nancy said. “We want to…help you choose.” 


“Fine, I want this changed. I get to plan all 4 impregnations for the same day. None of this once a week crap. I’m always busy, and I don’t have time to set aside afternoons. Also I want this contract only for the year. If I have just one more male birth you’ll get to keep it going. But if I just so happen to be this Inverse, well damn, that could be double the amount of males in the next 10 years. I think that’s worth more than this.”

Nancy frowned. “Fine, but the $500,000 would only be approved after the next contract.”

“Fine with me. We still get the $3,000,000.”

“Okay, here it says you can pick 4 women to impregnate. We get to strongly suggest 2 of the 4. You can have the rest.”

“Ah, trading favors to higher up, I get it,” I said. “But I want names, phone numbers, and the addresses of each. I plan to stay in touch with these girls.” 


“Seriously? Even these girls that will only be there for 1 night?” She asked. 

“Yep,” I said. “Trust me, I’ll make it memorable for them too. Now about this scheduling. Audrey needs more time than a week to get this going. She needs to rent, occupy other warehouses. We really need to get in touch with her. Let’s get her on the line because I’m not signing without her sayso.”

“Fine,” she said. “Simspon, get Audrey Cooper on the line. You,” she pointed at one of the other Agents. “Order some food. I’ve heard you like sushi. You want some?” 

“I wouldn’t say no,” I said. I was getting excited. This first year should be pure profit for Audrey. Which would be profit for me. Legitimate money from the government was much cleaner than the rest of the money I planned to get. And if they helped her build a warehouse in Houston that would make a great place to start smuggling drugs into the country. My drug empire was growing all thanks to the American Government, and I hadn’t started it yet. 

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