Moral Degeneration


“How long have you been in town?” I asked as I drove the 3 of us out of the carport. Luna was in the backseat, her head between Penny and mine as the girls continued to smile ecstatically. 


“A few hours,” Penny said. “We wanted to surprise you but you weren’t answering your phone. We happened on your car at the 2nd carport we stopped by.”


“And how’d you know where to look?” I asked. 


“We knew you were looking into Hodgins,” Luna said. “This is one of the closest carports to the building. You’re not mad, are you?”


“No,” I said. “Kind of impressed actually. What made you come here though? You know I’m going to be busy.”


“We know,” Luna said. “But we were bored. And we had all this extra money…”


“I decided you were right,” Penny said. “Maybe I should travel. I’ve never been to New York, and this was the perfect opportunity.”


“Fair enough,” I said. “Kind of thinking I could use your help with my own thing to be honest.”


“Oh yeah? You any closer on confronting your dad?” Luna asked. 


“Close but not there yet,” I admitted. “But that’s a tomorrow problem. Do you have a place to stay?”


“Nope,” Penny said. “This place is so expensive. Our taxi was like $50.”


“Yeah,” I said. “Not surprising. I have a place. I’ll see if I can get you another room.”


“Another room?” Luna asked. “Why can’t we sleep with you?”


“I-I kind of met someone in town,” I said. 


“Oh yeah? She hot?” Penny asked, leaning closer. 


“No,” I said flat out. They gave me a confused look. “Kind of hard to explain,” I lied. “I think you’ll like her though.” So I drove us to my hotel by the ocean. It was expensive but they did have another room near my current one. I paid for the room and was taking the girls' bags up to my current room as they marveled at this or that. 


“This place is so huge,” Luna said. “It’s like way bigger than pictures I’ve seen.”


“Right? What kind of sights should we see?” Penny asked as she leafed through the brochures the hotel receptionist gave her. “Empire state building for sure. Twin towers? Can we tour there?”


“I think so,” I said. For now at least. Who knew if they’d drop in this timeline though. The elevator dinged and the girls followed me. Both were balls of energy as we went down the hall. I opened their room with the key and was dropping their stuff at the entrance when they were on me again. 


Both girls pushing me inside Penny was undoing my tie as Luna kissed me trying to take off my jacket. “We missed you,” Luna said. 


“I missed you both,” I said. “But 1 second.” I pushed them away reluctantly. “Let’s uh meet the other guest then we could come back here and do whatever you want.”


The girls shared a disappointed look. “Russ, saying no to sex? Must be important,” Penny said with a shrug. 


“True,” Luna said. “Fine. Lead the way.”


I rolled my eyes, tucked my shirt back in and led them outside. Knocking on the door I opened it to find the room an utter mess. 


“Rowan?” I asked walking in. Towels on the floor I heard the distinct sound of a woman moaning in the room. Then the bright TV was turned off as I slowly walked in and Rowan was covering herself up under the blanket. 


“Russ?” My sister asked with a blush on her cheeks. 


“Were you watching porn?” Penny asked, rushing in. 


“What? No,” Rowan said quickly but Penny grabbed the remote from her and turned the TV back on. On the TV was in fact porn. An all woman threeway in fact. 


“Seriously?” I asked, blushing myself as I eyed her. 


“What?” Rowan asked, mildly ashamed. “You said I could do what I want. And I couldn’t sleep. And I didn’t know when you’d be back.”


“And you’re not sleeping with this girl?” Luna asked, confused as she pulled her eyes from the very graphic and loud pornography. 


“Uh no,” I said. “Penny, Luna, this is my half-sister, Rowan. Rowan, these are my girlfriends Penny and Luna.”


There was a long silence between Luna and Penny. Both sharing a look then focusing on Rowan. “You gotta be fucking kidding me?” Penny asked as the blondes studied her. “How did you…”


“I was grabbing breakfast this morning and my Lineage Bracelet went off,” I said simply. The TV was rather distracting so I walked over to it and shut it off. 


“No way,” Luna said, walking over to Rowan. She turned on the nightstand lamp. “Oh my god. She’s like a female Russ.”


Rowan sat awkwardly under the blanket. Everything below her neck covered. Luna and Penny hovered over her, both studying her face. She did indeed have a few of my features. Same colored brown hair. Her nose was a little thinner but she had my chin. 


“You mind uh, stepping back?” Rowan asked nervously. 


“Oh, she’s shy,” Penny said. “Like none of us have been caught flicking the bean before. Russ turn around.” I was already turned around. I heard rustling under the blanket soon enough. 


“This is crazy,” Luna said. “You have a sister? What are you going to do with her?”


“I was going to take her back home,” I admitted. “I doubt Audrey would fight it. And Rowan could use some help.”


“I’m right here you know,” Rowan said shyly. I turned around to see her in a loose tanktop and underwear. 


“Oh god, put some real clothes on,” I said, averting my eyes. 


“What? This is-“


“Not around me,” I said. “I’m your brother.”


“Oh, little Russ is shy around his sister,” Penny teased. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him blush so bad.”


“Well how am I supposed to know what's okay to wear?” Rowan asked. “You literally dropped me off at the hotel and disappeared.”


“I know,” I said. “Put on some clothes I’ve got some explaining to do.” The 3 girls shared a look. After more talk between them Rowan put on some real clothes and the 4 of us were sitting around the room like some council meeting. Rowan on her bed. Luna and Penny on mine, and I in the middle on a chair in front of the TV. 


“Rowan, I was pretty vague with you earlier. But the reason I’m here in New York is to confront our dad,” I said. 


“Our dad?” She asked, a little wide eyed. “Who is that?”


“A man by the name of Jacob Hodgins,” I said. “Or so I’m told.”


“The gajillionaire Hodgins?” She asked with a gulp. 


“The same. He’s tried to have me kidnapped twice in the last couple of months. I’m going to confront him about it,” I said. 


“How the hell are you going to manage that, anyway?” Penny asked. 


I asked Luna, “you tell her really what’s up?”


“Pretty much,” Luna said. “Which was why we decided to come out here.”


“Audrey didn’t care you left town?” I asked. 


“Ah she uh thinks I’m with friends,” Luna admitted. 


“Dammit. Fine, but we are calling her tomorrow and telling her the truth,” I said. Luna frowned but nodded. “As far as how I’ll manage to get ahold of daddy dearest. That was the main point of today. I spent my time at the Hodgins building downtown. I have no idea if Jacob is in town or what. But I figure there are blind spots in the security that I can use to confront him.”


“And once you do confront him?” Penny asked. 


“I haven’t decided,” I admitted. The guy hadn’t really meant to harm me. Just take away my freedom. I wasn’t sure if I’d have to kill him or not. “No matter what I do. He won’t fuck with me once I’m done.” Luna and Penny nodded in understanding. 


“How can we help?” Luna asked. 


“Before I found you 2,” I said. “I’d been talking with a few corporate boys-“


“Corporate boys?” Penny asked. “Like real boys?”


“Uh yeah. They’re basically male prostitutes that work for companies for more money,” I said. “Anyway what I need to do is get closer to some higher ups at the Hodgins building. I plan to steal a badge for more access. Maybe luck out on someone that’s close to my dad.”


“Cool,” Luna said. “How do you do that? Seduce them?”


“Pretty much,” I said with a smile. I was rather enjoying how onboard she and Penny were with this. “There’s a thing called a Boys Club. Basically a strip club but instead of lap dancing, boys provide company to the elite women of the city.”


“That sounds boring,” Penny said with a frown. 


“Trust me. There’s a lot of under the table stuff going on. From what I heard at least. The best in the city is known as Menagerie. One of the guys I talked to got me a contact there. I’m hoping to stop by tomorrow. Maybe luck out on an executive at Hodgins.”


“And we get to help…how?”


“Bodyguards,” I said. “Younger boys are encouraged to bring…protection,” I said. “So things don’t get too far and the boys become uncomfortable.”


“Ha! You need protection?” Penny asked. 


“Most definitely. I’m just a simple boy,” I assured her. I turned to Rowan who was more than a little confused. “What’s wrong?”


“This is um more than a little out of my league,” she said. “First I have a brother. Then a dad. Not any dad, but probably the richest and most powerful one on the East coast. And you’re going to what? Break into his place to do what…for what reason?”


“Give him a warning,” I said. “No one fucks with me. I have a life. I choose it. Not anyone else. But that’s not something you need to worry about.” I gave her my best smile. “Enjoy yourself. Once I finish with my business I plan to head back to my home. I’m hoping you’ll join me.”


“Uh…sure,” she said, unsure what else to say. 


“It gets me all hot and bothered when he talks like this,” Penny said. “Rowan, great to meet you, but today is our man’s birthday and we need to show him a good time.” 


“Birthday?” Rowan asked. “How old are you?”


“I turned 15 today,” I said with a smile as I eyed Luna and Penny. We really did have to make up for lost time. 




I wasn’t sure what it was. The first time or the thousandth, I doubted I could ever get sick of seeing Luna and Penny. 


Luna had been a blushing and nervous girl around me only a few months ago. We became physical quickly and stayed at that stage while I continued to sleep and seduce girls around me. 


Penny was her opposite. Open and clear about what she wanted. Unashamed with how she was perceived. Just wanting to get laid, and have fun. Over the last few weeks it felt like their personalities were becoming closer as they spent more time together.


The older and more confident Penny, helping Luna to become the same. They’d fed off one another’s companionship. Though they’d tried to become lovers in my absence, even I could tell they much preferred it when I was in the mix. Acting more as best friends when together and only reacting to lust when I was present. I hated to admit that I preferred it that way. 


Many of my girls I’d pushed to have relationships with girls outside of me. Violet and Audrey, Ava and Willow, and a few others. But many of the girls were more interested in the male aspect of sex. I couldn’t blame them. Most couldn’t choose who or what they were attracted to. It was in our genes. 


Yes, I’d had a lot of lesbians. Many of them simply wanted me as an exotic addition. Like the lesbians I’d bedded at Julie’s volleyball party. Both girls focused on one another and me in the middle, doing what I wanted. What did I care? Sex was sex. 


Ever since coming to this world I’d been able to have as much sex as I wanted, whenever I wanted. A glorious thing. Very little guilt once I was able to establish that I was a rare commodity. I could spend as much or as little time as I wanted with girls. 


Back in my old life I’d spent a lot of my money on prostitutes. Buying their time. No real attachments. No weird morning after. Simple buy and sell of their time. Simple and to the point. 


In this world I was invested in these women. Looking forward to seeing what life could bring. I didn’t have to worry about other guys stepping on my toes. My only problem was finding the time for all of them. Keeping my promises through all of this. And keeping those promises usually meant great rewards. 


That’s where I found myself as I laid on the king size bed in the hotel room as 2 girls in cheerleader outfits walked in from the bathroom. They’d been giggling for a while and the anticipation only grew as time went on. 


The uniform Luna was wearing was a legitimate cheerleader outfit. Short skirt, the school colors of black and blue. The outfit was made for a much smaller girl though. It was so small on her that it was straining to hold her in. Her large chest ballooning the top out. 


Penny’s cheerleader uniform was less than authentic. Tight everywhere there was a large slit under her breasts to show under boob. Cheaper material than Luna’s it read the word ‘Cheer’ over her chest. 


“What’s the occasion?” I asked the girls. 


“Luna was telling me you got rather excited by this,” Penny said. 


“And I did promise the outfit to you after you finished up with your other business,” Luna said. 


“I get 2 cheerleaders for the price of one?” I asked. 


“Aren’t you lucky?” Penny asked. “How shall we play this, Cheer Captain Luna?” 


“Hmm I figure it’s his birthday. We let Russ choose,” Luna said. The girls shared a look then turned to me. 


“Hmm,” I said sitting up. I was only in my underwear and my dick was struggling to stay restrained. “You girls are in school. So I doubt you want to get pregnant.” I sat on my knees as I studied them. “Am I right?”


“Oh no,” Penny said, sauntering over. She lifted the top of the outfit to reveal her perfect D cup breasts. “Perhaps I do.”


“Really?” I asked. “That’s a surprise. I don’t know if I’d want to ruin your figures by making you balloon out with my kid.”


“That’s exactly what we want,” Luna said, playing into her own kink. “We can’t fight it anymore.”


“You’re dangerous,” I said, pulling her closer. “You especially can’t be trusted without condoms.”


“But I want it,” she said, her lashes batting as she pursed her lips at me. “The thought of you cumming in me. So hot. I’m addicted to you.”


“Fuck,” I groaned, kissing her hard. I pulled Penny to me, my hand one her breast as she latched onto my dick. Both girls groaning I jumped between kissing one and the other. The outfits really did make it hotter as I pulled back to catch my breath and they kissed. 


Large breasts squishing against one another my hands were up the silky skirts. Squeezing their asses as they moaned in one another’s mouths. 


“I’ve decided I need to see your teamwork,” I said. They eyed me then Penny pushed my shoulder so I was laying on the bed. Luna stripping me of my boxers, her eyes widened as my cock bounced up and down once released. 


“Have you been…sleeping with virgins?” She asked. Her eyes sparkling as she was drawn from my dick to my face. 


“Perhaps a couple,” I said, scratching my cheek to fight a smile. 


“How many?” Luna asked. Grabbing my dick she moved it next to her face. Sniffing deeply her eyes fluttered. 


“4?” I asked. Trying to think back to the road-trip to Montana. 


“What’s that mean?” Penny asked, confused. 


“I’ll tell you later,” Luna said and took my dick in her mouth. No waiting, she went down as far as she could. She made it a good 3/4ths down then pulled back. Coughing she noted, “you’re bigger.”


“Can my personal slutty cheerleader handle it?”


“You know it,” she said, then was going back down again. Her head moving from tip to as far down as she could. She pulled Penny over to begin working on my balls. 


The talk was over then. Both girls switching off and on between my shaft and balls they focused on my pleasure. Luna struggling to breath she made it near the base. Penny grabbed her jugular where my glans was forcing her throat to bulge out. They got more turned on. Touching one another as they tried to make me cum. 


Then when I was about to explode they switched tactics. Making me groan and curse them they lifted up their tops to take turns giving me titjobs. Luna behind Penny, she squeezed the older girl's tits together as Penny kept bouncing up and down. Her tits mashed together she moaned as she watched my mushroom head exit her cleavage. 


When I was about to cum again they switched, causing me to curse more. They enjoyed all of it. The teasing. Going hard then slow to keep my orgasm at bay. 


“Oh come on,” I groaned as Luna stopped jerking me off again. “Let me cum.”


“Oh he’s getting pent up,” Penny said. 


“That’s too bad. He won’t cum in our pussies. He needs to be taught a lesson.”


“What’s that?” I asked. 


“That we can tease you as well. Now shut up, birthday boy, and let us do our work,” Penny said. Pushing me back down to the bed I groaned but nodded. This time Luna moved her pussy to my face and both girls began to lazily lick my dick. 


They didn’t bother blowing me anymore. Instead they opted to give me a lazy blowjob. Penny and Luna’s tongues fighting one another for the head they licked along my shaft and slurped, hummed on, and lightly bit my dick. 


I let them do what they wanted. My hands wrapping around Luna’s perfect thighs I ate her out hungrily. But I didn’t let her cum either. Stopping half way through she groaned but never allowed me a release. Edging her closer to an orgasm she poured liquid on me. 


“My turn,” Penny said and a groaning Luna agreed. So I did the same to her. All 3 of us edging the other closer to an orgasm none were left to a release until Luna grew too into it. 


Trying yet again to deepthroat me she bobbed her head up and down. I groaned, my legs bucking. Desiring like never before to finish it. She stopped holding me fully in her mouth an instant before I came. I about released but she was latched onto my balls and Penny licked along the shaft and I was able to hold onto it. 


I groaned as I came. My semen splashing across Penny’s tits she continued to lick the shaft then head as Luna sucked on my balls that were practically receding up into my groin. 


I continued to spurt out huge ropes of cum as I dropped from Penny’s pussy. Taking in deep breaths the girls didn’t stop moaning and sucking. When I released the last bit out my legs shook and I let out a long sigh. 


“That was hot,” Penny said as she dismounted from my face. More than a few globs of cum on her tits she got off the bed and Luna didn’t hesitate to lick my semen off. Then they were cleaning my abs. Practically covered in my own cum my legs bucked everytime they lightly touched my still sensitive dick. 


“I’m gonna get you both for that,” I said as their big eyes stared up at me. 


“Good,” Luna said. “We need a lot of punishment.” And the night continued on until the early morning hours. 

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